- // don't let attack_finished fall behind when not firing (must be after weapon_setup calls!)
- //if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) < time)
- // ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = time;
- //if (self.weapon_nextthink < time)
- // self.weapon_nextthink = time;
- // update currentammo incase it has changed
#if 0
if (self.items & IT_CELLS)
self.currentammo = self.ammo_cells;
+++ /dev/null
- Bring back W_Weaponframe
-.float weapon_frametime;
-float W_WeaponRateFactor()
- float t;
- t = 1.0 / g_weaponratefactor;
- return t;
-void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(entity e, float w)
- e.cnt = e.switchweapon;
- e.switchweapon = w;
- e.selectweapon = w;
-.float antilag_debug;
-// VorteX: static frame globals
-float WFRAME_FIRE1 = 0;
-float WFRAME_FIRE2 = 1;
-float WFRAME_IDLE = 2;
-float WFRAME_RELOAD = 3;
-.float wframe;
-void(float fr, float t, void() func) weapon_thinkf;
-vector W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup, vector v)
- vector ret;
- ret_x = screenright * v;
- ret_y = screenup * v;
- ret_z = screenforward * v;
- return ret;
-vector W_HitPlotNormalizedUntransform(vector org, entity targ, vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup, vector v)
- float i, j, k;
- vector mi, ma, thisv, myv, ret;
- myv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, org);
- // x = 0..1 relative to hitbox; y = 0..1 relative to hitbox; z = distance
- mi = ma = targ.origin + 0.5 * (targ.mins + targ.maxs);
- for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j) for(k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
- {
- thisv = targ.origin;
- if(i) thisv_x += targ.maxs_x; else thisv_x += targ.mins_x;
- if(j) thisv_y += targ.maxs_y; else thisv_y += targ.mins_y;
- if(k) thisv_z += targ.maxs_z; else thisv_z += targ.mins_z;
- thisv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, thisv);
- if(i || j || k)
- {
- if(mi_x > thisv_x) mi_x = thisv_x; if(ma_x < thisv_x) ma_x = thisv_x;
- if(mi_y > thisv_y) mi_y = thisv_y; if(ma_y < thisv_y) ma_y = thisv_y;
- //if(mi_z > thisv_z) mi_z = thisv_z; if(ma_z < thisv_z) ma_y = thisv_z;
- }
- else
- {
- // first run
- mi = ma = thisv;
- }
- }
- thisv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, v);
- ret_x = (thisv_x - mi_x) / (ma_x - mi_x);
- ret_y = (thisv_y - mi_y) / (ma_y - mi_y);
- ret_z = thisv_z - myv_z;
- return ret;
-void W_HitPlotAnalysis(entity player, vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup)
- vector hitplot;
- vector org;
- float lag;
- if(player.hitplotfh >= 0)
- {
- lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(player);
- if(lag < 0.001)
- lag = 0;
- if not(IS_REAL_CLIENT(player))
- lag = 0; // only antilag for clients
- org = player.origin + player.view_ofs;
- traceline_antilag_force(player, org, org + screenforward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, player, lag);
- if(IS_CLIENT(trace_ent))
- {
- antilag_takeback(trace_ent, time - lag);
- hitplot = W_HitPlotNormalizedUntransform(org, trace_ent, screenforward, screenright, screenup, trace_endpos);
- antilag_restore(trace_ent);
- fputs(player.hitplotfh, strcat(ftos(hitplot_x), " ", ftos(hitplot_y), " ", ftos(hitplot_z), " ", ftos(player.switchweapon), "\n"));
- //print(strcat(ftos(hitplot_x), " ", ftos(hitplot_y), " ", ftos(hitplot_z), "\n"));
- }
- }
-vector w_shotorg;
-vector w_shotdir;
-vector w_shotend;
-.float prevstrengthsound;
-.float prevstrengthsoundattempt;
-void W_PlayStrengthSound(entity player) // void W_PlayStrengthSound
- if((player.items & IT_STRENGTH)
- && ((time > player.prevstrengthsound + autocvar_sv_strengthsound_antispam_time) // prevent insane sound spam
- || (time > player.prevstrengthsoundattempt + autocvar_sv_strengthsound_antispam_refire_threshold)))
- {
- sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, "weapons/strength_fire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
- player.prevstrengthsound = time;
- }
- player.prevstrengthsoundattempt = time;
-// this function calculates w_shotorg and w_shotdir based on the weapon model
-// offset, trueaim and antilag, and won't put w_shotorg inside a wall.
-// make sure you call makevectors first (FIXME?)
