]> git.rm.cloudns.org Git - xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git/commitdiff
Also move all of the other game command files from other programs into their respecti...
authorSamual <samual@xonotic.org>
Tue, 13 Dec 2011 09:15:18 +0000 (04:15 -0500)
committerSamual <samual@xonotic.org>
Tue, 13 Dec 2011 09:15:18 +0000 (04:15 -0500)
qcsrc/client/command/cl_cmd.qc [new file with mode: 0644]
qcsrc/client/gamecommand.qc [deleted file]
qcsrc/common/command/generic.qc [new file with mode: 0644]
qcsrc/common/gamecommand.qc [deleted file]
qcsrc/menu/command/menu_cmd.qc [new file with mode: 0644]
qcsrc/menu/command/menu_cmd.qh [new file with mode: 0644]
qcsrc/menu/gamecommand.qc [deleted file]
qcsrc/menu/gamecommand.qh [deleted file]

diff --git a/qcsrc/client/command/cl_cmd.qc b/qcsrc/client/command/cl_cmd.qc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a15626a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+// ==============================================
+//  CSQC client commands code, written by Samual
+//  Last updated: November 26th, 2011
+// ==============================================
+       /*
+       if(cmd == "mv_download") {
+               Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(argc);
+       }
+       else if(cmd == "scoreboard_columns_set") {
+               Cmd_HUD_SetFields(argc);
+       }
+       else if(cmd == "scoreboard_columns_help") {
+               Cmd_HUD_Help(argc);
+       }
+       else if(cmd == "spawn") {
+               s = argv(1);
+               e = spawn();
+               precache_model(s);
+               setmodel(e, s);
+               setorigin(e, view_origin);
+               e.angles = view_angles;
+               e.draw = DrawDebugModel;
+               e.classname = "debugmodel";
+       }
+    else if(cmd == "vyes")
+    {
+        if(uid2name_dialog)
+        {
+            vote_active = 0; // force the panel to disappear right as we have selected the value (to prevent it from fading out in the normal vote panel pos)
+            vote_prev = 0;
+            localcmd("setreport cl_allow_uid2name 1\n");
+            vote_change = -9999;
+                       uid2name_dialog = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            localcmd("cmd vote yes\n");
+        }
+    }
+    else if(cmd == "vno")
+    {
+        if(uid2name_dialog)
+        {
+            vote_active = 0;
+            vote_prev = 0;
+            localcmd("setreport cl_allow_uid2name 0\n");
+            vote_change = -9999;
+                       uid2name_dialog = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            localcmd("cmd vote no\n");
+        }
+    }
+       */
+void Cmd_HUD_SetFields(float);
+void Cmd_HUD_Help(float);
+.vector view_ofs;
+entity debug_shotorg;
+// ============================
+//  Misc. Supporting Functions
+// ============================
+float cvar_clientsettemp(string tmp_cvar, string value)
+       entity e;
+       for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "saved_cvar_value")); )
+               if(e.netname == tmp_cvar)
+                       goto saved;
+       // creating a new entity to keep track of this cvar
+       e = spawn();
+       e.classname = "saved_cvar_value";
+       e.netname = strzone(tmp_cvar);
+       e.message = strzone(cvar_string(tmp_cvar));
+       return TRUE;
+       // an entity for this cvar already exists, update the value
+       :saved
+       cvar_set(tmp_cvar, value);
+       return FALSE;
+float cvar_clientsettemp_restore()
+       float i;
+       entity e;
+       for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "saved_cvar_value")); )
+               { cvar_set(e.netname, e.message); ++i; } 
+       return i;
+void DrawDebugModel()
+       if(time - floor(time) > 0.5)
+       {
+               PolyDrawModel(self);
+               self.drawmask = 0;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               self.renderflags = 0;
+               self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
+       }
+// =======================
+//  Command Sub-Functions
+// =======================
+void GameCommand_blurtest(float request)
+       // Simple command to work with postprocessing temporarily... possibly completely pointless, the glsl shader is used for a real feature now...
+       // Anyway, to enable it, just compile the client with -DBLURTEST and then you can use the command.
+       #ifdef BLURTEST
+       switch(request)
+       {
+               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
+               {
+                       blurtest_time0 = time;
+                       blurtest_time1 = time + stof(argv(1));
+                       blurtest_radius = stof(argv(2));
+                       blurtest_power = stof(argv(3));
+                       print("Enabled blurtest\n");
+                       return; 
+               }
+               default:
+               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
+               {
+                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd blurtest\n");
+                       print("  No arguments required.\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+       }
+       #else
+       if(request)
+       {
+               print("Blurtest is not enabled on this client.\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       #endif
+void GameCommand_hud(float request, float argc) // TODO: Add aliases in commands.cfg
+       switch(request)
+       {
+               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
+               {
+                       switch(argv(1))
+                       {
+                               case "configure":
+                               {
+                                       cvar_set("_hud_configure", ftos(!autocvar__hud_configure));
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               case "save":
+                               {
+                                       if(argv(2))
+                                       {
+                                               HUD_Panel_ExportCfg(argv(2));
+                                               return;
+                                       }
+                                       else
+                                       {
+                                               break; // go to usage, we're missing the paramater needed here.
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               case "radar":
+                               {
+                                       if(argv(2))
+                                               hud_panel_radar_maximized = (stof(argv(2)) != 0);
+                                       else
+                                               hud_panel_radar_maximized = !hud_panel_radar_maximized;
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               case "scoreboard_columns_set":
+                               {
+                                       Cmd_HUD_SetFields(argc); // todo update this function
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               case "scoreboard_columns_help":
+                               {
+                                       Cmd_HUD_Help(argc); // todo update this function
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return; 
+               }
+               default:
+                       print("Incorrect parameters for ^2hud^7\n");
+               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
+               {
+                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd hud action [configname | radartoggle]\n");
+                       print("  Where 'action' is the command to complete,\n");
+                       print("  'configname' is the name to save to for \"save\" action,\n");
+                       print("  and 'radartoggle' is to control hud_panel_radar_maximized for \"radar\" action.\n");
+                       print("  Full list of commands here: \"configure, save, radar.\"\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+       }
+void GameCommand_sendcvar(float request, float argc)
+       switch(request)
+       {
+               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
+               {
+                       // W_FixWeaponOrder will trash argv, so save what we need.
+                       string thiscvar = strzone(argv(1));
+                       string s = cvar_string(thiscvar);
+                       if(thiscvar == "cl_weaponpriority")
+                               s = W_FixWeaponOrder(W_NumberWeaponOrder(s), 1);
+                       else if(substring(thiscvar, 0, 17) == "cl_weaponpriority" && strlen(thiscvar) == 18)
+                               s = W_FixWeaponOrder(W_NumberWeaponOrder(s), 0);
+                       localcmd("cmd sentcvar ", thiscvar, " \"", s, "\"\n");
+                       strunzone(thiscvar);
+                       return; 
+               }
+               default:
+               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
+               {
+                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd sendcvar <cvar>\n");
+                       print("  Where 'cvar' is the cvar plus arguments to send to the server.\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+       }
+/* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order.
+void GameCommand_(float request)
+       switch(request)
+       {
+               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
+               {
+                       return; 
+               }
+               default:
+               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
+               {
+                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd \n");
+                       print("  No arguments required.\n");
+                       return;
+               }
+       }
+// ==================================
+//  Macro system for client commands
+// ==================================
+// Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;)
+#define CLIENT_COMMANDS(request,arguments) \
+       CLIENT_COMMAND("blurtest", GameCommand_blurtest(request), "Feature for testing blur postprocessing") \
+       CLIENT_COMMAND("hud", GameCommand_hud(request, arguments), "Commands regarding/controlling the HUD system") \
+       CLIENT_COMMAND("sendcvar", GameCommand_sendcvar(request, arguments), "Send a cvar to the server (like weaponpriority)") \
+       /* nothing */
+void GameCommand_macro_help()
+       #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
+               { print("  ^2", name, "^7: ", description, "\n"); }
+       CLIENT_COMMANDS(0, 0)
+       #undef CLIENT_COMMAND
+       return;
+float GameCommand_macro_command(float argc)
+       #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
+               { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { function; return TRUE; } }
+       #undef CLIENT_COMMAND
+       return FALSE;
+float GameCommand_macro_usage(float argc)
+       #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
+               { if(name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return TRUE; } }
+       #undef CLIENT_COMMAND
+       return FALSE;
+// =========================================
+//  Main Function Called By Engine (cl_cmd)
+// =========================================
+// If this function exists, client code handles gamecommand instead of the engine code.
+void GameCommand(string command)
+       float argc = tokenize_console(command);
+       if(strtolower(argv(0)) == "help") 
+       {
+               if(argc == 1) 
+               {
+                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd COMMAND...^7, where possible commands are:\n");
+                       GameCommand_macro_help();
+                       GameCommand_Generic("help");
+                       print("For help about specific commands, type cl_cmd help COMMAND\n");
+                       return;
+               } 
+               else if(GameCommand_macro_usage(argc)) // Instead of trying to call a command, we're going to see detailed information about it
+               {
+                       return;
+               }
+       } 
+       else if(GameCommand_Generic(command)) 
+       {
+               return; // handled by common/gamecommand.qc
+       }
+       else if(GameCommand_macro_command(argc)) // continue as usual and scan for normal commands
+       {
+               return; // handled by one of the above GameCommand_* functions
+       }
+       // nothing above caught the command, must be invalid
+       print("Unknown client command", ((command != "") ? strcat(" \"", command, "\"") : ""), ". For a list of supported commands, try cl_cmd help.\n");
+       return;
+// ===================================
+//  Macro system for console commands
+// ===================================
+// These functions are here specifically to add special + - commands to the game, and are not really normal commands.
+// Please add client commands to the function above this, as this is only for special reasons.
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+showscores", { scoreboard_showscores = TRUE; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-showscores", { scoreboard_showscores = FALSE; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+showaccuracy", { scoreboard_showaccuracy = TRUE; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-showaccuracy", { scoreboard_showaccuracy = FALSE; }) \
+       /* nothing */
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+forward", { ++camera_direction_x; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-forward", { --camera_direction_x; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+back", { --camera_direction_x; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-back", { ++camera_direction_x; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+moveup", { ++camera_direction_z; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-moveup", { --camera_direction_z; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+movedown", { --camera_direction_z; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-movedown", { ++camera_direction_z; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+moveright", { --camera_direction_y; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-moveright", { ++camera_direction_y; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+moveleft", { ++camera_direction_y; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-moveleft", { --camera_direction_y; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+roll_right", { ++camera_roll; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-roll_right", { --camera_roll; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+roll_left", { --camera_roll; }) \
+       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-roll_left", { ++camera_roll; }) \
+       /* nothing */
+void ConsoleCommand_macro_init()
+       // first init normal commands
+       #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
+               { registercommand(name); }
+       #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
+       // then init movement commands
+       #ifndef CAMERATEST
+       if(isdemo())
+       {
+       #endif
+               #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
+                       { registercommand(name); }
+               #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
+       #ifndef CAMERATEST
+       }
+       #endif
+       return;
+float ConsoleCommand_macro_normal(float argc)
+       #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
+               { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { { execution } return TRUE; } }
+       #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
+       return FALSE;
+float ConsoleCommand_macro_movement(float argc)
+       if(camera_active)
+       {
+               #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
+                       { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { { execution } return TRUE; } }
+               #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+// ======================================================
+//  Main Function Called By Engine (registered commands)
+// ======================================================
+// Used to parse commands in the console that have been registered with the "registercommand" function
+float CSQC_ConsoleCommand(string command)
+       float argc = tokenize_console(command);
+       if(ConsoleCommand_macro_normal(argc))
+       {
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(ConsoleCommand_macro_movement(argc))
+       {
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the command, otherwise return 0 to have the engine handle it.
+       return FALSE;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/qcsrc/client/gamecommand.qc b/qcsrc/client/gamecommand.qc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a15626a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-// ==============================================
-//  CSQC client commands code, written by Samual
-//  Last updated: November 26th, 2011
-// ==============================================
-       /*
-       if(cmd == "mv_download") {
-               Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(argc);
-       }
-       else if(cmd == "scoreboard_columns_set") {
-               Cmd_HUD_SetFields(argc);
-       }
-       else if(cmd == "scoreboard_columns_help") {
-               Cmd_HUD_Help(argc);
-       }
-       else if(cmd == "spawn") {
-               s = argv(1);
-               e = spawn();
-               precache_model(s);
-               setmodel(e, s);
-               setorigin(e, view_origin);
-               e.angles = view_angles;
-               e.draw = DrawDebugModel;
-               e.classname = "debugmodel";
-       }
-    else if(cmd == "vyes")
-    {
-        if(uid2name_dialog)
-        {
-            vote_active = 0; // force the panel to disappear right as we have selected the value (to prevent it from fading out in the normal vote panel pos)
-            vote_prev = 0;
-            localcmd("setreport cl_allow_uid2name 1\n");
-            vote_change = -9999;
-                       uid2name_dialog = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            localcmd("cmd vote yes\n");
-        }
-    }
-    else if(cmd == "vno")
-    {
-        if(uid2name_dialog)
-        {
-            vote_active = 0;
-            vote_prev = 0;
-            localcmd("setreport cl_allow_uid2name 0\n");
-            vote_change = -9999;
-                       uid2name_dialog = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            localcmd("cmd vote no\n");
-        }
-    }
-       */
-void Cmd_HUD_SetFields(float);
-void Cmd_HUD_Help(float);
-.vector view_ofs;
-entity debug_shotorg;
-// ============================
-//  Misc. Supporting Functions
-// ============================
-float cvar_clientsettemp(string tmp_cvar, string value)
-       entity e;
-       for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "saved_cvar_value")); )
-               if(e.netname == tmp_cvar)
-                       goto saved;
-       // creating a new entity to keep track of this cvar
-       e = spawn();
-       e.classname = "saved_cvar_value";
-       e.netname = strzone(tmp_cvar);
-       e.message = strzone(cvar_string(tmp_cvar));
-       return TRUE;
-       // an entity for this cvar already exists, update the value
-       :saved
-       cvar_set(tmp_cvar, value);
-       return FALSE;
-float cvar_clientsettemp_restore()
-       float i;
-       entity e;
-       for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "saved_cvar_value")); )
-               { cvar_set(e.netname, e.message); ++i; } 
-       return i;
-void DrawDebugModel()
-       if(time - floor(time) > 0.5)
-       {
-               PolyDrawModel(self);
-               self.drawmask = 0;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               self.renderflags = 0;
-               self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
-       }
-// =======================
-//  Command Sub-Functions
-// =======================
-void GameCommand_blurtest(float request)
-       // Simple command to work with postprocessing temporarily... possibly completely pointless, the glsl shader is used for a real feature now...
-       // Anyway, to enable it, just compile the client with -DBLURTEST and then you can use the command.
-       #ifdef BLURTEST
-       switch(request)
-       {
-               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
-               {
-                       blurtest_time0 = time;
-                       blurtest_time1 = time + stof(argv(1));
-                       blurtest_radius = stof(argv(2));
-                       blurtest_power = stof(argv(3));
-                       print("Enabled blurtest\n");
-                       return; 
-               }
-               default:
-               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
-               {
-                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd blurtest\n");
-                       print("  No arguments required.\n");
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       #else
-       if(request)
-       {
-               print("Blurtest is not enabled on this client.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       #endif
-void GameCommand_hud(float request, float argc) // TODO: Add aliases in commands.cfg
-       switch(request)
-       {
-               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
-               {
-                       switch(argv(1))
-                       {
-                               case "configure":
-                               {
-                                       cvar_set("_hud_configure", ftos(!autocvar__hud_configure));
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                               case "save":
-                               {
-                                       if(argv(2))
-                                       {
-                                               HUD_Panel_ExportCfg(argv(2));
-                                               return;
-                                       }
-                                       else
-                                       {
-                                               break; // go to usage, we're missing the paramater needed here.
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               case "radar":
-                               {
-                                       if(argv(2))
-                                               hud_panel_radar_maximized = (stof(argv(2)) != 0);
-                                       else
-                                               hud_panel_radar_maximized = !hud_panel_radar_maximized;
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                               case "scoreboard_columns_set":
-                               {
-                                       Cmd_HUD_SetFields(argc); // todo update this function
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                               case "scoreboard_columns_help":
-                               {
-                                       Cmd_HUD_Help(argc); // todo update this function
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return; 
-               }
-               default:
-                       print("Incorrect parameters for ^2hud^7\n");
-               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
-               {
-                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd hud action [configname | radartoggle]\n");
-                       print("  Where 'action' is the command to complete,\n");
-                       print("  'configname' is the name to save to for \"save\" action,\n");
-                       print("  and 'radartoggle' is to control hud_panel_radar_maximized for \"radar\" action.\n");
-                       print("  Full list of commands here: \"configure, save, radar.\"\n");
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-void GameCommand_sendcvar(float request, float argc)
-       switch(request)
-       {
-               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
-               {
-                       // W_FixWeaponOrder will trash argv, so save what we need.
-                       string thiscvar = strzone(argv(1));
-                       string s = cvar_string(thiscvar);
-                       if(thiscvar == "cl_weaponpriority")
-                               s = W_FixWeaponOrder(W_NumberWeaponOrder(s), 1);
-                       else if(substring(thiscvar, 0, 17) == "cl_weaponpriority" && strlen(thiscvar) == 18)
-                               s = W_FixWeaponOrder(W_NumberWeaponOrder(s), 0);
-                       localcmd("cmd sentcvar ", thiscvar, " \"", s, "\"\n");
-                       strunzone(thiscvar);
-                       return; 
-               }
-               default:
-               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
-               {
-                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd sendcvar <cvar>\n");
-                       print("  Where 'cvar' is the cvar plus arguments to send to the server.\n");
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-/* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order.
-void GameCommand_(float request)
-       switch(request)
-       {
-               case GC_REQUEST_COMMAND:
-               {
-                       return; 
-               }
-               default:
-               case GC_REQUEST_USAGE:
-               {
-                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd \n");
-                       print("  No arguments required.\n");
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-// ==================================
-//  Macro system for client commands
-// ==================================
-// Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;)
-#define CLIENT_COMMANDS(request,arguments) \
-       CLIENT_COMMAND("blurtest", GameCommand_blurtest(request), "Feature for testing blur postprocessing") \
-       CLIENT_COMMAND("hud", GameCommand_hud(request, arguments), "Commands regarding/controlling the HUD system") \
-       CLIENT_COMMAND("sendcvar", GameCommand_sendcvar(request, arguments), "Send a cvar to the server (like weaponpriority)") \
-       /* nothing */
-void GameCommand_macro_help()
-       #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
-               { print("  ^2", name, "^7: ", description, "\n"); }
-       CLIENT_COMMANDS(0, 0)
-       #undef CLIENT_COMMAND
-       return;
-float GameCommand_macro_command(float argc)
-       #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
-               { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { function; return TRUE; } }
-       #undef CLIENT_COMMAND
-       return FALSE;
-float GameCommand_macro_usage(float argc)
-       #define CLIENT_COMMAND(name,function,description) \
-               { if(name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return TRUE; } }
-       #undef CLIENT_COMMAND
-       return FALSE;
-// =========================================
-//  Main Function Called By Engine (cl_cmd)
-// =========================================
-// If this function exists, client code handles gamecommand instead of the engine code.
-void GameCommand(string command)
-       float argc = tokenize_console(command);
-       if(strtolower(argv(0)) == "help") 
-       {
-               if(argc == 1) 
-               {
-                       print("\nUsage:^3 cl_cmd COMMAND...^7, where possible commands are:\n");
-                       GameCommand_macro_help();
-                       GameCommand_Generic("help");
-                       print("For help about specific commands, type cl_cmd help COMMAND\n");
-                       return;
-               } 
-               else if(GameCommand_macro_usage(argc)) // Instead of trying to call a command, we're going to see detailed information about it
-               {
-                       return;
-               }
-       } 
-       else if(GameCommand_Generic(command)) 
-       {
-               return; // handled by common/gamecommand.qc
-       }
-       else if(GameCommand_macro_command(argc)) // continue as usual and scan for normal commands
-       {
-               return; // handled by one of the above GameCommand_* functions
-       }
-       // nothing above caught the command, must be invalid
-       print("Unknown client command", ((command != "") ? strcat(" \"", command, "\"") : ""), ". For a list of supported commands, try cl_cmd help.\n");
-       return;
-// ===================================
-//  Macro system for console commands
-// ===================================
-// These functions are here specifically to add special + - commands to the game, and are not really normal commands.
-// Please add client commands to the function above this, as this is only for special reasons.
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+showscores", { scoreboard_showscores = TRUE; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-showscores", { scoreboard_showscores = FALSE; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+showaccuracy", { scoreboard_showaccuracy = TRUE; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-showaccuracy", { scoreboard_showaccuracy = FALSE; }) \
-       /* nothing */
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+forward", { ++camera_direction_x; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-forward", { --camera_direction_x; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+back", { --camera_direction_x; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-back", { ++camera_direction_x; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+moveup", { ++camera_direction_z; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-moveup", { --camera_direction_z; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+movedown", { --camera_direction_z; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-movedown", { ++camera_direction_z; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+moveright", { --camera_direction_y; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-moveright", { ++camera_direction_y; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+moveleft", { ++camera_direction_y; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-moveleft", { --camera_direction_y; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+roll_right", { ++camera_roll; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-roll_right", { --camera_roll; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("+roll_left", { --camera_roll; }) \
-       CONSOLE_COMMAND("-roll_left", { ++camera_roll; }) \
-       /* nothing */
-void ConsoleCommand_macro_init()
-       // first init normal commands
-       #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
-               { registercommand(name); }
-       #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
-       // then init movement commands
-       #ifndef CAMERATEST
-       if(isdemo())
-       {
-       #endif
-               #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
-                       { registercommand(name); }
-               #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
-       #ifndef CAMERATEST
-       }
-       #endif
-       return;
-float ConsoleCommand_macro_normal(float argc)
-       #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
-               { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { { execution } return TRUE; } }
-       #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
-       return FALSE;
-float ConsoleCommand_macro_movement(float argc)
-       if(camera_active)
-       {
-               #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name,execution) \
-                       { if(name == strtolower(argv(0))) { { execution } return TRUE; } }
-               #undef CONSOLE_COMMAND
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-// ======================================================
-//  Main Function Called By Engine (registered commands)
-// ======================================================
-// Used to parse commands in the console that have been registered with the "registercommand" function
-float CSQC_ConsoleCommand(string command)
-       float argc = tokenize_console(command);
-       if(ConsoleCommand_macro_normal(argc))
-       {
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(ConsoleCommand_macro_movement(argc))
-       {
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       // Return value should be 1 if CSQC handled the command, otherwise return 0 to have the engine handle it.
-       return FALSE;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/qcsrc/common/command/generic.qc b/qcsrc/common/command/generic.qc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9595ed5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+#define MAX_RPN_STACK 16
+float rpn_db;
+float rpn_error;
+float rpn_sp;
+string rpn_stack[MAX_RPN_STACK];
+string rpn_pop() {
+       if(rpn_sp > 0) {
+               --rpn_sp;
+               return rpn_stack[rpn_sp];
+       } else {
+               print("rpn: stack underflow\n");
+               rpn_error = TRUE;
+               return "";
+       }
+void rpn_push(string s) {
+       if(rpn_sp < MAX_RPN_STACK) {
+               rpn_stack[rpn_sp] = s;
+               ++rpn_sp;
+       } else {
+               print("rpn: stack overflow\n");
+               rpn_error = TRUE;
+       }
+string rpn_get() {
+       if(rpn_sp > 0) {
+               return rpn_stack[rpn_sp - 1];
+       } else {
+               print("rpn: empty stack\n");
+               rpn_error = TRUE;
+               return "";
+       }
+void rpn_set(string s) {
+       if(rpn_sp > 0) {
+               rpn_stack[rpn_sp - 1] = s;
+       } else {
+               print("rpn: empty stack\n");
+               rpn_error = TRUE;
+       }
+float rpn_getf() { return stof(rpn_get()); }
+float rpn_popf() { return stof(rpn_pop()); }
+void rpn_pushf(float f) { return rpn_push(ftos(f)); }
+void rpn_setf(float f) { return rpn_set(ftos(f)); }
+#define NUM_MARKUPS    41
+float markup_init;
+string markup_from[NUM_MARKUPS];
+string markup_to[NUM_MARKUPS];
+void GameCommand_MarkupInit()
+       float i;
+       if (markup_init)
+               return;
+       markup_init = 1;
+       i = 0;
+       markup_from[i] = "&alien"; markup_to[i] = "\x12"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&:-)"; markup_to[i] = "\x13"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&:-("; markup_to[i] = "\x14"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&x-P"; markup_to[i] = "\x15"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&:-/"; markup_to[i] = "\x16"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&:-D"; markup_to[i] = "\x17"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&<<"; markup_to[i] = "\x18"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&>>"; markup_to[i] = "\x19"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&dot"; markup_to[i] = "\x1a"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&^_"; markup_to[i] = "\x1b"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&ysplat"; markup_to[i] = "\x1c"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&-]"; markup_to[i] = "\x1d"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&--"; markup_to[i] = "\x1e"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&[-"; markup_to[i] = "\x1f"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&s<"; markup_to[i] = "\x2c"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&s>"; markup_to[i] = "\x2e"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&<-"; markup_to[i] = "\x7f"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&[="; markup_to[i] = "\x80"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&=="; markup_to[i] = "\x81"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&=]"; markup_to[i] = "\x82"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&r!"; markup_to[i] = "\x84"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&|o|"; markup_to[i] = "\x85"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&|u|"; markup_to[i] = "\x86"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&|i|"; markup_to[i] = "\x87"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&|c|"; markup_to[i] = "\x88"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&[c]"; markup_to[i] = "\x89"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&[n]"; markup_to[i] = "\x8a"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&[]"; markup_to[i] = "\x8b"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&r?"; markup_to[i] = "\x8c"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&|>"; markup_to[i] = "\x8d"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&splat0"; markup_to[i] = "\x8e"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&splat1"; markup_to[i] = "\x8f"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&[["; markup_to[i] = "\x90"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&]]"; markup_to[i] = "\x91"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&splat2"; markup_to[i] = "\x9a"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&)("; markup_to[i] = "\x9b"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&splat3"; markup_to[i] = "\x9c"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&(."; markup_to[i] = "\x9d"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&.."; markup_to[i] = "\x9e"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&.)"; markup_to[i] = "\x9f"; ++i;
+       markup_from[i] = "&<|"; markup_to[i] = "\xff"; ++i;
+string GameCommand_Markup(string s2)
+       float red, ccase, i, j;
+       string s, s3;
+       GameCommand_MarkupInit();
+       s = "";
+       red = 0;
+       ccase = 0;
+       for(i = 0; i < strlen(s2); ++i)
+       {
+               for(j = 0; j < NUM_MARKUPS; ++j)
+               {
+                       s3 = substring(s2, i, strlen(markup_from[j]));
+                       if (s3 == markup_from[j])
+                       {
+                               s = strcat(s, markup_to[j]);
+                               i += strlen(markup_from[j]) - 1;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if(j == NUM_MARKUPS)
+               {
+                       if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&&")
+                       {
+                               s = strcat(s, strconv(ccase, red, red, "&"));
+                               ++i;
+                       }
+                       else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&d")
+                       {
+                               red = 2;
+                               ccase = 0;
+                               ++i;
+                       }
+                       else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&a")
+                       {
+                               red = 2;
+                               ccase = 2;
+                               ++i;
+                       }
+                       else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&n")
+                       {
+                               red = 0;
+                               ccase = 0;
+                               ++i;
+                       }
+                       else
+                               s = strcat(s, strconv(ccase, red, red, substring(s2, i, 1)));
+               }
+       }
+       return s;
+float GameCommand_Generic(string command)
+       float argc;
+       float i, j, f, n;
+       vector rgb;
+       string s, s2, c;
+       argc = tokenize_console(command);
+       if(argv(0) == "help")
+       {
+               print("  rpn EXPRESSION... - a RPN calculator.\n");
+               print("    Operator description (x: string, s: set, f: float):\n");
+               print("    x pop ----------------------------->     : removes the top\n");
+               print("    x dup -----------------------------> x x : duplicates the top\n");
+               print("    x x exch --------------------------> x x : swap the top two\n");
+               print("    /cvarname load --------------------> x   : loads a cvar\n");
+               print("    /cvarname x def ------------------->     : writes to a cvar\n");
+               print("    f f add|sub|mul|div|mod|max|min ---> f   : adds/... two numbers\n");
+               print("    f f eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le -------------> f   : compares two numbers\n");
+               print("    f neg|abs|sgn|rand|floor|ceil------> f   : negates/... a number\n");
+               print("    f f f bound -----------------------> f   : bounds the middle number\n");
+               print("    f1 f2 b when ----------------------> f   : f1 if b, f2 otherwise\n");
+               print("    s s union|intersection|difference -> s   : set operations\n");
+               print("    s shuffle -------------------------> s   : randomly arrange elements\n");
+               print("    /key /value put ------------------->     : set a database key\n");
+               print("    /key get --------------------------> s   : get a database value\n");
+               print("    x dbpush -------------------------->     : pushes the top onto the database\n");
+               print("    dbpop|dbget -----------------------> x   : removes/reads DB's top\n");
+               print("    dblen|dbat ------------------------> f   : gets the DB's size/cursor pos\n");
+               print("    dbclr ----------------------------->     : clear the DB\n");
+               print("    s dbsave|dbload-------------------->     : save/load the DB to/from a file\n");
+               print("    x dbins --------------------------->     : moves the top into the DB\n");
+               print("    dbext|dbread ----------------------> x   : extract/get from the DB's cursor\n");
+               print("    f dbmov|dbgoto -------------------->     : move or set the DB's cursor\n");
+               print("    s localtime -----------------------> s   : formats the current local time\n");
+               print("    s gmtime --------------------------> s   : formats the current UTC time\n");
+               print("    time ------------------------------> f   : seconds since VM start\n");
+               print("    s /MD4 digest ---------------------> s   : MD4 digest\n");
+               print("    s /SHA256 digest ------------------> s   : SHA256 digest\n");
+               print("    s /formatstring sprintf1s ---------> s   : sprintf with 1 string (pad, cut)\n");
+               print("    Set operations operate on 'such''strings'.\n");
+               print("    Unknown tokens insert their cvar value.\n");
+               print("  maplist add map\n");
+               print("  maplist remove map\n");
+               print("  maplist shuffle\n");
+               print("  maplist cleanup\n");
+               print("  maplist maplist\n");
+               print("  maplist lsmaps\n");
+               print("  maplist lsnewmaps\n");
+               print("  addtolist variable addedvalue\n");
+               print("  records\n");
+               print("  rankings (map argument optional)\n");
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "maplist")
+       {
+               if(argv(1) == "add" && argc == 3)
+               {
+                       if (!fexists(strcat("maps/", argv(2), ".bsp")))
+                       {
+                               print("maplist: ERROR: ", argv(2), " does not exist!\n");
+                               return TRUE;
+                       }
+                       if(cvar_string("g_maplist") == "")
+                               cvar_set("g_maplist", argv(2));
+                       else
+                               cvar_set("g_maplist", strcat(argv(2), " ", cvar_string("g_maplist")));
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               else if(argv(1) == "remove" && argc == 3)
+               {
+                       s = argv(2);
+                       n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string("g_maplist"), " ");
+                       s2 = "";
+                       for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+                               if(argv(i) != s)
+                                       s2 = strcat(s2, " ", argv(i));
+                       s2 = substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1);
+                       cvar_set("g_maplist", s2);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               else if(argv(1) == "shuffle" && argc == 2)
+               {
+                       cvar_set("g_maplist", shufflewords(cvar_string("g_maplist")));
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               else if(argv(1) == "cleanup")
+               {
+                       MapInfo_Enumerate();
+                       MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0);
+                       n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string("g_maplist"), " ");
+                       s2 = "";
+                       for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+                               if(MapInfo_CheckMap(argv(i)))
+                                       s2 = strcat(s2, " ", argv(i));
+                       s2 = substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1);
