cvar_t r_q3bsp_renderskydepth = {0, "r_q3bsp_renderskydepth", "0"};
cvar_t gl_lightmaps = {0, "gl_lightmaps", "0"};
-// FIXME: these arrays are huge!
-int r_q1bsp_maxmarkleafs;
-int r_q1bsp_nummarkleafs;
-mleaf_t *r_q1bsp_maxleaflist[65536];
-int r_q1bsp_maxmarksurfaces;
-int r_q1bsp_nummarksurfaces;
-msurface_t *r_q1bsp_maxsurfacelist[65536];
-// FIXME: these arrays are huge!
-int r_q3bsp_maxmarkleafs;
-int r_q3bsp_nummarkleafs;
-q3mleaf_t *r_q3bsp_maxleaflist[65536];
-int r_q3bsp_maxmarksurfaces;
-int r_q3bsp_nummarksurfaces;
-q3msurface_t *r_q3bsp_maxsurfacelist[65536];
static int dlightdivtable[32768];
static int R_IntAddDynamicLights (const matrix4x4_t *matrix, msurface_t *surf)
if (model->type == mod_brushq3)
int i, j;
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
memset(r_worldsurfacevisible, 0, r_refdef.worldmodel->brushq3.num_faces);
for (j = 0, leaf = r_refdef.worldmodel->brushq3.data_leafs;j < r_refdef.worldmodel->brushq3.num_leafs;j++, leaf++)
if (CHECKPVSBIT(r_pvsbits, leaf->clusterindex) && !R_CullBox (leaf->mins, leaf->maxs))
- if (leaf->nummarksurfaces)
- for (i = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;i < leaf->nummarksurfaces;i++, mark++)
+ if (leaf->numleaffaces)
+ for (i = 0, mark = leaf->firstleafface;i < leaf->numleaffaces;i++, mark++)
r_worldsurfacevisible[*mark] = true;
leaf = leafstack[--leafstackpos];
leafvisited[leaf - r_refdef.worldmodel->brushq1.data_leafs] = 1;
// draw any surfaces bounding this leaf
- if (leaf->nummarksurfaces)
- for (i = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;i < leaf->nummarksurfaces;i++, mark++)
+ if (leaf->numleaffaces)
+ for (i = 0, mark = leaf->firstleafface;i < leaf->numleaffaces;i++, mark++)
r_worldsurfacevisible[*mark] = true;
// follow portals into other leafs
for (p = leaf->portals;p;p = p->next)
model_t *model = ent->model;
vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
- int t, leafindex, marksurfaceindex, surfaceindex, triangleindex, outnumclusters = 0, outnumsurfaces = 0;
+ int t, leafindex, leaffaceindex, surfaceindex, triangleindex, outnumclusters = 0, outnumsurfaces = 0;
const int *e;
const float *v[3];
msurface_t *surface;
if (outsurfacepvs)
- for (marksurfaceindex = 0;marksurfaceindex < leaf->nummarksurfaces;marksurfaceindex++)
+ for (leaffaceindex = 0;leaffaceindex < leaf->numleaffaces;leaffaceindex++)
- surfaceindex = leaf->firstmarksurface[marksurfaceindex];
+ surfaceindex = leaf->firstleafface[leaffaceindex];
if (!CHECKPVSBIT(outsurfacepvs, surfaceindex))
surface = model->brushq1.surfaces + surfaceindex;
model_t *model = ent->model;
vec3_t lightmins, lightmaxs;
- int t, leafindex, marksurfaceindex, surfaceindex, triangleindex, outnumclusters = 0, outnumsurfaces = 0;
+ int t, leafindex, leaffaceindex, surfaceindex, triangleindex, outnumclusters = 0, outnumsurfaces = 0;
const int *e;
const float *v[3];
q3msurface_t *surface;
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
const qbyte *pvs;
lightmins[0] = relativelightorigin[0] - lightradius;
lightmins[1] = relativelightorigin[1] - lightradius;
if (outsurfacepvs)
- for (marksurfaceindex = 0;marksurfaceindex < leaf->numleaffaces;marksurfaceindex++)
+ for (leaffaceindex = 0;leaffaceindex < leaf->numleaffaces;leaffaceindex++)
- surfaceindex = leaf->firstleafface[marksurfaceindex];
+ surfaceindex = leaf->firstleafface[leaffaceindex];
surface = model->brushq3.data_faces + surfaceindex;
if (!CHECKPVSBIT(outsurfacepvs, surfaceindex))
float surfnormal[3];
msurface_t *surf;
- for (surfnum = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;surfnum < leaf->nummarksurfaces;surfnum++, mark++)
+ for (surfnum = 0, mark = leaf->firstleafface;surfnum < leaf->numleaffaces;surfnum++, mark++)
surf = info->model->brushq1.surfaces + *mark;
if (surf->flags & SURF_SOLIDCLIP)
- if (((mleaf_t *)node)->nummarksurfaces)
+ if (((mleaf_t *)node)->numleaffaces)
Mod_Q1BSP_FindNonSolidLocation_r_Leaf(info, (mleaf_t *)node);
out->contents = LittleLong(in->contents);
- out->firstmarksurface = loadmodel->brushq1.marksurfaces + LittleShort(in->firstmarksurface);
- out->nummarksurfaces = LittleShort(in->nummarksurfaces);
- if (out->firstmarksurface < 0 || LittleShort(in->firstmarksurface) + out->nummarksurfaces > loadmodel->brushq1.nummarksurfaces)
+ out->firstleafface = loadmodel->brushq1.leaffaces + LittleShort(in->firstmarksurface);
+ out->numleaffaces = LittleShort(in->nummarksurfaces);
+ if (out->firstleafface < 0 || LittleShort(in->firstmarksurface) + out->numleaffaces > loadmodel->brushq1.numleaffaces)
