this.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_SPAM; // ensure it doesn't spam its effect
+void W_Electro_Orb_ExplodeOverTime(entity this)
+ entity newproj = spawn();
+ newproj.classname = this.classname;
+ newproj.solid = this.solid;
+ setorigin(newproj, this.origin);
+ setmodel(newproj, MDL_PROJECTILE_ELECTRO);
+ setsize(newproj, this.mins, this.maxs);
+ newproj.owner = this.owner;
+ newproj.realowner = this.realowner;
+ newproj.weaponentity_fld = this.weaponentity_fld;
+ newproj.projectiledeathtype = WEP_ELECTRO.m_id | HITTYPE_BOUNCE; // use THIS type for a combo because primary can't bounce
+ setthink(newproj, W_Electro_ExplodeComboThink);
+ newproj.nextthink = time;
+ newproj.ltime = time + WEP_CVAR(WEP_ELECTRO, combo_duration);
+ set_movetype(newproj, MOVETYPE_NONE);
+ // fire the first damage tick immediately
+ getthink(newproj)(newproj);
void W_Electro_ExplodeCombo(entity this)
W_Electro_TriggerCombo(this.origin, WEP_CVAR(WEP_ELECTRO, combo_comboradius), this.realowner);
if(WEP_CVAR(WEP_ELECTRO, combo_duration))
- this.projectiledeathtype = WEP_ELECTRO.m_id | HITTYPE_BOUNCE; // use THIS type for a combo because primary can't bounce
- this.event_damage = func_null;
- settouch(this, func_null);
- this.effects |= EF_NODRAW; // hide the orb, rely only on the effect
- setthink(this, W_Electro_ExplodeComboThink);
- this.nextthink = time;
- this.ltime = time + WEP_CVAR(WEP_ELECTRO, combo_duration);
- set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE);
+ W_Electro_Orb_ExplodeOverTime(this);
- // fire the first damage tick immediately
- getthink(this)(this);
+ delete(this);