]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/xonstat.git/commitdiff
A collection of smaller improvements to the badges generator
authorJan D. Behrens <zykure@web.de>
Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:39:59 +0000 (16:39 +0200)
committerJan D. Behrens <zykure@web.de>
Wed, 29 Aug 2012 14:39:59 +0000 (16:39 +0200)
- Fixed a bug in the commandline parser
- Finally fixed the "win/loss" bug (new query, also a bit faster)
- Split up "render" and "data" parts of the code (skin.py & playerdata.py)
- Reworked overlay images for classic/minimal skin (source .xcf files included)

xonstat/batch/badges/clean.sh [new file with mode: 0644]
xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.png [new file with mode: 0644]
xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.xcf [new file with mode: 0644]
xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.png [new file with mode: 0644]
xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.xcf [new file with mode: 0644]
xonstat/batch/badges/playerdata.py [new file with mode: 0644]
xonstat/batch/badges/skin.py [new file with mode: 0644]

index 72723e50a757ee303e6f93d099b636264d5d6171..8e48bc7692b8264bb196983b972be87bab001422 100644 (file)
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/clean.sh b/xonstat/batch/badges/clean.sh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c8fd6aa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+find output -name "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
index dcb6a1e9db848557d7db4141fc230a0be57abc73..3dfc196997fa8de928fcecf3e68735941cf8f43a 100644 (file)
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ from sqlalchemy import distinct
 from pyramid.paster import bootstrap
 from xonstat.models import *
-from render import PlayerData, Skin
+from skin import Skin
+from playerdata import PlayerData
-# maximal number of query results (for testing, set to 0 to get all)
+# maximal number of query results (for testing, set to None to get all)
 # we look for players who have activity within the past DELTA hours
@@ -21,12 +22,13 @@ DELTA = 6
 # classic skin WITHOUT NAME - writes PNGs into "output//###.png"
 skin_classic = Skin( "",
         bg              = "asfalt",
+        overlay         = "overlay_classic",
 # more fancy skin [** WIP **]- writes PNGs into "output/archer/###.png"
 skin_archer = Skin( "archer",
         bg              = "background_archer-v1",
-        overlay         = "",
+        overlay         = None,
 # minimal skin - writes PNGs into "output/minimal/###.png"
@@ -36,10 +38,10 @@ skin_minimal = Skin( "minimal",
         overlay         = "overlay_minimal",
         width           = 560,
         height          = 40,
-        num_gametypes   = 4,
+        num_gametypes   = 3,
         gametype_pos    = (25,30),
         gametype_text   = "%s :",
-        gametype_width  = 120,
+        gametype_width  = 115,
         gametype_fontsize = 10,
         elo_pos         = (75,30),
         elo_text        = "Elo %.0f",
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ skin_minimal = Skin( "minimal",
         ptime_color     = (0.8, 0.8, 0.9),
 # parse cmdline parameters (for testing)
 skins = []
@@ -68,12 +71,12 @@ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
         if arg == "force":
             DELTA = 2**24   # large enough to enforce update, and doesn't result in errors
         elif arg == "test":
-            NUM_PLAYERS = 200
+            NUM_PLAYERS = 100
             print """Usage:  gen_badges.py [options] [skin list]
         -force      Force updating all badges (delta = 2^24)
-        -testing    Limit number of players to 200 (for testing)
+        -test       Limit number of players to 100 (for testing)
         -help       Show this help text
     Skin list:
         Space-separated list of skins to use when creating badges.
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
         If no skins are given, classic and minmal will be used by default.
         NOTE: Output directories must exists before running the program!
-        sys.exit(-1)
+            sys.exit(-1)
         if arg == "classic":
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.png b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fdc58d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.png differ
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.xcf b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.xcf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..360fc8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_classic.xcf differ
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.png b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.png
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d91b5b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.png differ
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.xcf b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.xcf
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bed5ef2
Binary files /dev/null and b/xonstat/batch/badges/img/overlay_minimal.xcf differ
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/playerdata.py b/xonstat/batch/badges/playerdata.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0990208
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func
+from xonstat.models import *
+class PlayerData:
+    # player data, will be filled by get_data()
+    data = {}
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.data = {}
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        if self.data.has_key(key):
+            return self.data[key]
+        return None
+    def get_data(self, player_id):
+        """Return player data as dict.
+        This function is similar to the function in player.py but more optimized
+        for this purpose.
