typedef enum
- pt_static, pt_rain, pt_bubble, pt_blood, pt_grow, pt_decal, pt_decalfade
+ pt_dead, pt_static, pt_rain, pt_bubble, pt_blood, pt_grow, pt_decal, pt_decalfade
static int cl_maxparticles;
static int cl_numparticles;
+static int cl_freeparticle;
static particle_t *particles;
-static particle_t **freeparticles; // list used only in compacting particles array
cvar_t cl_particles = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_particles", "1"};
cvar_t cl_particles_quality = {CVAR_SAVE, "cl_particles_quality", "1"};
void CL_Particles_Clear(void)
cl_numparticles = 0;
+ cl_freeparticle = 0;
particles = (particle_t *) Hunk_AllocName(cl_maxparticles * sizeof(particle_t), "particles");
- freeparticles = (void *) Hunk_AllocName(cl_maxparticles * sizeof(particle_t *), "particles");
cl_part_mempool = Mem_AllocPool("CL_Part");
particles = (particle_t *) Mem_Alloc(cl_part_mempool, cl_maxparticles * sizeof(particle_t));
- freeparticles = (void *) Mem_Alloc(cl_part_mempool, cl_maxparticles * sizeof(particle_t *));
cl_numparticles = 0;
+ cl_freeparticle = 0;
// list of all 26 parameters:
// ppressure - pushes other particles away if they are within 64 units distance, the force is based on scalex, this feature is supported but not currently used
particle_t *particle(ptype_t ptype, porientation_t porientation, int pcolor1, int pcolor2, int ptex, int plight, pblend_t pblendmode, float pscalex, float pscaley, float palpha, float palphafade, float ptime, float pgravity, float pbounce, float px, float py, float pz, float pvx, float pvy, float pvz, float ptime2, float pvx2, float pvy2, float pvz2, float pfriction, float ppressure)
- if (cl_numparticles < cl_maxparticles)
+ particle_t *part;
+ int ptempcolor, ptempcolor2, pcr1, pcg1, pcb1, pcr2, pcg2, pcb2;
+ ptempcolor = (pcolor1);
+ ptempcolor2 = (pcolor2);
+ pcr2 = ((ptempcolor2) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ pcg2 = ((ptempcolor2) >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ pcb2 = (ptempcolor2) & 0xFF;
+ if (ptempcolor != ptempcolor2)
- particle_t *part;
- int ptempcolor, ptempcolor2, pcr1, pcg1, pcb1, pcr2, pcg2, pcb2;
- ptempcolor = (pcolor1);
- ptempcolor2 = (pcolor2);
- pcr2 = ((ptempcolor2) >> 16) & 0xFF;
- pcg2 = ((ptempcolor2) >> 8) & 0xFF;
- pcb2 = (ptempcolor2) & 0xFF;
- if (ptempcolor != ptempcolor2)
- {
- pcr1 = ((ptempcolor) >> 16) & 0xFF;
- pcg1 = ((ptempcolor) >> 8) & 0xFF;
- pcb1 = (ptempcolor) & 0xFF;
- ptempcolor = rand() & 0xFF;
- pcr2 = (((pcr2 - pcr1) * ptempcolor) >> 8) + pcr1;
- pcg2 = (((pcg2 - pcg1) * ptempcolor) >> 8) + pcg1;
- pcb2 = (((pcb2 - pcb1) * ptempcolor) >> 8) + pcb1;
- }
- part = &particles[cl_numparticles++];
- memset(part, 0, sizeof(*part));
- part->type = (ptype);
- part->color[0] = pcr2;
- part->color[1] = pcg2;
- part->color[2] = pcb2;
- part->color[3] = 0xFF;
- part->orientation = porientation;
- part->texnum = ptex;
- part->blendmode = pblendmode;
- part->scalex = (pscalex);
- part->scaley = (pscaley);
- part->alpha = (palpha);
- part->alphafade = (palphafade);
- part->die = cl.time + (ptime);
- part->gravity = (pgravity);
- part->bounce = (pbounce);
- part->org[0] = (px);
- part->org[1] = (py);
- part->org[2] = (pz);
- part->vel[0] = (pvx);
- part->vel[1] = (pvy);
- part->vel[2] = (pvz);
- part->time2 = (ptime2);
- part->vel2[0] = (pvx2);
- part->vel2[1] = (pvy2);
- part->vel2[2] = (pvz2);
- part->friction = (pfriction);
- part->pressure = (ppressure);
- return part;
+ pcr1 = ((ptempcolor) >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ pcg1 = ((ptempcolor) >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ pcb1 = (ptempcolor) & 0xFF;
