Large Armor (default 100 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
armorvalue: amount of armor it gives (default: 100 (g_pickup_armorlarge))
max_armorvalue: max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorlarge_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
Big Armor (default 50 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 20)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
armorvalue: amount of armor it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_armorlarge))
max_armorvalue: max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorlarge_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
Medium Armor (default 25 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 20)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
armorvalue: amount of armor it gives (default: 25 (g_pickup_armormedium))
max_armorvalue: max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armormedium_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
Small Armor (default 5 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
armorvalue: amount of armor it gives (default: 5 (g_pickup_armorsmall))
max_armorvalue: max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorsmall_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_nails: bullets gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: cells gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Large Health (default 50 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 20)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
health: amount of health it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_healthlarge))
max_health: max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthlarge_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
Medium Health (default 25 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
health: amount of health it gives (default: 25 (g_pickup_healthmedium))
max_health: max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthmedium_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed power-up with a default respawn time of 120.
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
health: amount of health it gives (default: 100 (g_pickup_healthmega))
max_health: max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthmega_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
Small Health (default 5 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
health: amount of health it gives (default: 5 (g_pickup_healthsmall))
max_health: max of health it increases to (default: 5 (g_pickup_healthsmall_max))
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed power-up with a default respawn time of 120.
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 120)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
It only appears when playing Minstagib and prevents auto-replacement of weapon_nex & weapon_rocketlauncher when used.
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 45)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: rockets gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_shells: shells gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_shells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed power-up with a default respawn time of 120.
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 120)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
in your mapinfo file, everyone will already spawn with one, making this pickup useless.
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15 * g_balance_nex_respawntime_modifier)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_shells: initial shells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_shells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_nails: initial bullets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Portals cannot be made on noimpact surfaces, and the portal missile will bounce on slick surfaces.
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 120)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
debrisfadetime: how long debris takes to fade
debrisdamageforcescale: how much debris is affected by damage force (e.g. explosions)
debrisskin: skin number of debris
+respawntime: time till it respawns (default: no auto respawn)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
DISABLED: do not allow damaging this until it is first activated
INDICATE: indicate amount of damage already taken by coloring
debrisfadetime: how long debris takes to fade
debrisdamageforcescale: how much debris is affected by damage force (e.g. explosions)
debrisskin: skin number of debris
+respawntime: time till it respawns (default: no auto respawn)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
DISABLED: do not allow damaging this until it is first activated
INDICATE: indicate amount of damage already taken by coloring
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_cells: initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_nails: initial bullets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_fuel: fuel units gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_fuel is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Fuel regenerator
-------- KEYS --------
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 120)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_fuel: fuel units gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_fuel_jetpack is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 120)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
ammo_rockets: initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)
respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 15)
+respawntimejitter: respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)
team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
cnt: weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Large Armor (default 100 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="armorvalue" name="armorvalue">amount of armor it gives (default: 100 (g_pickup_armorlarge))</real>
<real key="max_armorvalue" name="max_armorvalue">max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorlarge_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
Big Armor (default 50 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 20)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="armorvalue" name="armorvalue">amount of armor it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_armorlarge))</real>
<real key="max_armorvalue" name="max_armorvalue">max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorlarge_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
Medium Armor (default 25 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 20)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="armorvalue" name="armorvalue">amount of armor it gives (default: 25 (g_pickup_armormedium))</real>
<real key="max_armorvalue" name="max_armorvalue">max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armormedium_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
Small Armor (default 5 armor points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="armorvalue" name="armorvalue">amount of armor it gives (default: 5 (g_pickup_armorsmall))</real>
<real key="max_armorvalue" name="max_armorvalue">max of armor it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_armorsmall_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_nails" name="ammo_nails">bullets gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">cells gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Large Health (default 50 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 20)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="health" name="health">amount of health it gives (default: 50 (g_pickup_healthlarge))</real>
<real key="max_health" name="max_health">max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthlarge_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
Medium Health (default 25 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="health" name="health">amount of health it gives (default: 25 (g_pickup_healthmedium))</real>
<real key="max_health" name="max_health">max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthmedium_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed power-up with a default respawn time of 120.
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="health" name="health">amount of health it gives (default: 100 (g_pickup_healthmega))</real>
<real key="max_health" name="max_health">max of health it increases to (default: 999 (g_pickup_healthmega_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
Small Health (default 5 health points)
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<real key="health" name="health">amount of health it gives (default: 5 (g_pickup_healthsmall))</real>
<real key="max_health" name="max_health">max of health it increases to (default: 5 (g_pickup_healthsmall_max))</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed power-up with a default respawn time of 120.
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 120)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
It only appears when playing Minstagib and prevents auto-replacement of weapon_nex & weapon_rocketlauncher when used.
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 45)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">rockets gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_shells" name="ammo_shells">shells gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_shells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
In Minstagib, this randomly turns into either an invisibility, an extra lives or a speed power-up with a default respawn time of 120.
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 120)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
in your mapinfo file, everyone will already spawn with one, making this pickup useless.
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15 * g_balance_nex_respawntime_modifier)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_shells" name="ammo_shells">initial shells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_shells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_nails" name="ammo_nails">initial bullets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Portals cannot be made on noimpact surfaces, and the portal missile will bounce on slick surfaces.
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 120)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
<real key="debrisfadetime" name="debrisfadetime">how long debris takes to fade</real>
<real key="debrisdamageforcescale" name="debrisdamageforcescale">how much debris is affected by damage force (e.g. explosions)</real>
<real key="debrisskin" name="debrisskin">skin number of debris</real>
+<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: no auto respawn)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
<flag key="DISABLED" name="DISABLED" bit="0">do not allow damaging this until it is first activated</flag>
<flag key="INDICATE" name="INDICATE" bit="1">indicate amount of damage already taken by coloring</flag>
<real key="debrisfadetime" name="debrisfadetime">how long debris takes to fade</real>
<real key="debrisdamageforcescale" name="debrisdamageforcescale">how much debris is affected by damage force (e.g. explosions)</real>
<real key="debrisskin" name="debrisskin">skin number of debris</real>
+<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: no auto respawn)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
<flag key="DISABLED" name="DISABLED" bit="0">do not allow damaging this until it is first activated</flag>
<flag key="INDICATE" name="INDICATE" bit="1">indicate amount of damage already taken by coloring</flag>
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_cells" name="ammo_cells">initial cells of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_cells is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_nails" name="ammo_nails">initial bullets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_nails is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 30)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_fuel" name="ammo_fuel">fuel units gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_fuel is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Fuel regenerator
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 120)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_fuel" name="ammo_fuel">fuel units gained by this item (if unset, g_pickup_fuel_jetpack is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 120)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-------- KEYS --------
<real key="ammo_rockets" name="ammo_rockets">initial rockets of the weapon (if unset, g_pickup_rockets is used)</real>
<real key="respawntime" name="respawntime">time till it respawns (default: 15)</real>
+<real key="respawntimejitter" name="respawntimejitter">respawn time randomization +/- seconds (default: 0)</real>
<integer key="team" name="team">out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.</integer>
<real key="cnt" name="cnt">weight of this item for random selection using "team". Set to a lower value for items you want to see less likely.</real>
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------