+        """
+        # total games
+        # wins/losses
+        # kills/deaths
+        # duel/dm/tdm/ctf elo + rank
+        player = DBSession.query(Player).filter(Player.player_id == player_id).one()
+        games_played = DBSession.query(
+                Game.game_type_cd, func.count(), func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\
+                filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id).\
+                filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+                group_by(Game.game_type_cd).\
+                order_by(func.count().desc()).\
+                all()
+        total_stats = {}
+        total_stats['games'] = 0
+        total_stats['games_breakdown'] = {}  # this is a dictionary inside a dictionary .. dictception?
+        total_stats['games_alivetime'] = {}
+        total_stats['gametypes'] = []
+        for (game_type_cd, games, alivetime) in games_played:
+            total_stats['games'] += games
+            total_stats['gametypes'].append(game_type_cd)
+            total_stats['games_breakdown'][game_type_cd] = games
+            total_stats['games_alivetime'][game_type_cd] = alivetime
+        (total_stats['kills'], total_stats['deaths'], total_stats['alivetime'],) = DBSession.query(
+                func.sum(PlayerGameStat.kills),
+                func.sum(PlayerGameStat.deaths),
+                func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\
+                filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+                one()
+        (total_stats['wins'], total_stats['losses']) = DBSession.\
+                query("wins", "losses").\
+                from_statement(
+                    "SELECT SUM(win) wins, SUM(loss) losses "
+                    "FROM   (SELECT  g.game_id, "
+                    "                CASE "
+                    "                  WHEN g.winner = pgs.team THEN 1 "
+                    "                  WHEN pgs.rank = 1 THEN 1 "
+                    "                  ELSE 0 "
+                    "                END win, "
+                    "                CASE "
+                    "                  WHEN g.winner = pgs.team THEN 0 "
+                    "                  WHEN pgs.rank = 1 THEN 0 "
+                    "                  ELSE 1 "
+                    "                END loss "
+                    "        FROM    games g, "
+                    "                player_game_stats pgs "
+                    "        WHERE   g.game_id = pgs.game_id "
+                    "                AND pgs.player_id = :player_id) win_loss").\
+                params(player_id=player_id).one()
+        ranks = DBSession.query("game_type_cd", "rank", "max_rank").\
+                from_statement(
+                    "SELECT  pr.game_type_cd, pr.rank, overall.max_rank "
+                    "FROM    player_ranks pr, "
+                    "        (SELECT  game_type_cd, max(rank) max_rank "
+                    "        FROM     player_ranks "
+                    "        GROUP BY game_type_cd) overall "
+                    "WHERE   pr.game_type_cd = overall.game_type_cd  "
+                    "        AND player_id = :player_id "
+                    "ORDER BY rank").\
+                params(player_id=player_id).all()
+        ranks_dict = {}
+        for gtc,rank,max_rank in ranks:
+            ranks_dict[gtc] = (rank, max_rank)
+        elos = DBSession.query(PlayerElo).\
+                filter_by(player_id=player_id).\
+                order_by(PlayerElo.elo.desc()).\
+                all()
+        elos_dict = {}
+        for elo in elos:
+            if elo.games >= 32:
+                elos_dict[elo.game_type_cd] = elo.elo
+        self.data = {
+                'player':player,
+                'total_stats':total_stats,
+                'ranks':ranks_dict,
+                'elos':elos_dict,
+            }
diff --git a/xonstat/batch/badges/skin.py b/xonstat/batch/badges/skin.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5c832c9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+import math
+import re
+import zlib, struct
+import cairo as C
+from colorsys import rgb_to_hls, hls_to_rgb
+from xonstat.util import strip_colors, qfont_decode, _all_colors
+# similar to html_colors() from util.py
+_contrast_threshold = 0.5
+_dec_colors = [ (0.5,0.5,0.5),
+                (1.0,0.0,0.0),
+                (0.2,1.0,0.0),
+                (1.0,1.0,0.0),
+                (0.2,0.4,1.0),
+                (0.2,1.0,1.0),
+                (1.0,0.2,102),
+                (1.0,1.0,1.0),
+                (0.6,0.6,0.6),
+                (0.5,0.5,0.5)
+            ]
+def writepng(filename, buf, width, height):
