+float autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale;
+bool autocvar_cl_bobmodel;
+float autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed;
+float autocvar_cl_bobmodel_side;
+float autocvar_cl_bobmodel_up;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_speed;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_highpass;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_highpass1;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_limit;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_lowpass;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_speed;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_highpass;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_highpass1;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_limit;
+float autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_lowpass;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_speed;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_highpass;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_limit;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_speed;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_highpass;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass;
+float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_limit;
+#define lowpass(value, frac, ref_store, ret) do \
+{ \
+ float __frac = bound(0, frac, 1); \
+ ret = ref_store = ref_store * (1 - __frac) + (value) * __frac; \
+} while (0)
+#define lowpass_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, ret) do \
+{ \
+ float __ignore; lowpass(value, frac, ref_store, __ignore); \
+ ret = ref_store = bound((value) - (limit), ref_store, (value) + (limit)); \
+} while (0)
+#define highpass(value, frac, ref_store, ret) do \
+{ \
+ float __f; lowpass(value, frac, ref_store, __f); \
+ ret = (value) - __f; \
+} while (0)
+#define highpass_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, ret) do \
+{ \
+ float __f; lowpass_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, __f); \
+ ret = (value) - __f; \
+} while (0)
+#define lowpass3(value, fracx, fracy, fracz, ref_store, ref_out) do \
+{ \
+ lowpass(value.x, fracx, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \
+ lowpass(value.y, fracy, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \
+ lowpass(value.z, fracz, ref_store.z, ref_out.z); \
+} while (0)
+#define highpass3(value, fracx, fracy, fracz, ref_store, ref_out) do \
+{ \
+ highpass(value.x, fracx, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \
+ highpass(value.y, fracy, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \
+ highpass(value.z, fracz, ref_store.z, ref_out.z); \
+} while (0)
+#define highpass3_limited(value, fracx, limitx, fracy, limity, fracz, limitz, ref_store, ref_out) do \
+{ \
+ highpass_limited(value.x, fracx, limitx, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \
+ highpass_limited(value.y, fracy, limity, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \
+ highpass_limited(value.z, fracz, limitz, ref_store.z, ref_out.z); \
+} while (0)
+void viewmodel_animate(entity this)
+ static float prevtime;
+ float frametime = (time - prevtime) * getstatf(STAT_MOVEVARS_TIMESCALE);
+ prevtime = time;
+ if (autocvar_chase_active) return;
+ if (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0) return;
+ vector gunorg = '0 0 0', gunangles = '0 0 0';
+ static vector gunorg_prev = '0 0 0', gunangles_prev = '0 0 0';
+ bool teleported = false; // TODO: detect
+ // 1. if we teleported, clear the frametime... the lowpass will recover the previous value then
+ if (teleported)
+ {
+ // try to fix the first highpass; result is NOT
+ // perfect! TODO find a better fix
+ gunangles_prev = view_angles;
+ gunorg_prev = view_origin;
+ }
+ static vector gunorg_highpass = '0 0 0';
+ // 2. for the gun origin, only keep the high frequency (non-DC) parts, which is "somewhat like velocity"
+ gunorg_highpass += gunorg_prev;
+ highpass3_limited(view_origin,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_highpass1, autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_limit,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_highpass1, autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_limit,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_highpass1, autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_limit,
+ gunorg_highpass, gunorg);
+ gunorg_prev = view_origin;
+ gunorg_highpass -= gunorg_prev;
+ static vector gunangles_highpass = '0 0 0';
+ // in the highpass, we _store_ the DIFFERENCE to the actual view angles...
+ gunangles_highpass += gunangles_prev;
+ PITCH(gunangles_highpass) += 360 * floor((PITCH(view_angles) - PITCH(gunangles_highpass)) / 360 + 0.5);
+ YAW(gunangles_highpass) += 360 * floor((YAW(view_angles) - YAW(gunangles_highpass)) / 360 + 0.5);
+ ROLL(gunangles_highpass) += 360 * floor((ROLL(view_angles) - ROLL(gunangles_highpass)) / 360 + 0.5);
+ highpass3_limited(view_angles,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1, autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_limit,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1, autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_limit,
+ 0, 0,
+ gunangles_highpass, gunangles);
+ gunangles_prev = view_angles;
+ gunangles_highpass -= gunangles_prev;
+ // 3. calculate the RAW adjustment vectors
+ gunorg.x *= (autocvar_cl_followmodel ? -autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_speed : 0);
+ gunorg.y *= (autocvar_cl_followmodel ? -autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_speed : 0);
+ gunorg.z *= (autocvar_cl_followmodel ? -autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_speed : 0);
+ PITCH(gunangles) *= (autocvar_cl_leanmodel ? -autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_speed : 0);
+ YAW(gunangles) *= (autocvar_cl_leanmodel ? -autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_speed : 0);
+ ROLL(gunangles) = 0;
+ static vector gunorg_adjustment_highpass;
+ static vector gunorg_adjustment_lowpass;
+ static vector gunangles_adjustment_highpass;
+ static vector gunangles_adjustment_lowpass;
+ // 4. perform highpass/lowpass on the adjustment vectors (turning velocity into acceleration!)
