// if the first leaf is solid, set startsolid
if (t->trace->allsolid)
t->trace->startsolid = true;
+ Con_Printf("S");
t->trace->allsolid = false;
+ Con_Printf("E");
if (t2 < 0)
+ Con_Printf("<");
num = node->children[1];
goto loc0;
if (t2 >= 0)
+ Con_Printf(">");
num = node->children[0];
goto loc0;
// the line intersects, find intersection point
// LordHavoc: this uses the original trace for maximum accuracy
+ Con_Printf("M");
if (plane->type < 3)
t1 = t->start[plane->type] - plane->dist;
midf = t1 / (t1 - t2);
t->trace->fraction = bound(0.0f, midf, 1.0);
+ Con_Printf("D");
+static int Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheckPoint(RecursiveHullCheckTraceInfo_t *t, int num)
+ while (num >= 0)
+ num = t->hull->clipnodes[num].children[(t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].type < 3 ? t->start[t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].type] : DotProduct(t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].normal, t->start)) < t->hull->planes[t->hull->clipnodes[num].planenum].dist];
+ num = Mod_Q1BSP_SuperContentsFromNativeContents(NULL, num);
+ t->trace->startsupercontents |= num;
+ t->trace->inwater = true;
+ if (num == 0)
+ t->trace->inopen = true;
+ if (num & t->trace->hitsupercontentsmask)
+ {
+ t->trace->allsolid = t->trace->startsolid = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t->trace->allsolid = t->trace->startsolid = false;
+ }
static void Mod_Q1BSP_TraceBox(struct model_s *model, int frame, trace_t *trace, const vec3_t boxstartmins, const vec3_t boxstartmaxs, const vec3_t boxendmins, const vec3_t boxendmaxs, int hitsupercontentsmask)
// this function currently only supports same size start and end
rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[0]; // 0x0x0
else if (model->brush.ishlbsp)
- if (boxsize[0] <= 32)
+ // LordHavoc: this has to have a minor tolerance (the .1) because of
+ // minor float precision errors from the box being transformed around
+ if (boxsize[0] < 32.1)
if (boxsize[2] < 54) // pick the nearest of 36 or 72
rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[3]; // 32x32x36
- if (boxsize[0] <= 32)
+ // LordHavoc: this has to have a minor tolerance (the .1) because of
+ // minor float precision errors from the box being transformed around
+ if (boxsize[0] < 32.1)
rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[1]; // 32x32x56
rhc.hull = &model->brushq1.hulls[2]; // 64x64x88
VectorSubtract(boxstartmins, rhc.hull->clip_mins, rhc.start);
VectorSubtract(boxendmins, rhc.hull->clip_mins, rhc.end);
VectorSubtract(rhc.end, rhc.start, rhc.dist);
+ Con_Printf("t(%f %f %f,%f %f %f,%i %f %f %f)", rhc.start[0], rhc.start[1], rhc.start[2], rhc.end[0], rhc.end[1], rhc.end[2], rhc.hull - model->brushq1.hulls, rhc.hull->clip_mins[0], rhc.hull->clip_mins[1], rhc.hull->clip_mins[2]);
Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end);
+ Con_Printf("\n");
+ if (DotProduct(rhc.dist, rhc.dist))
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheck(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode, 0, 1, rhc.start, rhc.end);
+ else
+ Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveHullCheckPoint(&rhc, rhc.hull->firstclipnode);
static int Mod_Q1BSP_LightPoint_RecursiveBSPNode(vec3_t ambientcolor, vec3_t diffusecolor, vec3_t diffusenormal, const mnode_t *node, float x, float y, float startz, float endz)
VectorMA(ent->v->origin, time, ent->v->velocity, end);
trace = SV_Move (ent->v->origin, ent->v->mins, ent->v->maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
//Con_Printf("trace %f %f %f : %f : %f %f %f\n", trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2], trace.fraction, trace.plane.normal[0], trace.plane.normal[1], trace.plane.normal[2]);
+ {
+ int endstuck;
+ vec3_t temp;
+ VectorCopy(trace.endpos, temp);
+ endstuck = SV_Move(temp, ent->v->mins, ent->v->maxs, temp, MOVE_WORLDONLY, ent).startsolid;
+ Con_Printf("%s{%i:%f %f %f:%f %f %f:%f:%f %f %f%s%s}\n", (trace.startsolid || endstuck) ? "\002" : "", bumpcount, ent->v->origin[0], ent->v->origin[1], ent->v->origin[2], end[0] - ent->v->origin[0], end[1] - ent->v->origin[1], end[2] - ent->v->origin[2], trace.fraction, trace.endpos[0] - ent->v->origin[0], trace.endpos[1] - ent->v->origin[1], trace.endpos[2] - ent->v->origin[2], trace.startsolid ? " startstuck" : "", endstuck ? " endstuck" : "");
+ //Con_Printf("trace %f %f %f : %f : %f %f %f\n", trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2], trace.fraction, trace.plane.normal[0], trace.plane.normal[1], trace.plane.normal[2]);
+ if (endstuck)
+ Cbuf_AddText("disconnect\n");
+ }
if (trace.startsolid)
- if (trace.fraction > 0)
+ if (trace.fraction >= 0.001)
// actually covered some distance
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->v->origin);
-n darkplaces: server is starting before the "port" cvar is set by commandline and scripts? (yummyluv)
-n darkplaces: typing ip in join game menu should show 'trying' and 'no response' after a while, or 'no network' if networking is not initialized (yummyluv)
-n dpmod: make grapple off-hand (joe hill)
+2 darkplaces: add lan searching to the server browser and related code (Vermeulen)
4 darkplaces: use larger of model box or collision box for linking into areagrid so that bullet tracing can use the model bounding box instead of the collision one? (Urre)
2 darkplaces: use model box size for SOLID_BSP objects in areagrid linking and such, just for optimal consistency.