+    width_byte_4 = width * 4
+    # fix color ordering (BGR -> RGB)
+    for byte in xrange(width*height):
+        pos = byte * 4
+        buf[pos:pos+4] = buf[pos+2] + buf[pos+1] + buf[pos+0] + buf[pos+3]
+    # merge lines
+    #raw_data = b"".join(b'\x00' + buf[span:span + width_byte_4] for span in xrange((height - 1) * width * 4, -1, - width_byte_4))
+    raw_data = b"".join(b'\x00' + buf[span:span + width_byte_4] for span in range(0, (height-1) * width * 4 + 1, width_byte_4))
+    def png_pack(png_tag, data):
+        chunk_head = png_tag + data
+        return struct.pack("!I", len(data)) + chunk_head + struct.pack("!I", 0xFFFFFFFF & zlib.crc32(chunk_head))
+    data = b"".join([
+        b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n',
+        png_pack(b'IHDR', struct.pack("!2I5B", width, height, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0)),
+        png_pack(b'IDAT', zlib.compress(raw_data, 9)),
+        png_pack(b'IEND', b'')])
+    f = open(filename, "wb")
+    try:
+        f.write(data)
+    finally:
+        f.close()
+class Skin:
+    # skin parameters, can be overriden by init
+    params = {}
+    # skin name
+    name = ""
+    def __init__(self, name, **params):
+        # default parameters
+        self.name = name
+        self.params = {
+            'bg':               None,           # None - plain; otherwise use given texture
+            'bgcolor':          None,           # transparent bg when bgcolor==None
+            'overlay':          None,           # add overlay graphic on top of bg
+            'font':             "Xolonium",
+            'width':            560,
+            'height':           70,
+            'nick_fontsize':    20,
+            'nick_pos':         (5,18),
+            'nick_maxwidth':    330,
+            'gametype_fontsize':12,
+            'gametype_pos':     (60,31),
+            'gametype_width':   110,
+            'gametype_color':   (0.9, 0.9, 0.9),
+            'gametype_text':    "[ %s ]",
+            'num_gametypes':    3,
+            'nostats_fontsize': 12,
+            'nostats_pos':      (60,59),
+            'nostats_color':    (0.8, 0.2, 0.2),
+            'nostats_angle':    -10,
+            'nostats_text':     "no stats yet!",
+            'elo_pos':          (60,47),
+            'elo_fontsize':     10,
+            'elo_color':        (1.0, 1.0, 0.5),
+            'elo_text':         "Elo %.0f",
+            'rank_fontsize':    8,
+            'rank_pos':         (60,57),
+            'rank_color':       (0.8, 0.8, 1.0),
+            'rank_text':        "Rank %d of %d",
+            'wintext_fontsize': 10,
+            'wintext_pos':      (508,3),
+            'wintext_color':    (0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
+            'wintext_text':     "Win Percentage",
+            'winp_fontsize':    12,
+            'winp_pos':         (508,19),
+            'winp_colortop':    (0.2, 1.0, 1.0),
+            'winp_colorbot':    (1.0, 1.0, 0.2),
+            'wins_fontsize':    8,
+            'wins_pos':         (508,33),
+            'wins_color':       (0.6, 0.8, 0.8),
+            'loss_fontsize':    8,
+            'loss_pos':         (508,43),
+            'loss_color':       (0.8, 0.8, 0.6),
+            'kdtext_fontsize':  10,
+            'kdtext_pos':       (390,3),
+            'kdtext_width':     102,
+            'kdtext_color':     (0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
+            'kdtext_bg':        (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.1),
+            'kdtext_text':      "Kill Ratio",
+            'kdr_fontsize':     12,
+            'kdr_pos':          (392,19),
+            'kdr_colortop':     (0.2, 1.0, 0.2),
+            'kdr_colorbot':     (1.0, 0.2, 0.2),
+            'kills_fontsize':   8,
+            'kills_pos':        (392,46),
+            'kills_color':      (0.6, 0.8, 0.6),
+            'deaths_fontsize':  8,
+            'deaths_pos':       (392,56),
+            'deaths_color':     (0.8, 0.6, 0.6),
+            'ptime_fontsize':   10,
+            'ptime_pos':        (451,60),
+            'ptime_color':      (0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
+            'ptime_text':       "Playing Time: %s",
+        }
+        for k,v in params.items():
+            if self.params.has_key(k):
+                self.params[k] = v
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.name
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        if self.params.has_key(key):
+            return self.params[key]
+        return None
+    def render_image(self, data, output_filename):
+        """Render an image for the given player id."""
