"ctf","vorix","11","6","5",,"g_grappling_hook 1","[Special] Capture the Flag: Vorix","Grappling Hook: Press 'e' (default key) or Mouse1 to use it. Shoot it at walls and it will pull you quickly."
"rc","leave_em_behind","0","0","2400",,,"Race: Leave'em behind","It's a race, so run as fast as you can! You can try to boost yourself with the Blaster (weapon 1) if you shoot at the wall or under your feet. Also hold your Jump key to gain speed ('Bunnyhopping').\nTo proceed you need to get a time under 24 seconds."
"dm","drain","6","6","15",,"g_instagib 1","[Special] Deathmatch: Drain","InstaGib! Everyone has got one weapon - the Vaporizer.\nYour opponent will be dead if you hit him with it (unless he picked up a powerup like 'Extra Life')."
-"ft","warfare","5","6","5",,,"Freeze Tag: Warfare","If you get fragged you will be freezed. You revive teammates by standing close to them for a few seconds. A round is over if an entire team is freezed."
+"ft","warfare","5","6","5",,,"Freeze Tag: Warfare","If you get fragged you will be frozen. You revive teammates by standing close to them for a few seconds. A round is over if an entire team is frozen."
"lms","glowplant","6","6","9",,,"Last Man Standing: Glow Plant","You will have 9 lives in this gamemode and the goal is not to run out of lives before the others do!\n= The last man standing"
"tdm","afterslime","5","7","20",,"sv_gravity 200"," [Special] Team Deathmatch: Afterslime","Another TDM match.\nThough, we lowered the gravity a little bit."
"nexball","nexballarena","5","7","5",,,"Nexball: Nexball Arena","This is similar to football now. You move the ball if you hit it, so try to push it into the enemies goal. First team who can score 5 goals wins!"
"ctf","dance","7","10","3",,"g_instagib 1; g_grappling_hook 1","[Special] Capture the Flag: Dance","InstaGib in CTF this time. Also you will experience here how to play with the off-hand Grappling Hook (Press 'e' or Mouse1 to use it)!"
"dm","fuse","1","10","10",,,"[Special] Duel: Fuse","This time you will face only 1 bot - a so-called 'Duel'. Duel is very popular in the Multiplayer modus."
"dm","glowplant","5","11","20",,,"[FINAL] Deathmatch: Glow Plant","In this final match you have to beat 4 'Godlike' bots and you need to get 20 frags to win and complete the campaign! After this you should be ready for fights versus real people."
-"dm","stormkeep","9","11",15",,"g_weaponarena devastator","[Bonus] Deathmatch: Stormkeep","SURPRISE!\nWelcome to the ROCKET HELL!\nOnly the Devastator will be available here - don't blow up yourself! Have fun!"
\ No newline at end of file
+"dm","stormkeep","9","11",15",,"g_weaponarena devastator","[Bonus] Deathmatch: Stormkeep","SURPRISE!\nWelcome to the ROCKET HELL!\nOnly the Devastator will be available here - don't blow up yourself! Have fun!"