if(self.sameteam || (!self.sameteam && autocvar_hud_shownames_enemies))
- float a;
- a = autocvar_hud_panel_fg_alpha;
traceline(self.origin, view_origin, 1, self);
- if(trace_endpos != view_origin)
- return;
+ if(trace_endpos != view_origin) // fade out
+ {
+ self.alpha = max(0, self.alpha - 4 * frametime);
+ if(!self.alpha)
+ return;
+ }
+ else // fade in
+ self.alpha = min(1, self.alpha + 4 * frametime);
/* WIP, why does trace_ent != self not work as intended here?
if(autocvar_hud_shownames_enemies != 2) // player has to point at enemy if so
+ // otherwise, increase alpha until 1
+ float a;
+ a = autocvar_hud_panel_fg_alpha * self.alpha;
// draw the sprite image
vector o;
o = project_3d_to_2d(self.origin);