-void W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(entity ent, vector s_forward, vector mi, vector ma, float antilag, float recoil, string snd, float chan, float maxdamage, float range)
- float nudge = 1; // added to traceline target and subtracted from result
- float oldsolid;
- vector vecs, dv;
- oldsolid = ent.dphitcontentsmask;
- if(ent.weapon == WEP_RIFLE)
- ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE;
- else
- if(antilag)
- WarpZone_traceline_antilag(world, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent));
- // passing world, because we do NOT want it to touch dphitcontentsmask
- else
- WarpZone_TraceLine(ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * range, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent);
- vector vf, vr, vu;
- vf = v_forward;
- vr = v_right;
- vu = v_up;
- w_shotend = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // warpzone support
- v_forward = vf;
- v_right = vr;
- v_up = vu;
- // un-adjust trueaim if shotend is too close
- if(vlen(w_shotend - (ent.origin + ent.view_ofs)) < autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange)
- w_shotend = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange;
- // track max damage
- if(accuracy_canbegooddamage(ent))
- accuracy_add(ent, ent.weapon, maxdamage, 0);
- W_HitPlotAnalysis(ent, v_forward, v_right, v_up);
- if(ent.weaponentity.movedir_x > 0)
- vecs = ent.weaponentity.movedir;
- else
- vecs = '0 0 0';
- dv = v_right * -vecs_y + v_up * vecs_z;
- w_shotorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + dv;
- // now move the shotorg forward as much as requested if possible
- if(antilag)
- {
- if(ent.antilag_debug)
- tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ent.antilag_debug);
- else
- tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent));
- }
- else
- tracebox(w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
- w_shotorg = trace_endpos - v_forward * nudge;
- // calculate the shotdir from the chosen shotorg
- w_shotdir = normalize(w_shotend - w_shotorg);
- if (antilag)
- if (!ent.cvar_cl_noantilag)
- {
- if (autocvar_g_antilag == 1) // switch to "ghost" if not hitting original
- {
- traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
- if (!trace_ent.takedamage)
- {
- traceline_antilag_force (ent, w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent));
- if (trace_ent.takedamage && IS_PLAYER(trace_ent))
- {
- entity e;
- e = trace_ent;
- traceline(w_shotorg, e.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
- if(trace_ent == e)
- w_shotdir = normalize(trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(autocvar_g_antilag == 3) // client side hitscan
- {
- // this part MUST use prydon cursor
- if (ent.cursor_trace_ent) // client was aiming at someone
- if (ent.cursor_trace_ent != ent) // just to make sure
- if (ent.cursor_trace_ent.takedamage) // and that person is killable
- if (IS_PLAYER(ent.cursor_trace_ent)) // and actually a player
- {
- // verify that the shot would miss without antilag
- // (avoids an issue where guns would always shoot at their origin)
- traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
- if (!trace_ent.takedamage)
- {
- // verify that the shot would hit if altered
- traceline(w_shotorg, ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
- if (trace_ent == ent.cursor_trace_ent)
- w_shotdir = normalize(ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg);
- else
- print("antilag fail\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ent.dphitcontentsmask = oldsolid; // restore solid type (generally SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
- if (!g_norecoil)
- ent.punchangle_x = recoil * -1;
- if (snd != "")
- {
- sound (ent, chan, snd, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
- W_PlayStrengthSound(ent);
- }
- // nudge w_shotend so a trace to w_shotend hits
- w_shotend = w_shotend + normalize(w_shotend - w_shotorg) * nudge;
-#define W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent,s_forward,mi,ma,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(ent, s_forward, mi, ma, antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage, MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE)
-#define W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(ent,mi,ma,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent, v_forward, mi, ma, antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage)
-#define W_SetupShot_Dir(ent,s_forward,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent, s_forward, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage)
-#define W_SetupShot(ent,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(ent, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage)
-#define W_SetupShot_Range(ent,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage,range) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(ent, v_forward, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage, range)
-float CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient()
- self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
- if(IS_SPEC(other))
- if(other.enemy == self.owner)
- self.viewmodelforclient = other;
- return TRUE;
- * supported formats:
- *
- * 1. simple animated model, muzzle flash handling on h_ model:
- * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - invisible model controlling the animation
- * tags:
- * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes)
- * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
- * weapon = attachment for v_tuba.md3
- * v_tuba.md3 - first and third person model
- * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
- *
- * 2. simple animated model, muzzle flash handling on v_ model:
- * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - invisible model controlling the animation
- * tags:
- * weapon = attachment for v_tuba.md3
- * v_tuba.md3 - first and third person model
- * tags:
- * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes)
- * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
- * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
- *
- * 3. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on h_ model:
- * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - animated first person model
- * tags:
- * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes)
- * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
- * handle = corresponding to the origin of v_tuba.md3 (used for muzzle flashes)
- * v_tuba.md3 - third person model
- * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
- *
- * 4. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on v_ model:
- * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - animated first person model
- * tags:
- * shot = muzzle end (shot origin)
- * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
- * v_tuba.md3 - third person model
- * tags:
- * shot = muzzle end (for muzzle flashes)
- * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
- */
-// writes:
-// self.origin, self.angles
-// self.weaponentity
-// self.movedir, self.view_ofs
-// attachment stuff
-// anim stuff
-// to free:
-// call again with ""
-// remove the ent
-void CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(string name)
- float v_shot_idx;
- if (name != "")
- {
- // if there is a child entity, hide it until we're sure we use it
- if (self.weaponentity)
- self.weaponentity.model = "";
- setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", name, ".md3")); // precision set below
- v_shot_idx = gettagindex(self, "shot"); // used later
- if(!v_shot_idx)
- v_shot_idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shot");
- setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/h_", name, ".iqm")); // precision set below
- // preset some defaults that work great for renamed zym files (which don't need an animinfo)
- self.anim_fire1 = animfixfps(self, '0 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
- self.anim_fire2 = animfixfps(self, '1 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
- self.anim_idle = animfixfps(self, '2 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
- self.anim_reload = animfixfps(self, '3 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
- // if we have a "weapon" tag, let's attach the v_ model to it ("invisible hand" style model)
- // if we don't, this is a "real" animated model
- if(gettagindex(self, "weapon"))
- {
- if (!self.weaponentity)
- self.weaponentity = spawn();
- setmodel(self.weaponentity, strcat("models/weapons/v_", name, ".md3")); // precision does not matter
- setattachment(self.weaponentity, self, "weapon");
- }
- else if(gettagindex(self, "tag_weapon"))
- {
- if (!self.weaponentity)
- self.weaponentity = spawn();
- setmodel(self.weaponentity, strcat("models/weapons/v_", name, ".md3")); // precision does not matter
- setattachment(self.weaponentity, self, "tag_weapon");
- }
- else
- {
- if(self.weaponentity)
- remove(self.weaponentity);
- self.weaponentity = world;
- }
- setorigin(self,'0 0 0');
- self.angles = '0 0 0';
- self.frame = 0;
- self.viewmodelforclient = world;
- float idx;
- if(v_shot_idx) // v_ model attached to invisible h_ model
- {
- self.movedir = gettaginfo(self.weaponentity, v_shot_idx);
- }
- else
- {
- idx = gettagindex(self, "shot");
- if(!idx)
- idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shot");
- if(idx)
- self.movedir = gettaginfo(self, idx);
- else
- {
- print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'shot' tag, will display shots TOTALLY wrong\n");
- self.movedir = '0 0 0';
- }
- }
- if(self.weaponentity) // v_ model attached to invisible h_ model
- {
- idx = gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "shell");
- if(!idx)
- idx = gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "tag_shell");
- if(idx)
- self.spawnorigin = gettaginfo(self.weaponentity, idx);
- }
- else
- idx = 0;
- if(!idx)
- {
- idx = gettagindex(self, "shell");
- if(!idx)
- idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shell");
- if(idx)
- self.spawnorigin = gettaginfo(self, idx);
- else
- {
- print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'shell' tag, will display casings wrong\n");
- self.spawnorigin = self.movedir;
- }
- }
- if(v_shot_idx)
- {
- self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; // use regular attachment
- }
- else
- {
- if(self.weaponentity)
- {
- idx = gettagindex(self, "weapon");
- if(!idx)
- idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_weapon");
- }
- else
- {
- idx = gettagindex(self, "handle");
- if(!idx)
- idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_handle");
- }
- if(idx)
- {
- self.oldorigin = self.movedir - gettaginfo(self, idx);
- }
- else
- {
- print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'handle' tag and neither does the v_ model support the 'shot' tag, will display muzzle flashes TOTALLY wrong\n");
- self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; // there is no way to recover from this
- }
- }
- self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
- }
- else
- {
- self.model = "";
- if(self.weaponentity)
- remove(self.weaponentity);
- self.weaponentity = world;