+                       cvar_set("g_maplist", s2);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               else if(argv(1) == "maplist") {
+                       print(maplist_reply);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               else if(argv(1) == "lsmaps") {
+                       print(lsmaps_reply);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+               else if(argv(1) == "lsnewmaps") {
+                       print(lsnewmaps_reply);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+       }
+       else if(argc >= 3 && argv(0) == "red")
+       {
+               s = substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2));
+               localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", GameCommand_Markup(s)));
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(argc >= 3 && crc16(0, argv(0)) == 38566 && crc16(0, strcat(argv(0), argv(0), argv(0))) == 59830)
+       {
+               // other test case
+               s = strconv(2, 0, 0, substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)));
+               n = floor(random() * 6 + 2);
+               s2 = "";
+               for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+               {
+                       s2 = strcat(s2, "AH");
+               }
+               if(random() < 0.1)
+                       s2 = strcat(substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1), "A");
+               if(s == "")
+                       s = s2;
+               else
+                       if(random() < 0.8)
+                               s = strcat(s, " ", s2);
+                       else
+                               s = strcat(s2, " ", s);
+               s2 = substring(s, strlen(s) - 2, 2);
+               if(s2 == "AH" || s2 == "AY")
+                       s = strcat(s, "))");
+               else
+                       s = strcat(s, " ))");
+               if(random() < 0.1)
+                       s = substring(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1);
+               if(random() < 0.1)
+                       s = strconv(1, 0, 0, s);
+               localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", s));
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(argc >= 3 && crc16(0, argv(0)) == 3826 && crc16(0, strcat(argv(0), argv(0), argv(0))) == 55790)
+       {
+               // test case for terencehill's color codes
+               s = strdecolorize(substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)));
+               s2 = "";
+               n = strlen(s);
+               j = ((6 * max(1, floor(strlen(s)/32 + random() * 2 - 1))) / n) * (1 - 2 * (random() > 0.5));
+               f = random() * 6;
+               for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+               {
+                       c = substring(s, i, 1);
+                       if(c == ";")
+                               c = ":";
+                       else if(c == "^")
+                       {
+                               c = "^^";
+                               if(substring(s, i+1, 1) == "^")
+                                       ++i;
+                       }
+                       if(c != " ")
+                       {
+                               rgb = hsl_to_rgb('1 0 0' * (j * i + f) + '0 1 .5');
+                               c = strcat(rgb_to_hexcolor(rgb), c);
+                       }
+                       s2 = strcat(s2, c);
+               }
+               localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", s2));
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(argv(0) == "rpn")
+       {
+               if(!rpn_db)
+               {
+                       rpn_db = db_create();
+                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", "0");
+                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "-1");
+               }
+               if(argc >= 2)
+               {
+                       float rpnpos;
+                       string rpncmd;
+                       float f2, f3;
+                       rpn_sp = 0;
+                       rpn_error = FALSE;
+                       for(rpnpos = 1; rpnpos < argc; ++rpnpos)
+                       {
+                               rpncmd = argv(rpnpos);
+                               f = strlen(rpncmd);
+                               if(rpncmd == "") {
+                               } else if(stof(substring(rpncmd, 0, 1)) > 0) {
+                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
+                               } else if(substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "0") {
+                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
+                               } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "+") {
+                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
+                               } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "-") {
+                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
+                               } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "/") {
+                                       rpn_push(substring(rpncmd, 1, strlen(rpncmd) - 1));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "clear") {
+                                       rpn_sp = 0;
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "def" || rpncmd == "=") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(s2 != "")
+                                       {
+#ifdef MENUQC
+                                               registercvar(s2, "", 0);
+                                               registercvar(s2, "");
+                                               if(!rpn_error) // don't change cvars if a stack error had happened!
+                                                       cvar_set(s2, s);
+                                       }
+                                       else
+                                       {
+                                               print("rpn: empty cvar name for 'def'\n");
+                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "defs" || rpncmd == "@") {
+                                       s = "";
+                                       i = rpn_popf();
+                                       j = (i == 0);
+                                       while(rpn_sp > 1 && (j || i > 0))
+                                       {
+                                               s = strcat("/", rpn_pop(), " ", s);
+                                               --i;
+                                       }
+                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(s2 != "")
+                                       {
+#ifdef MENUQC
+                                               registercvar(s2, "", 0);
+                                               registercvar(s2, "");
+                                               if(!rpn_error) // don't change cvars if a stack error had happened!
+                                                       cvar_set(s2, s);
+                                       }
+                                       else
+                                       {
+                                               print("rpn: empty cvar name for 'defs'\n");
+                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "load") {
+                                       rpn_set(cvar_string(rpn_get()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "exch") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       s2 = rpn_get();
+                                       rpn_set(s);
+                                       rpn_push(s2);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dup") {
+                                       rpn_push(rpn_get());
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "pop") {
+                                       rpn_pop();
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "add" || rpncmd == "+") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() + f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "sub" || rpncmd == "-") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() - f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "mul" || rpncmd == "*") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() * f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "div" || rpncmd == "/") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() / f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "mod" || rpncmd == "%") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       f2 = rpn_getf();
+                                       rpn_setf(f2 - f * floor(f2 / f));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "abs") {
+                                       rpn_setf(fabs(rpn_getf()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "sgn") {
+                                       f = rpn_getf();
+                                       if(f < 0)
+                                               rpn_set("-1");
+                                       else if(f > 0)
+                                               rpn_set("1");
+                                       else
+                                               rpn_set("0");
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "neg" || rpncmd == "~") {
+                                       rpn_setf(-rpn_getf());
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "floor" || rpncmd == "f") {
+                                       rpn_setf(floor(rpn_getf()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "ceil" || rpncmd == "c") {
+                                       rpn_setf(ceil(rpn_getf()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "max") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       f2 = rpn_getf();
+                                       rpn_setf(max(f2, f));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "min") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       f2 = rpn_getf();
+                                       rpn_setf(min(f2, f));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "bound") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       f2 = rpn_popf();
+                                       f3 = rpn_getf();
+                                       rpn_setf(bound(f3, f2, f));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "when") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       f2 = rpn_popf();
+                                       f3 = rpn_getf();
+                                       if(f)
+                                               rpn_setf(f3);
+                                       else
+                                               rpn_setf(f2);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == ">" || rpncmd == "gt") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() > f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "<" || rpncmd == "lt") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() < f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "==" || rpncmd == "eq") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() == f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == ">=" || rpncmd == "ge") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() >= f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "<=" || rpncmd == "le") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() <= f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "!=" || rpncmd == "ne") {
+                                       f = rpn_popf();
+                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() != f);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "rand") {
+                                       rpn_setf(ceil(random() * rpn_getf()) - 1);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "crc16") {
+                                       rpn_setf(crc16(FALSE, rpn_get()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "put") {
+                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
+                                       if (!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               s = rpn_pop();
+                                               if (!rpn_error)
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, s, s2);
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "get") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       if (!rpn_error)
+                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, s));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbpush") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(i+1));
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), s);
+                                       }
+                                       if(!i)
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "0");
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbpop") {
+                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                       if(i)
+                                       {
+                                               s = ftos(i-1);
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", s);
+                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", s)));
+                                               j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
+                                               if(j >= i)
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i-2));
+                                       } else {
+                                               rpn_error = 1;
+                                               print("rpn: database underflow\n");
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbget") {
+                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                       if(i)
+                                       {
+                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i-1))));
+                                       } else {
+                                               rpn_error = 1;
+                                               print("rpn: database empty\n");
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dblen") {
+                                       rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbclr") {
+                                       db_close(rpn_db);
+                                       rpn_db = db_create();
+                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", "0");
+                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "-1");
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbsave") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                               db_save(rpn_db, s);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbload") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               db_close(rpn_db);
+                                               rpn_db = db_load(s);
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbins") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                               //if(rpn_sp > 0)
+                                       {
+                                               j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                               i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
+                                               if(i < 0)
+                                               {
+                                                       i = 0;
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "0");
+                                               }
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(j+1));
+                                               for(--j; j >= i; --j)
+                                               {
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(j+1)),
+                                                              db_get(rpn_db, (strcat("stack.", ftos(j))))
+                                                               );
+                                               }
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), s);
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbext") {
+                                       j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
+                                       if(!j)
+                                       {
+                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                               print("rpn: empty database\n");
+                                       } else {
+                                               --j;
+                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i))));
+                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(j));
+                                               if(i == j)
+                                               {
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(j-1));
+                                               } else {
+                                                       while(i < j)
+                                                       {
+                                                               db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)),
+                                                                      db_get(rpn_db, (strcat("stack.", ftos(i+1))))
+                                                                       );
+                                                               ++i;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbread") {
+                                       s = db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos");
+                                       if(stof(s) >= 0)
+                                       {
+                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", s)));
+                                       } else {
+                                               rpn_error = 1;
+                                               print("rpn: empty database\n");
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbat") {
+                                       rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbmov") {
+                                       j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
+                                       i += rpn_popf();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               if(i < 0 || i >= j)
+                                               {
+                                                       print("rpn: database cursor out of bounds\n");
+                                                       rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                               }
+                                               if(!rpn_error)
+                                               {
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i));
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbgoto") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                       if(!j)
+                                       {
+                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                               print("rpn: empty database, cannot move cursor\n");
+                                       }
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               if(s == "end")
+                                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"))-1;
+                                               else if(s == "beg")
+                                                       i = 0;
+                                               else
+                                                       i = stof(s);
+                                               j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
+                                               if(i < 0 || i >= j)
+                                               {
+                                                       print("rpn: database cursor destination out of bounds\n");
+                                                       rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                               }
+                                               if(!rpn_error)
+                                               {
+                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i));
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "union") {
+                                       // s s2 union
+                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
+                                       s = rpn_get();
+                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
+                                       f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2));
+                                       // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s
+                                       // tokens f..f2 represent s2
+                                       // UNION: add all tokens to s that are in s2 but not in s
+                                       s = "";
+                                       for(i = 0; i < f; ++i)  
+                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
+                                       for(i = f; i < f2; ++i) {
+                                               for(j = 0; j < f; ++j)
+                                                       if(argv(i) == argv(j))
+                                                               goto skip_union;
+                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
+                                       }
+                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
+                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
+                                       rpn_set(s);
+                                       tokenize_console(command);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "intersection") {
+                                       // s s2 intersection
+                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
+                                       s = rpn_get();
+                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
+                                       f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2));
+                                       // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s
+                                       // tokens f..f2 represent s2
+                                       // INTERSECTION: keep only the tokens from s that are also in s2
+                                       s = "";
+                                       for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) {
+                                               for(j = f; j < f2; ++j)
+                                                       if(argv(i) == argv(j))
+                                                       {
+                                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
+                                                               break;
+                                                       }
+                                       }
+                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
+                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
+                                       rpn_set(s);
+                                       tokenize_console(command);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "difference") {
+                                       // s s2 difference
+                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
+                                       s = rpn_get();
+                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
+                                       f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2));
+                                       // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s
+                                       // tokens f..f2 represent s2
+                                       // DIFFERENCE: keep only the tokens from s that are not in s2
+                                       s = "";
+                                       for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) {
+                                               for(j = f; j < f2; ++j)
+                                                       if(argv(i) == argv(j))
+                                                               goto skip_difference;
+                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
+                                       }
+                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
+                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
+                                       rpn_set(s);
+                                       tokenize_console(command);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "shuffle") {
+                                       // s shuffle
+                                       s = rpn_get();
+                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
+                                       for(i = 0; i < f - 1; ++i) {
+                                               // move a random item from i..f-1 to position i
+                                               s = "";
+                                               f2 = floor(random() * (f - i) + i);
+                                               for(j = 0; j < i; ++j)
+                                                       s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j));
+                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(f2));
+                                               for(j = i; j < f; ++j)
+                                                       if(j != f2)
+                                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j));
+                                               f = tokenize_console(s);
+                                       }
+                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
+                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
+                                       rpn_set(s);
+                                       tokenize_console(command);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "fexists_assert") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               if (!fexists(s))
+                                               {
+                                                       print("rpn: ERROR: ", s, " does not exist!\n");
+                                                       rpn_error = TRUE;
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "fexists") {
+                                       s = rpn_get();
+                                       if(!rpn_error)
+                                       {
+                                               if (fexists(s))
+                                                       rpn_setf(1);
+                                               else
+                                                       rpn_setf(0);
+                                       }
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "localtime") {
+                                       rpn_set(strftime(TRUE, rpn_get()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "gmtime") {
+                                       rpn_set(strftime(FALSE, rpn_get()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "time") {
+                                       rpn_pushf(time);
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "digest") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       rpn_set(digest_hex(s, rpn_get()));
+                               } else if(rpncmd == "sprintf1s") {
+                                       s = rpn_pop();
+                                       rpn_set(sprintf(s, rpn_get()));
+                               } else {
+                                       rpn_push(cvar_string(rpncmd));
+                               }
+                               if(rpn_error)
+                                       break;
+                       }
+                       while(rpn_sp > 0)
+                       {
+                               s = rpn_pop();
+                               print("rpn: still on stack: ", s, "\n");
+                       }
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+       } else if(argv(0) == "addtolist") {
+               if(argc >= 2)
+               {
+                       s = argv(1);
+                       s2 = argv(2);
+                       if(cvar_string(s) == "")
+                               cvar_set(s, s2);
+                       else {
+                               n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string(s), " ");
+                               for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+                                       if(argv(i) == s2)
+                                               return TRUE; // already in list
+                               cvar_set(s, strcat(s2, " ", cvar_string(s)));
+                       }
+               }
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(argv(0) == "records") {
+               print(records_reply);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(argv(0) == "ladder") {
+               print(ladder_reply);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       else if(argv(0) == "rankings") {
+               print(rankings_reply);
+               return TRUE;
+#ifdef MENUQC
+       } else if(argv(0) == "cp") {
+               if(argc >= 2)
+               {
+                       s = argv(1);
+                       for(i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
+                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
+                       centerprint(unescape(s));
+               }
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
diff --git a/qcsrc/common/gamecommand.qc b/qcsrc/common/gamecommand.qc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9595ed5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
-#define MAX_RPN_STACK 16
-float rpn_db;
-float rpn_error;
-float rpn_sp;
-string rpn_stack[MAX_RPN_STACK];
-string rpn_pop() {
-       if(rpn_sp > 0) {
-               --rpn_sp;
-               return rpn_stack[rpn_sp];
-       } else {
-               print("rpn: stack underflow\n");
-               rpn_error = TRUE;
-               return "";
-       }
-void rpn_push(string s) {
-       if(rpn_sp < MAX_RPN_STACK) {
-               rpn_stack[rpn_sp] = s;
-               ++rpn_sp;
-       } else {
-               print("rpn: stack overflow\n");
-               rpn_error = TRUE;
-       }
-string rpn_get() {
-       if(rpn_sp > 0) {
-               return rpn_stack[rpn_sp - 1];
-       } else {
-               print("rpn: empty stack\n");
-               rpn_error = TRUE;
-               return "";
-       }
-void rpn_set(string s) {
-       if(rpn_sp > 0) {
-               rpn_stack[rpn_sp - 1] = s;
-       } else {
-               print("rpn: empty stack\n");
-               rpn_error = TRUE;
-       }
-float rpn_getf() { return stof(rpn_get()); }
-float rpn_popf() { return stof(rpn_pop()); }
-void rpn_pushf(float f) { return rpn_push(ftos(f)); }
-void rpn_setf(float f) { return rpn_set(ftos(f)); }
-#define NUM_MARKUPS    41
-float markup_init;
-string markup_from[NUM_MARKUPS];
-string markup_to[NUM_MARKUPS];
-void GameCommand_MarkupInit()
-       float i;
-       if (markup_init)
-               return;
-       markup_init = 1;
-       i = 0;