+ ptempcolor = rand() & 0xFF;
+ pcr2 = (((pcr2 - pcr1) * ptempcolor) >> 8) + pcr1;
+ pcg2 = (((pcg2 - pcg1) * ptempcolor) >> 8) + pcg1;
+ pcb2 = (((pcb2 - pcb1) * ptempcolor) >> 8) + pcb1;
- return NULL;
+ for (;cl_freeparticle < cl_maxparticles && particles[cl_freeparticle].type;cl_freeparticle++);
+ if (cl_freeparticle >= cl_maxparticles)
+ return NULL;
+ part = &particles[cl_freeparticle++];
+ if (cl_numparticles < cl_freeparticle)
+ cl_numparticles = cl_freeparticle;
+ memset(part, 0, sizeof(*part));
+ part->type = (ptype);
+ part->color[0] = pcr2;
+ part->color[1] = pcg2;
+ part->color[2] = pcb2;
+ part->color[3] = 0xFF;
+ part->orientation = porientation;
+ part->texnum = ptex;
+ part->blendmode = pblendmode;
+ part->scalex = (pscalex);
+ part->scaley = (pscaley);
+ part->alpha = (palpha);
+ part->alphafade = (palphafade);
+ part->die = cl.time + (ptime);
+ part->gravity = (pgravity);
+ part->bounce = (pbounce);
+ part->org[0] = (px);
+ part->org[1] = (py);
+ part->org[2] = (pz);
+ part->vel[0] = (pvx);
+ part->vel[1] = (pvy);
+ part->vel[2] = (pvz);
+ part->time2 = (ptime2);
+ part->vel2[0] = (pvx2);
+ part->vel2[1] = (pvy2);
+ part->vel2[2] = (pvz2);
+ part->friction = (pfriction);
+ part->pressure = (ppressure);
+ return part;
void CL_SpawnDecalParticleForSurface(void *hitent, const vec3_t org, const vec3_t normal, int color1, int color2, int texnum, float size, float alpha)
for (i = 0;i < 256 * cl_particles_quality.value;i++)
k = particlepalette[0x68 + (rand() & 7)];
- particle(pt_static, PARTICLE_SPARK, k, k, tex_particle, false, PBLEND_ADD, 1.5f, 0.05f, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * lhrandom(0, 255), (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 512, 9999, 1, 0, org[0], org[1], org[2], lhrandom(-192, 192), lhrandom(-192, 192), lhrandom(-192, 192) + 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ particle(pt_static, PARTICLE_SPARK, k, k, tex_particle, false, PBLEND_ADD, 1.5f, 0.05f, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * lhrandom(0, 255), (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 512, 9999, 1, 0, org[0], org[1], org[2], lhrandom(-192, 192), lhrandom(-192, 192), lhrandom(-192, 192) + 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0);
org2[1] = org[1] + 0.125f * lhrandom(-count, count);
org2[2] = org[2] + 0.125f * lhrandom(-count, count);
CL_TraceLine(org, org2, org3, NULL, true, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID);
- particle(pt_grow, PARTICLE_BILLBOARD, 0x101010, 0x202020, tex_smoke[rand()&7], true, PBLEND_ADD, 3, 3, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 255, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 1024, 9999, -0.2, 0, org3[0], org3[1], org3[2], lhrandom(-8, 8), lhrandom(-8, 8), lhrandom(0, 16), 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ particle(pt_grow, PARTICLE_BILLBOARD, 0x101010, 0x202020, tex_smoke[rand()&7], true, PBLEND_ADD, 3, 3, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 255, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 1024, 9999, -0.2, 0, org3[0], org3[1], org3[2], lhrandom(-8, 8), lhrandom(-8, 8), lhrandom(0, 16), 15, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0);
k = particlepalette[0x68 + (rand() & 7)];