+        # setup variables
+        player          = data.player
+        elos            = data.elos
+        ranks           = data.ranks
+        #games           = data.total_stats['games']
+        wins, losses    = data.total_stats['wins'], data.total_stats['losses']
+        games           = wins + losses
+        kills, deaths   = data.total_stats['kills'], data.total_stats['deaths']
+        alivetime       = data.total_stats['alivetime']
+        font = "Xolonium"
+        if self.font == 1:
+            font = "DejaVu Sans"
+        # build image
+        surf = C.ImageSurface(C.FORMAT_ARGB32, self.width, self.height)
+        ctx = C.Context(surf)
+        ctx.set_antialias(C.ANTIALIAS_GRAY)
+        # draw background
+        if self.bg == None:
+            if self.bgcolor != None:
+                # plain fillcolor, full transparency possible with (1,1,1,0)
+                ctx.save()
+                ctx.set_operator(C.OPERATOR_SOURCE)
+                ctx.rectangle(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
+                ctx.set_source_rgba(self.bgcolor[0], self.bgcolor[1], self.bgcolor[2], self.bgcolor[3])
+                ctx.fill()
+                ctx.restore()
+        else:
+            try:
+                # background texture
+                bg = C.ImageSurface.create_from_png("img/%s.png" % self.bg)
+                # tile image
+                if bg:
+                    bg_w, bg_h = bg.get_width(), bg.get_height()
+                    bg_xoff = 0
+                    while bg_xoff < self.width:
+                        bg_yoff = 0
+                        while bg_yoff < self.height:
+                            ctx.set_source_surface(bg, bg_xoff, bg_yoff)
+                            #ctx.mask_surface(bg)
+                            ctx.paint()
+                            bg_yoff += bg_h
+                        bg_xoff += bg_w
+            except:
+                #print "Error: Can't load background texture: %s" % self.bg
+                pass
+        # draw overlay graphic
+        if self.overlay != None:
+            try:
+                overlay = C.ImageSurface.create_from_png("img/%s.png" % self.overlay)
+                ctx.set_source_surface(overlay, 0, 0)
+                #ctx.mask_surface(overlay)
+                ctx.paint()
+            except:
+                #print "Error: Can't load overlay texture: %s" % self.overlay
+                pass
+        ## draw player's nickname with fancy colors
+        # deocde nick, strip all weird-looking characters
+        qstr = qfont_decode(player.nick).replace('^^', '^').replace(u'\x00', '')
+        chars = []
+        for c in qstr:
+            # replace weird characters that make problems - TODO
+            if ord(c) < 128:
+                chars.append(c)
+        qstr = ''.join(chars)
+        stripped_nick = strip_colors(qstr.replace(' ', '_'))
+        # fontsize is reduced if width gets too large
+        ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+        shrinknick = 0
+        while shrinknick < 10:
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.nick_fontsize - shrinknick)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(stripped_nick)[:4]
+            if tw > self.nick_maxwidth:
+                shrinknick += 2
+                continue
+            break
+        # determine width of single whitespace for later use
+        xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents("_")[:4]
+        space_w = tw
+        # split nick into colored segments
+        xoffset = 0
+        _all_colors = re.compile(r'(\^\d|\^x[\dA-Fa-f]{3})')
+        parts = _all_colors.split(qstr)
+        while len(parts) > 0:
+            tag = None
+            txt = parts[0]
+            if _all_colors.match(txt):
+                tag = txt[1:]  # strip leading '^'
+                if len(parts) < 2:
+                    break
+                txt = parts[1]
+                del parts[1]
+            del parts[0]
+            if not txt or len(txt) == 0:
+                # only colorcode and no real text, skip this
+                continue
+            if tag:
+                if tag.startswith('x'):
+                    r = int(tag[1] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+                    g = int(tag[2] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+                    b = int(tag[3] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+                    hue, light, satur = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
+                    if light < _contrast_threshold:
+                        light = _contrast_threshold
+                        r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(hue, light, satur)
+                else:
+                    r,g,b = _dec_colors[int(tag[0])]
+            else:
+                r,g,b = _dec_colors[7]
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
+            ctx.move_to(self.nick_pos[0] + xoffset, self.nick_pos[1])
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            tw += (len(txt)-len(txt.strip())) * space_w  # account for lost whitespaces
+            xoffset += tw + 2
+        ## print elos and ranks
+        # show up to three gametypes the player has participated in
+        xoffset = 0
+        for gt in data.total_stats['gametypes'][:self.num_gametypes]:
+            if self.gametype_pos:
+                ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+                ctx.set_font_size(self.gametype_fontsize)
+                ctx.set_source_rgb(self.gametype_color[0],self.gametype_color[1],self.gametype_color[2])
+                txt = self.gametype_text % gt.upper()
+                xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+                ctx.move_to(self.gametype_pos[0]+xoffset-xoff-tw/2, self.gametype_pos[1]-yoff)
+                ctx.show_text(txt)
+            if not elos.has_key(gt) or not ranks.has_key(gt):
+                if self.nostats_pos:
+                    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+                    ctx.set_font_size(self.nostats_fontsize)
+                    ctx.set_source_rgb(self.nostats_color[0],self.nostats_color[1],self.nostats_color[2])
+                    txt = self.nostats_text