-       markup_from[i] = "&alien"; markup_to[i] = "\x12"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&:-)"; markup_to[i] = "\x13"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&:-("; markup_to[i] = "\x14"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&x-P"; markup_to[i] = "\x15"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&:-/"; markup_to[i] = "\x16"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&:-D"; markup_to[i] = "\x17"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&<<"; markup_to[i] = "\x18"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&>>"; markup_to[i] = "\x19"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&dot"; markup_to[i] = "\x1a"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&^_"; markup_to[i] = "\x1b"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&ysplat"; markup_to[i] = "\x1c"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&-]"; markup_to[i] = "\x1d"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&--"; markup_to[i] = "\x1e"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&[-"; markup_to[i] = "\x1f"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&s<"; markup_to[i] = "\x2c"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&s>"; markup_to[i] = "\x2e"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&<-"; markup_to[i] = "\x7f"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&[="; markup_to[i] = "\x80"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&=="; markup_to[i] = "\x81"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&=]"; markup_to[i] = "\x82"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&r!"; markup_to[i] = "\x84"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&|o|"; markup_to[i] = "\x85"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&|u|"; markup_to[i] = "\x86"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&|i|"; markup_to[i] = "\x87"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&|c|"; markup_to[i] = "\x88"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&[c]"; markup_to[i] = "\x89"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&[n]"; markup_to[i] = "\x8a"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&[]"; markup_to[i] = "\x8b"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&r?"; markup_to[i] = "\x8c"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&|>"; markup_to[i] = "\x8d"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&splat0"; markup_to[i] = "\x8e"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&splat1"; markup_to[i] = "\x8f"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&[["; markup_to[i] = "\x90"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&]]"; markup_to[i] = "\x91"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&splat2"; markup_to[i] = "\x9a"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&)("; markup_to[i] = "\x9b"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&splat3"; markup_to[i] = "\x9c"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&(."; markup_to[i] = "\x9d"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&.."; markup_to[i] = "\x9e"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&.)"; markup_to[i] = "\x9f"; ++i;
-       markup_from[i] = "&<|"; markup_to[i] = "\xff"; ++i;
-string GameCommand_Markup(string s2)
-       float red, ccase, i, j;
-       string s, s3;
-       GameCommand_MarkupInit();
-       s = "";
-       red = 0;
-       ccase = 0;
-       for(i = 0; i < strlen(s2); ++i)
-       {
-               for(j = 0; j < NUM_MARKUPS; ++j)
-               {
-                       s3 = substring(s2, i, strlen(markup_from[j]));
-                       if (s3 == markup_from[j])
-                       {
-                               s = strcat(s, markup_to[j]);
-                               i += strlen(markup_from[j]) - 1;
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-               if(j == NUM_MARKUPS)
-               {
-                       if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&&")
-                       {
-                               s = strcat(s, strconv(ccase, red, red, "&"));
-                               ++i;
-                       }
-                       else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&d")
-                       {
-                               red = 2;
-                               ccase = 0;
-                               ++i;
-                       }
-                       else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&a")
-                       {
-                               red = 2;
-                               ccase = 2;
-                               ++i;
-                       }
-                       else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&n")
-                       {
-                               red = 0;
-                               ccase = 0;
-                               ++i;
-                       }
-                       else
-                               s = strcat(s, strconv(ccase, red, red, substring(s2, i, 1)));
-               }
-       }
-       return s;
-float GameCommand_Generic(string command)
-       float argc;
-       float i, j, f, n;
-       vector rgb;
-       string s, s2, c;
-       argc = tokenize_console(command);
-       if(argv(0) == "help")
-       {
-               print("  rpn EXPRESSION... - a RPN calculator.\n");
-               print("    Operator description (x: string, s: set, f: float):\n");
-               print("    x pop ----------------------------->     : removes the top\n");
-               print("    x dup -----------------------------> x x : duplicates the top\n");
-               print("    x x exch --------------------------> x x : swap the top two\n");
-               print("    /cvarname load --------------------> x   : loads a cvar\n");
-               print("    /cvarname x def ------------------->     : writes to a cvar\n");
-               print("    f f add|sub|mul|div|mod|max|min ---> f   : adds/... two numbers\n");
-               print("    f f eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le -------------> f   : compares two numbers\n");
-               print("    f neg|abs|sgn|rand|floor|ceil------> f   : negates/... a number\n");
-               print("    f f f bound -----------------------> f   : bounds the middle number\n");
-               print("    f1 f2 b when ----------------------> f   : f1 if b, f2 otherwise\n");
-               print("    s s union|intersection|difference -> s   : set operations\n");
-               print("    s shuffle -------------------------> s   : randomly arrange elements\n");
-               print("    /key /value put ------------------->     : set a database key\n");
-               print("    /key get --------------------------> s   : get a database value\n");
-               print("    x dbpush -------------------------->     : pushes the top onto the database\n");
-               print("    dbpop|dbget -----------------------> x   : removes/reads DB's top\n");
-               print("    dblen|dbat ------------------------> f   : gets the DB's size/cursor pos\n");
-               print("    dbclr ----------------------------->     : clear the DB\n");
-               print("    s dbsave|dbload-------------------->     : save/load the DB to/from a file\n");
-               print("    x dbins --------------------------->     : moves the top into the DB\n");
-               print("    dbext|dbread ----------------------> x   : extract/get from the DB's cursor\n");
-               print("    f dbmov|dbgoto -------------------->     : move or set the DB's cursor\n");
-               print("    s localtime -----------------------> s   : formats the current local time\n");
-               print("    s gmtime --------------------------> s   : formats the current UTC time\n");
-               print("    time ------------------------------> f   : seconds since VM start\n");
-               print("    s /MD4 digest ---------------------> s   : MD4 digest\n");
-               print("    s /SHA256 digest ------------------> s   : SHA256 digest\n");
-               print("    s /formatstring sprintf1s ---------> s   : sprintf with 1 string (pad, cut)\n");
-               print("    Set operations operate on 'such''strings'.\n");
-               print("    Unknown tokens insert their cvar value.\n");
-               print("  maplist add map\n");
-               print("  maplist remove map\n");
-               print("  maplist shuffle\n");
-               print("  maplist cleanup\n");
-               print("  maplist maplist\n");
-               print("  maplist lsmaps\n");
-               print("  maplist lsnewmaps\n");
-               print("  addtolist variable addedvalue\n");
-               print("  records\n");
-               print("  rankings (map argument optional)\n");
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "maplist")
-       {
-               if(argv(1) == "add" && argc == 3)
-               {
-                       if (!fexists(strcat("maps/", argv(2), ".bsp")))
-                       {
-                               print("maplist: ERROR: ", argv(2), " does not exist!\n");
-                               return TRUE;
-                       }
-                       if(cvar_string("g_maplist") == "")
-                               cvar_set("g_maplist", argv(2));
-                       else
-                               cvar_set("g_maplist", strcat(argv(2), " ", cvar_string("g_maplist")));
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               else if(argv(1) == "remove" && argc == 3)
-               {
-                       s = argv(2);
-                       n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string("g_maplist"), " ");
-                       s2 = "";
-                       for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-                               if(argv(i) != s)
-                                       s2 = strcat(s2, " ", argv(i));
-                       s2 = substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1);
-                       cvar_set("g_maplist", s2);
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               else if(argv(1) == "shuffle" && argc == 2)
-               {
-                       cvar_set("g_maplist", shufflewords(cvar_string("g_maplist")));
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               else if(argv(1) == "cleanup")
-               {
-                       MapInfo_Enumerate();
-                       MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0);
-                       n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string("g_maplist"), " ");
-                       s2 = "";
-                       for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-                               if(MapInfo_CheckMap(argv(i)))
-                                       s2 = strcat(s2, " ", argv(i));
-                       s2 = substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1);
-                       cvar_set("g_maplist", s2);
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               else if(argv(1) == "maplist") {
-                       print(maplist_reply);
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               else if(argv(1) == "lsmaps") {
-                       print(lsmaps_reply);
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-               else if(argv(1) == "lsnewmaps") {
-                       print(lsnewmaps_reply);
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-       }
-       else if(argc >= 3 && argv(0) == "red")
-       {
-               s = substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2));
-               localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", GameCommand_Markup(s)));
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(argc >= 3 && crc16(0, argv(0)) == 38566 && crc16(0, strcat(argv(0), argv(0), argv(0))) == 59830)
-       {
-               // other test case
-               s = strconv(2, 0, 0, substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)));
-               n = floor(random() * 6 + 2);
-               s2 = "";
-               for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-               {
-                       s2 = strcat(s2, "AH");
-               }
-               if(random() < 0.1)
-                       s2 = strcat(substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1), "A");
-               if(s == "")
-                       s = s2;
-               else
-                       if(random() < 0.8)
-                               s = strcat(s, " ", s2);
-                       else
-                               s = strcat(s2, " ", s);
-               s2 = substring(s, strlen(s) - 2, 2);
-               if(s2 == "AH" || s2 == "AY")
-                       s = strcat(s, "))");
-               else
-                       s = strcat(s, " ))");
-               if(random() < 0.1)
-                       s = substring(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1);
-               if(random() < 0.1)
-                       s = strconv(1, 0, 0, s);
-               localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", s));
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(argc >= 3 && crc16(0, argv(0)) == 3826 && crc16(0, strcat(argv(0), argv(0), argv(0))) == 55790)
-       {
-               // test case for terencehill's color codes
-               s = strdecolorize(substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)));
-               s2 = "";
-               n = strlen(s);
-               j = ((6 * max(1, floor(strlen(s)/32 + random() * 2 - 1))) / n) * (1 - 2 * (random() > 0.5));
-               f = random() * 6;
-               for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-               {
-                       c = substring(s, i, 1);
-                       if(c == ";")
-                               c = ":";
-                       else if(c == "^")
-                       {
-                               c = "^^";
-                               if(substring(s, i+1, 1) == "^")
-                                       ++i;
-                       }
-                       if(c != " ")
-                       {
-                               rgb = hsl_to_rgb('1 0 0' * (j * i + f) + '0 1 .5');
-                               c = strcat(rgb_to_hexcolor(rgb), c);
-                       }
-                       s2 = strcat(s2, c);
-               }
-               localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", s2));
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(argv(0) == "rpn")
-       {
-               if(!rpn_db)
-               {
-                       rpn_db = db_create();
-                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", "0");
-                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "-1");
-               }
-               if(argc >= 2)
-               {
-                       float rpnpos;
-                       string rpncmd;
-                       float f2, f3;
-                       rpn_sp = 0;
-                       rpn_error = FALSE;
-                       for(rpnpos = 1; rpnpos < argc; ++rpnpos)
-                       {
-                               rpncmd = argv(rpnpos);
-                               f = strlen(rpncmd);
-                               if(rpncmd == "") {
-                               } else if(stof(substring(rpncmd, 0, 1)) > 0) {
-                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
-                               } else if(substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "0") {
-                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
-                               } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "+") {
-                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
-                               } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "-") {
-                                       rpn_push(rpncmd);
-                               } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "/") {
-                                       rpn_push(substring(rpncmd, 1, strlen(rpncmd) - 1));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "clear") {
-                                       rpn_sp = 0;
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "def" || rpncmd == "=") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(s2 != "")
-                                       {
-#ifdef MENUQC
-                                               registercvar(s2, "", 0);
-                                               registercvar(s2, "");
-                                               if(!rpn_error) // don't change cvars if a stack error had happened!
-                                                       cvar_set(s2, s);
-                                       }
-                                       else
-                                       {
-                                               print("rpn: empty cvar name for 'def'\n");
-                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "defs" || rpncmd == "@") {
-                                       s = "";
-                                       i = rpn_popf();
-                                       j = (i == 0);
-                                       while(rpn_sp > 1 && (j || i > 0))
-                                       {
-                                               s = strcat("/", rpn_pop(), " ", s);
-                                               --i;
-                                       }
-                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(s2 != "")
-                                       {
-#ifdef MENUQC
-                                               registercvar(s2, "", 0);
-                                               registercvar(s2, "");
-                                               if(!rpn_error) // don't change cvars if a stack error had happened!