- self.movedir = '0 0 0';
- self.spawnorigin = '0 0 0';
- self.oldorigin = '0 0 0';
- self.anim_fire1 = '0 1 0.01';
- self.anim_fire2 = '0 1 0.01';
- self.anim_idle = '0 1 0.01';
- self.anim_reload = '0 1 0.01';
- }
- self.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
- if(self.movedir_x >= 0)
- {
- vector v0;
- v0 = self.movedir;
- self.movedir = shotorg_adjust(v0, FALSE, FALSE);
- self.view_ofs = shotorg_adjust(v0, FALSE, TRUE) - v0;
- }
- self.owner.stat_shotorg = compressShotOrigin(self.movedir);
- self.movedir = decompressShotOrigin(self.owner.stat_shotorg); // make them match perfectly
- self.spawnorigin += self.view_ofs; // offset the casings origin by the same amount
- // check if an instant weapon switch occurred
- setorigin(self, self.view_ofs);
- // reset animstate now
- self.wframe = WFRAME_IDLE;
- setanim(self, self.anim_idle, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
-vector CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(float wpn)
- entity wi, oldself;
- vector ret;
- wi = get_weaponinfo(wpn);
- oldself = self;
- self = spawn();
- CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(wi.mdl);
- ret = self.movedir;
- CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel("");
- remove(self);
- self = oldself;
- return ret;
-void CL_Weaponentity_Think()
- float tb;
- self.nextthink = time;
- if (intermission_running)
- self.frame = self.anim_idle_x;
- if (self.owner.weaponentity != self)
- {
- if (self.weaponentity)
- remove(self.weaponentity);
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- {
- self.model = "";
- if (self.weaponentity)
- self.weaponentity.model = "";
- return;
- }
- if (self.weaponname != self.owner.weaponname || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag)
- {
- self.weaponname = self.owner.weaponname;
- self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex;
- self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag;
- CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(self.owner.weaponname);
- }
- tb = (self.effects & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT));
- self.effects = self.owner.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP;
- self.effects &~= EF_LOWPRECISION;
- self.effects &~= EF_FULLBRIGHT; // can mask team color, so get rid of it
- self.effects &~= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
- self.effects &~= EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT;
- self.effects |= tb;
- if(self.owner.alpha == default_player_alpha)
- self.alpha = default_weapon_alpha;
- else if(self.owner.alpha != 0)
- self.alpha = self.owner.alpha;
- else
- self.alpha = 1;
- self.glowmod = self.owner.weaponentity_glowmod;
- self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
- if (self.weaponentity)
- {
- self.weaponentity.effects = self.effects;
- self.weaponentity.alpha = self.alpha;
- self.weaponentity.colormap = self.colormap;
- self.weaponentity.glowmod = self.glowmod;
- }
- self.angles = '0 0 0';
- float f = (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time);
- if (self.state == WS_RAISE && !intermission_running)
- {
- entity newwep = get_weaponinfo(self.owner.switchweapon);
- f = f * g_weaponratefactor / max(f, cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_raise", newwep.netname)));
- //print(sprintf("CL_Weaponentity_Think(): cvar: %s, value: %f, nextthink: %f\n", sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_raise", newwep.netname), cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_raise", newwep.netname)), (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time)));
- self.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
- }
- else if (self.state == WS_DROP && !intermission_running)
- {
- entity oldwep = get_weaponinfo(self.owner.weapon);
- f = 1 - f * g_weaponratefactor / max(f, cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_drop", oldwep.netname)));
- //print(sprintf("CL_Weaponentity_Think(): cvar: %s, value: %f, nextthink: %f\n", sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_drop", oldwep.netname), cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_drop", oldwep.netname)), (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time)));
- self.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
- }
- else if (self.state == WS_CLEAR)
- {
- f = 1;
- self.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
- }
-void CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think()
- float tag_found;
- self.nextthink = time;
- if (self.owner.exteriorweaponentity != self)
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
- {
- self.model = "";
- return;
- }
- if (self.weaponname != self.owner.weaponname || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag)
- {
- self.weaponname = self.owner.weaponname;
- self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex;
- self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag;
- if (self.owner.weaponname != "")
- setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision set below
- else
- self.model = "";
- if((tag_found = gettagindex(self.owner, "tag_weapon")))
- {
- self.tag_index = tag_found;
- self.tag_entity = self.owner;
- }
- else
- setattachment(self, self.owner, "bip01 r hand");
- }
- self.effects = self.owner.effects;
- self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION;
- self.effects = self.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; // eat performance
- if(self.owner.alpha == default_player_alpha)
- self.alpha = default_weapon_alpha;
- else if(self.owner.alpha != 0)
- self.alpha = self.owner.alpha;
- else
