set g_ca 0 "Clan Arena: Played in rounds, once you're dead you're out! The team with survivors wins the round"
set g_ca_point_limit -1 "Clan Arena point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
set g_ca_point_leadlimit -1 "Clan Arena point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
-set g_ca_spectate_enemies 0 "Allow spectating enemy player by dead player during clan arena games"
-set g_ca_warmup 10 "how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts"
+set g_ca_spectate_enemies 0 "allow eliminated players to spectate enemy players during Clan Arena games"
+set g_ca_warmup 10 "time players get to run around before the round starts"
set g_ca_damage2score_multiplier 0.01
set g_ca_round_timelimit 180 "round time limit in seconds"
set g_ca_teams_override 0
set g_domination_point_glow 0 "domination point glow (warning, slow)"
set g_domination_roundbased 0 "enable round-based domination (capture all control points to win the round)"
set g_domination_roundbased_point_limit 5 "capture limit in round-based domination mode"
-set g_domination_round_timelimit 120
-set g_domination_warmup 5
+set g_domination_round_timelimit 120 "round time limit in seconds"
+set g_domination_warmup 5 "time players have to wait before the round starts"
//set g_domination_balance_team_points 1 "# of points received is based on team sizes"
// freezetag
// ===========
set g_freezetag 0 "Freeze Tag: Freeze the opposing team(s) to win, unfreeze teammates by standing next to them"
-set g_freezetag_warmup 5 "Time players get to run around before the round starts"
+set g_freezetag_warmup 5 "time players get to run around before the round starts"
set g_freezetag_point_limit -1 "Freeze Tag point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
set g_freezetag_point_leadlimit -1 "Freeze Tag point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
set g_freezetag_revive_speed 0.4 "Speed for reviving a frozen teammate"
// ===========
set g_onslaught 0 "Onslaught: take control points towards the enemy generator and then destroy it"
set g_onslaught_point_limit 1 "Onslaught point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
-set g_onslaught_warmup 5
-set g_onslaught_round_timelimit 500
+set g_onslaught_warmup 5 "time players have to wait before the round starts"
+set g_onslaught_round_timelimit 500 "round time limit in seconds"
set g_onslaught_teleport_radius 200 "Allows teleporting from a control point to another"
set g_onslaught_teleport_wait 5 "Time before player can teleport again"
set g_onslaught_spawn_choose 1 "Allow players to choose the control point to be spawned at"