+void ctf_CheckStalemate(void)
+ // declarations
+ float stale_red_flags, stale_blue_flags;
+ entity tmp_entity;
+ // build list of stale flags
+ for(tmp_entity = ctf_worldflaglist; tmp_entity; tmp_entity = tmp_entity.ctf_worldflagnext)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_stalemate)
+ if(time >= tmp_entity.ctf_pickuptime + autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_stalemate)
+ {
+ tmp_entity.ctf_staleflagnext = ctf_staleflaglist; // link flag into staleflaglist
+ ctf_staleflaglist = tmp_entity;
+ switch(tmp_entity.team)
+ {
+ case COLOR_TEAM1: ++stale_red_flags; break;
+ case COLOR_TEAM2: ++stale_blue_flags; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if sufficient stalemate, then set up the waypointsprite and announce the stalemate if necessary
+ if(stale_red_flags && stale_blue_flags)
+ {
+ for(tmp_entity = ctf_staleflaglist; tmp_entity; tmp_entity = tmp_entity.ctf_staleflagnext)
+ {
+ if not(tmp_entity.owner.wps_enemyflagcarrier)
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn("enemyflagcarrier", 0, 0, tmp_entity.owner, FLAG_WAYPOINT_OFFSET, world, tmp_entity.team, tmp_entity.owner, wps_enemyflagcarrier, TRUE, RADARICON_FLAG, WPCOLOR_ENEMYFC(tmp_entity.owner.team));
+ }
+ if not(wpforenemy_announced)
+ {
+ {
+ if(tmp_entity.flagcarried)
+ centerprint(tmp_entity, "Stalemate! Enemies can now see you on radar!");
+ else
+ centerprint(tmp_entity, "Stalemate! Flag carriers can now be seen by enemies on radar!");
+ }
+ wpforenemy_announced = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
void ctf_FlagDamage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
self = tmp_entity;
- if(autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_time)
- if((time >= self.ctf_pickuptime + autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_time) && !self.owner.wps_enemyflagcarrier)
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_stalemate)
- WaypointSprite_Spawn("enemyflagcarrier", 0, 0, self.owner, FLAG_WAYPOINT_OFFSET, world, self.team, self.owner, wps_enemyflagcarrier, TRUE, RADARICON_FLAG, WPCOLOR_ENEMYFC(self.owner.team));
- if(!self.wpforenemy_announced)
+ if(time >= wpforenemy_nextthink)
- {
- if(tmp_entity == self.owner)
- centerprint(tmp_entity, strcat("Enemies can now see you on radar! (held ", self.netname, " for ", ftos(autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_time), " seconds)"));
- else if(IsDifferentTeam(tmp_entity, self.owner))
- centerprint(tmp_entity, strcat("You can now see the enemy flag carrier on radar! (held ", self.netname, " for ", ftos(autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_time), " seconds)"));
- else
- centerprint(tmp_entity, strcat("Enemies can now see your flag carrier on radar! (held ", self.netname, " for ", ftos(autocvar_g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_time), " seconds)"));
- }
- self.wpforenemy_announced = TRUE;
+ ctf_CheckStalemate();
+ wpforenemy_nextthink = time + WPFE_THINKRATE; // waypoint for enemy think rate (to reduce unnecessary spam of this check)
flag.ctf_dropper = world;
flag.ctf_pickuptime = 0;
flag.ctf_droptime = 0;
- flag.wpforenemy_announced = FALSE;
+ wpforenemy_announced = FALSE;
void ctf_Reset()
#define FLAG_THINKRATE 0.2
#define FLAG_TOUCHRATE 0.5
+#define WPFE_THINKRATE 0.5
#define FLAG_DROP_OFFSET ('0 0 32')
#define FLAG_CARRY_OFFSET ('-16 0 8')
// list of flags on the map
entity ctf_worldflaglist;
.entity ctf_worldflagnext;
+entity ctf_staleflaglist;
+.entity ctf_staleflagnext;
// waypoint sprites
.entity bot_basewaypoint; // flag waypointsprite
.entity ctf_dropper; // don't allow spam of dropping the flag
.float max_flag_health;
.float next_take_time;
-.float wpforenemy_announced;
+float wpforenemy_announced;
+float wpforenemy_nextthink;
// passing properties
.entity pass_sender;