static tinyplane_t portalplanes[MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES];
-static int portalplanecount;
static int ranoutofportalplanes;
static int ranoutofportals;
static float portaltemppoints[2][256][3];
if (numpoints > maxpoints)
return -1;
- memcpy(out, &portaltemppoints[1][0][0], numpoints * 3 * sizeof(float));
+ memcpy(out, &portaltemppoints[0][0][0], numpoints * 3 * sizeof(float));
return numpoints;
- portalplanecount = 0;
ranoutofportalplanes = false;
ranoutofportals = false;
return false;
+vec3_t trianglepoints[3];
+typedef struct portalrecursioninfo_s
+ int exact;
+ float nradius;
+ qbyte *surfacemark;
+ qbyte *leafmark;
+ model_t *model;
+ vec3_t eye;
+void Portal_RecursiveFlow_ExactMarkSurfaces(portalrecursioninfo_t *info, int *mark, int nummarksurfaces, int firstclipplane, int numclipplanes)
+ int i, j, *elements;
+ msurface_t *surf;
+ surfmesh_t *surfmesh;
+ for (i = 0;i < nummarksurfaces;i++, mark++)
+ {
+ if (!info->surfacemark[*mark])
+ {
+ surf = info->model->surfaces + *mark;
+ if (surf->poly_numverts)
+ {
+ if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
+ {
+ if (DotProduct(info->eye, surf->plane->normal) > surf->plane->dist)
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (DotProduct(info->eye, surf->plane->normal) < surf->plane->dist)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Portal_PortalThroughPortalPlanes(&portalplanes[firstclipplane], numclipplanes, surf->poly_verts, surf->poly_numverts, &portaltemppoints2[0][0], 256) < 3)
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (surfmesh = surf->mesh;surfmesh;surfmesh = surfmesh->chain)
+ {
+ for (j = 0, elements = surfmesh->index;j < surfmesh->numtriangles;j++, elements += 3)
+ {
+ VectorCopy((surfmesh->verts + elements[0] * 4), trianglepoints[0]);
+ VectorCopy((surfmesh->verts + elements[1] * 4), trianglepoints[1]);
+ VectorCopy((surfmesh->verts + elements[2] * 4), trianglepoints[2]);
+ if ((info->eye[0] - trianglepoints[0][0]) * ((trianglepoints[0][1] - trianglepoints[1][1]) * (trianglepoints[2][2] - trianglepoints[1][2]) - (trianglepoints[0][2] - trianglepoints[1][2]) * (trianglepoints[2][1] - trianglepoints[1][1]))
+ + (info->eye[1] - trianglepoints[0][1]) * ((trianglepoints[0][2] - trianglepoints[1][2]) * (trianglepoints[2][0] - trianglepoints[1][0]) - (trianglepoints[0][0] - trianglepoints[1][0]) * (trianglepoints[2][2] - trianglepoints[1][2]))
+ + (info->eye[2] - trianglepoints[0][2]) * ((trianglepoints[0][0] - trianglepoints[1][0]) * (trianglepoints[2][1] - trianglepoints[1][1]) - (trianglepoints[0][1] - trianglepoints[1][1]) * (trianglepoints[2][0] - trianglepoints[1][0])) > 0
+ && Portal_PortalThroughPortalPlanes(&portalplanes[firstclipplane], numclipplanes, trianglepoints[0], 3, &portaltemppoints2[0][0], 256) >= 3)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j < surfmesh->numtriangles)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (surfmesh == NULL)
+ continue;
+ }
+ info->surfacemark[*mark] = true;
+ }
+ }
+void Portal_RecursiveFlow (portalrecursioninfo_t *info, mleaf_t *leaf, int firstclipplane, int numclipplanes)
+ mportal_t *p;
+ int newpoints, i, prev;
+ float dist;
+ vec3_t center, v1, v2;
+ tinyplane_t *newplanes;
+ if (info->leafmark)
+ info->leafmark[leaf - info->model->leafs] = true;
+ // mark surfaces in leaf that can be seen through portal
+ if (leaf->nummarksurfaces && info->surfacemark)
+ {
+ if (info->exact)
+ Portal_RecursiveFlow_ExactMarkSurfaces(info, leaf->firstmarksurface, leaf->nummarksurfaces, firstclipplane, numclipplanes);
+ else
+ for (i = 0;i < leaf->nummarksurfaces;i++)
+ info->surfacemark[leaf->firstmarksurface[i]] = true;
+ }
+ // follow portals into other leafs
+ for (p = leaf->portals;p;p = p->next)
+ {
+ // only flow through portals facing away from the viewer
+ dist = PlaneDiff(info->eye, (&p->plane));
+ if (dist < 0 && dist >= info->nradius)
+ {
+ newpoints = Portal_PortalThroughPortalPlanes(&portalplanes[firstclipplane], numclipplanes, (float *) p->points, p->numpoints, &portaltemppoints2[0][0], 256);
+ if (newpoints < 3)
+ continue;
+ else if (firstclipplane + numclipplanes + newpoints > MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES)
+ ranoutofportalplanes = true;
+ else
+ {
+ // find the center by averaging
+ VectorClear(center);
+ for (i = 0;i < newpoints;i++)
+ VectorAdd(center, portaltemppoints2[i], center);
+ // ixtable is a 1.0f / N table