- Con_Printf("Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeafs: invalid marksurface range %i:%i outside range %i:%i\n", out->firstmarksurface, out->firstmarksurface + out->nummarksurfaces, 0, loadmodel->brushq1.nummarksurfaces);
- out->firstmarksurface = NULL;
- out->nummarksurfaces = 0;
+ Con_Printf("Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeafs: invalid leafface range %i:%i outside range %i:%i\n", out->firstleafface, out->firstleafface + out->numleaffaces, 0, loadmodel->brushq1.numleaffaces);
+ out->firstleafface = NULL;
+ out->numleaffaces = 0;
out->clusterindex = i - 1;
-static void Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMarksurfaces(lump_t *l)
+static void Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeaffaces(lump_t *l)
int i, j;
short *in;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
if (l->filelen % sizeof(*in))
- Host_Error("Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMarksurfaces: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
- loadmodel->brushq1.nummarksurfaces = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
- loadmodel->brushq1.marksurfaces = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brushq1.nummarksurfaces * sizeof(int));
+ Host_Error("Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeaffaces: funny lump size in %s",loadmodel->name);
+ loadmodel->brushq1.numleaffaces = l->filelen / sizeof(*in);
+ loadmodel->brushq1.leaffaces = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brushq1.numleaffaces * sizeof(int));
- for (i = 0;i < loadmodel->brushq1.nummarksurfaces;i++)
+ for (i = 0;i < loadmodel->brushq1.numleaffaces;i++)
j = (unsigned) LittleShort(in[i]);
if (j >= loadmodel->brushq1.numsurfaces)
- Host_Error("Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMarksurfaces: bad surface number");
- loadmodel->brushq1.marksurfaces[i] = j;
+ Host_Error("Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeaffaces: bad surface number");
+ loadmodel->brushq1.leaffaces[i] = j;
leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
if ((pvs == NULL || CHECKPVSBIT(pvs, leaf->clusterindex)))
- int marksurfacenum;
+ int leaffacenum;
msurface_t *surf;
if (maxleafs && *numleafs < maxleafs)
leaflist[(*numleafs)++] = leaf;
if (maxsurfaces)
- for (marksurfacenum = 0;marksurfacenum < leaf->nummarksurfaces;marksurfacenum++)
+ for (leaffacenum = 0;leaffacenum < leaf->numleaffaces;leaffacenum++)
- surf = model->brushq1.surfaces + leaf->firstmarksurface[marksurfacenum];
+ surf = model->brushq1.surfaces + leaf->firstleafface[leaffacenum];
if (surf->shadowmark != shadowmarkcount)
surf->shadowmark = shadowmarkcount;
- Mod_Q1BSP_LoadMarksurfaces(&header->lumps[LUMP_MARKSURFACES]);
+ Mod_Q1BSP_LoadLeaffaces(&header->lumps[LUMP_MARKSURFACES]);
// load submodels before leafs because they contain the number of vis leafs
static void Mod_Q3BSP_LoadLeafs(lump_t *l)
q3dleaf_t *in;
- q3mleaf_t *out;
+ mleaf_t *out;
int i, j, n, c, count;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_LoadNodes_RecursiveSetParent(q3mnode_t *node, q3mnode_t *parent)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_LoadNodes_RecursiveSetParent(mnode_t *node, mnode_t *parent)
if (node->parent)
Host_Error("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadNodes_RecursiveSetParent: runaway recursion\n");
static void Mod_Q3BSP_LoadNodes(lump_t *l)
q3dnode_t *in;
- q3mnode_t *out;
+ mnode_t *out;
int i, j, n, count;
in = (void *)(mod_base + l->fileofs);
n = -1 - n;
if (n >= loadmodel->brushq3.num_leafs)
Host_Error("Mod_Q3BSP_LoadNodes: invalid child leaf index %i (%i leafs)\n", n, loadmodel->brushq3.num_leafs);
- out->children[j] = (q3mnode_t *)(loadmodel->brushq3.data_leafs + n);
+ out->children[j] = (mnode_t *)(loadmodel->brushq3.data_leafs + n);
for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
//Con_Printf("result: ambient %f %f %f diffuse %f %f %f diffusenormal %f %f %f\n", ambientcolor[0], ambientcolor[1], ambientcolor[2], diffusecolor[0], diffusecolor[1], diffusecolor[2], diffusenormal[0], diffusenormal[1], diffusenormal[2]);
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, q3mnode_t *node, const vec3_t point, int markframe)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TracePoint_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, mnode_t *node, const vec3_t point, int markframe)
int i;
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
colbrushf_t *brush;
// find which leaf the point is in
while (node->plane)
node = node->children[DotProduct(point, node->plane->normal) < node->plane->dist];