+ // trick: we must do the lowpass LAST, so the lowpass vector IS the final vector!
+ highpass3(gunorg,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_highpass,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_highpass,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_highpass,
+ gunorg_adjustment_highpass, gunorg);
+ lowpass3(gunorg,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_lowpass,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_side_lowpass,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_followmodel_up_lowpass,
+ gunorg_adjustment_lowpass, gunorg);
+ // we assume here: PITCH = 0, YAW = 1, ROLL = 2
+ highpass3(gunangles,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_highpass,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_highpass,
+ 0,
+ gunangles_adjustment_highpass, gunangles);
+ lowpass3(gunangles,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass,
+ frametime * autocvar_cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass,
+ 0,
+ gunangles_adjustment_lowpass, gunangles);
+ float xyspeed = bound(0, vlen(vec2(csqcplayer.velocity)), 400);
+ // vertical view bobbing code
+ // TODO: cl_bob
+ // horizontal view bobbing code
+ // TODO: cl_bob2
+ // fall bobbing code
+ // causes the view to swing down and back up when touching the ground
+ // TODO: cl_bobfall
+ // gun model bobbing code
+ if (autocvar_cl_bobmodel)
+ {
+ // calculate for swinging gun model
+ // the gun bobs when running on the ground, but doesn't bob when you're in the air.
+ // Sajt: I tried to smooth out the transitions between bob and no bob, which works
+ // for the most part, but for some reason when you go through a message trigger or
+ // pick up an item or anything like that it will momentarily jolt the gun.
+ vector forward, right, up;
+ float bspeed;
+ float t = 1;
+ float s = time * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed;
+ // TODO
+// if (clonground)
+// {
+// if (time - hitgroundtime < 0.2)
+// {
+// // just hit the ground, speed the bob back up over the next 0.2 seconds
+// t = time - hitgroundtime;
+// t = bound(0, t, 0.2);
+// t *= 5;
+// }
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// // recently left the ground, slow the bob down over the next 0.2 seconds
+// t = time - lastongroundtime;
+// t = 0.2 - bound(0, t, 0.2);
+// t *= 5;
+// }
+ bspeed = xyspeed * 0.01;
+ MAKEVECTORS(makevectors, gunangles, forward, right, up);
+ float bobr = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_side * autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale * sin(s) * t;
+ gunorg += bobr * right;
+ float bobu = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_up * autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale * cos(s * 2) * t;
+ gunorg += bobu * up;
+ }
+ this.origin += view_forward * gunorg.x + view_right * gunorg.y + view_up * gunorg.z;
+ gunangles.x = -gunangles.x; // pitch was inverted, now that actually matters
+ this.angles += gunangles;
+.vector viewmodel_origin, viewmodel_angles;
void viewmodel_draw(entity this)
int mask = (intermission || (getstati(STAT_HEALTH) <= 0) || autocvar_chase_active) ? 0 : MASK_NORMAL;
name_last = name;
CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(this, name);
+ this.viewmodel_origin = this.origin;
+ this.viewmodel_angles = this.angles;
if (!this.animstate_override)
// entity newwep = Weapons_from(activeweapon);
float delay = 0.2; // TODO: newwep.switchdelay_raise;
f = eta / max(eta, delay);
- this.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
case WS_DROP:
// entity oldwep = Weapons_from(activeweapon);
float delay = 0.2; // TODO: newwep.switchdelay_drop;
f = 1 - eta / max(eta, delay);
- this.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
case WS_CLEAR:
- this.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
+ this.origin = this.viewmodel_origin;
+ this.angles = this.viewmodel_angles;
+ this.angles_x = (-90 * f * f);
+ viewmodel_animate(this);
+ setorigin(this, this.origin);
entity viewmodel;