--- /dev/null
+[-z-]: make rotate dialog non-modal
+MSI: installer bug with new folders? : create custom dir, click New Folder icon, type "FOLDER\" - gets stuck
+GTK2: gtk2 crashes when trying to use bitmap fonts such as MS Sans Serif http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142579
+GTK2: alt+tab while mouse button is held down: see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=145156
+UI: changing resolution in floating-windows mode can screw up window positions.
+HalfLife: half-life maps saved in q1 map format are not supported - currently have to convert them to hammer map format using hammer editor. And vice versa.
+Entity: creating a new entity with all the brushes of another entity selected results in the latter entity having no brushes.
+SConscript: build fails if SETUP=1
+SConscript: svn.py fails if not using C locale - set LC_ALL?
+GUI: can't use arrow keys to navigate in camera view when capslock is enabled
+GUI: screensaver causes: gdkgc-win32.c: line 905 (gdk_win32_hdc_get): assertion failed: (win32_gc->hdc == NULL)
+- paint-select or equivalent (e.g. area-selection with occlusion)
+- select-complete-tall or equivalent (e.g. subtract-from-selection modifier key)
+- texture pane names are often illegible, becuase 1. they are long and overlap each other and 2. they overlap the outline rectangles around the images themselves.
+Build: document build-menu xml format.
+The build menu in GtkRadiant 1.5 is entirely customisable - you can make it run qbsp3/qvis3/arghrad or any tool you want. Use 'Build > Customize...' to edit the menu.
+Menu commands are the shell commands that Radiant will execute when you choose the menu item. You can add as many commands as you want to a single menu item, and they will be executed in sequence. The commands contain variables, specified using []. The values of variables will be substituted when the command is executed.
+For example:
+<pre>[q2map] -bsp "[MapFile]"</pre>
+<pre>"C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant 1.5.0\q2map" -fs_basepath "c:\quake2" -bsp "c:\quake2\baseq2\maps\blah.map"</pre>
+This uses the predefined variable 'MapFile' and the custom variable 'q2map'. 'q2map' is defined in the XML file, and 'MapFile' is the full path to your map.
+The 'MapFile' variable is enclosed in quotes, because the path to your map may contain spaces.
+At the moment you can only create custom variables by editing the XML file. A custom variable for arghrad would look something like this:
+<pre><var name="arghrad">"[RadiantPath]arghrad"</var></pre>
+This variable could then be used in a command like this:
+<pre>[arghrad] "[MapFile]"</pre>
+Entity: option to filter non-world entities (e.g. not func_group or func_static)
+Rotate Tool: if more than one object is selected, with different local orientations, use parent-space rotation pivot instead of local-space
+Brush: MMB+ctrl to paint texture on whole brush/patch.
+Camera: add alternative highlighting styles (used to be J).
+Doom3: filter func_splinemovers
+Entity: draw arrowheads to show direction of connection-lines.
+? MMB to select a texture should also apply that texture to all selected faces.
+Mouse: support 2-button mouse.
+Grid: background colour should be different when the smallest grid is invisible due to being zoomed out.
+Brush: option to disable dots on selected faces when not in face mode.
+Entity: draw direction arrow for func_door and func_button angle.
+Build Menu: support for editing variables.
+Shaders: handle doom3 materials with multiple bumpmaps stage - use first stage, ignore later stages.
+Brush: warn when a brush is dragged into a configuration with <0 volume
+Textures: add option to give new brushes a specific texture instead of the last selected.
+? QE-tool: click anywhere on xy view to drag entity instead of requiring clicking directly on entity.
+UserDocs: how to use multi-vertex selection - replaces vertex-edit-splits-faces option:
+UserDocs: how to use parent-selection:
+ Parent-selection works like Maya: it allows you to 'reparent' brushes
+ onto other entities than the one they're currently part of. To use it,
+ select some brushes, select an entity, Edit -> Parent.
+Textures: add anisotropic filtering.
+Preferences: allow preference settings to be shared across games.
+Preferences: add colour 'theme' files using prefs format.
+Preferences: sensible default size for prefs window.
+Doom3: add model browser.
+Doom3: s_diversity light key.
+HalfLife: enable HL-mode on linux/osx.
+Renderer: doom3 'parallel' and 'spot' light support.
+Entity: add mouse-editing for doom3 light_center key
+Shaders: add support for texture transforms.
+Shaders: add support for 'addnormals' keyword - e.g. models/mapobjects/healthgui/healthguidirty
+TGA Loader: check that true-colour images with palettes are properly handled.
+Module System: reinstate 'refresh' feature.
+Surface Inspector: add button for 'axial' projection for doom3.
+Build: fix hardcoded engine-launch commands - use similar system to build-menu command description.
+Filters: use q2/heretic2 content flags to filter brushes.
+? Surface Inspector: allow material names not relative to 'textures/' for doom3
+Module System: add versioning for module-system api.
+svn: remove install/ dir, create it during build process on win32
+Editing: add option to choose the default startup tool mode.
+Renderer: lighting for doom3 materials without bumpmaps (e.g. mcity/mchangar2)
+Renderer: realtime doom3 materials preview
+Renderer: realtime doom3 shadows preview
+Linux: Provide .tar.gz of example-map data for et/wolf.
+Textures Window: add inner dark outline to distinguish 'is-shader' outline from white textures.
+HalfLife2: add HL2 map load/save.
+Selection: add move-pivot mode to allow rotation/scale around a custom pivot-point.
+Selection: add rotate increment for rotate manipulator.
+Selection: visibly distinguish between entity and brush selections
+Selection: need 'add to selection' and 'subtract from selection' modifiers
+Selection: Finish scale manipulator.
+FaceCopy/PasteTexture: Make face-copy/paste-texture shortcuts customisable.
+Manual: add documentation about search paths for .ent/.def/.fgd, shaders etc for each game.
+Halflife: add support for cstrike fgd.
+HalfLife: disable patches
+HalfLife: add HL .mdl model loader.
+HalfLife: add HL .spr support.
+HalfLife: support fgd 'flags' attributes.