// point trace the brushes
- leaf = (q3mleaf_t *)node;
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
brush = model->brushq3.data_brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].colbrushf;
// can't do point traces on curves (they have no thickness)
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, q3mnode_t *node, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec_t startfrac, vec_t endfrac, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int markframe, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceLine_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, mnode_t *node, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, vec_t startfrac, vec_t endfrac, const vec3_t linestart, const vec3_t lineend, int markframe, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
int i, startside, endside;
float dist1, dist2, midfrac, mid[3], nodesegmentmins[3], nodesegmentmaxs[3];
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
q3msurface_t *face;
colbrushf_t *brush;
if (startfrac > trace->realfraction)
nodesegmentmaxs[1] = max(start[1], end[1]);
nodesegmentmaxs[2] = max(start[2], end[2]);
// line trace the brushes
- leaf = (q3mleaf_t *)node;
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
brush = model->brushq3.data_brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].colbrushf;
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, q3mnode_t *node, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int markframe, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode(trace_t *trace, model_t *model, mnode_t *node, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_start, const colbrushf_t *thisbrush_end, int markframe, const vec3_t segmentmins, const vec3_t segmentmaxs)
int i;
//int sides;
float nodesegmentmins[3], nodesegmentmaxs[3];
- q3mleaf_t *leaf;
+ mleaf_t *leaf;
colbrushf_t *brush;
q3msurface_t *face;
// hit a leaf
- leaf = (q3mleaf_t *)node;
+ leaf = (mleaf_t *)node;
for (i = 0;i < leaf->numleafbrushes;i++)
brush = model->brushq3.data_brushes[leaf->firstleafbrush[i]].colbrushf;
static int Mod_Q3BSP_BoxTouchingPVS(model_t *model, const qbyte *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs)
int clusterindex, side, nodestackindex = 0;
- q3mnode_t *node, *nodestack[1024];
+ mnode_t *node, *nodestack[1024];
node = model->brushq3.data_nodes;
if (!model->brush.num_pvsclusters)
return true;
// leaf - check cluster bit
- clusterindex = ((q3mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex;
+ clusterindex = ((mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex;
#if 0
if (clusterindex >= model->brush.num_pvsclusters)
//(note: can return NULL)
static qbyte *Mod_Q3BSP_GetPVS(model_t *model, const vec3_t p)
- q3mnode_t *node;
+ mnode_t *node;
node = model->brushq3.data_nodes;
while (node->plane)
node = node->children[(node->plane->type < 3 ? p[node->plane->type] : DotProduct(p,node->plane->normal)) < node->plane->dist];
- if (((q3mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex >= 0)
- return model->brush.data_pvsclusters + ((q3mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
+ if (((mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex >= 0)
+ return model->brush.data_pvsclusters + ((mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
return NULL;
-static void Mod_Q3BSP_FatPVS_RecursiveBSPNode(model_t *model, const vec3_t org, vec_t radius, qbyte *pvsbuffer, int pvsbytes, q3mnode_t *node)
+static void Mod_Q3BSP_FatPVS_RecursiveBSPNode(model_t *model, const vec3_t org, vec_t radius, qbyte *pvsbuffer, int pvsbytes, mnode_t *node)
while (node->plane)
// if this leaf is in a cluster, accumulate the pvs bits
- if (((q3mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex >= 0)
+ if (((mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex >= 0)
int i;
- qbyte *pvs = model->brush.data_pvsclusters + ((q3mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
+ qbyte *pvs = model->brush.data_pvsclusters + ((mleaf_t *)node)->clusterindex * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes;
for (i = 0;i < pvsbytes;i++)
pvsbuffer[i] |= pvs[i];
-void Mod_Q3BSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs(q3mnode_t *node)
+void Mod_Q3BSP_RecursiveFindNumLeafs(mnode_t *node)
int numleafs;
while (node->plane)
node = node->children[1];
- numleafs = ((q3mleaf_t *)node - loadmodel->brushq3.data_leafs) + 1;
+ numleafs = ((mleaf_t *)node - loadmodel->brushq3.data_leafs) + 1;
if (loadmodel->brushq3.num_leafs < numleafs)
loadmodel->brushq3.num_leafs = numleafs;