+++ /dev/null
-// {{{ weapon replacement
-// NOTE: this only replaces weapons on the map
-// use g_start_weapon_* to also replace the on-startup weapons!
-// example: g_weaponreplace_nex "nex minstanex", then Nexes become MinstaNexes 50% of the times
-// set the cvars to "0" to totally disable a weapon
-set g_weaponreplace_laser ""
-set g_weaponreplace_shotgun "uzi"
-set g_weaponreplace_uzi "shotgun"
-set g_weaponreplace_grenadelauncher ""
-set g_weaponreplace_electro ""
-set g_weaponreplace_crylink ""
-set g_weaponreplace_nex ""
-set g_weaponreplace_hagar ""
-set g_weaponreplace_rocketlauncher ""
-set g_weaponreplace_porto ""
-set g_weaponreplace_minstanex ""
-set g_weaponreplace_hook 0
-set g_weaponreplace_hlac 0
-set g_weaponreplace_campingrifle 0
-set g_weaponreplace_tuba ""
-set g_weaponreplace_fireball 0
-set sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap 0
-// }}}
-// {{{ starting gear
-set g_start_weapon_laser -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_shotgun -2 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_uzi 1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_grenadelauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_electro -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_crylink -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_nex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_hagar -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_rocketlauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_minstanex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_porto -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_hook -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_hlac 0 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_campingrifle 0 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_tuba -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_start_weapon_fireball -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
-set g_balance_health_start 125
-set g_balance_armor_start 0
-set g_start_ammo_shells 0
-set g_start_ammo_nails 100
-set g_start_ammo_rockets 0
-set g_start_ammo_cells 0
-set g_start_ammo_fuel 0
-set g_warmup_start_health 200 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_warmup_start_armor 100 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_warmup_start_ammo_shells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_warmup_start_ammo_nails 150 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_warmup_start_ammo_cells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_warmup_start_ammo_fuel 0 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
-set g_lms_start_health 200
-set g_lms_start_armor 100
-set g_lms_start_ammo_shells 30
-set g_lms_start_ammo_nails 210
-set g_lms_start_ammo_rockets 150
-set g_lms_start_ammo_cells 150
-set g_lms_start_ammo_fuel 0
-set g_balance_nix_roundtime 25
-set g_balance_nix_incrtime 1.6
-set g_balance_nix_ammo_shells 15
-set g_balance_nix_ammo_nails 45
-set g_balance_nix_ammo_rockets 15
-set g_balance_nix_ammo_cells 15
-set g_balance_nix_ammo_fuel 0
-set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_shells 2
-set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_nails 6
-set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_rockets 2
-set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_cells 2
-set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_fuel 2
-// }}}
-// {{{ pickup items
-set g_pickup_shells 10
-set g_pickup_shells_max 30
-set g_pickup_nails 30
-set g_pickup_nails_max 210
-set g_pickup_rockets 20
-set g_pickup_rockets_max 150
-set g_pickup_cells 50
-set g_pickup_cells_max 150
-set g_pickup_fuel 25
-set g_pickup_fuel_jetpack 50
-set g_pickup_fuel_max 999
-set g_pickup_armorsmall 5
-set g_pickup_armorsmall_max 200
-set g_pickup_armormedium 25
-set g_pickup_armormedium_max 200
-set g_pickup_armorbig 50
-set g_pickup_armorbig_max 200
-set g_pickup_armorlarge 100
-set g_pickup_armorlarge_max 200
-set g_pickup_healthsmall 5
-set g_pickup_healthsmall_max 200
-set g_pickup_healthmedium 25
-set g_pickup_healthmedium_max 100
-set g_pickup_healthlarge 50
-set g_pickup_healthlarge_max 100
-set g_pickup_healthmega 100
-set g_pickup_healthmega_max 200
-set g_pickup_respawntime_short 30
-set g_pickup_respawntime_medium 30
-set g_pickup_respawntime_long 30
-set g_pickup_respawntime_powerup 90
-set g_pickup_respawntime_weapon 5
-set g_pickup_respawntime_ammo 30
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short 0
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium 0
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long 0
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup 15
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon 0
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo 0
-// }}}
-// {{{ regen/rot
-set g_balance_health_regen 0
-set g_balance_health_regenlinear 0
-set g_balance_pause_health_regen 0
-set g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn 0
-set g_balance_health_rot 0
-set g_balance_health_rotlinear 1
-set g_balance_pause_health_rot 1
-set g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn 0
-set g_balance_health_regenstable 100
-set g_balance_health_rotstable 100
-set g_balance_health_limit 999
-set g_balance_armor_regen 0
-set g_balance_armor_regenlinear 0
-set g_balance_armor_rot 0
-set g_balance_armor_rotlinear 1
-set g_balance_pause_armor_rot 1
-set g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn 0
-set g_balance_armor_regenstable 100
-set g_balance_armor_rotstable 100
-set g_balance_armor_limit 999
-set g_balance_armor_blockpercent 0.66
-set g_balance_fuel_regen 0.1 "fuel regeneration (only applies if the player owns IT_FUEL_REGEN)"
-set g_balance_fuel_regenlinear 0
-set g_balance_pause_fuel_regen 2 // other than this, fuel uses the health regen counter
-set g_balance_fuel_rot 0.05
-set g_balance_fuel_rotlinear 0
-set g_balance_pause_fuel_rot 5
-set g_balance_pause_fuel_rot_spawn 10
-set g_balance_fuel_regenstable 50
-set g_balance_fuel_rotstable 100
-set g_balance_fuel_limit 999
-// }}}
-// {{{ misc
-set g_balance_selfdamagepercent 0.75
-set g_balance_weaponswitchdelay 0.1
-set g_weaponspeedfactor 1 "weapon projectile speed multiplier"
-set g_weaponratefactor 1 "weapon fire rate multiplier"
-set g_weapondamagefactor 1 "weapon damage multiplier"
-set g_weaponforcefactor 1 "weapon force multiplier"
-set g_weaponspreadfactor 1 "weapon spread multiplier"
-set g_balance_firetransfer_time 0.9
-set g_balance_firetransfer_damage 0.8
-set g_throughfloor_damage 0.5
-set g_throughfloor_force 0.7
-set g_projectiles_newton_style 0
-// possible values:
-// 0: absolute velocity projectiles (like Quake)
-// 1: relative velocity projectiles, "Newtonian" (like Tribes 2)
-// 2: relative velocity projectiles, but aim is precorrected so projectiles hit the crosshair (note: strafe rockets then are SLOWER than ones shot while standing, happens in 1 too when aiming correctly which is hard)