0 darkplaces: GAME_FNIGGIUM: console doesn't show unless you manually pull it down
0 darkplaces: make sure r_fullbright works
0 darkplaces: make sure that sky works without a valid size (just treat it as single layer clouds or non-animated) (tell Vermeulen)
-n darkplaces: make sure that sound engine does not remove sounds when volume drops to 0 due to going out of range - now spawns sounds even if out of range (SeienAbunae)
-0 darkplaces: make v_cshift affect view even if in a liquid, by adding another cshift slot for it
+d darkplaces: make v_cshift affect view even if in a liquid, by adding another cshift slot for it
0 darkplaces: mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline bug: shooting through brushes? (Vermeulen)
-0 darkplaces: model interpolation off crashes? (SeienAbunae)
+-f darkplaces: model interpolation off crashes? (SeienAbunae)
0 darkplaces: pointcontents crash when building harvester in gvb2? (yummyluv)
-0 darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: 'wall hugging' stuttering, also stuttering movement when walking over steps or monsters and causes block on moving doors (romi, Static_Fiend)
-0 darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: bullets don't hit walls at steep angles?
-0 darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: scrags frequently fly through ceilings - this needs to be fixed
+-n darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: 'wall hugging' stuttering, also stuttering movement when walking over steps or monsters and causes block on moving doors (Urre, romi, Static_Fiend)
+0 darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: bullets don't hit walls at extremely steep angles, especially at very high framerates...
+d darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: scrags frequently fly through ceilings - this needs to be fixed
0 darkplaces: r_shadow should load .ent when importing light entities
0 darkplaces: r_skyscroll1 and r_skyscroll2 cvars (SeienAbunae)
0 darkplaces: rename r_picmip and r_max_size and such to glquake names
2 darkplaces: player ip logging by nickname (sublim3)
2 darkplaces: prevent player name changes faster than twice a second (sublim3)
2 darkplaces: proquake precise aiming support (sublim3 doesn't care, but tell him anyway)
-2 darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: movetogoal is broken - monsters are not going around corners, just running into walls (scar3crow)
+-n darkplaces: q1bsp trace bug: movetogoal is broken - monsters are not going around corners, just running into walls (scar3crow)
2 darkplaces: should support corona-model shaders somehow (equation: pow(normalizationcubemap(transform(eye, vertexmatrix)) dot3 '0 0 1', 8)), which are normally used around unusually shaped lights instead of flat coronas (Mitchell)
2 darkplaces: upgrade protocol to have shorts for stats (scar3crow)
2 darkplaces: write a readme (Antti)
? darkplaces: fix colormapping (Demonix)
? darkplaces: fix connecting to proquake servers through routers (Demonix)
? dpmod: apparently can't fire in start.bsp? (scar3crow)
-bug darkplaces: Zerstorer: riot shotgun rotates even as a view model: need to ignore that model flag when a view model
-bug darkplaces: collision: 'wall stuttering' collision bugs: getting stuck and nudged out constantly when sliding along certain walls
+resolvedbug darkplaces: Zerstorer: riot shotgun rotates even as a view model: need to ignore that model flag when a view model
+resolvedbug darkplaces: collision: 'wall stuttering' collision bugs: getting stuck and nudged out constantly when sliding along certain walls
bug darkplaces: collision: q3bsp curve problems: comparing nudged impacts causes player to hit edges of triangles in a q3bsp curve closer than the surface
bug darkplaces: physics: rotating MOVETYPE_PUSH code calls blocked when it's just a touch, it isn't even trying to push (SeienAbunae)
d darkplaces: (goodvsbad2) increase chase_stevie height to 2048 (yummyluv)
Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&imatrix, &matrix);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&imatrix, start, starttransformed);
Matrix4x4_Transform(&imatrix, end, endtransformed);
+ Con_Printf("trans(%f %f %f -> %f %f %f, %f %f %f -> %f %f %f)", start[0], start[1], start[2], starttransformed[0], starttransformed[1], starttransformed[2], end[0], end[1], end[2], endtransformed[0], endtransformed[1], endtransformed[2]);
if (model && model->TraceBox)
VectorCopy(maxs, clip.maxs2);
clip.type = type;
clip.passedict = passedict;
+ Con_Printf("move(%f %f %f,%f %f %f)", clip.start[0], clip.start[1], clip.start[2], clip.end[0], clip.end[1], clip.end[2]);
// clip to world
clip.trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity(sv.edicts, clip.start, clip.mins, clip.maxs, clip.end, clip.type);