-                                                       cvar_set(s2, s);
-                                       }
-                                       else
-                                       {
-                                               print("rpn: empty cvar name for 'defs'\n");
-                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "load") {
-                                       rpn_set(cvar_string(rpn_get()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "exch") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       s2 = rpn_get();
-                                       rpn_set(s);
-                                       rpn_push(s2);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dup") {
-                                       rpn_push(rpn_get());
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "pop") {
-                                       rpn_pop();
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "add" || rpncmd == "+") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() + f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "sub" || rpncmd == "-") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() - f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "mul" || rpncmd == "*") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() * f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "div" || rpncmd == "/") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() / f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "mod" || rpncmd == "%") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       f2 = rpn_getf();
-                                       rpn_setf(f2 - f * floor(f2 / f));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "abs") {
-                                       rpn_setf(fabs(rpn_getf()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "sgn") {
-                                       f = rpn_getf();
-                                       if(f < 0)
-                                               rpn_set("-1");
-                                       else if(f > 0)
-                                               rpn_set("1");
-                                       else
-                                               rpn_set("0");
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "neg" || rpncmd == "~") {
-                                       rpn_setf(-rpn_getf());
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "floor" || rpncmd == "f") {
-                                       rpn_setf(floor(rpn_getf()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "ceil" || rpncmd == "c") {
-                                       rpn_setf(ceil(rpn_getf()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "max") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       f2 = rpn_getf();
-                                       rpn_setf(max(f2, f));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "min") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       f2 = rpn_getf();
-                                       rpn_setf(min(f2, f));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "bound") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       f2 = rpn_popf();
-                                       f3 = rpn_getf();
-                                       rpn_setf(bound(f3, f2, f));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "when") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       f2 = rpn_popf();
-                                       f3 = rpn_getf();
-                                       if(f)
-                                               rpn_setf(f3);
-                                       else
-                                               rpn_setf(f2);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == ">" || rpncmd == "gt") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() > f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "<" || rpncmd == "lt") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() < f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "==" || rpncmd == "eq") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() == f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == ">=" || rpncmd == "ge") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() >= f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "<=" || rpncmd == "le") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() <= f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "!=" || rpncmd == "ne") {
-                                       f = rpn_popf();
-                                       rpn_setf(rpn_getf() != f);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "rand") {
-                                       rpn_setf(ceil(random() * rpn_getf()) - 1);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "crc16") {
-                                       rpn_setf(crc16(FALSE, rpn_get()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "put") {
-                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
-                                       if (!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               s = rpn_pop();
-                                               if (!rpn_error)
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, s, s2);
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "get") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       if (!rpn_error)
-                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, s));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbpush") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(i+1));
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), s);
-                                       }
-                                       if(!i)
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "0");
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbpop") {
-                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                       if(i)
-                                       {
-                                               s = ftos(i-1);
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", s);
-                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", s)));
-                                               j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
-                                               if(j >= i)
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i-2));
-                                       } else {
-                                               rpn_error = 1;
-                                               print("rpn: database underflow\n");
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbget") {
-                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                       if(i)
-                                       {
-                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i-1))));
-                                       } else {
-                                               rpn_error = 1;
-                                               print("rpn: database empty\n");
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dblen") {
-                                       rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbclr") {
-                                       db_close(rpn_db);
-                                       rpn_db = db_create();
-                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", "0");
-                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "-1");
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbsave") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                               db_save(rpn_db, s);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbload") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               db_close(rpn_db);
-                                               rpn_db = db_load(s);
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbins") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                               //if(rpn_sp > 0)
-                                       {
-                                               j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                               i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
-                                               if(i < 0)
-                                               {
-                                                       i = 0;
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "0");
-                                               }
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(j+1));
-                                               for(--j; j >= i; --j)
-                                               {
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(j+1)),
-                                                              db_get(rpn_db, (strcat("stack.", ftos(j))))
-                                                               );
-                                               }
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), s);
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbext") {
-                                       j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
-                                       if(!j)
-                                       {
-                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                               print("rpn: empty database\n");
-                                       } else {
-                                               --j;
-                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i))));
-                                               db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(j));
-                                               if(i == j)
-                                               {
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(j-1));
-                                               } else {
-                                                       while(i < j)
-                                                       {
-                                                               db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)),
-                                                                      db_get(rpn_db, (strcat("stack.", ftos(i+1))))
-                                                                       );
-                                                               ++i;
-                                                       }
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbread") {
-                                       s = db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos");
-                                       if(stof(s) >= 0)
-                                       {
-                                               rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", s)));
-                                       } else {
-                                               rpn_error = 1;
-                                               print("rpn: empty database\n");
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbat") {
-                                       rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbmov") {
-                                       j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"));
-                                       i += rpn_popf();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               if(i < 0 || i >= j)
-                                               {
-                                                       print("rpn: database cursor out of bounds\n");
-                                                       rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                               }
-                                               if(!rpn_error)
-                                               {
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i));
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "dbgoto") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                       if(!j)
-                                       {
-                                               rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                               print("rpn: empty database, cannot move cursor\n");
-                                       }
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               if(s == "end")
-                                                       i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"))-1;
-                                               else if(s == "beg")
-                                                       i = 0;
-                                               else
-                                                       i = stof(s);
-                                               j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"));
-                                               if(i < 0 || i >= j)
-                                               {
-                                                       print("rpn: database cursor destination out of bounds\n");
-                                                       rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                               }
-                                               if(!rpn_error)
-                                               {
-                                                       db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i));
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "union") {
-                                       // s s2 union
-                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
-                                       s = rpn_get();
-                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
-                                       f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2));
-                                       // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s
-                                       // tokens f..f2 represent s2
-                                       // UNION: add all tokens to s that are in s2 but not in s
-                                       s = "";
-                                       for(i = 0; i < f; ++i)  
-                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
-                                       for(i = f; i < f2; ++i) {
-                                               for(j = 0; j < f; ++j)
-                                                       if(argv(i) == argv(j))
-                                                               goto skip_union;
-                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
-                                       }
-                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
-                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
-                                       rpn_set(s);
-                                       tokenize_console(command);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "intersection") {
-                                       // s s2 intersection
-                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
-                                       s = rpn_get();
-                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
-                                       f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2));
-                                       // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s
-                                       // tokens f..f2 represent s2
-                                       // INTERSECTION: keep only the tokens from s that are also in s2
-                                       s = "";
-                                       for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) {
-                                               for(j = f; j < f2; ++j)
-                                                       if(argv(i) == argv(j))
-                                                       {
-                                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
-                                                               break;
-                                                       }
-                                       }
-                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
-                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
-                                       rpn_set(s);
-                                       tokenize_console(command);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "difference") {
-                                       // s s2 difference
-                                       s2 = rpn_pop();
-                                       s = rpn_get();
-                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
-                                       f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2));
-                                       // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s
-                                       // tokens f..f2 represent s2
-                                       // DIFFERENCE: keep only the tokens from s that are not in s2
-                                       s = "";
-                                       for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) {
-                                               for(j = f; j < f2; ++j)
-                                                       if(argv(i) == argv(j))
-                                                               goto skip_difference;
-                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