+Model: add support for doom3 md5anim format
+Model: support doom3 ragdolls
+VFS: add ability to browse VFS from file-open dialogs.
+Installer: enable q3 brush-primitives map support.
+Installer: add editor manual to linux installer
+Map: add conversion between map formats
+Map: add conversion between entity definition formats
+Build: add build-menu dmap support (doom3)
+Entity: optionally draw target connection lines thicker than one pixel.
+Entity: add specialised attribute-entry in entity-inspector for integer/real/color attribute types.
+Patch: add cap-texture, fit-texture and natural-texture toolbar buttons
+Patch: draw patches in wireframe from the back, make patches selectable from the back
+Patch: add option for convert-selection-to-new-brush/patch
+Patch: fix bobtoolz merge-patches feature
+Patch: fix insert/remove rows/cols indicated by current selected patch vertices.
+Autosave/Snapshots: Add support for multi-file maps.
+Quake2: Q2 hint transparency support
+Shortcuts: make shortcut list editable within radiant.
+Shortcuts: convert shortcuts.ini to xml.
+Shortcuts: warn when duplicate shortcuts are registered
+Shortcuts: rename commands in order to group shortcuts list better.
+upgrade to new API for SymGetModuleInfo - required for compiling with Visual Studio 8.0
+Doom3: lights should stay in place while resizing
+LOW priority features
+Selection: Add shear manipulator?
+Textures Window: Improve texture-manipulation and texture-browsing tools.
+Undo: make selections undoable?
+Win32 Installer: Automatically upgrade existing installation.
+General: refactor game-specific hacks to be parameterised by .game file
+Patch: Overlays, Bend Mode, Thicken.
+Brush: Add brush-specific plugin API.
+Entity: Draw light style numbers.
+... Entity: Show models with model2 key.
+Entity: Interpret _remap* key (_MindLink_).
+Entity: Support _origin _angles _scale on groups.
+Selection: Add Primitive-mode shortcut key/button.
+Selection: Customisable manipulator size - +/- to change the size of the translate/rotate tool.
+Selection: Add optional screen-relative control for constrained rotations.
+Clipper: Change selection/manipulation to be consistent with other component editing.
+Filtering: Either deselect filtered nodes, or render filtered nodes that are selected.
+Filtering: Add customisable filter presets to set/unset multiple filters at once.
+Texdef: Make texdef formats abstract, add conversion between texdef formats (use generic affine-texture-matrix format for conversions).
+Textures Window: Precise display of texture size when selecting. (tooltip, possibly)
+Status: 'Size of brush' display on status bar.
+Colours: maya scheme default?
+Quake: add support for adjusting gamma on quake palette?
Texdef_FitTexture( m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), normal, winding, s_repeat, t_repeat );
+void fitW( const Vector3& normal, const Winding& winding, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ Texdef_FitTextureW( m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), normal, winding, s_repeat, t_repeat );
+void fitH( const Vector3& normal, const Winding& winding, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ Texdef_FitTextureH( m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), normal, winding, s_repeat, t_repeat );
void emitTextureCoordinates( Winding& winding, const Vector3& normal, const Matrix4& localToWorld ){
Texdef_EmitTextureCoordinates( m_projection, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), winding, normal, localToWorld );
+void FitTextureW( float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ undoSave();
+ m_texdef.fitW( m_plane.plane3().normal(), m_winding, s_repeat, t_repeat );
+ texdefChanged();
+void FitTextureH( float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ undoSave();
+ m_texdef.fitH( m_plane.plane3().normal(), m_winding, s_repeat, t_repeat );
+ texdefChanged();
void EmitTextureCoordinates(){
Texdef_EmitTextureCoordinates( m_texdefTransformed, m_shader.width(), m_shader.height(), m_winding, plane3().normal(), g_matrix4_identity );
Texdef_normalise( projection, (float)width, (float)height );
+void Texdef_FitTextureW( TextureProjection& projection, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const Vector3& normal, const Winding& w, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ if ( w.numpoints < 3 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Matrix4 st2tex;
+ Texdef_toTransform( projection, (float)width, (float)height, st2tex );
+ // the current texture transform
+ Matrix4 local2tex = st2tex;
+ {
+ Matrix4 xyz2st;
+ Texdef_basisForNormal( projection, normal, xyz2st );
+ matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( local2tex, xyz2st );
+ }
+ // the bounds of the current texture transform
+ AABB bounds;
+ for ( Winding::const_iterator i = w.begin(); i != w.end(); ++i )
+ {
+ Vector3 texcoord = matrix4_transformed_point( local2tex, ( *i ).vertex );
+ aabb_extend_by_point_safe( bounds, texcoord );
+ }
+ bounds.origin.z() = 0;
+ bounds.extents.z() = 1;
+ // the bounds of a perfectly fitted texture transform
+ AABB perfect( Vector3( s_repeat * 0.5, s_repeat * 0.5 * bounds.extents.y() / bounds.extents.x(), 0 ), Vector3( s_repeat * 0.5, s_repeat * 0.5 * bounds.extents.y() / bounds.extents.x(), 1 ) );
+ // the difference between the current texture transform and the perfectly fitted transform
+ Matrix4 matrix( matrix4_translation_for_vec3( bounds.origin - perfect.origin ) );
+ matrix4_pivoted_scale_by_vec3( matrix, bounds.extents / perfect.extents, perfect.origin );
+ matrix4_affine_invert( matrix );
+ // apply the difference to the current texture transform
+ matrix4_premultiply_by_matrix4( st2tex, matrix );
+ Texdef_fromTransform( projection, (float)width, (float)height, st2tex );
+ Texdef_normalise( projection, (float)width, (float)height );
+void Texdef_FitTextureH( TextureProjection& projection, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const Vector3& normal, const Winding& w, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ if ( w.numpoints < 3 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Matrix4 st2tex;
+ Texdef_toTransform( projection, (float)width, (float)height, st2tex );