+ VectorScale(center, ixtable[newpoints], center);
+ // calculate the planes, and make sure the polygon can see it's own center
+ newplanes = &portalplanes[firstclipplane + numclipplanes];
+ for (prev = newpoints - 1, i = 0;i < newpoints;prev = i, i++)
+ {
+ VectorSubtract(info->eye, portaltemppoints2[i], v1);
+ VectorSubtract(portaltemppoints2[prev], portaltemppoints2[i], v2);
+ CrossProduct(v1, v2, newplanes[i].normal);
+ VectorNormalizeFast(newplanes[i].normal);
+ newplanes[i].dist = DotProduct(info->eye, newplanes[i].normal);
+ if (DotProduct(newplanes[i].normal, center) <= newplanes[i].dist)
+ {
+ // polygon can't see it's own center, discard and use parent portal
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == newpoints)
+ Portal_RecursiveFlow(info, p->past, firstclipplane + numclipplanes, newpoints);
+ else
+ Portal_RecursiveFlow(info, p->past, firstclipplane, numclipplanes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Portal_Visibility(model_t *model, const vec3_t eye, qbyte *leafmark, qbyte *surfacemark, const mplane_t *frustumplanes, int numfrustumplanes, int exact, float radius)
+ int i;
+ portalrecursioninfo_t info;
+ // if there is no model, it can not block visibility
+ if (model == NULL)
+ Host_Error("Portal_Visibility: NULL model\n");
+ Mod_CheckLoaded(model);
+ if (model->type != mod_brush)
+ Host_Error("Portal_Visibility: not a brush model\n");
+ // put frustum planes (if any) into tinyplane format at start of buffer
+ for (i = 0;i < numfrustumplanes;i++)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(frustumplanes[i].normal, portalplanes[i].normal);
+ portalplanes[i].dist = frustumplanes[i].dist;
+ }
+ ranoutofportalplanes = false;
+ ranoutofportals = false;
+ info.nradius = -radius;
+ info.exact = exact;
+ info.surfacemark = surfacemark;
+ info.leafmark = leafmark;
+ info.model = model;
+ VectorCopy(eye, info.eye);
+ Portal_RecursiveFlow(&info, Mod_PointInLeaf(eye, model), 0, numfrustumplanes);
+ if (ranoutofportalplanes)
+ Con_Printf("Portal_RecursiveFlow: ran out of %d plane stack when recursing through portals\n", MAXRECURSIVEPORTALPLANES);
+ if (ranoutofportals)
+ Con_Printf("Portal_RecursiveFlow: ran out of %d portal stack when recursing through portals\n", MAXRECURSIVEPORTALS);
int Portal_CheckPolygon(model_t *model, vec3_t eye, float *polypoints, int numpoints);
int Portal_CheckBox(model_t *model, vec3_t eye, vec3_t a, vec3_t b);
+void Portal_Visibility(model_t *model, const vec3_t eye, qbyte *leafmark, qbyte *surfacemark, const mplane_t *frustumplanes, int numfrustumplanes, int exact, float radius);
#include "ui.h"
-#include "portals.h"
extern qboolean noclip_anglehack;
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_shadow.h"
#include "cl_collision.h"
+#include "portals.h"
extern void R_Shadow_EditLights_Init(void);
cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap = {0, "r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap", "4"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture = {0, "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture", "0"};
cvar_t r_shadow_shadownudge = {0, "r_shadow_shadownudge", "1"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_portallight = {0, "r_shadow_portallight", "1"};
int c_rt_lights, c_rt_clears, c_rt_scissored;
int c_rt_shadowmeshes, c_rt_shadowtris, c_rt_lightmeshes, c_rt_lighttris;
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_portallight);
R_RegisterModule("R_Shadow", r_shadow_start, r_shadow_shutdown, r_shadow_newmap);
e->style = style;
if (e->style < 0 || e->style >= MAX_LIGHTSTYLES)
- Con_Printf("R_Shadow_NewWorldLight: invalid light style number %i, must be > = 0 and < %i\n", e->style, MAX_LIGHTSTYLES);
+ Con_Printf("R_Shadow_NewWorldLight: invalid light style number %i, must be >= 0 and < %i\n", e->style, MAX_LIGHTSTYLES);
e->style = 0;
e->castshadows = castshadow;
if (cl.worldmodel)
- leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(origin, cl.worldmodel);
- pvs = Mod_LeafPVS(leaf, cl.worldmodel);
- for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->leafs + 1;i < cl.worldmodel->numleafs;i++, leaf++)
+ if (r_shadow_portallight.integer)
+ {
+ qbyte *byteleafpvs;
+ qbyte *bytesurfacepvs;
+ byteleafpvs = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, cl.worldmodel->numleafs + 1);
+ bytesurfacepvs = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces);
