// find out good world mins/maxs bounds, either the static bounds found by looking for solid, or the mapinfo specified bounds
- world.mins = mi_min;
- world.maxs = mi_max;
+ // assign reflectively to avoid "assignment to world" warning
+ int done = 0; for (int i = 0, n = numentityfields(); i < n; ++i) {
+ string k = entityfieldname(i); vector v = (k == "mins") ? mi_min : (k == "maxs") ? mi_max : '0 0 0';
+ if (v) {
+ putentityfieldstring(i, world, sprintf("%d %d %d", v));
+ if (++done == 2) break;
+ }
+ }
// currently, NetRadiant's limit is 131072 qu for each side
// distance from one corner of a 131072qu cube to the opposite corner is approx. 227023 qu
// set the distance according to map size but don't go over the limit to avoid issues with float precision