-                                       }
-                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
-                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
-                                       rpn_set(s);
-                                       tokenize_console(command);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "shuffle") {
-                                       // s shuffle
-                                       s = rpn_get();
-                                       f = tokenize_console(s);
-                                       for(i = 0; i < f - 1; ++i) {
-                                               // move a random item from i..f-1 to position i
-                                               s = "";
-                                               f2 = floor(random() * (f - i) + i);
-                                               for(j = 0; j < i; ++j)
-                                                       s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j));
-                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(f2));
-                                               for(j = i; j < f; ++j)
-                                                       if(j != f2)
-                                                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j));
-                                               f = tokenize_console(s);
-                                       }
-                                       if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ")
-                                               s = substring(s, 1, 99999);
-                                       rpn_set(s);
-                                       tokenize_console(command);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "fexists_assert") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               if (!fexists(s))
-                                               {
-                                                       print("rpn: ERROR: ", s, " does not exist!\n");
-                                                       rpn_error = TRUE;
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "fexists") {
-                                       s = rpn_get();
-                                       if(!rpn_error)
-                                       {
-                                               if (fexists(s))
-                                                       rpn_setf(1);
-                                               else
-                                                       rpn_setf(0);
-                                       }
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "localtime") {
-                                       rpn_set(strftime(TRUE, rpn_get()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "gmtime") {
-                                       rpn_set(strftime(FALSE, rpn_get()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "time") {
-                                       rpn_pushf(time);
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "digest") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       rpn_set(digest_hex(s, rpn_get()));
-                               } else if(rpncmd == "sprintf1s") {
-                                       s = rpn_pop();
-                                       rpn_set(sprintf(s, rpn_get()));
-                               } else {
-                                       rpn_push(cvar_string(rpncmd));
-                               }
-                               if(rpn_error)
-                                       break;
-                       }
-                       while(rpn_sp > 0)
-                       {
-                               s = rpn_pop();
-                               print("rpn: still on stack: ", s, "\n");
-                       }
-                       return TRUE;
-               }
-       } else if(argv(0) == "addtolist") {
-               if(argc >= 2)
-               {
-                       s = argv(1);
-                       s2 = argv(2);
-                       if(cvar_string(s) == "")
-                               cvar_set(s, s2);
-                       else {
-                               n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string(s), " ");
-                               for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-                                       if(argv(i) == s2)
-                                               return TRUE; // already in list
-                               cvar_set(s, strcat(s2, " ", cvar_string(s)));
-                       }
-               }
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(argv(0) == "records") {
-               print(records_reply);
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(argv(0) == "ladder") {
-               print(ladder_reply);
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       else if(argv(0) == "rankings") {
-               print(rankings_reply);
-               return TRUE;
-#ifdef MENUQC
-       } else if(argv(0) == "cp") {
-               if(argc >= 2)
-               {
-                       s = argv(1);
-                       for(i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
-                               s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i));
-                       centerprint(unescape(s));
-               }
-               return TRUE;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
diff --git a/qcsrc/menu/command/menu_cmd.qc b/qcsrc/menu/command/menu_cmd.qc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ea2e403
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+void GameCommand_Init()
+       // make gg call menu QC theCommands
+       localcmd("alias qc_cmd \"menu_cmd $*\"\n");
+string _dumptree_space;
+void _dumptree_open(entity pass, entity me)
+       string s;
+       s = me.toString(me);
+       if(s == "")
+               s = me.classname;
+       else
+               s = strcat(me.classname, ": ", s);
+       print(_dumptree_space, etos(me), " (", s, ")");
+       if(me.firstChild)
+       {
+               print(" {\n");
+               _dumptree_space = strcat(_dumptree_space, "  ");
+       }
+       else
+               print("\n");
+void _dumptree_close(entity pass, entity me)
+       if(me.firstChild)
+       {
+               _dumptree_space = substring(_dumptree_space, 0, strlen(_dumptree_space) - 2);
+               print(_dumptree_space, "}\n");
+       }
+float curl_uri_get_pos;
+float curl_uri_get_exec[URI_GET_CURL_END - URI_GET_CURL + 1];
+string curl_uri_get_cvar[URI_GET_CURL_END - URI_GET_CURL + 1];
+void Curl_URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data)
+       float i;
+       float do_exec;
+       string do_cvar;
+       i = id - URI_GET_CURL;
+       do_exec = curl_uri_get_exec[i];
+       do_cvar = curl_uri_get_cvar[i];
+       if(status != 0)
+       {
+               print(sprintf(_("error: status is %d\n"), status));
+               if(do_cvar)
+                       strunzone(do_cvar);
+               return;
+       }
+       if(do_exec)
+               localcmd(data);
+       if(do_cvar)
+       {
+               cvar_set(do_cvar, data);
+               strunzone(do_cvar);
+       }
+       if(!do_exec && !do_cvar)
+               print(data);
+void GameCommand(string theCommand)
+       float argc;
+       argc = tokenize_console(theCommand);
+       if(argv(0) == "help" || argc == 0)
+       {
+               print(_("Usage: menu_cmd command..., where possible commands are:\n"));
+               print(_("  sync - reloads all cvars on the current menu page\n"));
+               print(_("  directmenu ITEM - select a menu item as main item\n"));
+               GameCommand_Generic("help");
+               return;
+       }
+       if(GameCommand_Generic(theCommand))
+               return;
+       if(argv(0) == "sync")
+       {
+               m_sync();
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "directmenu") if(argc == 2)
+       {
+               // switch to a menu item
+               if(!isdemo()) // don't allow this command in demos
+                       m_goto(argv(1));
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "directpanelhudmenu")
+       {
+               // switch to a menu item
+               m_goto(strcat("HUD", argv(1)));
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "skinselect")
+       {
+               m_goto_skin_selector();
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "languageselect")
+       {
+               m_goto_language_selector();
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "videosettings")
+       {
+               m_goto_video_settings();
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "dumptree")
+       {
+               _dumptree_space = "";
+               depthfirst(main, parent, firstChild, nextSibling, _dumptree_open, _dumptree_close, NULL);
+               return;
+       }
+       if(argv(0) == "curl")
+       {
+               float do_exec;
+               string do_cvar;
+               float key;
+               float i, j;
+               string url;
+               float buf;
+               float r;
+               do_exec = FALSE;
+               do_cvar = string_null;
+               key = -1;
+               for(i = 1; i+1 < argc; ++i)
+               {
+                       if(argv(i) == "--cvar" && i+2 < argc)
+                       {
+                               ++i;
+                               do_cvar = strzone(argv(i));
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if(argv(i) == "--exec")
+                       {
+                               do_exec = TRUE;
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       if(argv(i) == "--key" && i+2 < argc)
+                       {
+                               ++i;
+                               key = stof(argv(i));
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               }
+               // now, argv(i) is the URL
+               // following args may be POST parameters
+               url = argv(i);
+               ++i;
+               buf = buf_create();
+               j = 0;
+               for(; i+1 < argc; i += 2)
+                       bufstr_set(buf, ++j, sprintf("%s=%s", uri_escape(argv(i)), uri_escape(argv(i+1))));
+               if(i < argc)
+                       bufstr_set(buf, ++j, sprintf("submit=%s", uri_escape(argv(i))));
+               if(j == 0) // no args: GET
+                       r = crypto_uri_postbuf(url, URI_GET_CURL + curl_uri_get_pos, string_null, string_null, -1, key);
+               else // with args: POST
+                       r = crypto_uri_postbuf(url, URI_GET_CURL + curl_uri_get_pos, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "&", buf, key);
+               if(r)
+               {
+                       curl_uri_get_exec[curl_uri_get_pos] = do_exec;
+                       curl_uri_get_cvar[curl_uri_get_pos] = do_cvar;
+                       curl_uri_get_pos = mod(curl_uri_get_pos + 1, URI_GET_CURL_END - URI_GET_CURL + 1);
+               }
+               else
+                       print(_("error creating curl handle\n"));
+               buf_del(buf);
+               return;
+       }
+       print(_("Invalid command. For a list of supported commands, try menu_cmd help.\n"));
diff --git a/qcsrc/menu/command/menu_cmd.qh b/qcsrc/menu/command/menu_cmd.qh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..33eb053
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+void GameCommand_Init();
+void GameCommand(string command);
diff --git a/qcsrc/menu/gamecommand.qc b/qcsrc/menu/gamecommand.qc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ea2e403..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-void GameCommand_Init()
-       // make gg call menu QC theCommands
-       localcmd("alias qc_cmd \"menu_cmd $*\"\n");
-string _dumptree_space;
-void _dumptree_open(entity pass, entity me)
-       string s;
-       s = me.toString(me);
-       if(s == "")
-               s = me.classname;
-       else
-               s = strcat(me.classname, ": ", s);
-       print(_dumptree_space, etos(me), " (", s, ")");
-       if(me.firstChild)
-       {
-               print(" {\n");
-               _dumptree_space = strcat(_dumptree_space, "  ");
-       }
-       else
-               print("\n");
-void _dumptree_close(entity pass, entity me)
-       if(me.firstChild)
-       {
-               _dumptree_space = substring(_dumptree_space, 0, strlen(_dumptree_space) - 2);
-               print(_dumptree_space, "}\n");
-       }
-float curl_uri_get_pos;
-float curl_uri_get_exec[URI_GET_CURL_END - URI_GET_CURL + 1];
-string curl_uri_get_cvar[URI_GET_CURL_END - URI_GET_CURL + 1];
-void Curl_URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data)
-       float i;
-       float do_exec;
-       string do_cvar;
-       i = id - URI_GET_CURL;
-       do_exec = curl_uri_get_exec[i];
-       do_cvar = curl_uri_get_cvar[i];
-       if(status != 0)
-       {
-               print(sprintf(_("error: status is %d\n"), status));
-               if(do_cvar)
-                       strunzone(do_cvar);
-               return;
-       }
-       if(do_exec)
-               localcmd(data);
-       if(do_cvar)
-       {
-               cvar_set(do_cvar, data);
-               strunzone(do_cvar);
-       }
-       if(!do_exec && !do_cvar)
-               print(data);
-void GameCommand(string theCommand)
-       float argc;
-       argc = tokenize_console(theCommand);
-       if(argv(0) == "help" || argc == 0)
-       {
-               print(_("Usage: menu_cmd command..., where possible commands are:\n"));
-               print(_("  sync - reloads all cvars on the current menu page\n"));
-               print(_("  directmenu ITEM - select a menu item as main item\n"));
-               GameCommand_Generic("help");
-               return;
-       }
-       if(GameCommand_Generic(theCommand))
-               return;
-       if(argv(0) == "sync")
-       {
-               m_sync();
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "directmenu") if(argc == 2)
-       {
-               // switch to a menu item
-               if(!isdemo()) // don't allow this command in demos
-                       m_goto(argv(1));
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "directpanelhudmenu")
-       {
-               // switch to a menu item
-               m_goto(strcat("HUD", argv(1)));
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "skinselect")
-       {
-               m_goto_skin_selector();
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "languageselect")
-       {
-               m_goto_language_selector();
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "videosettings")
-       {
-               m_goto_video_settings();
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "dumptree")
-       {
-               _dumptree_space = "";
-               depthfirst(main, parent, firstChild, nextSibling, _dumptree_open, _dumptree_close, NULL);
-               return;
-       }
-       if(argv(0) == "curl")
-       {
-               float do_exec;
-               string do_cvar;
-               float key;
-               float i, j;
-               string url;
-               float buf;
-               float r;
-               do_exec = FALSE;
-               do_cvar = string_null;
-               key = -1;
-               for(i = 1; i+1 < argc; ++i)
-               {
-                       if(argv(i) == "--cvar" && i+2 < argc)
-                       {
-                               ++i;
-                               do_cvar = strzone(argv(i));
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       if(argv(i) == "--exec")
-                       {
-                               do_exec = TRUE;
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       if(argv(i) == "--key" && i+2 < argc)
-                       {
-                               ++i;
-                               key = stof(argv(i));
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               }
-               // now, argv(i) is the URL
-               // following args may be POST parameters
-               url = argv(i);
-               ++i;
-               buf = buf_create();
-               j = 0;
-               for(; i+1 < argc; i += 2)
-                       bufstr_set(buf, ++j, sprintf("%s=%s", uri_escape(argv(i)), uri_escape(argv(i+1))));
-               if(i < argc)
-                       bufstr_set(buf, ++j, sprintf("submit=%s", uri_escape(argv(i))));
-               if(j == 0) // no args: GET
-                       r = crypto_uri_postbuf(url, URI_GET_CURL + curl_uri_get_pos, string_null, string_null, -1, key);
-               else // with args: POST
-                       r = crypto_uri_postbuf(url, URI_GET_CURL + curl_uri_get_pos, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "&", buf, key);
-               if(r)
-               {
-                       curl_uri_get_exec[curl_uri_get_pos] = do_exec;
-                       curl_uri_get_cvar[curl_uri_get_pos] = do_cvar;
-                       curl_uri_get_pos = mod(curl_uri_get_pos + 1, URI_GET_CURL_END - URI_GET_CURL + 1);
-               }
-               else
-                       print(_("error creating curl handle\n"));
-               buf_del(buf);
-               return;
-       }
-       print(_("Invalid command. For a list of supported commands, try menu_cmd help.\n"));
diff --git a/qcsrc/menu/gamecommand.qh b/qcsrc/menu/gamecommand.qh
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 33eb053..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-void GameCommand_Init();
-void GameCommand(string command);