if (this.cnt < time)
W_Hagar_Explode(this, NULL);
- vector vu, vd, vf, vl, vr, ve; // Vector (direction)
- float fu, fd, ff, fl, fr, fe; // Fraction to solid
- vector olddir, wishdir, newdir; // Final direction
- float lt_for; // Length of Trace FORwrad
- float lt_seek; // Length of Trace SEEK (left, right, up down)
- float pt_seek; // Pitch of Trace SEEK (How mutch to angele left, right up, down trace towards v_forward)
+ vector wishdir, newdir;
- //this.nextthink = time + this.ticrate;
- this.nextthink = time + 0.25;
- this.nextthink = time;
+ // how often to home
+ // this.ticrate is unset aka 0 for now
+ // if this is set the amount of homing should be scaled to compensate
+ this.nextthink = time + this.ticrate;
if (IS_DEAD(this.enemy) || IS_SPEC(this.enemy) || IS_OBSERVER(this.enemy))
this.enemy = NULL;
// Pick the closest valid target missile can see.
- if (!this.enemy)
+ //if (!this.enemy)
+ if (true)
// in this case, the lighter check is to validate it first, and check distance if it is valid
IL_EACH(g_damagedbycontents, validate_target(this.owner, this, it),
- if(vdist((this.origin - it.origin), >, 1000))
+ if (vdist((this.origin - it.origin), >, 1000))
WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, it.origin, true, this.enemy);
if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_ent == it)
- if(!this.enemy)
- this.enemy = it;
- else if(vlen2(this.origin - it.origin) < vlen2(this.origin - this.enemy.origin))
+ if (!this.enemy)
this.enemy = it;
+ else {
+ vector n = normalize(this.velocity);
+ vector vi = it.origin - this.origin; // current iter
+ vector ve = this.enemy.origin - this.origin; // selected enemy
+ // calculate direction and distance from the
+ // flight path by removing the forward axis
+ vi = vi - (n * (vi * n));
+ ve = ve - (n * (ve * n));
+ print(sprintf("%s: %f, %s: %f\n", it.netname, vlen(vi), this.enemy.netname, vlen(ve)));
+ print(sprintf("vi: %v, ve: %v\n\n", vi, ve));
+ //if (vlen2(this.origin - it.origin) < vlen2(this.origin - this.enemy.origin))
+ if (vlen2(vi) < vlen2(ve))
+ this.enemy = it;
+ }
- this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity);
- this.angles_x = this.angles_x * -1;
- makevectors(this.angles);
- this.angles_x = this.angles_x * -1;
if (this.enemy)
// Get data on enemy position
vector pre_pos = this.enemy.origin + this.enemy.velocity * min((vlen(this.enemy.origin - this.origin) / vlen(this.velocity)), 0.5);
WarpZone_TraceLine(this.origin, pre_pos, true, this.enemy);
- ve = normalize(pre_pos - this.origin);
- fe = trace_fraction;
- }
- else
- {
- ve = '0 0 0';
- fe = 0;
- }
- if ((fe != 1) || (this.enemy == NULL) || vdist(this.origin - this.enemy.origin, >, 1000))
- {
- float myspeed = vlen(this.velocity);
- lt_for = myspeed * 3;
- lt_seek = myspeed * 2.95;
- // Trace forward
- traceline(this.origin, this.origin + v_forward * lt_for, false, this);
- vf = trace_endpos;
- ff = trace_fraction;
- // Setup trace pitch
- pt_seek = 1 - ff;
- pt_seek = bound(0.15, pt_seek, 0.8);
- if (ff < 0.5) pt_seek = 1;
- // Trace left
- traceline(this.origin, this.origin + (-1 * (v_right * pt_seek) + (v_forward * ff)) * lt_seek, false, this);
- vl = trace_endpos;
- fl = trace_fraction;
- // Trace right
- traceline(this.origin, this.origin + ((v_right * pt_seek) + (v_forward * ff)) * lt_seek, false, this);
- vr = trace_endpos;
- fr = trace_fraction;
- // Trace up
- traceline(this.origin, this.origin + ((v_up * pt_seek) + (v_forward * ff)) * lt_seek, false, this);
- vu = trace_endpos;
- fu = trace_fraction;
- // Trace down
- traceline(this.origin, this.origin + (-1 * (v_up * pt_seek) + (v_forward * ff)) * lt_seek, false, this);
- vd = trace_endpos;
- fd = trace_fraction;
- vl = normalize(vl - this.origin);
- vr = normalize(vr - this.origin);
- vu = normalize(vu - this.origin);
- vd = normalize(vd - this.origin);
- // Panic tresh passed, find a single direction and turn as hard as we can
- if (pt_seek == 1)
- {
- wishdir = v_right;
- if (fl > fr) wishdir = -1 * v_right;
- if (fu > fl) wishdir = v_up;
- if (fd > fu) wishdir = -1 * v_up;
- }
- else
- {
- // Normalize our trace vectors to make a smooth path
- wishdir = normalize( (vl * fl) + (vr * fr) + (vu * fu) + (vd * fd) );
- }
- if (this.enemy)
- {
- if (fe < 0.1) fe = 0.1; // Make sure we always try to move sligtly towards our target
- wishdir = (wishdir * (1 - fe)) + (ve * fe);
- }
+ wishdir = normalize(pre_pos - this.origin);
- wishdir = ve;
+ wishdir = '0 0 0';
+ // FIXME simplification
// Calculate new heading
- olddir = normalize(this.velocity);
+ vector olddir = normalize(this.velocity);
newdir = normalize(olddir + wishdir * WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, homing_speed_turnrate));
+ //newdir = this.velocity + wishdir * WEP_CVAR_PRI(hagar, homing_speed_turnrate);
+ print(sprintf("newdir %v, wishdir: %v\n", newdir, wishdir));
// Set heading & speed
this.velocity = newdir * vlen(this.velocity);
+ //this.velocity = normalize(newdir) * vlen(this.velocity);
// Align model with new heading
this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity);