+cvar_t r_font_postprocess_blur = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_font_postprocess_blur", "0", "font blur amount"};
+cvar_t r_font_postprocess_outline = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_font_postprocess_outline", "0", "font outline amount"};
cvar_t r_font_disable_freetype = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_font_disable_freetype", "1", "disable freetype support for fonts entirely"};
cvar_t r_font_use_alpha_textures = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_font_use_alpha_textures", "0", "use alpha-textures for font rendering, this should safe memory"};
cvar_t r_font_size_snapping = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_font_size_snapping", "1", "stick to good looking font sizes whenever possible - bad when the mod doesn't support it!"};
/// FreeType library handle
static FT_Library font_ft2lib = NULL;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned char *buf, *buf2;
+ int bufsize, bufwidth, bufheight, bufpitch;
+ double blur, outline;
+ int padding, blurpadding, outlinepadding;
+ unsigned char circlematrix[2*POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+1][2*POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+1];
+ unsigned char gausstable[2*POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+1];
+static font_postprocess_t pp = {};
font_ft2lib = NULL;
Sys_UnloadLibrary (&ft2_dll);
+ pp.buf = NULL;
void Font_Init(void)
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_font_postprocess_blur);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_font_postprocess_outline);
return true;
+void Font_Postprocess_Update(int bpp, int w, int h)
+ qboolean need_gauss, need_circle;
+ int needed, x, y;
+ double gausstable[2*POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+1];
+ if(!pp.buf || pp.blur != r_font_postprocess_blur.value)
+ need_gauss = true;
+ if(!pp.buf || pp.outline != r_font_postprocess_outline.value)
+ need_circle = true;
+ pp.blur = r_font_postprocess_blur.value;
+ pp.outline = r_font_postprocess_outline.value;
+ pp.outlinepadding = bound(0, ceil(pp.outline), POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS);
+ pp.blurpadding = bound(0, ceil(pp.blur), POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS);
+ pp.padding = pp.blurpadding + pp.outlinepadding;
+ if(need_gauss)
+ {
+ double sum = 0;
+ sum += (gausstable[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+x] = (pp.blur > 0 ? exp(-(x*x)/(pp.blur*pp.blur * 2)) : (x == 0)));
+ pp.gausstable[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+x] = floor(gausstable[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+x] / sum * 255 + 0.5);
+ }
+ if(need_circle)
+ {
+ {
+ double d = pp.outline + 1 - sqrt(x*x + y*y);
+ pp.circlematrix[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+y][POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+x] = (d >= 1) ? 255 : (d <= 0) ? 0 : floor(d * 255 + 0.5);
+ }
+ }
+ pp.bufwidth = w + 2 * pp.padding;
+ pp.bufheight = h + 2 * pp.padding;
+ pp.bufpitch = pp.bufwidth;
+ needed = pp.bufwidth * pp.bufheight;
+ if(!pp.buf || pp.bufsize < needed * 2)
+ {
+ if(pp.buf)
+ Mem_Free(pp.buf);
+ pp.bufsize = needed * 4;
+ pp.buf = Mem_Alloc(font_mempool, pp.bufsize);
+ pp.buf2 = pp.buf + needed;
+ }
void Font_Postprocess(unsigned char *imagedata, int pitch, int bpp, int w, int h, int *pad_l, int *pad_r, int *pad_t, int *pad_b)
+ int x, y;
+ Font_Postprocess_Update(bpp, w, h);
+ // enlarge buffer
// perform operation, not exceeding the passed padding values,
// but possibly reducing them
+ *pad_l = min(*pad_l, pp.padding);
+ *pad_r = min(*pad_r, pp.padding);
+ *pad_t = min(*pad_t, pp.padding);
+ *pad_b = min(*pad_b, pp.padding);
+ // calculate gauss table
+ // outline the font (RGBA only)
+ if(bpp == 4) // we can only do this in BGRA
+ {
+ // this is like mplayer subtitle rendering
+ // bbuffer, bitmap buffer: this is our font
+ // abuffer, alpha buffer: this is pp.buf
+ // tmp: this is pp.buf2
+ // create outline buffer
+ memset(pp.buf, 0, pp.bufwidth * pp.bufheight);
+ for(y = -*pad_t; y < h + *pad_b; ++y)
+ for(x = -*pad_l; x < w + *pad_r; ++x)
+ {
+ int x1 = max(-x, -pp.outlinepadding);
+ int y1 = max(-y, -pp.outlinepadding);
+ int x2 = min(pp.outlinepadding, w-1-x);
+ int y2 = min(pp.outlinepadding, h-1-y);
+ int mx, my;
+ int cur = 0;
+ int highest = 0;
+ for(my = y1; my <= y2; ++my)
+ for(mx = x1; mx <= x2; ++mx)
+ {