- particle(pt_static, PARTICLE_SPARK, k, k, tex_particle, false, PBLEND_ADD, 0.4f, 0.015f, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * lhrandom(64, 255), (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 512, 9999, 1, 0, org[0], org[1], org[2], lhrandom(-64, 64) + dir[0], lhrandom(-64, 64) + dir[1], lhrandom(0, 128) + dir[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ particle(pt_static, PARTICLE_SPARK, k, k, tex_particle, false, PBLEND_ADD, 0.4f, 0.015f, (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * lhrandom(64, 255), (1.0f / cl_particles_quality.value) * 512, 9999, 1, 0, org[0], org[1], org[2], lhrandom(-64, 64) + dir[0], lhrandom(-64, 64) + dir[1], lhrandom(0, 128) + dir[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0);
VectorScale(v, 100, v);
v[2] += sv_gravity.value * 0.15f;
- particle(pt_static, PARTICLE_BILLBOARD, 0x903010, 0xFFD030, tex_particle, false, PBLEND_ADD, 1.5, 1.5, lhrandom(64, 128) / cl_particles_quality.value, 128 / cl_particles_quality.value, 9999, 1, 0, o[0], o[1], o[2], v[0], v[1], v[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ particle(pt_static, PARTICLE_BILLBOARD, 0x903010, 0xFFD030, tex_particle, false, PBLEND_ADD, 1.5, 1.5, lhrandom(64, 128) / cl_particles_quality.value, 128 / cl_particles_quality.value, 9999, 1, 0, o[0], o[1], o[2], v[0], v[1], v[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0);
void CL_MoveParticles (void)
particle_t *p;
- int i, activeparticles, maxparticle, j, a, pressureused = false, content;
+ int i, maxparticle, j, a, content;
float gravity, dvel, bloodwaterfade, frametime, f, dist, normal[3], v[3], org[3];
void *hitent;
entity_render_t *hitent;
+ cl_freeparticle = 0;
// LordHavoc: early out condition
if (!cl_numparticles)
dvel = 1+4*frametime;
bloodwaterfade = max(cl_particles_blood_alpha.value, 0.01f) * frametime * 128.0f;
- activeparticles = 0;
maxparticle = -1;
j = 0;
for (i = 0, p = particles;i < cl_numparticles;i++, p++)
+ if (!p->type)
+ continue;
+ maxparticle = i;
content = 0;
VectorCopy(p->org, p->oldorg);
VectorMA(p->org, frametime, p->vel, p->org);
if (cl_stainmaps.integer)
R_Stain(v, 32, 32, 16, 16, p->alpha * p->scalex * (1.0f / 40.0f), 192, 48, 48, p->alpha * p->scalex * (1.0f / 40.0f));
- if (cl_decals.integer)
- {
- p->type = pt_decal;
- // convert from a blood particle to a blood decal
- p->texnum = tex_blooddecal[rand()&7];
- p->owner = hitent;
- p->ownermodel = hitent->model;
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&hitent->inversematrix, v, p->relativeorigin);
- Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&hitent->inversematrix, normal, p->relativedirection);
- VectorAdd(p->relativeorigin, p->relativedirection, p->relativeorigin);
- p->time2 = cl.time + cl_decals_time.value;
- p->die = p->time2 + cl_decals_fadetime.value;
- p->alphafade = 0;
- VectorCopy(normal, p->vel2);
- VectorClear(p->vel);
- VectorAdd(p->org, normal, p->org);
- p->bounce = 0;
- p->friction = 0;
- p->gravity = 0;
- p->scalex *= 1.25f;
- p->scaley *= 1.25f;
- }
- else
+ if (!cl_decals.integer)
- p->die = -1;
- freeparticles[j++] = p;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
+ p->type = pt_decal;
+ // convert from a blood particle to a blood decal
+ p->texnum = tex_blooddecal[rand()&7];
+ p->owner = hitent;
+ p->ownermodel = hitent->model;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&hitent->inversematrix, v, p->relativeorigin);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&hitent->inversematrix, normal, p->relativedirection);
+ VectorAdd(p->relativeorigin, p->relativedirection, p->relativeorigin);
+ p->time2 = cl.time + cl_decals_time.value;
+ p->die = p->time2 + cl_decals_fadetime.value;
+ p->alphafade = 0;
+ VectorCopy(normal, p->vel2);
+ VectorClear(p->vel);
