void register_weapons_done();
// entity properties of weaponinfo:
-.float weapon; // WEP_...
-.WepSet weapons; // WEPSET_...
-.string netname; // reference name name
-.string message; // human readable name
-.float(float) weapon_func; // w_...
-.vector wpcolor; // waypointsprite color
-.string mdl; // modelname without g_, v_, w_
-.string model; // full name of g_ model
-.float spawnflags; // WEPSPAWNFLAG_... combined
-.float impulse; // weapon impulse
-.float bot_pickupbasevalue; // bot weapon priority
-.string model2; // wpn- sprite name
-..float ammo_field; // main ammo field
+// fields which are explicitly/manually set are marked with "M", fields set automatically are marked with "A"
+.float weapon; // M: WEP_id // WEP_...
+.WepSet weapons; // A: WEPSET_id // WEPSET_...
+.float(float) weapon_func; // M: function // w_...
+..float ammo_field; // M: ammotype // main ammo field
+.float impulse; // M: impulse // weapon impulse
+.float spawnflags; // M: flags // WEPSPAWNFLAG_... combined
+.float bot_pickupbasevalue; // M: rating // bot weapon priority
+.vector wpcolor; // M: color // waypointsprite color
+.string model2; // A: wpn-id // wpn- sprite name
+.string mdl; // M: model // modelname without g_, v_, w_
+.string model; // A: model // full name of g_ model
+.string netname; // M: refname // reference name name
+.string message; // M: fullname // human readable name
// note: the fabs call is just there to hide "if result is constant" warning
#define REGISTER_WEAPON_2(id,bit,function,ammotype,impulse,flags,rating,color,model,refname,wepname) \