- self.alpha = 1;
- self.glowmod = self.owner.weaponentity_glowmod;
- self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
-// spawning weaponentity for client
-void CL_SpawnWeaponentity()
- self.weaponentity = spawn();
- self.weaponentity.classname = "weaponentity";
- self.weaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.weaponentity.owner = self;
- setmodel(self.weaponentity, ""); // precision set when changed
- setorigin(self.weaponentity, '0 0 0');
- self.weaponentity.angles = '0 0 0';
- self.weaponentity.viewmodelforclient = self;
- self.weaponentity.flags = 0;
- self.weaponentity.think = CL_Weaponentity_Think;
- self.weaponentity.customizeentityforclient = CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient;
- self.weaponentity.nextthink = time;
- self.exteriorweaponentity = spawn();
- self.exteriorweaponentity.classname = "exteriorweaponentity";
- self.exteriorweaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- self.exteriorweaponentity.exteriorweaponentity = self.exteriorweaponentity;
- self.exteriorweaponentity.owner = self;
- setorigin(self.exteriorweaponentity, '0 0 0');
- self.exteriorweaponentity.angles = '0 0 0';
- self.exteriorweaponentity.think = CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think;
- self.exteriorweaponentity.nextthink = time;
- {
- entity oldself = self;
- self = self.exteriorweaponentity;
- self = oldself;
- }
-void Send_WeaponComplain (entity e, float wpn, string wpnname, float type)
- msg_entity = e;
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, wpn);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, wpnname);
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, type);
-.float hasweapon_complain_spam;
-float client_hasweapon(entity cl, float wpn, float andammo, float complain)
- float f;
- entity oldself;
- if(time < self.hasweapon_complain_spam)
- complain = 0;
- if(complain)
- self.hasweapon_complain_spam = time + 0.2;
- if (wpn < WEP_FIRST || wpn > WEP_LAST)
- {
- if (complain)
- sprint(self, "Invalid weapon\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (WEPSET_CONTAINS_EW(cl, wpn))
- {
- if (andammo)
- {
- {
- f = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- oldself = self;
- self = cl;
- f = weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO1);
- f = f + weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO2);
- // always allow selecting the Mine Layer if we placed mines, so that we can detonate them
- entity mine;
- if(wpn == WEP_MINE_LAYER)
- for(mine = world; (mine = find(mine, classname, "mine")); ) if(mine.owner == self)
- f = 1;
- self = oldself;
- }
- if (!f)
- {
- if (complain)
- if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(cl))
- {
- play2(cl, "weapons/unavailable.wav");
- Send_WeaponComplain (cl, wpn, W_Name(wpn), 0);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (complain)
- {
- // DRESK - 3/16/07
- // Report Proper Weapon Status / Modified Weapon Ownership Message
- if (WEPSET_CONTAINS_AW(weaponsInMap, wpn))
- {
- Send_WeaponComplain(cl, wpn, W_Name(wpn), 1);
- if(autocvar_g_showweaponspawns)
- {
- entity e;
- string s;
- e = get_weaponinfo(wpn);
- s = e.model2;
- for(e = world; (e = findfloat(e, weapon, wpn)); )
- {
- if(e.classname == "droppedweapon")
- continue;
- if not(e.flags & FL_ITEM)
- continue;
- WaypointSprite_Spawn(
- s,
- 1, 0,
- world, e.origin,
- self, 0,
- world, enemy,
- 0,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Send_WeaponComplain (cl, wpn, W_Name(wpn), 2);
- }
- play2(cl, "weapons/unavailable.wav");
- }
- return FALSE;
-// Weapon subs
-void w_clear()
- if (self.weapon != -1)
- {
- self.weapon = 0;
- self.switchingweapon = 0;
- }
- if (self.weaponentity)
- {
- self.weaponentity.state = WS_CLEAR;
- self.weaponentity.effects = 0;
- }
-void w_ready()
- if (self.weaponentity)
- self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
- weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_IDLE, 1000000, w_ready);
-// Setup weapon for client (after this raise frame will be launched)
-void weapon_setup(float windex)
- entity e;
- e = get_weaponinfo(windex);
- self.items &~= IT_AMMO;
- self.items = self.items | (e.items & IT_AMMO);
- // the two weapon entities will notice this has changed and update their models
- self.weapon = windex;
- self.switchingweapon = windex; // to make sure
- self.weaponname = e.mdl;
- self.bulletcounter = 0;
-// perform weapon to attack (weaponstate and attack_finished check is here)
-void W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(entity pl)
- // hack to ensure it switches to an OTHER weapon (in case the other fire mode still has ammo, we want that anyway)
- float w, ww;
- w = pl.weapon;
- {
- ww = w_getbestweapon(pl);
- WEPSET_OR_EW(pl, w);
- }
- else
- ww = w_getbestweapon(pl);
- if(ww)
- W_SwitchWeapon_Force(pl, ww);
-.float prevdryfire;
-.float prevwarntime;
-float weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(float secondary)
- if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)
- if (!weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1 + secondary))
- {
- // always keep the Mine Layer if we placed mines, so that we can detonate them
- entity mine;
- if(self.weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER)
- for(mine = world; (mine = find(mine, classname, "mine")); ) if(mine.owner == self)
- return FALSE;
- if(self.weapon == self.switchweapon && time - self.prevdryfire > 1) // only play once BEFORE starting to switch weapons
- {
- sound (self, CH_WEAPON_A, "weapons/dryfire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
- self.prevdryfire = time;