-// 3: absolute velocity + player velocity component in shot direction (note: does NOT yield the right relative velocity, but may be good enough, but it is somewhat prone to sniper rockets)
-// 4: just add the player velocity length to the absolute velocity (tZork's sniper rockets)
-set g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor 0.7
-set g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor 5
-set g_projectiles_spread_style 4
-// possible values:
-// 0: forward + solid sphere (like Quake) - varies velocity
-// 1: forward + flattened solid sphere
-// 2: forward + solid circle
-// 3: forward + normal distribution 3D - varies velocity
-// 4: forward + normal distribution on a plane
-// 5: forward + circle with 1-r falloff
-// 6: forward + circle with 1-r^2 falloff
-// 7: forward + circle with (1-r)(2-r) falloff
-set g_balance_falldamage_deadminspeed 150
-set g_balance_falldamage_minspeed 675
-set g_balance_falldamage_factor 0.25
-set g_balance_falldamage_maxdamage 10
-// }}}
-// {{{ powerups
-set g_balance_powerup_invincible_takedamage 0.25
-set g_balance_powerup_invincible_time 30
-set g_balance_powerup_strength_damage 4
-set g_balance_powerup_strength_force 4
-set g_balance_powerup_strength_time 30
-set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage 2
-set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce 2
-// }}}
-// {{{ jetpack/hook
-set g_jetpack_antigravity 0.8 "factor of gravity compensation of the jetpack"
-set g_jetpack_acceleration_side 1200 "acceleration of the jetpack in xy direction"
-set g_jetpack_acceleration_up 600 "acceleration of the jetpack in z direction (note: you have to factor in gravity here, if antigravity is not 1)"
-set g_jetpack_maxspeed_side 1200 "max speed of the jetpack in xy direction"
-set g_jetpack_maxspeed_up 600 "max speed of the jetpack in z direction"
-set g_jetpack_fuel 8 "fuel per second for jetpack"
-set g_jetpack_attenuation 2 "jetpack sound attenuation"
-set g_grappling_hook_tarzan 2 // 2: can also pull players
-set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 1800
-set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull 2000
-set g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber 2000
-set g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber_overstretch 1000
-set g_balance_grapplehook_length_min 50
-set g_balance_grapplehook_stretch 50
-set g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction 0.2
-set g_balance_grapplehook_health 130
-// }}}
-// {{{ weapon properties
-// {{{ laser
-set g_balance_laser_primary_damage 22
-set g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_laser_primary_force 200
-set g_balance_laser_primary_radius 52
-set g_balance_laser_primary_speed 0
-set g_balance_laser_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_laser_primary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_laser_primary_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_laser_primary_lifetime 0
-set g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle 0
-set g_balance_laser_primary_delay 0
-set g_balance_laser_gauntlet 1
-set g_balance_laser_secondary 0 // when 1, a secondary laser mode exists
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_damage 30
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_force 100
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_radius 3
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_speed 1500
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_spread 0
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_refire 0
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_animtime 0.15
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_lifetime 0.066
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_shotangle 0
-set g_balance_laser_secondary_delay 0
-// }}}
-// {{{ shotgun
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 36
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 3
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_force 10
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.18
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire 1
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_animtime 0.7
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_speed 12000
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bulletconstant 75 // 3.8qu
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary 0
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_bullets 22
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_damage 2
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 12
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_spread 0.25
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_ammo 0.5
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_speed 12000
-set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_bulletconstant 75 // 3.8qu
-// }}}
-// {{{ uzi
-set g_balance_uzi_first 0
-set g_balance_uzi_first_damage 10
-set g_balance_uzi_first_force 50
-set g_balance_uzi_first_spread 0.007
-set g_balance_uzi_first_refire 0.15
-set g_balance_uzi_first_ammo 1
-set g_balance_uzi_sustained_damage 7
-set g_balance_uzi_sustained_force 30
-set g_balance_uzi_sustained_spread 0.02
-set g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_uzi_sustained_ammo 1
-set g_balance_uzi_speed 18000
-set g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant 115 // 13.1qu
-// }}}
-// {{{ mortar
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary2secondary 1
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage 60
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_force 250
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius 100
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed 2000
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed_up 200
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_refire 0.7
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_ammo 2
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damage 65
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_force 300
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_radius 200
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed 800
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed_up 0
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed_z 200
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_spread 0
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_lifetime 2
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_refire 0.8
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_animtime 0.5
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_ammo 2
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_health 0
-set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damageforcescale 0
-// }}}
-// {{{ electro
-set g_balance_electro_lightning 1
-set g_balance_electro_primary_damage 6
-set g_balance_electro_primary_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_electro_primary_force 60 // todo: probaby needs movement nerfing code when hit?