+ VectorAdd(p->org, normal, p->org);
+ p->bounce = 0;
+ p->friction = 0;
+ p->gravity = 0;
+ p->scalex *= 1.25f;
+ p->scaley *= 1.25f;
p->vel[2] -= p->gravity * gravity;
p->alpha -= p->alphafade * frametime;
+ if (p->alpha <= 0 || cl.time > p->die)
+ {
+ p->type = pt_dead;
+ continue;
+ }
if (p->friction)
f = p->friction * frametime;
//p->alpha -= bloodwaterfade;
- p->die = -1;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
p->vel[2] -= gravity;
content = CL_PointQ1Contents(p->org);
if (content != CONTENTS_WATER && content != CONTENTS_SLIME)
- p->die = -1;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
content = CL_PointQ1Contents(p->org);
a = content;
- p->die = -1;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
case pt_grow:
p->scalex += frametime * p->time2;
Matrix4x4_Transform(&p->owner->matrix, p->relativeorigin, p->org);
Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&p->owner->matrix, p->relativedirection, p->vel2);
+ if (cl.time > p->time2)
+ {
+ p->alphafade = p->alpha / (p->die - cl.time);
+ p->type = pt_decalfade;
+ }
- p->die = -1;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
- if (cl.time > p->time2)
- {
- p->alphafade = p->alpha / (p->die - cl.time);
- p->type = pt_decalfade;
- }
case pt_decalfade:
Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&p->owner->matrix, p->relativedirection, p->vel2);
- p->die = -1;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
Con_Printf("unknown particle type %i\n", p->type);
- p->die = -1;
+ p->type = pt_dead;
- // remove dead particles
- if (p->alpha < 1 || p->die < cl.time)
- freeparticles[j++] = p;
- else
- {
- maxparticle = i;
- activeparticles++;
- if (p->pressure)
- pressureused = true;
- }
- }
- // fill in gaps to compact the array
- i = 0;
- while (maxparticle >= activeparticles)
- {
- *freeparticles[i++] = particles[maxparticle--];
- while (maxparticle >= activeparticles && particles[maxparticle].die < cl.time)
- maxparticle--;
- }
- cl_numparticles = activeparticles;
- if (pressureused)
- {
- activeparticles = 0;
- for (i = 0, p = particles;i < cl_numparticles;i++, p++)
- if (p->pressure)
- freeparticles[activeparticles++] = p;
- if (activeparticles)
- {
- for (i = 0, p = particles;i < cl_numparticles;i++, p++)
- {
- for (j = 0;j < activeparticles;j++)
- {
- if (freeparticles[j] != p)
- {
- float dist, diff[3];
- VectorSubtract(p->org, freeparticles[j]->org, diff);
- dist = DotProduct(diff, diff);
- if (dist < 4096 && dist >= 1)
- {
- dist = freeparticles[j]->scalex * 4.0f * frametime / sqrt(dist);
- VectorMA(p->vel, dist, diff, p->vel);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ cl_numparticles = maxparticle + 1;
static void r_part_newmap(void)
cl_numparticles = 0;
+ cl_freeparticle = 0;
void R_Particles_Init (void)
// LordHavoc: only render if not too close
for (i = 0, p = particles;i < cl_numparticles;i++, p++)
- if (DotProduct(p->org, r_viewforward) >= minparticledist)
+ if (p->type && DotProduct(p->org, r_viewforward) >= minparticledist)
// LordHavoc: only render if not too close
- c_particles += cl_numparticles;
for (i = 0, p = particles;i < cl_numparticles;i++, p++)
- if (DotProduct(p->org, r_viewforward) >= minparticledist || p->orientation == PARTICLE_BEAM)
- R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(p->org, R_DrawParticleCallback, p, 0);
+ {
+ if (p->type)
+ {
+ c_particles++;
+ if (DotProduct(p->org, r_viewforward) >= minparticledist || p->orientation == PARTICLE_BEAM)
+ R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(p->org, R_DrawParticleCallback, p, 0);
+ }
+ }