origin[1] = atof(Cmd_Argv(3));
origin[2] = atof(Cmd_Argv(4));
+ else if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "originscale"))
+ {
+ if (Cmd_Argc() != 5)
+ {
+ Con_Printf("usage: r_editlights_edit %s x y z\n", Cmd_Argv(1));
+ return;
+ }
+ origin[0] *= atof(Cmd_Argv(2));
+ origin[1] *= atof(Cmd_Argv(3));
+ origin[2] *= atof(Cmd_Argv(4));
+ }
else if (!strcmp(Cmd_Argv(1), "originx"))
if (Cmd_Argc() != 3)
"colorscale r g b : multiply color of light (1 1 1 does nothing)\n"
"radiusscale scale : multiply radius (size) of light (1 does nothing)\n"
"sizescale scale : multiply radius (size) of light (1 does nothing)\n"
+"originscale x y z : multiply origin of light (1 1 1 does nothing)\n"
"style style : set lightstyle of light (flickering patterns, switches, etc)\n"
"cubemap basename : set filter cubemap of light (not yet supported)\n"
"shadows 1/0 : turn on/off shadows\n"