-set g_balance_electro_primary_radius 850
-set g_balance_electro_primary_comboradius 0
-set g_balance_electro_primary_speed 0
-set g_balance_electro_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_electro_primary_lifetime 0
-set g_balance_electro_primary_refire 0.066
-set g_balance_electro_primary_animtime 0.066
-set g_balance_electro_primary_ammo 0.66
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_damage 45
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_spread 0.10
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_force 100
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_radius 150
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed 900
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_up 200
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_spread 0.05
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_lifetime 2.5
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_refire2 2
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_ammo 2
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_health 5
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_electro_secondary_count 3
-set g_balance_electro_combo_damage 50
-set g_balance_electro_combo_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_electro_combo_force 100
-set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 250
-set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 0
-set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 2000
-// }}}
-// {{{ crylink
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 18
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage 18
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_force 40
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_radius 110
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_speed 1800
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_spread 0.01
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_shots 4
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_bounces 0
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_refire 0.4
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_ammo 2
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_lifetime 5 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_fadetime 5
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_star_lifetime 0.1 // range: 700 full, fades to 2450
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_star_fadetime 0.25
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_lifetime 0.1 // range: 700 full, fades to 2450
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_fadetime 0.25
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary 0
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage 8
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage 8
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_force -40
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius 10
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed 4000
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_spread 0.01
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_shots 3
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bounces 0
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_lifetime 5 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime 2 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime 2
-// }}}
-// {{{ nex
-set g_balance_nex_damage 100
-set g_balance_nex_force 200
-set g_balance_nex_refire 1.25
-set g_balance_nex_animtime 0.8
-set g_balance_nex_ammo 5
-set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_mindist 1000
-set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_maxdist 3000
-set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_halflife 1500
-set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 1500
-// }}}
-// {{{ minstanex
-set g_balance_minstanex_refire 1
-set g_balance_minstanex_animtime 1
-set g_balance_minstanex_ammo 10
-// }}}
-// {{{ hagar
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 12
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_edgedamage 5
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_force 70
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_radius 50
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_speed 1800
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_ammo 1
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary 0
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_damage 11
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_edgedamage 4
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_force 60
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_spread 0.05
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_speed 1800
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_min 5
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 1
-// }}}
-// {{{ rocketlauncher
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage 90
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_edgedamage 30
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_force 350
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius 110
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed 1000
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_speedaccel 0
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_speedstart 1000
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_lifetime 10
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_refire 0.9
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_animtime 0.7
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_ammo 3
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_health 0
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damageforcescale 0
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_detonatedelay 9999 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guiderate 0 // max degrees per second
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guideratedelay 0.01 // immediate
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidegoal 512 // goal distance for (non-laser) guiding (higher = less control, lower = erratic)
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidedelay 0.15 // delay before guiding kicks in
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidestop 1 // stop guiding when firing again
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_speed 1000 //650
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_speedaccel 0
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_speedstart 1000
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_turnrate 0.75 //0.5
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_allow_steal 1
-// }}}
-// {{{ porto
-set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1.5
-set g_balance_porto_primary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_porto_primary_speed 5000
-set g_balance_porto_primary_lifetime 30
-set g_balance_portal_health 200 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
