seta sv_status_privacy 1 "hide IP addresses from \"status\" and \"who\" replies shown to clients"
seta cl_autoswitch 1 "automatically switch to newly picked up weapons if they are better than what you are carrying"
+// commented out commands are really only intended for internal use, or already have declaration in the engine
alias autoswitch "cmd autoswitch ${* ?}"
alias checkfail "cmd checkfail ${* ?}"
alias clientversion "cmd clientversion ${* ?}"
-alias getmapvotepic "cmd getmapvotepic ${* ?}"
+//alias getmapvotepic "cmd getmapvotepic ${* ?}"
alias join "cmd join"
alias ready "cmd ready"
alias records "cmd records"
alias dumpdb "sv_cmd database dump \"${1 ?}\""
alias loaddb "sv_cmd database load \"${1 ?}\""
-alias movetoteam_red "moveplayer ${1 ?} red"
-alias movetoteam_blue "moveplayer ${1 ?} blue"
-alias movetoteam_pink "moveplayer ${1 ?} pink"
-alias movetoteam_yellow "moveplayer ${1 ?} yellow"
-alias movetoteam_auto "moveplayer ${1 ?} auto"
+alias movetored "moveplayer ${1 ?} red"
+alias movetoblue "moveplayer ${1 ?} blue"
+alias movetopink "moveplayer ${1 ?} pink"
+alias movetoyellow "moveplayer ${1 ?} yellow"
+alias movetoauto "moveplayer ${1 ?} auto"
// =======================================================