- }
- if(weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO2 - secondary)) // check if the other firing mode has enough ammo
- {
- if(time - self.prevwarntime > 1)
- {
- Send_Notification(
- self,
- self.weapon,
- secondary,
- (1 - secondary)
- );
- }
- self.prevwarntime = time;
- }
- else // this weapon is totally unable to fire, switch to another one
- {
- W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-.float race_penalty;
-float weapon_prepareattack_check(float secondary, float attacktime)
- if(!weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(secondary))
- return FALSE;
- //if sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is set, don't allow the player to shoot
- //if all players readied up and the countdown is running
- if(time < game_starttime || time < self.race_penalty) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (timeout_status == TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) //don't allow the player to shoot while game is paused
- return FALSE;
- // do not even think about shooting if switching
- if(self.switchweapon != self.weapon)
- return FALSE;
- if(attacktime >= 0)
- {
- // don't fire if previous attack is not finished
- if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) > time + self.weapon_frametime * 0.5)
- return FALSE;
- // don't fire while changing weapon
- if (self.weaponentity.state != WS_READY)
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-float weapon_prepareattack_do(float secondary, float attacktime)
- self.weaponentity.state = WS_INUSE;
- self.spawnshieldtime = min(self.spawnshieldtime, time); // kill spawn shield when you fire
- // if the weapon hasn't been firing continuously, reset the timer
- if(attacktime >= 0)
- {
- if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) < time - self.weapon_frametime * 1.5)
- {
- ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = time;
- //dprint("resetting attack finished to ", ftos(time), "\n");
- }
- ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = ATTACK_FINISHED(self) + attacktime * W_WeaponRateFactor();
- }
- self.bulletcounter += 1;
- //dprint("attack finished ", ftos(ATTACK_FINISHED(self)), "\n");
- return TRUE;
-float weapon_prepareattack(float secondary, float attacktime)
- if(weapon_prepareattack_check(secondary, attacktime))
- {
- weapon_prepareattack_do(secondary, attacktime);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- return FALSE;
-void weapon_thinkf(float fr, float t, void() func)
- vector a;
- vector of, or, ou;
- float restartanim;
- {
- fr = self.weaponentity.wframe;
- restartanim = FALSE;
- }
- else if (fr == WFRAME_IDLE)
- restartanim = FALSE;
- else
- restartanim = TRUE;
- of = v_forward;
- or = v_right;
- ou = v_up;
- if (self.weaponentity)
- {
- self.weaponentity.wframe = fr;
- a = '0 0 0';
- if (fr == WFRAME_IDLE)
- a = self.weaponentity.anim_idle;
- else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE1)
- a = self.weaponentity.anim_fire1;
- else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE2)
- a = self.weaponentity.anim_fire2;
- else // if (fr == WFRAME_RELOAD)
- a = self.weaponentity.anim_reload;
- a_z *= g_weaponratefactor;
- setanim(self.weaponentity, a, restartanim == FALSE, restartanim, restartanim);
- }
- v_forward = of;
- v_right = or;
- v_up = ou;
- if(self.weapon_think == w_ready && func != w_ready && self.weaponentity.state == WS_RAISE)
- {
- backtrace("Tried to override initial weapon think function - should this really happen?");
- }
- t *= W_WeaponRateFactor();
- // VorteX: haste can be added here
- if (self.weapon_think == w_ready)
- {
- self.weapon_nextthink = time;
- //dprint("started firing at ", ftos(time), "\n");
- }
- if (self.weapon_nextthink < time - self.weapon_frametime * 1.5 || self.weapon_nextthink > time + self.weapon_frametime * 1.5)
- {
- self.weapon_nextthink = time;
- //dprint("reset weapon animation timer at ", ftos(time), "\n");
- }
- self.weapon_nextthink = self.weapon_nextthink + t;
- self.weapon_think = func;
- //dprint("next ", ftos(self.weapon_nextthink), "\n");
- if((fr == WFRAME_FIRE1 || fr == WFRAME_FIRE2) && t)
- {
- if(self.weapon == WEP_SHOTGUN && fr == WFRAME_FIRE2)
- animdecide_setaction(self, ANIMACTION_MELEE, restartanim);
- else
- animdecide_setaction(self, ANIMACTION_SHOOT, restartanim);
- }
- else
- {
- if(self.anim_upper_action == ANIMACTION_SHOOT || self.anim_upper_action == ANIMACTION_MELEE)
- self.anim_upper_action = 0;
- }
-void weapon_boblayer1(float spd, vector org)
- // VorteX: haste can be added here
-vector W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(vector pvelocity, vector mvelocity, float forceAbsolute)
- vector mdirection;
- float mspeed;
- vector outvelocity;
- mvelocity = mvelocity * g_weaponspeedfactor;
- mdirection = normalize(mvelocity);
- mspeed = vlen(mvelocity);
- outvelocity = get_shotvelocity(pvelocity, mdirection, mspeed, (forceAbsolute ? 0 : autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style), autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor, autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor);
- return outvelocity;
-void W_AttachToShotorg(entity flash, vector offset)
- entity xflash;
- flash.owner = self;
- flash.angles_z = random() * 360;
- if(gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "shot"))
- setattachment(flash, self.weaponentity, "shot");
- else
- setattachment(flash, self.weaponentity, "tag_shot");
- setorigin(flash, offset);
- xflash = spawn();
- copyentity(flash, xflash);
- flash.viewmodelforclient = self;
- if(self.weaponentity.oldorigin_x > 0)
- {
- setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "");
- setorigin(xflash, self.weaponentity.oldorigin + offset);
- }
- else
- {
- if(gettagindex(self.exteriorweaponentity, "shot"))
- setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "shot");
- else
- setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "tag_shot");
- setorigin(xflash, offset);
- }
-#if 0
-float mspercallsum;
-float mspercallsstyle;
-float mspercallcount;
-void W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(entity missile, vector dir, vector upDir, float pSpeed, float pUpSpeed, float pZSpeed, float spread, float forceAbsolute)
- if(missile.owner == world)
- error("Unowned missile");
- dir = dir + upDir * (pUpSpeed / pSpeed);
- dir_z += pZSpeed / pSpeed;
- pSpeed *= vlen(dir);
- dir = normalize(dir);
-#if 0
- if(autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style != mspercallsstyle)
- {
- mspercallsum = mspercallcount = 0;
- mspercallsstyle = autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style;
- }
- mspercallsum -= gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- dir = W_CalculateSpread(dir, spread, g_weaponspreadfactor, autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style);
-#if 0
- mspercallsum += gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
- mspercallcount += 1;
- print("avg: ", ftos(mspercallcount / mspercallsum), " per sec\n");
- missile.velocity = W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(missile.owner.velocity, pSpeed * dir, forceAbsolute);
-void W_SetupProjectileVelocity(entity missile, float pSpeed, float spread)
- W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(missile, w_shotdir, v_up, pSpeed, 0, 0, spread, FALSE);
-#define W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY_UP(m,s) W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(m, w_shotdir, v_up, cvar(#s "_speed"), cvar(#s "_speed_up"), cvar(#s "_speed_z"), cvar(#s "_spread"), FALSE)
-#define W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY(m,s) W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(m, w_shotdir, v_up, cvar(#s "_speed"), 0, 0, cvar(#s "_spread"), FALSE)
-void W_DecreaseAmmo(.float ammo_type, float ammo_use, float ammo_reload)
- if((self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) && !ammo_reload)
- return;
- // if this weapon is reloadable, decrease its load. Else decrease the player's ammo
- if(ammo_reload)
- {
- self.clip_load -= ammo_use;
- self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = self.clip_load;
- }
- else
- self.(self.current_ammo) -= ammo_use;
-// weapon reloading code
-.float reload_ammo_amount, reload_ammo_min, reload_time;
-.float reload_complain;
-.string reload_sound;
-void W_ReloadedAndReady()
- // finish the reloading process, and do the ammo transfer
- self.clip_load = self.old_clip_load; // restore the ammo counter, in case we still had ammo in the weapon before reloading
- // if the gun uses no ammo, max out weapon load, else decrease ammo as we increase weapon load
- if(!self.reload_ammo_min || self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)
- self.clip_load = self.reload_ammo_amount;
- else
- {
- while(self.clip_load < self.reload_ammo_amount && self.(self.current_ammo)) // make sure we don't add more ammo than we have
- {
- self.clip_load += 1;
- self.(self.current_ammo) -= 1;
- }
- }
- self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = self.clip_load;
- // do not set ATTACK_FINISHED in reload code any more. This causes annoying delays if eg: You start reloading a weapon,
- // then quickly switch to another weapon and back. Reloading is canceled, but the reload delay is still there,
- // so your weapon is disabled for a few seconds without reason
- //ATTACK_FINISHED(self) -= self.reload_time - 1;
- w_ready();
-void W_Reload(float sent_ammo_min, float sent_ammo_amount, float sent_time, string sent_sound)
- // set global values to work with
- self.reload_ammo_min = sent_ammo_min;
- self.reload_ammo_amount = sent_ammo_amount;
- self.reload_time = sent_time;
- self.reload_sound = sent_sound;
- // check if we meet the necessary conditions to reload
- entity e;
- e = get_weaponinfo(self.weapon);
- // don't reload weapons that don't have the RELOADABLE flag
- if not(e.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE)
- {
- dprint("Warning: Attempted to reload a weapon that does not have the WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE flag. Fix your code!\n");
- return;
- }
- // return if reloading is disabled for this weapon
- if(!self.reload_ammo_amount)
- return;
- // our weapon is fully loaded, no need to reload
- if (self.clip_load >= self.reload_ammo_amount)
- return;
- // no ammo, so nothing to load
- if(!self.(self.current_ammo) && self.reload_ammo_min)
- if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)
- {
- if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(self) && self.reload_complain < time)
- {
- play2(self, "weapons/unavailable.wav");
- sprint(self, strcat("You don't have enough ammo to reload the ^2", W_Name(self.weapon), "\n"));
- self.reload_complain = time + 1;
- }
- // switch away if the amount of ammo is not enough to keep using this weapon
- if not(weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1) + weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO2))
- {
- self.clip_load = -1; // reload later
- W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (self.weaponentity)
- {
- if (self.weaponentity.wframe == WFRAME_RELOAD)
- return;
- // allow switching away while reloading, but this will cause a new reload!