-set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
-// }}}
-// {{{ hook
-set g_balance_hook_primary_fuel 2 // hook monkeys set 0
-set g_balance_hook_primary_refire 0 // hook monkeys set 0
-set g_balance_hook_primary_animtime 0.3 // good shoot anim
-set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_max 0 // infinite
-set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_free 2 // 2s being hooked are free
-set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_fuel 3 // fuel per second hooked
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_damage 25 // not much
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_edgedamage 5 // not much
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_radius 500 // LOTS
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_force -2000 // LOTS
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_ammo 50 // a whole pack
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_lifetime 10 // infinite
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_speed 0 // not much throwing
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_gravity 5 // fast falling
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_refire 3 // don't drop too many bombs...
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_animtime 0.3 // good shoot anim
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_power 3 // effect behaves like a square function
-set g_balance_hook_secondary_duration 1.5 // effect runs for three seconds
-// }}}
-// {{{ hlac
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.03
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.002
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 6
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 60 // todo: probably needs movement nerfing code when hit
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 850
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 0
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 0
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.066
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.066
-set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 0.066
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary 0
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.06
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 11
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 60
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 20000
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 0.6
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.6
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 5
-// }}}
-// {{{ campingrifle
-set g_balance_campingrifle_magazinecapacity 0
-set g_balance_campingrifle_reloadtime 2 // matches reload anim
-set g_balance_campingrifle_auto_reload_after_changing_weapons 0
-set g_balance_campingrifle_bursttime 0.85 // 0.35 - 0.1 + 0.35 - 0.1 + 0.35 = three secondaries
-set g_balance_campingrifle_tracer 1
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_damage 50
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 80
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_force 0
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_speed 35000
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_refire 0.7
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_animtime 0.7
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_ammo 10
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_bulletconstant 130 // 56.3qu
-set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_burstcost 0.35 // require same cooldown as secondary, note it's smaller than primary refire time
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_damage 15
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 25
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_spread 0.02
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_force 0
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_speed 20000
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_lifetime 5
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_refire 0.1
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_animtime 0.1
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_ammo 4
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 130 // 18.3qu
-set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_burstcost 0.35
-// }}}
-// {{{ tuba
-set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
-set g_balance_tuba_animtime 0.05
-set g_balance_tuba_attenuation 0.5
-set g_balance_tuba_volume 1
-set g_balance_tuba_fadetime 0.25
-set g_balance_tuba_damage 5
-set g_balance_tuba_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_tuba_radius 200
-set g_balance_tuba_force 40
-// }}}
-// {{{ fireball
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_ammo 5
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_damage 40
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_damagetime 5
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_force 100
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserburntime 0.5
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserdamage 30
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_laseredgedamage 20
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserradius 110
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_lifetime 7
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_refire 2
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed 900
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_spread 0
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed_up 100
-set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_ammo 25
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_animtime 0.15
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_bfgdamage 100
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_bfgforce 500
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_bfgradius 750
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damage 150
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damageforcescale 4
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_edgedamage 0
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_force 700
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_health 50
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserburntime 0.5
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserdamage 30
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laseredgedamage 20
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserradius 256
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_radius 200
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_refire 0
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_refire2 4
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed 650
-set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
-// }}}
--- /dev/null
+// {{{ weapon replacement
+// NOTE: this only replaces weapons on the map
+// use g_start_weapon_* to also replace the on-startup weapons!
