seta sbar_stomachboard_status_brightness 0.5 "brightness of the stomach board status"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_status_alpha 0.75 "alpha of the stomach board status"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_status_fade 0.0125 "color fading speed of the stomach board status"\r
+seta sbar_stomachboard_status_color1 "0 1 0" "RGB color of the stomach board status for self"\r
+seta sbar_stomachboard_status_color2 "1 0 0" "RGB color of the stomach board status for predator"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_highlight_brightness 0.5 "brightness of the stomach board highlight"\r
seta sbar_stomachboard_highlight_alpha 0.25 "alpha of the stomach board highlight"\r
seta sbar_timer_increment 0 "1 = show elapsed time on the timer"\r
- drawpic(bottomleft - '0 256 0', "gfx/hud/bg_stomach_status", '256 256 0', Stomachstatus_Colortrans('1 0 0' * cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_brightness")), cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_alpha"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
+ drawpic(bottomleft - '0 256 0', "gfx/hud/bg_stomach_status", '256 256 0', Stomachstatus_Colortrans(stov(cvar_string("sbar_stomachboard_status_color2")) * cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_brightness")), cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_alpha"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
drawstring(bottomleft - '-80 172 0', "predator:", '10 10 0', '1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
- drawpic(bottomleft - '0 256 0', "gfx/hud/bg_stomach_status", '256 256 0', Stomachstatus_Colortrans('0 1 0' * cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_brightness")), cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_alpha"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
+ drawpic(bottomleft - '0 256 0', "gfx/hud/bg_stomach_status", '256 256 0', Stomachstatus_Colortrans(stov(cvar_string("sbar_stomachboard_status_color1")) * cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_brightness")), cvar("sbar_stomachboard_status_alpha"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r
drawstring(bottomleft - '-80 172 0', "self:", '10 10 0', ' 1 1 1', sbar_alpha_fg, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);\r