+ // the current texture transform
+ Matrix4 local2tex = st2tex;
+ {
+ Matrix4 xyz2st;
+ Texdef_basisForNormal( projection, normal, xyz2st );
+ matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( local2tex, xyz2st );
+ }
+ // the bounds of the current texture transform
+ AABB bounds;
+ for ( Winding::const_iterator i = w.begin(); i != w.end(); ++i )
+ {
+ Vector3 texcoord = matrix4_transformed_point( local2tex, ( *i ).vertex );
+ aabb_extend_by_point_safe( bounds, texcoord );
+ }
+ bounds.origin.z() = 0;
+ bounds.extents.z() = 1;
+ // the bounds of a perfectly fitted texture transform
+ AABB perfect( Vector3( t_repeat * 0.5 * bounds.extents.x() / bounds.extents.y(), t_repeat * 0.5, 0 ), Vector3( t_repeat * 0.5 * bounds.extents.x() / bounds.extents.y(), t_repeat * 0.5, 1 ) );
+ // the difference between the current texture transform and the perfectly fitted transform
+ Matrix4 matrix( matrix4_translation_for_vec3( bounds.origin - perfect.origin ) );
+ matrix4_pivoted_scale_by_vec3( matrix, bounds.extents / perfect.extents, perfect.origin );
+ matrix4_affine_invert( matrix );
+ // apply the difference to the current texture transform
+ matrix4_premultiply_by_matrix4( st2tex, matrix );
+ Texdef_fromTransform( projection, (float)width, (float)height, st2tex );
+ Texdef_normalise( projection, (float)width, (float)height );
float Texdef_getDefaultTextureScale(){
return g_texdef_default_scale;
void Texdef_Scale( TextureProjection& projection, float s, float t );
void Texdef_Rotate( TextureProjection& projection, float angle );
void Texdef_FitTexture( TextureProjection& projection, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const Vector3& normal, const Winding& w, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
+void Texdef_FitTextureW( TextureProjection& projection, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const Vector3& normal, const Winding& w, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
+void Texdef_FitTextureH( TextureProjection& projection, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const Vector3& normal, const Winding& w, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
void Texdef_EmitTextureCoordinates( const TextureProjection& projection, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, Winding& w, const Vector3& normal, const Matrix4& localToWorld );
void ShiftScaleRotate_fromFace( texdef_t& shiftScaleRotate, const TextureProjection& projection );
+class FaceFitTextureW
+float m_s_repeat, m_t_repeat;
+FaceFitTextureW( float s_repeat, float t_repeat ) : m_s_repeat( s_repeat ), m_t_repeat( t_repeat ){
+void operator()( Face& face ) const {
+ face.FitTextureW( m_s_repeat, m_t_repeat );
+class FaceFitTextureH
+float m_s_repeat, m_t_repeat;
+FaceFitTextureH( float s_repeat, float t_repeat ) : m_s_repeat( s_repeat ), m_t_repeat( t_repeat ){
+void operator()( Face& face ) const {
+ face.FitTextureH( m_s_repeat, m_t_repeat );
void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( graph, FaceFitTexture( s_repeat, t_repeat ) );
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_SelectedW( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( graph, FaceFitTextureW( s_repeat, t_repeat ) );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_SelectedW( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace( graph, FaceFitTextureW( s_repeat, t_repeat ) );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_SelectedH( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( graph, FaceFitTextureH( s_repeat, t_repeat ) );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_SelectedH( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat ){
+ Scene_ForEachSelectedBrushFace( graph, FaceFitTextureH( s_repeat, t_repeat ) );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
TextureProjection g_defaultTextureProjection;
const TextureProjection& TextureTransform_getDefault(){
TexDef_Construct_Default( g_defaultTextureProjection );
GlobalCommands_insert( "SplitSelected", FreeCaller<SplitSelected>(), Accelerator( GDK_Return, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "FlipClip", FreeCaller<FlipClipper>(), Accelerator( GDK_Return, (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "MakeDetail", FreeCaller<Select_MakeDetail>(), Accelerator( 'M', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "MakeDetail", FreeCaller<Select_MakeDetail>(), Accelerator( 'D', (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "MakeStructural", FreeCaller<Select_MakeStructural>(), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
void Scene_BrushSelectByShader_Component( scene::Graph& graph, const char* name );
void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_Selected( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_SelectedW( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_SelectedW( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_SelectedH( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
+void Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_SelectedH( scene::Graph& graph, float s_repeat, float t_repeat );
typedef struct _GtkMenu GtkMenu;
void Brush_constructMenu( GtkMenu* menu );
ReferenceCaller<camera_t, Camera_PitchUp_KeyUp>( camwnd.getCamera() )
- GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveForward", Accelerator( GDK_Up ),
+ GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveForward", Accelerator( 'W' ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveForwardKeyDownCaller( camwnd.getCamera() ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveForwardKeyUpCaller( camwnd.getCamera() )
- GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveBack", Accelerator( GDK_Down ),
+ GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveBack", Accelerator( 'S' ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveBackKeyDownCaller( camwnd.getCamera() ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveBackKeyUpCaller( camwnd.getCamera() )
- GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveLeft", Accelerator( GDK_Left ),
+ GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveLeft", Accelerator( 'A' ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveLeftKeyDownCaller( camwnd.getCamera() ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveLeftKeyUpCaller( camwnd.getCamera() )
- GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveRight", Accelerator( GDK_Right ),
+ GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveRight", Accelerator( 'D' ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveRightKeyDownCaller( camwnd.getCamera() ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveRightKeyUpCaller( camwnd.getCamera() )
- GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveUp", Accelerator( 'D' ),
+ GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveUp", Accelerator( GDK_period ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveUpKeyDownCaller( camwnd.getCamera() ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveUpKeyUpCaller( camwnd.getCamera() )
- GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveDown", Accelerator( 'C' ),
+ GlobalKeyEvents_insert( "CameraFreeMoveDown", Accelerator( GDK_comma ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveDownKeyDownCaller( camwnd.getCamera() ),
FreeMoveCameraMoveDownKeyUpCaller( camwnd.getCamera() )
GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraStrafeRight", Accelerator( GDK_period ) );
GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraStrafeLeft", Accelerator( GDK_comma ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraUp", Accelerator( 'D' ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraDown", Accelerator( 'C' ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraAngleUp", Accelerator( 'A' ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraAngleDown", Accelerator( 'Z' ) );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraUp", accelerator_null() );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraDown", accelerator_null() );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraAngleUp", accelerator_null() );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraAngleDown", accelerator_null() );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveForward", Accelerator( GDK_Up ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveBack", Accelerator( GDK_Down ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveLeft", Accelerator( GDK_Left ) );
- GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveRight", Accelerator( GDK_Right ) );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveForward", Accelerator( 'W' ) );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveBack", Accelerator( 'S' ) );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveLeft", Accelerator( 'A' ) );
+ GlobalShortcuts_insert( "CameraFreeMoveRight", Accelerator( 'D' ) );
GlobalToggles_insert( "ShowStats", ShowStatsToggleCaller(), ToggleItem::AddCallbackCaller( g_show_stats ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "PasteToCamera", FreeCaller<PasteToCamera>(), Accelerator( 'V', (GdkModifierType)GDK_MOD1_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Clone>(), Accelerator( GDK_space ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "CloneSelectionAndMakeUnique", FreeCaller<Selection_Clone_MakeUnique>(), Accelerator( GDK_space, (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", FreeCaller<deleteSelection>(), Accelerator( GDK_BackSpace ) );
+// GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", FreeCaller<deleteSelection>(), Accelerator( GDK_BackSpace ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "DeleteSelection", FreeCaller<deleteSelection>(), Accelerator( 'Z' ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ParentSelection", FreeCaller<Scene_parentSelected>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Deselect>(), Accelerator( GDK_Escape ) );
+// GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Deselect>(), Accelerator( GDK_Escape ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "UnSelectSelection", FreeCaller<Selection_Deselect>(), Accelerator( 'C' ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "InvertSelection", FreeCaller<Select_Invert>(), Accelerator( 'I' ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectInside", FreeCaller<Select_Inside>() );
GlobalCommands_insert( "SelectTouching", FreeCaller<Select_Touching>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ExpandSelectionToEntities", FreeCaller<Scene_ExpandSelectionToEntities>(), Accelerator( 'E', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_MOD1_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ExpandSelectionToEntities", FreeCaller<Scene_ExpandSelectionToEntities>(), Accelerator( 'E', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "Preferences", FreeCaller<PreferencesDialog_showDialog>(), Accelerator( 'P' ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "ToggleConsole", FreeCaller<Console_ToggleShow>(), Accelerator( 'O' ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "MirrorSelectionZ", FreeCaller<Selection_Flipz>() );
GlobalCommands_insert( "RotateSelectionZ", FreeCaller<Selection_Rotatez>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryRotation", FreeCaller<DoRotateDlg>() );
- GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryScale", FreeCaller<DoScaleDlg>() );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryRotation", FreeCaller<DoRotateDlg>(), Accelerator( 'R', (GdkModifierType)GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) );
+ GlobalCommands_insert( "ArbitraryScale", FreeCaller<DoScaleDlg>(), Accelerator( 'S', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ) );
GlobalCommands_insert( "BuildMenuCustomize", FreeCaller<DoBuildMenu>() );
+void Select_FitTextureW( float horizontal, float vertical ){
+ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() != SelectionSystem::eComponent ) {
+ Scene_BrushFitTexture_SelectedW( GlobalSceneGraph(), horizontal, vertical );
+ }
+ Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_SelectedW( GlobalSceneGraph(), horizontal, vertical );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
+void Select_FitTextureH( float horizontal, float vertical ){
+ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().Mode() != SelectionSystem::eComponent ) {
+ Scene_BrushFitTexture_SelectedH( GlobalSceneGraph(), horizontal, vertical );
+ }
+ Scene_BrushFitTexture_Component_SelectedH( GlobalSceneGraph(), horizontal, vertical );