+// example: g_weaponreplace_nex "nex minstanex", then Nexes become MinstaNexes 50% of the times
+// set the cvars to "0" to totally disable a weapon
+set g_weaponreplace_laser ""
+set g_weaponreplace_shotgun "uzi"
+set g_weaponreplace_uzi "shotgun"
+set g_weaponreplace_grenadelauncher ""
+set g_weaponreplace_electro ""
+set g_weaponreplace_crylink ""
+set g_weaponreplace_nex ""
+set g_weaponreplace_hagar ""
+set g_weaponreplace_rocketlauncher ""
+set g_weaponreplace_porto ""
+set g_weaponreplace_minstanex ""
+set g_weaponreplace_hook 0
+set g_weaponreplace_hlac 0
+set g_weaponreplace_campingrifle 0
+set g_weaponreplace_tuba ""
+set g_weaponreplace_fireball 0
+set sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap 0
+// }}}
+// {{{ starting gear
+set g_start_weapon_laser -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_shotgun -2 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_uzi 1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_grenadelauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_electro -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_crylink -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_nex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_hagar -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_rocketlauncher -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_minstanex -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_porto -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_hook -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_hlac 0 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_campingrifle 0 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_tuba -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_start_weapon_fireball -1 "0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms"
+set g_balance_health_start 125
+set g_balance_armor_start 0
+set g_start_ammo_shells 0
+set g_start_ammo_nails 100
+set g_start_ammo_rockets 0
+set g_start_ammo_cells 0
+set g_start_ammo_fuel 0
+set g_warmup_start_health 200 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_armor 100 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_ammo_shells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_ammo_nails 150 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_ammo_cells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_ammo_fuel 0 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_lms_start_health 200
+set g_lms_start_armor 100
+set g_lms_start_ammo_shells 30
+set g_lms_start_ammo_nails 210
+set g_lms_start_ammo_rockets 150
+set g_lms_start_ammo_cells 150
+set g_lms_start_ammo_fuel 0
+set g_balance_nix_roundtime 25
+set g_balance_nix_incrtime 1.6
+set g_balance_nix_ammo_shells 15
+set g_balance_nix_ammo_nails 45
+set g_balance_nix_ammo_rockets 15
+set g_balance_nix_ammo_cells 15
+set g_balance_nix_ammo_fuel 0
+set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_shells 2
+set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_nails 6
+set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_rockets 2
+set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_cells 2
+set g_balance_nix_ammoincr_fuel 2
+// }}}
+// {{{ pickup items
+set g_pickup_shells 10
+set g_pickup_shells_max 30
+set g_pickup_nails 30
+set g_pickup_nails_max 210
+set g_pickup_rockets 20
+set g_pickup_rockets_max 150
+set g_pickup_cells 50
+set g_pickup_cells_max 150
+set g_pickup_fuel 25
+set g_pickup_fuel_jetpack 50
+set g_pickup_fuel_max 999
+set g_pickup_armorsmall 5
+set g_pickup_armorsmall_max 200
+set g_pickup_armormedium 25
+set g_pickup_armormedium_max 200
+set g_pickup_armorbig 50
+set g_pickup_armorbig_max 200
+set g_pickup_armorlarge 100
+set g_pickup_armorlarge_max 200
+set g_pickup_healthsmall 5
+set g_pickup_healthsmall_max 200
+set g_pickup_healthmedium 25
+set g_pickup_healthmedium_max 100
+set g_pickup_healthlarge 50
+set g_pickup_healthlarge_max 100
+set g_pickup_healthmega 100
+set g_pickup_healthmega_max 200
+set g_pickup_respawntime_short 30
+set g_pickup_respawntime_medium 30
+set g_pickup_respawntime_long 30
+set g_pickup_respawntime_powerup 90
+set g_pickup_respawntime_weapon 5
+set g_pickup_respawntime_ammo 30
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short 0
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium 0
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long 0
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup 15
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon 0
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo 0
+// }}}
+// {{{ regen/rot
+set g_balance_health_regen 0
+set g_balance_health_regenlinear 0
+set g_balance_pause_health_regen 0
+set g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn 0
+set g_balance_health_rot 0
+set g_balance_health_rotlinear 1
+set g_balance_pause_health_rot 1
+set g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn 0
+set g_balance_health_regenstable 100
+set g_balance_health_rotstable 100
+set g_balance_health_limit 999
+set g_balance_armor_regen 0
+set g_balance_armor_regenlinear 0
+set g_balance_armor_rot 0
+set g_balance_armor_rotlinear 1
+set g_balance_pause_armor_rot 1
+set g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn 0
+set g_balance_armor_regenstable 100
+set g_balance_armor_rotstable 100
+set g_balance_armor_limit 999
+set g_balance_armor_blockpercent 0.66
+set g_balance_fuel_regen 0.1 "fuel regeneration (only applies if the player owns IT_FUEL_REGEN)"
+set g_balance_fuel_regenlinear 0
+set g_balance_pause_fuel_regen 2 // other than this, fuel uses the health regen counter
+set g_balance_fuel_rot 0.05
+set g_balance_fuel_rotlinear 0
+set g_balance_pause_fuel_rot 5
+set g_balance_pause_fuel_rot_spawn 10
+set g_balance_fuel_regenstable 50
+set g_balance_fuel_rotstable 100
+set g_balance_fuel_limit 999
+// }}}
+// {{{ misc
+set g_balance_selfdamagepercent 0.75
+set g_balance_weaponswitchdelay 0.1
+set g_weaponspeedfactor 1 "weapon projectile speed multiplier"
+set g_weaponratefactor 1 "weapon fire rate multiplier"
+set g_weapondamagefactor 1 "weapon damage multiplier"
+set g_weaponforcefactor 1 "weapon force multiplier"
+set g_weaponspreadfactor 1 "weapon spread multiplier"
+set g_balance_firetransfer_time 0.9
+set g_balance_firetransfer_damage 0.8
+set g_throughfloor_damage 0.5
+set g_throughfloor_force 0.7
+set g_projectiles_newton_style 0
+// possible values:
+// 0: absolute velocity projectiles (like Quake)
+// 1: relative velocity projectiles, "Newtonian" (like Tribes 2)
+// 2: relative velocity projectiles, but aim is precorrected so projectiles hit the crosshair (note: strafe rockets then are SLOWER than ones shot while standing, happens in 1 too when aiming correctly which is hard)
+// 3: absolute velocity + player velocity component in shot direction (note: does NOT yield the right relative velocity, but may be good enough, but it is somewhat prone to sniper rockets)
+// 4: just add the player velocity length to the absolute velocity (tZork's sniper rockets)
+set g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor 0.7
+set g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor 5
+set g_projectiles_spread_style 4
+// possible values:
+// 0: forward + solid sphere (like Quake) - varies velocity