+                    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+                    ctx.move_to(self.nostats_pos[0]+xoffset-xoff-tw/2, self.nostats_pos[1]-yoff)
+                    ctx.save()
+                    ctx.rotate(math.radians(self.nostats_angle))
+                    ctx.show_text(txt)
+                    ctx.restore()
+            else:
+                if self.elo_pos:
+                    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+                    ctx.set_font_size(self.elo_fontsize)
+                    ctx.set_source_rgb(self.elo_color[0], self.elo_color[1], self.elo_color[2])
+                    txt = self.elo_text % round(elos[gt], 0)
+                    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+                    ctx.move_to(self.elo_pos[0]+xoffset-xoff-tw/2, self.elo_pos[1]-yoff)
+                    ctx.show_text(txt)
+                if  self.rank_pos:
+                    ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+                    ctx.set_font_size(self.rank_fontsize)
+                    ctx.set_source_rgb(self.rank_color[0], self.rank_color[1], self.rank_color[2])
+                    txt = self.rank_text % ranks[gt]
+                    xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+                    ctx.move_to(self.rank_pos[0]+xoffset-xoff-tw/2, self.rank_pos[1]-yoff)
+                    ctx.show_text(txt)
+            xoffset += self.gametype_width
+        # print win percentage
+        if self.wintext_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.wintext_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.wintext_color[0], self.wintext_color[1], self.wintext_color[2])
+            txt = self.wintext_text
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.wintext_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.wintext_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        txt = "???"
+        try:
+            ratio = float(wins)/games
+            txt = "%.2f%%" % round(ratio * 100, 2)
+        except:
+            ratio = 0
+        if self.winp_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.winp_fontsize)
+            r = ratio*self.winp_colortop[0] + (1-ratio)*self.winp_colorbot[0]
+            g = ratio*self.winp_colortop[1] + (1-ratio)*self.winp_colorbot[1]
+            b = ratio*self.winp_colortop[2] + (1-ratio)*self.winp_colorbot[2]
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.winp_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.winp_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        if self.wins_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.wins_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.wins_color[0], self.wins_color[1], self.wins_color[2])
+            txt = "%d win" % wins
+            if wins != 1:
+                txt += "s"
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.wins_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.wins_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        if self.loss_pos:
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.loss_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.loss_color[0], self.loss_color[1], self.loss_color[2])
+            txt = "%d loss" % losses
+            if losses != 1:
+                txt += "es"
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.loss_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.loss_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        # print kill/death ratio
+        if self.kdtext_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.kdtext_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.kdtext_color[0], self.kdtext_color[1], self.kdtext_color[2])
+            txt = self.kdtext_text
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.kdtext_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.kdtext_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        txt = "???"
+        try:
+            ratio = float(kills)/deaths
+            txt = "%.3f" % round(ratio, 3)
+        except:
+            ratio = 0
+        if self.kdr_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.kdr_fontsize)
+            nr = ratio / 2.0
+            if nr > 1:
+                nr = 1
+            r = nr*self.kdr_colortop[0] + (1-nr)*self.kdr_colorbot[0]
+            g = nr*self.kdr_colortop[1] + (1-nr)*self.kdr_colorbot[1]
+            b = nr*self.kdr_colortop[2] + (1-nr)*self.kdr_colorbot[2]
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.kdr_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.kdr_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        if self.kills_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.kills_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.kills_color[0], self.kills_color[1], self.kills_color[2])
+            txt = "%d kill" % kills
+            if kills != 1:
+                txt += "s"
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.kills_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.kills_pos[1]+yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        if self.deaths_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.deaths_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.deaths_color[0], self.deaths_color[1], self.deaths_color[2])
+            if deaths is not None:
+                txt = "%d death" % deaths
+                if deaths != 1:
+                    txt += "s"
+            else:
+                txt = ""
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.deaths_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.deaths_pos[1]+yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        # print playing time
+        if self.ptime_pos:
+            ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+            ctx.set_font_size(self.ptime_fontsize)
+            ctx.set_source_rgb(self.ptime_color[0], self.ptime_color[1], self.ptime_color[2])
+            txt = self.ptime_text % str(alivetime)
+            xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+            ctx.move_to(self.ptime_pos[0]-xoff-tw/2, self.ptime_pos[1]-yoff)
+            ctx.show_text(txt)
+        # save to PNG
+        #surf.write_to_png(output_filename)
+        surf.flush()
+        imgdata = surf.get_data()
+        writepng(output_filename, imgdata, self.width, self.height)