set g_duel_with_powerups 0 "Enable powerups to spawn in the duel gamemode"
set g_duel_not_dm_maps 0 "when this is set, DM maps will NOT be listed in duel"
- // ======================
- // mayhem (ffa or team)
- // ======================
+//LegendGuard adds mmm cvars for MMM 20-02-2021
+// ==========
+// murder in megaerebus manor
+// ==========
+set g_mmm 0 "Murder in Megaerebus Manor: A group of space civilians have murderers among them. Murderers must kill civilians, while the civilians have to try to find and kill the murderers"
+set g_mmm_not_lms_maps 0 "when this is set, LMS maps will NOT be listed in mmm"
+set g_mmm_civilian_count 0.625 "number of players who will become civilians, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
+//set g_mmm_murderer_count 0.25 "number of players who will become murderers, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
+set g_mmm_punish_teamkill 0 "enable option to kill the player when they kill an ally"
+set g_mmm_reward_civilian 1 "give a point to all civilian players if the round timelimit is reached, in addition to the points given for kills"
+set g_mmm_warmup 10 "how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts"
+set g_mmm_round_timelimit 180 "round time limit in seconds"
+set g_mmm_max_karma_points 1000 "limit of maximum number of karma points will have in the server"
+set g_mmm_min_karma_points 400 "limit where number of karma points can be reached when are being decreased"
+set g_mmm_karma_bankick_tool 1 "tool for strict rules when karma is low: '0' nothing does, '1' forces player to spec, '2' kicks player, '3' bans player"
+set g_mmm_karma_bantime 1800 "number of seconds to ban someone with very low karma"
+set g_mmm_karma_damageactive 1 "enable karma damage rule. If a player's karma is low, they will not do as much damage as a player who has high or full karma"
+set g_mmm_karma_damagepunishmentdeal 20 "punishment damage points when player kills an ally"
+set g_mmm_karma_severity 0.25 "how severe karma is to decrease karma points to the players [0.1 - 1.0]"
+set g_mmm_reward_sleuth 1 "give a point to all sleuth players if investigated corpses"
+ // ==============================
+ // free for all and team mayhem
+ // ==============================
set g_mayhem 0 "Mayhem: the player with the most frags in total mayhem wins"
- set g_mayhem_regenerate 0 "allow players to regenerate hp. rates controlled by hp regeneration and rotting cvars"
+ set g_tmayhem 0 "Team Mayhem: the team with the most frags in total mayhem wins"
+ set g_mayhem_scoringmethod 1 "1: 25% of the score is based on kills and 75% of it is based on damage. 2: 100% frags. 3: 100% damage."
+ set g_tmayhem_scoringmethod 1 "1: 25% of the score is based on kills and 75% of it is based on damage. 2: 100% frags. 3: 100% damage."
+ set g_mayhem_fraglimit 30 "Team Mayhem basis for how many frags until the match ends, edit this over point_limit preferably"
+ set g_tmayhem_fraglimit 50 "Team Mayhem basis for how many frags until the match ends, edit this over point_limit preferably"
+ set g_mayhem_visual_score_limit 1000 "Mayhem visual score limit overriding the mapinfo specified one"
+ set g_tmayhem_visual_score_limit 1000 "Team Mayhem visual score limit overriding the mapinfo specified one"
+ set g_tmayhem_score_leadlimit -1 "Team Mayhem score lead limit(based on tmayhem_visual_score_limit, not tmayhem_fraglimit) overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
set g_mayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
+ set g_tmayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
set g_mayhem_powerups 1 "Allow powerups in mayhem. Only checked if g_powerups is -1 therefore this will be overridden by g_powerups 1 or 0"
+ set g_tmayhem_powerups 1 "Allow powerups in team mayhem. Only checked if g_powerups is -1 therefore this will be overridden by g_powerups 1 or 0"
set g_mayhem_selfdamage 0 "0 = disable selfdamage in mayhem, 1 = enable selfdamage in mayhem"
- set g_mayhem_frags2score 1 "enable frags counting towards score"
- set g_mayhem_damage2score 0 "enable damage counting towards score"
- set g_mayhem_damage2score_multiplier 0.0025 "how much score is given for damage dealt. 0.01 -> 1k dmg = 10 score, 0.001 1k dmg = 1 score, 0.0025 400 dmg = 1 score"
+ set g_tmayhem_selfdamage 0 "0 = disable selfdamage in tmayhem, 1 = enable selfdamage in tmayhem"
+ set g_mayhem_regenerate 0 "allow players to regenerate hp. rates controlled by hp regeneration and rotting cvars"
+ set g_tmayhem_regenerate 0 "allow players to regenerate hp. rates controlled by hp regeneration and rotting cvars"
- set g_tmayhem 0 "Team Mayhem: the team with the most frags in total mayhem wins"
set g_tmayhem_teams 2 "how many teams are in team mayhem (set by mapinfo)"
set g_tmayhem_team_spawns 0 "when 1, players spawn from the team spawnpoints of the map, if any"
set g_tmayhem_teams_override 0 "how many teams are in team mayhem"
- set g_tmayhem_point_limit -1 "Team Mayhem point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
- set g_tmayhem_point_leadlimit -1 "Team Mayhem point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
- set g_tmayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
- set g_tmayhem_powerups 1 "Allow powerups in team mayhem. Only checked if g_powerups is -1 therefore this will be overridden by g_powerups 1 or 0"
- set g_tmayhem_regenerate 0 "allow players to regenerate hp. rates controlled by hp regeneration and rotting cvars"
- set g_tmayhem_selfdamage 0 "0 = disable selfdamage in tmayhem, 1 = enable selfdamage in tmayhem"
- set g_tmayhem_frags2score 1 "enable frags counting towards score"
- set g_tmayhem_damage2score 0 "enable damage counting towards score"
- set g_tmayhem_damage2score_multiplier 0.0025 "how much score is given for damage dealt. 0.01 -> 1k dmg = 10 score, 0.001 1k dmg = 1 score, 0.0025 400 dmg = 1 score"