+ SceneChangeNotify();
inline void hide_node( scene::Node& node, bool hide ){
? node.enable( scene::Node::eHidden )
void Select_ScaleTexture( float x, float y );
void Select_ShiftTexture( float x, float y );
void Select_FitTexture( float horizontal = 1, float vertical = 1 );
+void Select_FitTextureW( float horizontal = 1, float vertical = 1 );
+void Select_FitTextureH( float horizontal = 1, float vertical = 1 );
void FindReplaceTextures( const char* pFind, const char* pReplace, bool bSelected );
void HideSelected();
Select_FitTexture( getSurfaceInspector().m_fitHorizontal, getSurfaceInspector().m_fitVertical );
+void SurfaceInspector_FitTextureW(){
+ UndoableCommand undo( "textureAutoFitW" );
+ Select_FitTextureW( getSurfaceInspector().m_fitHorizontal, getSurfaceInspector().m_fitVertical );
+void SurfaceInspector_FitTextureH(){
+ UndoableCommand undo( "textureAutoFitH" );
+ Select_FitTextureH( getSurfaceInspector().m_fitHorizontal, getSurfaceInspector().m_fitVertical );
static void OnBtnPatchdetails( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data ){
Scene_PatchCapTexture_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph() );
+static void OnBtnFaceFitW( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data ){
+ getSurfaceInspector().exportData();
+ SurfaceInspector_FitTextureW();
+static void OnBtnFaceFitH( GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data ){
+ getSurfaceInspector().exportData();
+ SurfaceInspector_FitTextureH();
typedef const char* FlagName;
const FlagName surfaceflagNamesDefault[32] = {
(GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
- GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new( "Width" );
- gtk_widget_show( label );
- gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), label, 2, 3, 0, 1,
- (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_FILL ),
+ GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new_with_label( "Width" );
+ gtk_widget_show( button );
+ gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), button, 2, 3, 0, 1,
+ (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ),
(GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
+ g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK( OnBtnFaceFitW ), 0 );
+ gtk_widget_set_usize( button, 60, -2 );
- GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new( "Height" );
- gtk_widget_show( label );
- gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), label, 3, 4, 0, 1,
- (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_FILL ),
+ GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new_with_label( "Height" );
+ gtk_widget_show( button );
+ gtk_table_attach( GTK_TABLE( table ), button, 3, 4, 0, 1,
+ (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ),
(GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 );
+ g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked",
+ G_CALLBACK( OnBtnFaceFitH ), 0 );
+ gtk_widget_set_usize( button, 60, -2 );
GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new_with_label( "Axial" );
Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Cloned entity %s referenced entity without model\n", value2 );
- models = atoi( &value2[ 1 ] );
+ models = atoi( &value3[ 1 ] );
/* add the model key */
sprintf( modelValue, "*%d", models );
else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-bsp" ) ) {
Sys_Printf( "-bsp argument unnecessary\n" );
+ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-noob" ) ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "No oBs!\n" );
+ noob = qtrue;
+ }
Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unknown option \"%s\"\n", argv[ i ] );
void SwapBSPFile( void ){
int i, j;
+ shaderInfo_t *si;
/* models */
SwapBlock( (int*) bspModels, numBSPModels * sizeof( bspModels[ 0 ] ) );
/* shaders (don't swap the name) */
for ( i = 0; i < numBSPShaders ; i++ )
+ si = ShaderInfoForShader( bspShaders[ i ].shader );
+ if ( si->remapShader && si->remapShader[ 0 ] ) {
+ strcpy( bspShaders[ i ].shader, si->remapShader );
+ }
bspShaders[ i ].contentFlags = LittleLong( bspShaders[ i ].contentFlags );
bspShaders[ i ].surfaceFlags = LittleLong( bspShaders[ i ].surfaceFlags );
char *sentinel = newCommandLine + sizeof( newCommandLine ) - 1;
int i;
+if (nocmdline)
+ return;
previousCommandLine = ValueForKey( &entities[0], "_q3map2_cmdline" );
if ( previousCommandLine && *previousCommandLine ) {
inpos = previousCommandLine;
#define Q_SURF_ALPHASHADOW 0x10000 /* do per-pixel light shadow casting in q3map */
#define Q_SURF_NODLIGHT 0x20000 /* don't dlight even if solid (solid lava, skies) */
#define Q_SURF_DUST 0x40000 /* leave a dust trail when walking on this surface */
+#define Q_SURF_NOOB 0x80000 /* no overbounces on this surface */
/* ydnar flags */
{ "nosteps", 0, 0, Q_SURF_NOSTEPS, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "nodlight", 0, 0, Q_SURF_NODLIGHT, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "dust", 0, 0, Q_SURF_DUST, 0, 0, 0 },
+ { "noob", 0, 0, Q_SURF_NOOB, 0, 0, 0 },
+ { "ob", 0, 0, 0, 0, C_OB, 0 },
/* null */
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-vertexscale" ) ) {
+ f = atof( argv[ i + 1 ] );
+ vertexglobalscale *= f;
+ Sys_Printf( "Vertexlight scaled by %f to %f\n", f, vertexglobalscale );
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-nolm" ) ) {
+ nolm = qtrue;
+ Sys_Printf( "No lightmaps yo\n" );
+ }
else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-bouncescale" ) ) {
f = atof( argv[ i + 1 ] );
bounceScale *= f;
Sys_Printf( "Lightmaps sample scale set to %d\n", sampleScale );
else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-novertex" ) ) {
- noVertexLighting = qtrue;
- Sys_Printf( "Disabling vertex lighting\n" );
+ noVertexLighting = 1;
+ if ( ( atof( argv[ i + 1 ] ) != 0 ) && ( atof( argv[ i + 1 ] )) < 1 ) {
+ noVertexLighting = ( atof( argv[ i + 1 ] ) );
+ i++;
+ Sys_Printf( "Setting vertex lighting globally to %d\n", noVertexLighting );
+ }
+ else{
+ Sys_Printf( "Disabling vertex lighting\n" );
+ }
else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-nogrid" ) ) {
noGridLighting = qtrue;
lightAngleHL = ( atoi( argv[ i + 1 ] ) != 0 );
if ( lightAngleHL ) {
Sys_Printf( "Enabling half lambert light angle attenuation\n" );
+ i++;
Sys_Printf( "Disabling half lambert light angle attenuation\n" );
+ i++;
/* allocate sampling flags storage */
- if ( ( lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples ) && luxelFilterRadius == 0 ) {
+ if ( lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples ) {
size = lm->sw * lm->sh * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE * sizeof( unsigned char );
if ( lm->superFlags == NULL ) {
lm->superFlags = safe_malloc( size );
/* check for evilness */
- if ( trace.forceSubsampling > 1.0f && ( lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples ) && luxelFilterRadius == 0 ) {
+ if ( trace.forceSubsampling > 1.0f && ( lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples ) ) {
*flag |= FLAG_FORCE_SUBSAMPLING; /* force */
/* secondary pass, adaptive supersampling (fixme: use a contrast function to determine if subsampling is necessary) */
/* 2003-09-27: changed it so filtering disamples supersampling, as it would waste time */
- if ( ( lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples ) && luxelFilterRadius == 0 ) {
+ if ( lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples ) {
/* walk luxels */
for ( y = 0; y < ( lm->sh - 1 ); y++ )
radVertLuxel[ 2 ] = ( verts[ i ].normal[ 2 ] + 1.0f ) * 127.5f;
+ else if ( info->si->noVertexLight ) {
+ VectorSet( radVertLuxel, 127.5f, 127.5f, 127.5f );
+ }
+ else if ( noVertexLighting > 0 ) {
+ VectorSet( radVertLuxel, 127.5f * noVertexLighting, 127.5f * noVertexLighting, 127.5f * noVertexLighting );
+ }
/* illuminate the vertex */
VectorCopy( debugColors[ num % 12 ], radVertLuxel );
+ else if ( info->si->noVertexLight ) {
+ VectorSet( radVertLuxel, 127.5f, 127.5f, 127.5f );
+ }
+ else if ( noVertexLighting > 0 ) {
+ VectorSet( radVertLuxel, 127.5f * noVertexLighting, 127.5f * noVertexLighting, 127.5f * noVertexLighting );
+ }
/* divine color from the superluxels */
/* determine if surface requires a lightmap */
if ( ds->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP ||
ds->surfaceType == MST_FOLIAGE ||
- ( info->si->compileFlags & C_VERTEXLIT ) ) {
+ ( info->si->compileFlags & C_VERTEXLIT ) ||
+ nolm == qtrue ) {
GetVectorForKey( &entities[ i ], "origin", vec );
if ( ( vec[ 0 ] || vec[ 1 ] || vec[ 2 ] ) ) {
if ( !strncmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "info_player_", 12 ) ) {
- vec[2] += spawn_ref;
+// vec[2] += spawn_ref;
vec[0] *= scale[0];
vec[1] *= scale[1];
vec[2] *= scale[2];
if ( !strncmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "info_player_", 12 ) ) {
- vec[2] -= spawn_ref;
+ vec[2] += spawn_ref;
sprintf( str, "%f %f %f", vec[ 0 ], vec[ 1 ], vec[ 2 ] );
SetKeyValue( &entities[ i ], "origin", str );
+ ShiftBSPMain()
+ shifts a map: works correctly only with axial faces, placed in positive half of axis
+ for testing physics with huge coordinates
+ */
+int ShiftBSPMain( int argc, char **argv ){
+ int i, j;
+ float f, a;
+ vec3_t scale;
+ vec3_t vec;
+ char str[ 1024 ];
+ int uniform, axis;
+ qboolean texscale;
+ float *old_xyzst = NULL;
+ float spawn_ref = 0;
+ /* arg checking */
+ if ( argc < 3 ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "Usage: q3map [-v] -shift [-tex] [-spawn_ref <value>] <value> <mapname>\n" );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ texscale = qfalse;
+ for ( i = 1; i < argc - 2; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-tex" ) ) {
+ texscale = qtrue;
+ }
+ else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-spawn_ref" ) ) {
+ spawn_ref = atof( argv[i + 1] );
+ ++i;
+ }
+ else{
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* get scale */
+ // if(argc-2 >= i) // always true
+ scale[2] = scale[1] = scale[0] = atof( argv[ argc - 2 ] );
+ if ( argc - 3 >= i ) {
+ scale[1] = scale[0] = atof( argv[ argc - 3 ] );
+ }
+ if ( argc - 4 >= i ) {
+ scale[0] = atof( argv[ argc - 4 ] );
+ }
+ uniform = ( ( scale[0] == scale[1] ) && ( scale[1] == scale[2] ) );
+ /* do some path mangling */
+ strcpy( source, ExpandArg( argv[ argc - 1 ] ) );
+ StripExtension( source );
+ DefaultExtension( source, ".bsp" );
+ /* load the bsp */
+ Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", source );
+ LoadBSPFile( source );
+ ParseEntities();
+ /* note it */
+ Sys_Printf( "--- ShiftBSP ---\n" );
+ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d entities\n", numEntities );
+ /* scale entity keys */
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPEntities && i < numEntities; i++ )
+ {
+ /* scale origin */
+ GetVectorForKey( &entities[ i ], "origin", vec );
+ if ( ( vec[ 0 ] || vec[ 1 ] || vec[ 2 ] ) ) {
+ if ( !strncmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "info_player_", 12 ) ) {
+ vec[2] += spawn_ref;
+ }
+ vec[0] += scale[0];
+ vec[1] += scale[1];
+ vec[2] += scale[2];
+ if ( !strncmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "info_player_", 12 ) ) {
+ vec[2] -= spawn_ref;
+ }
+ sprintf( str, "%f %f %f", vec[ 0 ], vec[ 1 ], vec[ 2 ] );
+ SetKeyValue( &entities[ i ], "origin", str );
+ }
+ }
+ /* scale models */
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPModels; i++ )
+ {
+ bspModels[ i ].mins[0] += scale[0];
+ bspModels[ i ].mins[1] += scale[1];
+ bspModels[ i ].mins[2] += scale[2];
+ bspModels[ i ].maxs[0] += scale[0];
+ bspModels[ i ].maxs[1] += scale[1];
+ bspModels[ i ].maxs[2] += scale[2];
+ }
+ /* scale nodes */
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPNodes; i++ )
+ {
+ bspNodes[ i ].mins[0] += scale[0];
+ bspNodes[ i ].mins[1] += scale[1];
+ bspNodes[ i ].mins[2] += scale[2];
+ bspNodes[ i ].maxs[0] += scale[0];
+ bspNodes[ i ].maxs[1] += scale[1];
+ bspNodes[ i ].maxs[2] += scale[2];
+ }
+ /* scale leafs */
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPLeafs; i++ )
+ {
+ bspLeafs[ i ].mins[0] += scale[0];
+ bspLeafs[ i ].mins[1] += scale[1];
+ bspLeafs[ i ].mins[2] += scale[2];
+ bspLeafs[ i ].maxs[0] += scale[0];
+ bspLeafs[ i ].maxs[1] += scale[1];
+ bspLeafs[ i ].maxs[2] += scale[2];
+ }
+ if ( texscale ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "Using texture unlocking (and probably breaking texture alignment a lot)\n" );
+ old_xyzst = safe_malloc( sizeof( *old_xyzst ) * numBSPDrawVerts * 5 );
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++ )