+ Portal_Visibility(cl.worldmodel, e->origin, byteleafpvs, bytesurfacepvs, NULL, 0, true, e->lightradius);
+ for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->leafs + 1;i < cl.worldmodel->numleafs;i++, leaf++)
+ {
+ if (byteleafpvs[i+1])
+ {
+ temp[0] = bound(leaf->mins[0], e->origin[0], leaf->maxs[0]) - e->origin[0];
+ temp[1] = bound(leaf->mins[1], e->origin[1], leaf->maxs[1]) - e->origin[1];
+ temp[2] = bound(leaf->mins[2], e->origin[2], leaf->maxs[2]) - e->origin[2];
+ if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < e->lightradius * e->lightradius)
+ leaf->worldnodeframe = castshadowcount;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0, surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces;i < cl.worldmodel->numsurfaces;i++, surf++)
+ {
+ if (bytesurfacepvs[i])
+ {
+ f = DotProduct(e->origin, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist;
+ if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
+ f = -f;
+ if (f > 0 && f < e->lightradius)
+ {
+ temp[0] = bound(surf->poly_mins[0], e->origin[0], surf->poly_maxs[0]) - e->origin[0];
+ temp[1] = bound(surf->poly_mins[1], e->origin[1], surf->poly_maxs[1]) - e->origin[1];
+ temp[2] = bound(surf->poly_mins[2], e->origin[2], surf->poly_maxs[2]) - e->origin[2];
+ if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < e->lightradius * e->lightradius)
+ surf->castshadow = castshadowcount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Mem_Free(byteleafpvs);
+ Mem_Free(bytesurfacepvs);
+ }
+ else
- if (pvs[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7)))
+ leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(origin, cl.worldmodel);
+ pvs = Mod_LeafPVS(leaf, cl.worldmodel);
+ for (i = 0, leaf = cl.worldmodel->leafs + 1;i < cl.worldmodel->numleafs;i++, leaf++)
- VectorCopy(origin, temp);
- if (temp[0] < leaf->mins[0]) temp[0] = leaf->mins[0];
- if (temp[0] > leaf->maxs[0]) temp[0] = leaf->maxs[0];
- if (temp[1] < leaf->mins[1]) temp[1] = leaf->mins[1];
- if (temp[1] > leaf->maxs[1]) temp[1] = leaf->maxs[1];
- if (temp[2] < leaf->mins[2]) temp[2] = leaf->mins[2];
- if (temp[2] > leaf->maxs[2]) temp[2] = leaf->maxs[2];
- VectorSubtract(temp, origin, temp);
- if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < e->lightradius * e->lightradius)
+ if (pvs[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7)))
- leaf->worldnodeframe = castshadowcount;
- for (j = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;j < leaf->nummarksurfaces;j++, mark++)
+ VectorCopy(origin, temp);
+ if (temp[0] < leaf->mins[0]) temp[0] = leaf->mins[0];
+ if (temp[0] > leaf->maxs[0]) temp[0] = leaf->maxs[0];
+ if (temp[1] < leaf->mins[1]) temp[1] = leaf->mins[1];
+ if (temp[1] > leaf->maxs[1]) temp[1] = leaf->maxs[1];
+ if (temp[2] < leaf->mins[2]) temp[2] = leaf->mins[2];
+ if (temp[2] > leaf->maxs[2]) temp[2] = leaf->maxs[2];
+ VectorSubtract(temp, origin, temp);
+ if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < e->lightradius * e->lightradius)
- surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + *mark;
- if (surf->castshadow != castshadowcount)
+ leaf->worldnodeframe = castshadowcount;
+ for (j = 0, mark = leaf->firstmarksurface;j < leaf->nummarksurfaces;j++, mark++)
- f = DotProduct(e->origin, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist;
- if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
- f = -f;
- if (f > 0 && f < e->lightradius)
+ surf = cl.worldmodel->surfaces + *mark;
+ if (surf->castshadow != castshadowcount)
- temp[0] = bound(surf->poly_mins[0], e->origin[0], surf->poly_maxs[0]) - e->origin[0];
- temp[1] = bound(surf->poly_mins[1], e->origin[1], surf->poly_maxs[1]) - e->origin[1];
- temp[2] = bound(surf->poly_mins[2], e->origin[2], surf->poly_maxs[2]) - e->origin[2];
- if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < e->lightradius * e->lightradius)
- surf->castshadow = castshadowcount;
+ f = DotProduct(e->origin, surf->plane->normal) - surf->plane->dist;
+ if (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)
+ f = -f;
+ if (f > 0 && f < e->lightradius)
+ {
+ temp[0] = bound(surf->poly_mins[0], e->origin[0], surf->poly_maxs[0]) - e->origin[0];
+ temp[1] = bound(surf->poly_mins[1], e->origin[1], surf->poly_maxs[1]) - e->origin[1];
+ temp[2] = bound(surf->poly_mins[2], e->origin[2], surf->poly_maxs[2]) - e->origin[2];
+ if (DotProduct(temp, temp) < e->lightradius * e->lightradius)
+ surf->castshadow = castshadowcount;
+ }