set g_nexball_basketball_trail 1 "1 to leave a trail"
set g_nexball_football_trail 0 "1 to leave a trail"
set g_nexball_trail_color 254 "1-256 for different colors (Quake palette, 254 is white)"
+set g_nexball_playerclip_collisions 1 "make the ball bounce off clips"
set g_nexball_radar_showallplayers 1 "1: show every player and the ball on the radar 0: only show teammates and the ball on the radar"
seta g_nexball_safepass_maxdist 5000 "Max distance to allow save fassping (0 to turn off safe passing)"
seta g_nexball_safepass_turnrate 0.1 "How fast the safe-pass ball can habge direction"
bool autocvar_g_nexball_radar_showallplayers;
bool autocvar_g_nexball_sound_bounce;
int autocvar_g_nexball_trail_color;
+bool autocvar_g_nexball_playerclip_collisions = true;
float autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_turnrate;
float autocvar_g_nexball_safepass_maxdist;
set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_FLY);
+ if(autocvar_g_nexball_playerclip_collisions)
+ {
+ this.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP;
+ }
this.noise = "";
else if(this.noise == "")