+ {
+ old_xyzst[5 * i + 0] = bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[0];
+ old_xyzst[5 * i + 1] = bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[1];
+ old_xyzst[5 * i + 2] = bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[2];
+ old_xyzst[5 * i + 3] = bspDrawVerts[i].st[0];
+ old_xyzst[5 * i + 4] = bspDrawVerts[i].st[1];
+ }
+ }
+ /* scale drawverts */
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++ )
+ {
+ bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[0] += scale[0];
+ bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[1] += scale[1];
+ bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[2] += scale[2];
+// bspDrawVerts[i].normal[0] /= scale[0];
+// bspDrawVerts[i].normal[1] /= scale[1];
+// bspDrawVerts[i].normal[2] /= scale[2];
+// VectorNormalize( bspDrawVerts[i].normal, bspDrawVerts[i].normal );
+ }
+ if ( texscale ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++ )
+ {
+ switch ( bspDrawSurfaces[i].surfaceType )
+ {
+ if ( bspDrawSurfaces[i].numIndexes % 3 ) {
+ Error( "Not a triangulation!" );
+ }
+ for ( j = bspDrawSurfaces[i].firstIndex; j < bspDrawSurfaces[i].firstIndex + bspDrawSurfaces[i].numIndexes; j += 3 )
+ {
+ int ia = bspDrawIndexes[j] + bspDrawSurfaces[i].firstVert, ib = bspDrawIndexes[j + 1] + bspDrawSurfaces[i].firstVert, ic = bspDrawIndexes[j + 2] + bspDrawSurfaces[i].firstVert;
+ bspDrawVert_t *a = &bspDrawVerts[ia], *b = &bspDrawVerts[ib], *c = &bspDrawVerts[ic];
+ float *oa = &old_xyzst[ia * 5], *ob = &old_xyzst[ib * 5], *oc = &old_xyzst[ic * 5];
+ // extrapolate:
+ // a->xyz -> oa
+ // b->xyz -> ob
+ // c->xyz -> oc
+ ExtrapolateTexcoords(
+ &oa[0], &oa[3],
+ &ob[0], &ob[3],
+ &oc[0], &oc[3],
+ a->xyz, a->st,
+ b->xyz, b->st,
+ c->xyz, c->st );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* scale planes */
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPPlanes; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( bspPlanes[ i ].dist > 0 ){
+ if ( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[0] ){
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist += scale[0];
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[1] ){
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist += scale[1];
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[2] ){
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist += scale[2];
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if ( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[0] ){
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist -= scale[0];
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[1] ){
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist -= scale[1];
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[2] ){
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist -= scale[2];
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* if ( uniform ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPPlanes; i++ )
+ {
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist += scale[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPPlanes; i++ )
+ {
+// bspPlanes[ i ].normal[0] /= scale[0];
+// bspPlanes[ i ].normal[1] /= scale[1];
+// bspPlanes[ i ].normal[2] /= scale[2];
+ f = 1 / VectorLength( bspPlanes[i].normal );
+ VectorScale( bspPlanes[i].normal, f, bspPlanes[i].normal );
+ bspPlanes[ i ].dist *= f;
+ }
+ }*/
+ /* scale gridsize */
+ /*
+ GetVectorForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "gridsize", vec );
+ if ( ( vec[ 0 ] + vec[ 1 ] + vec[ 2 ] ) == 0.0f ) {
+ VectorCopy( gridSize, vec );
+ }
+ vec[0] *= scale[0];
+ vec[1] *= scale[1];
+ vec[2] *= scale[2];
+ sprintf( str, "%f %f %f", vec[ 0 ], vec[ 1 ], vec[ 2 ] );
+ SetKeyValue( &entities[ 0 ], "gridsize", str );
+ /* inject command line parameters */
+ InjectCommandLine( argv, 0, argc - 1 );
+ /* write the bsp */
+ UnparseEntities();
+ StripExtension( source );
+ DefaultExtension( source, "_sh.bsp" );
+ Sys_Printf( "Writing %s\n", source );
+ WriteBSPFile( source );
+ /* return to sender */
+ return 0;
a stripped down ProcessModels
numthreads = atoi( argv[ i ] );
argv[ i ] = NULL;
+ else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-nocmdline" ) )
+ {
+ Sys_Printf( "noCmdLine\n" );
+ nocmdline = qtrue;
+ argv[ i ] = NULL;
+ }
/* init model library */
r = ScaleBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
+ /* bsp shifting */
+ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-shift" ) ) {
+ r = ShiftBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
+ }
/* ydnar: bsp conversion */
else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-convert" ) ) {
r = ConvertBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 );
else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_sn" ) ) ) {
shadeAngle = FloatForKey( mapEnt, "_sn" );
+ else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_sa" ) ) ) {
+ shadeAngle = FloatForKey( mapEnt, "_sa" );
+ }
else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_smooth" ) ) ) {
shadeAngle = FloatForKey( mapEnt, "_smooth" );
else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_samplesize" ) ) ) {
lightmapSampleSize = IntForKey( mapEnt, "_samplesize" );
+ else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_ss" ) ) ) {
+ lightmapSampleSize = IntForKey( mapEnt, "_ss" );
+ }
if ( lightmapSampleSize < 0 ) {
lightmapSampleSize = 0;
if ( ( si != NULL && si->forceMeta ) || ( spawnFlags & 4 ) ) { /* 3rd bit */
+/* else
+ {
+ //fix not requested lightmapping of models :E
+ // else force vertexlit
+ // ApplySurfaceParm( "pointlight", &si->contentFlags, &si->surfaceFlags, &si->compileFlags );
+ // si->compileFlags |= C_VERTEXLIT;
+ //ds->type == SURFACE_TRIANGLES;
+ }
/* fix the surface's normals (jal: conditioned by shader info) */
if ( !( spawnFlags & 64 ) && ( shadeAngle == 0.0f || ds->type != SURFACE_FORCED_META ) ) {
PicoFixSurfaceNormals( surface );
else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e2, "_samplesize" ) ) ) {
lightmapSampleSize = IntForKey( e2, "_samplesize" );
+ else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e2, "_ss" ) ) ) {
+ lightmapSampleSize = IntForKey( e2, "_ss" );
+ }
if ( lightmapSampleSize < 0 ) {
lightmapSampleSize = 0;