+// 1: forward + flattened solid sphere
+// 2: forward + solid circle
+// 3: forward + normal distribution 3D - varies velocity
+// 4: forward + normal distribution on a plane
+// 5: forward + circle with 1-r falloff
+// 6: forward + circle with 1-r^2 falloff
+// 7: forward + circle with (1-r)(2-r) falloff
+set g_balance_falldamage_deadminspeed 150
+set g_balance_falldamage_minspeed 675
+set g_balance_falldamage_factor 0.25
+set g_balance_falldamage_maxdamage 10
+// }}}
+// {{{ powerups
+set g_balance_powerup_invincible_takedamage 0.25
+set g_balance_powerup_invincible_time 30
+set g_balance_powerup_strength_damage 4
+set g_balance_powerup_strength_force 4
+set g_balance_powerup_strength_time 30
+set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage 2
+set g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce 2
+// }}}
+// {{{ jetpack/hook
+set g_jetpack_antigravity 0.8 "factor of gravity compensation of the jetpack"
+set g_jetpack_acceleration_side 1200 "acceleration of the jetpack in xy direction"
+set g_jetpack_acceleration_up 600 "acceleration of the jetpack in z direction (note: you have to factor in gravity here, if antigravity is not 1)"
+set g_jetpack_maxspeed_side 1200 "max speed of the jetpack in xy direction"
+set g_jetpack_maxspeed_up 600 "max speed of the jetpack in z direction"
+set g_jetpack_fuel 8 "fuel per second for jetpack"
+set g_jetpack_attenuation 2 "jetpack sound attenuation"
+set g_grappling_hook_tarzan 2 // 2: can also pull players
+set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly 1800
+set g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull 2000
+set g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber 2000
+set g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber_overstretch 1000
+set g_balance_grapplehook_length_min 50
+set g_balance_grapplehook_stretch 50
+set g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction 0.2
+set g_balance_grapplehook_health 130
+// }}}
+// {{{ weapon properties
+// {{{ laser
+set g_balance_laser_primary_damage 22
+set g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_laser_primary_force 200
+set g_balance_laser_primary_radius 52
+set g_balance_laser_primary_speed 0
+set g_balance_laser_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_laser_primary_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_laser_primary_animtime 0.1
+set g_balance_laser_primary_lifetime 0
+set g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle 0
+set g_balance_laser_primary_delay 0
+set g_balance_laser_gauntlet 1
+set g_balance_laser_secondary 0 // when 1, a secondary laser mode exists
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_damage 30
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_force 100
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_radius 3
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_speed 1500
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_spread 0
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_refire 0
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_animtime 0.15
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_lifetime 0.066
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_shotangle 0
+set g_balance_laser_secondary_delay 0
+// }}}
+// {{{ shotgun
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 36
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 3
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_force 10
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.18
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire 1
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_animtime 0.7
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_speed 12000
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bulletconstant 75 // 3.8qu
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary 0
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_bullets 22
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_damage 2
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force 12
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_spread 0.25
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire 1.5
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime 0.2
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_ammo 0.5
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_speed 12000
+set g_balance_shotgun_secondary_bulletconstant 75 // 3.8qu
+// }}}
+// {{{ uzi
+set g_balance_uzi_first 0
+set g_balance_uzi_first_damage 10
+set g_balance_uzi_first_force 50
+set g_balance_uzi_first_spread 0.007
+set g_balance_uzi_first_refire 0.15
+set g_balance_uzi_first_ammo 1
+set g_balance_uzi_sustained_damage 7
+set g_balance_uzi_sustained_force 30
+set g_balance_uzi_sustained_spread 0.02
+set g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_uzi_sustained_ammo 1
+set g_balance_uzi_speed 18000
+set g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant 115 // 13.1qu
+// }}}
+// {{{ mortar
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary2secondary 1
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage 60
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_edgedamage 10
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_force 250
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius 100
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed 2000
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed_up 200
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed_z 0
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_refire 0.7
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_animtime 0.3
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_ammo 2
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damage 65
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_edgedamage 10
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_force 300
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_radius 200
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed 800
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed_up 0
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed_z 200
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_spread 0
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_lifetime 2
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_refire 0.8
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_animtime 0.5
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_ammo 2
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_health 0
+set g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damageforcescale 0
+// }}}
+// {{{ electro
+set g_balance_electro_lightning 1
+set g_balance_electro_primary_damage 6
+set g_balance_electro_primary_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_electro_primary_force 60 // todo: probaby needs movement nerfing code when hit?
+set g_balance_electro_primary_radius 850
+set g_balance_electro_primary_comboradius 0
+set g_balance_electro_primary_speed 0
+set g_balance_electro_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_electro_primary_lifetime 0
+set g_balance_electro_primary_refire 0.066
+set g_balance_electro_primary_animtime 0.066
+set g_balance_electro_primary_ammo 0.66
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_damage 45