+ cur = pp.circlematrix[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+my][POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+mx] * (int)imagedata[(x+mx) * bpp + pitch * (y+my) + (bpp - 1)];
+ if(cur > highest)
+ highest = cur;
+ }
+ pp.buf[((x + pp.padding) + pp.bufpitch * (y + pp.padding))] = (highest + 128) / 255;
+ }
+ // blur the outline buffer
+ if(pp.blur > 0)
+ {
+ // horizontal blur
+ for(y = 0; y < pp.bufheight; ++y)
+ for(x = 0; x < pp.bufwidth; ++x)
+ {
+ int x1 = max(-x, -pp.blurpadding);
+ int x2 = min(pp.blurpadding, pp.bufwidth-1-x);
+ int mx;
+ int blurred = 0;
+ for(mx = x1; mx <= x2; ++mx)
+ blurred += pp.gausstable[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+mx] * (int)pp.buf[(x+mx) + pp.bufpitch * y];
+ pp.buf2[x + pp.bufpitch * y] = blurred / 255;
+ }
+ // vertical blur
+ for(y = 0; y < pp.bufheight; ++y)
+ for(x = 0; x < pp.bufwidth; ++x)
+ {
+ int y1 = max(-y, -pp.blurpadding);
+ int y2 = min(pp.blurpadding, pp.bufheight-1-y);
+ int my;
+ int blurred = 0;
+ for(my = y1; my <= y2; ++my)
+ blurred += pp.gausstable[POSTPROCESS_MAXRADIUS+my] * (int)pp.buf2[x + pp.bufpitch * (y+my)];
+ pp.buf[x + pp.bufpitch * y] = blurred / 255;
+ }
+ }
+ // paste the outline below the font
+ for(y = -*pad_t; y < h + *pad_b; ++y)
+ for(x = -*pad_l; x < w + *pad_r; ++x)
+ {
+ unsigned char outlinealpha = pp.buf[(x + pp.padding) + pp.bufpitch * (y + pp.padding)];
+ if(outlinealpha > 0)
+ {
+ unsigned char oldalpha = imagedata[x * bpp + pitch * y + (bpp - 1)];
+ // a' = 1 - (1 - a1) (1 - a2)
+ unsigned char newalpha = 255 - ((255 - (int)outlinealpha) * (255 - (int)oldalpha)) / 255; // this is >= oldalpha
+ // c' = (a2 c2 - a1 a2 c1 + a1 c1) / a' = (a2 c2 + a1 (1 - a2) c1) / a'
+ unsigned char oldfactor = (255 * (int)oldalpha) / newalpha;
+ //unsigned char outlinefactor = ((255 - oldalpha) * (int)outlinealpha) / newalpha;
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < bpp-1; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned char c = imagedata[x * bpp + pitch * y + i];
+ c = (c * (int)oldfactor) / 255 /* + outlinecolor[i] * (int)outlinefactor */;
+ imagedata[x * bpp + pitch * y + i] = c;
+ }
+ imagedata[x * bpp + pitch * y + (bpp - 1)] = newalpha;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // calculate parameters
- *pad_l = *pad_r = *pad_t = *pad_b = 0;
+ // just calculate parameters
+ *pad_l = *pad_r = *pad_t = *pad_b = pp.padding;
return (Font_SearchSize(font, fontface, size) > 0);
- Font_Postprocess(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
+ Font_Postprocess(NULL, 0, 4, size*2, size*2, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
temp.size = size;
return false;
- Font_Postprocess(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
+ Font_Postprocess(NULL, 0, bytesPerPixel, mapstart->size*2, mapstart->size*2, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
// copy over the information
map->size = mapstart->size;
imagedata = data + gR * pitch * map->glyphSize + gC * map->glyphSize * bytesPerPixel;
- imagedata += gpad_t * pitch + gpad_l;
+ imagedata += gpad_t * pitch + gpad_l * bytesPerPixel;
//status = qFT_Load_Char(face, ch, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
// we need the glyphIndex
face = font->face;
pad_r = gpad_r;
pad_t = gpad_t;
pad_b = gpad_b;
- Font_Postprocess(imagedata, pitch, w, h, bytesPerPixel, &pad_l, &pad_r, &pad_t, &pad_b);
+ Font_Postprocess(imagedata, pitch, bytesPerPixel, w, h, &pad_l, &pad_r, &pad_t, &pad_b);
// now fill map->glyphs[ch - map->start]
mapglyph = &map->glyphs[mapch];
mapglyph->tymax = mapglyph->tymin + (double)(bmp->rows + pad_t + pad_b) / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHAR_LINES) );
//mapglyph->vxmin = bearingX;
//mapglyph->vxmax = bearingX + mWidth;
- mapglyph->vxmin = glyph->bitmap_left / map->size;
+ mapglyph->vxmin = (glyph->bitmap_left - pad_l) / map->size;
mapglyph->vxmax = mapglyph->vxmin + (bmp->width + pad_l + pad_r) / map->size; // don't ask
//mapglyph->vymin = -bearingY;
//mapglyph->vymax = mHeight - bearingY;
- mapglyph->vymin = -glyph->bitmap_top / map->size;
+ mapglyph->vymin = (-glyph->bitmap_top - pad_t) / map->size;
mapglyph->vymax = mapglyph->vymin + (bmp->rows + pad_t + pad_b) / map->size;
//Con_Printf("dpi = %f %f (%f %d) %d %d\n", bmp->width / (mapglyph->vxmax - mapglyph->vxmin), bmp->rows / (mapglyph->vymax - mapglyph->vymin), map->size, map->glyphSize, (int)fontface->size->metrics.x_ppem, (int)fontface->size->metrics.y_ppem);
//mapglyph->advance_x = advance * usefont->size;