else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e2, "_sn" ) ) ) {
shadeAngle = FloatForKey( e2, "_sn" );
+ else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e2, "_sa" ) ) ) {
+ shadeAngle = FloatForKey( e2, "_sa" );
+ }
else if ( strcmp( "", ValueForKey( e2, "_smooth" ) ) ) {
shadeAngle = FloatForKey( e2, "_smooth" );
#define C_ANTIPORTAL 0x00004000 /* like hint, but doesn't generate portals */
#define C_SKIP 0x00008000 /* like hint, but skips this face (doesn't split bsp) */
#define C_NOMARKS 0x00010000 /* no decals */
+#define C_OB 0x00020000 /* skip -noob for this */
#define C_DETAIL 0x08000000 /* THIS MUST BE THE SAME AS IN RADIANT! */
/* ok to increase these at the expense of more memory */
#define MAX_MAP_AREAS 0x100 /* MAX_MAP_AREA_BYTES in q_shared must match! */
-#define MAX_MAP_FOGS 30 //& 0x100 /* RBSP (32 - world fog - goggles) */
+#define MAX_MAP_FOGS 0x100 //& 0x100 /* RBSP (32 - world fog - goggles) */
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_PORTALS 0x20000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTING 0x800000
-#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS 0x20000
+#define MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS 0x20000
char *Q_strncat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t slen );
int BSPInfo( int count, char **fileNames );
int ScaleBSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
+int ShiftBSPMain( int argc, char **argv );
int ConvertMain( int argc, char **argv );
/* commandline arguments */
+Q_EXTERN qboolean nocmdline Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean verbose;
Q_EXTERN qboolean verboseEntities Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean force Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN int metaAdequateScore Q_ASSIGN( -1 );
Q_EXTERN int metaGoodScore Q_ASSIGN( -1 );
Q_EXTERN float metaMaxBBoxDistance Q_ASSIGN( -1 );
+Q_EXTERN qboolean noob Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
// Increasing the normalEpsilon to compensate for new logic in SnapNormal(), where
Q_EXTERN char globalCelShader[ MAX_QPATH ];
Q_EXTERN float farPlaneDist; /* rr2do2, rf, mre, ydnar all contributed to this one... */
+Q_EXTERN int farPlaneDistMode;
Q_EXTERN int numportals;
Q_EXTERN int portalclusters;
-Q_EXTERN qboolean noVertexLighting Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
+Q_EXTERN float noVertexLighting Q_ASSIGN( 0.0f );
+Q_EXTERN qboolean nolm Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noGridLighting Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN qboolean noTrace Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
Q_EXTERN float areaScale Q_ASSIGN( 0.25f );
Q_EXTERN float skyScale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
Q_EXTERN float bounceScale Q_ASSIGN( 0.25f );
+Q_EXTERN float vertexglobalscale Q_ASSIGN( 1.0f );
/* jal: alternative angle attenuation curve */
Q_EXTERN qboolean lightAngleHL Q_ASSIGN( qfalse );
si->patchShadows = qfalse;
si->vertexShadows = qtrue; /* ydnar: changed default behavior */
si->forceSunlight = qfalse;
- si->vertexScale = 1.0;
+ si->vertexScale = vertexglobalscale;
si->notjunc = qfalse;
/* ydnar: set texture coordinate transform matrix to identity */
+ if (noob && !(si->compileFlags & C_OB)){
+ ApplySurfaceParm( "noob", &si->contentFlags, &si->surfaceFlags, &si->compileFlags );
+ }
/* set to finished */
si->finished = qtrue;
/* q3map_vertexScale (scale vertex lighting by this fraction) */
else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_vertexScale" ) ) {
GetTokenAppend( shaderText, qfalse );
- si->vertexScale = atof( token );
+ si->vertexScale *= atof( token );
/* q3map_noVertexLight */
- else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_noVertexLight" ) ) {
+ else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_noVertexLight" ) ) {
si->noVertexLight = qtrue;
----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* vertex lit surfaces don't need this information */
- if ( si->compileFlags & C_VERTEXLIT || ds->type == SURFACE_TRIANGLES ) {
+ if ( si->compileFlags & C_VERTEXLIT || ds->type == SURFACE_TRIANGLES || nolm == qtrue ) {
VectorClear( ds->lightmapAxis );
//% VectorClear( ds->lightmapVecs[ 2 ] );
ds->sampleSize = 0;
/* ydnar: remap shader */
- if ( ds->shaderInfo->remapShader && ds->shaderInfo->remapShader[ 0 ] ) {
+/* if ( ds->shaderInfo->remapShader && ds->shaderInfo->remapShader[ 0 ] ) {
ds->shaderInfo = ShaderInfoForShader( ds->shaderInfo->remapShader );
/* ydnar: gs mods: handle the various types of surfaces */
switch ( ds->type )
if ( value[ 0 ] != '\0' ) {
farPlaneDist = atof( value );
- if ( farPlaneDist > 0.0f ) {
+ farPlaneDistMode = value[strlen(value) - 1 ];
+ if ( farPlaneDist != 0.0f ) {
Sys_Printf( "farplane distance = %.1f\n", farPlaneDist );
- else{
- farPlaneDist = 0.0f;
+ if ( farPlaneDist != 0.0f && farPlaneDistMode == 'o' ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "farplane Origin2Origin mode on\n" );
+ if ( farPlaneDist != 0.0f && farPlaneDistMode == 'r' ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "farplane Radius+Radius mode on\n" );
+ }
+ if ( farPlaneDist != 0.0f && farPlaneDistMode == 'e' ) {
+ Sys_Printf( "farplane Exact distance mode on\n" );
+ }
Sys_Printf( "\n--- BasePortalVis (%d) ---\n", numportals * 2 );
RunThreadsOnIndividual( numportals * 2, qtrue, BasePortalVis );
+ if( !p->sky && !tp->sky && farPlaneDist != 0.0f && farPlaneDistMode == 'o' )
+ {
+ VectorSubtract( p->origin, tp->origin, dir );
+ if( VectorLength( dir ) > farPlaneDist )
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !p->sky && !tp->sky && farPlaneDist != 0.0f && farPlaneDistMode == 'e' )
+ {
+ VectorSubtract( p->origin, tp->origin, dir );
+ if( VectorLength( dir ) + p->radius + tp->radius > 2.0f * farPlaneDist )
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !p->sky && !tp->sky && farPlaneDist != 0.0f && farPlaneDistMode == 'r' )
+ {
+ if( p->radius + tp->radius > farPlaneDist )
+ continue;
+ }
/* ydnar: this is known-to-be-working farplane code */
- if ( !p->sky && !tp->sky && farPlaneDist > 0.0f ) {
+ if ( !p->sky && !tp->sky && farPlaneDist != 0.0f ) {
VectorSubtract( p->origin, tp->origin, dir );
if ( VectorLength( dir ) - p->radius - tp->radius > farPlaneDist ) {