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_spread 0.10
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_edgedamage 10
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_force 100
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_radius 150
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed 900
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_up 200
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_z 0
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_spread 0.05
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_lifetime 2.5
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_refire2 2
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_animtime 0.2
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_ammo 2
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_health 5
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_damageforcescale 4
+set g_balance_electro_secondary_count 3
+set g_balance_electro_combo_damage 50
+set g_balance_electro_combo_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_electro_combo_force 100
+set g_balance_electro_combo_radius 250
+set g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius 0
+set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 2000
+// }}}
+// {{{ crylink
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 18
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage 18
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_force 50
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_radius 100
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_speed 1100
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_spread 0.01
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_shots 4
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_bounces 0
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_refire 0.4
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_animtime 0.4
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_ammo 2
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_lifetime 5 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_fadetime 5
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_star_lifetime 3 // range: 700 full, fades to 2450
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_star_fadetime 5
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_lifetime 3 // range: 700 full, fades to 2450
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_fadetime 5
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary 0
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage 8
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage 8
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_force -40
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius 10
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed 4000
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_spread 0.01
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_shots 3
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bounces 0
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_animtime 0.1
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_lifetime 5 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime 2 // range: 35000 full, fades to 70000
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime 2
+// }}}
+// {{{ nex
+set g_balance_nex_damage 100
+set g_balance_nex_force 200
+set g_balance_nex_refire 1.25
+set g_balance_nex_animtime 0.8
+set g_balance_nex_ammo 5
+set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_mindist 1000
+set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_maxdist 3000
+set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_halflife 1500
+set g_balance_nex_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 1500
+// }}}
+// {{{ minstanex
+set g_balance_minstanex_refire 1
+set g_balance_minstanex_animtime 1
+set g_balance_minstanex_ammo 10
+// }}}
+// {{{ hagar
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_damage 12
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_edgedamage 5
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_force 70
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_radius 50
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_speed 1800
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_ammo 1
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary 0
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_damage 11
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_edgedamage 4
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_force 60
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_radius 70
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_spread 0.05
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_speed 1800
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_min 5
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand 0
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo 1
+// }}}
+// {{{ rocketlauncher
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage 90
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_edgedamage 30
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_force 350
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius 110
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed 1000
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_speedaccel 0
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_speedstart 1000
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_lifetime 10
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_refire 0.9
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_animtime 0.7
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_ammo 3
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_health 0
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damageforcescale 0
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_detonatedelay 9999 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guiderate 0 // max degrees per second
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guideratedelay 0.01 // immediate
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidegoal 512 // goal distance for (non-laser) guiding (higher = less control, lower = erratic)
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidedelay 0.15 // delay before guiding kicks in
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidestop 1 // stop guiding when firing again
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_speed 1000 //650
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_speedaccel 0
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_speedstart 1000
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_turnrate 0.75 //0.5
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_laserguided_allow_steal 1
+// }}}
+// {{{ porto
+set g_balance_porto_primary_refire 1.5
+set g_balance_porto_primary_animtime 0.3
+set g_balance_porto_primary_speed 5000
+set g_balance_porto_primary_lifetime 30
+set g_balance_portal_health 200 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
+set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
+// }}}
+// {{{ hook
+set g_balance_hook_primary_fuel 2 // hook monkeys set 0
+set g_balance_hook_primary_refire 0 // hook monkeys set 0
+set g_balance_hook_primary_animtime 0.3 // good shoot anim
+set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_max 0 // infinite
+set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_free 2 // 2s being hooked are free
+set g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_fuel 3 // fuel per second hooked
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_damage 25 // not much
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_edgedamage 5 // not much
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_radius 500 // LOTS
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_force -2000 // LOTS
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_ammo 50 // a whole pack
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_lifetime 10 // infinite
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_speed 0 // not much throwing
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_gravity 5 // fast falling
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_refire 3 // don't drop too many bombs...
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_animtime 0.3 // good shoot anim
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_power 3 // effect behaves like a square function
+set g_balance_hook_secondary_duration 1.5 // effect runs for three seconds
+// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min 0.01
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max 0.03
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add 0.002
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_damage 6
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_force 60 // todo: probably needs movement nerfing code when hit
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_radius 850
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_speed 0
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime 0
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_refire 0.066
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime 0.066
+set g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo 0.066
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary 0
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread 0.06
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod 0.5
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage 11
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage 10
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_force 60
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius 70
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed 20000
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire 0.6
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime 0.6
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo 10
+set g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots 5
+// }}}
+// {{{ campingrifle
+set g_balance_campingrifle_magazinecapacity 0
+set g_balance_campingrifle_reloadtime 2 // matches reload anim
+set g_balance_campingrifle_auto_reload_after_changing_weapons 0
+set g_balance_campingrifle_bursttime 0.85 // 0.35 - 0.1 + 0.35 - 0.1 + 0.35 = three secondaries
+set g_balance_campingrifle_tracer 1
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_damage 50
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage 80
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_force 0
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_speed 35000
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_refire 0.7
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_animtime 0.7
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_ammo 10
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_bulletconstant 130 // 56.3qu
+set g_balance_campingrifle_primary_burstcost 0.35 // require same cooldown as secondary, note it's smaller than primary refire time
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_damage 15
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage 25
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_spread 0.02
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_force 0
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_speed 20000
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_lifetime 5
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_refire 0.1
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_animtime 0.1
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_ammo 4
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_bulletconstant 130 // 18.3qu
+set g_balance_campingrifle_secondary_burstcost 0.35
+// }}}
+// {{{ tuba
+set g_balance_tuba_refire 0.05
+set g_balance_tuba_animtime 0.05
+set g_balance_tuba_attenuation 0.5
+set g_balance_tuba_volume 1
+set g_balance_tuba_fadetime 0.25
+set g_balance_tuba_damage 5
+set g_balance_tuba_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_tuba_radius 200
+set g_balance_tuba_force 40
+// }}}
+// {{{ fireball
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_ammo 5
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_animtime 0.3
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_damage 40
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_damageforcescale 4
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_damagetime 5
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_force 100
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserburntime 0.5
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserdamage 30
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_laseredgedamage 20
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_laserradius 110
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_lifetime 7
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_refire 2
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed 900
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_spread 0
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed_up 100
+set g_balance_fireball_primary_speed_z 0
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_ammo 25
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_animtime 0.15
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_bfgdamage 100
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_bfgforce 500
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_bfgradius 750
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damage 150
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_damageforcescale 4
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_edgedamage 0
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_force 700
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_health 50
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserburntime 0.5
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserdamage 30
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laseredgedamage 20
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserradius 256
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_lifetime 15
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_radius 200
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_refire 0
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_refire2 4
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed 650
+set g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread 0
+// }}}