- self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
- }
- // now begin the reloading process
- sound (self, CH_WEAPON_SINGLE, self.reload_sound, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
- // do not set ATTACK_FINISHED in reload code any more. This causes annoying delays if eg: You start reloading a weapon,
- // then quickly switch to another weapon and back. Reloading is canceled, but the reload delay is still there,
- // so your weapon is disabled for a few seconds without reason
- //ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = max(time, ATTACK_FINISHED(self)) + self.reload_time + 1;
- weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_RELOAD, self.reload_time, W_ReloadedAndReady);
- if(self.clip_load < 0)
- self.clip_load = 0;
- self.old_clip_load = self.clip_load;
- self.clip_load = self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = -1;
--- /dev/null
+void W_GiveWeapon (entity e, float wep)
+ entity oldself;
+ if (!wep)
+ return;
+ WEPSET_OR_EW(e, wep);
+ oldself = self;
+ self = e;
+ if(IS_PLAYER(other))
+ { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, other, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_WEAPON_GOT, wep); }
+ self = oldself;
+.float railgundistance;
+.vector railgunforce;
+void FireRailgunBullet (vector start, vector end, float bdamage, float bforce, float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float forcehalflifedist, float deathtype)
+ vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir;
+ entity ent, endent;
+ float endq3surfaceflags;
+ float totaldmg;
+ entity o;
+ float length;
+ vector beampos;
+ string snd;
+ entity pseudoprojectile;
+ float f, ffs;
+ pseudoprojectile = world;
+ railgun_start = start;
+ railgun_end = end;
+ dir = normalize(end - start);
+ length = vlen(end - start);
+ force = dir * bforce;
+ // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later
+ end = end + dir;
+ totaldmg = 0;
+ // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made
+ // non-solid so we can hit the next, while doing this we spawn effects and
+ // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later
+ o = self;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if(self.antilag_debug)
+ WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, o, self.antilag_debug);
+ else
+ WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, o, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self));
+ if(o && WarpZone_trace_firstzone)
+ {
+ o = world;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP || trace_ent.solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
+ Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, bdamage, 0, 0, force, deathtype, trace_ent.species, self);
+ // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now
+ if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1)
+ break;
+ // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one
+ trace_ent.railgunhit = TRUE;
+ trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end;
+ trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid;
+ trace_ent.railgundistance = vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos) - start);
+ trace_ent.railgunforce = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, force);
+ // stop if this is a wall
+ if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP)
+ break;
+ // make the entity non-solid
+ trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ }
+ endpoint = trace_endpos;
+ endent = trace_ent;
+ endq3surfaceflags = trace_dphitq3surfaceflags;
+ // find all the entities the railgun hit and restore their solid state
+ ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE);
+ while (ent)
+ {
+ // restore their solid type
+ ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup;
+ ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE);
+ }
+ // spawn a temporary explosion entity for RadiusDamage calls
+ //explosion = spawn();
+ // Find all non-hit players the beam passed close by
+ if(deathtype == WEP_MINSTANEX || deathtype == WEP_NEX)
+ {
+ FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if(msg_entity != self) if(!msg_entity.railgunhit) if not(IS_SPEC(msg_entity) && msg_entity.enemy == self) // we use realclient, so spectators can hear the whoosh too
+ {
+ // nearest point on the beam
+ beampos = start + dir * bound(0, (msg_entity.origin - start) * dir, length);
+ f = bound(0, 1 - vlen(beampos - msg_entity.origin) / 512, 1);
+ if(f <= 0)
+ continue;
+ snd = strcat("weapons/nexwhoosh", ftos(floor(random() * 3) + 1), ".wav");
+ if(!pseudoprojectile)
+ pseudoprojectile = spawn(); // we need this so the sound uses the "entchannel4" volume
+ soundtoat(MSG_ONE, pseudoprojectile, beampos, CH_SHOTS, snd, VOL_BASE * f, ATTN_NONE);
+ }
+ if(pseudoprojectile)
+ remove(pseudoprojectile);
+ }
+ // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them
+ ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE);
+ while (ent)
+ {
+ // get the details we need to call the damage function
+ hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc;
+ f = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, halflifedist, ent.railgundistance);
+ ffs = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, forcehalflifedist, ent.railgundistance);
+ if(accuracy_isgooddamage(self.realowner, ent))
+ totaldmg += bdamage * f;
+ // apply the damage
+ if (ent.takedamage)
+ Damage (ent, self, self, bdamage * f, deathtype, hitloc, ent.railgunforce * ffs);
+ // create a small explosion to throw gibs around (if applicable)
+ //setorigin (explosion, hitloc);
+ //RadiusDamage (explosion, self, 10, 0, 50, world, world, 300, deathtype);
+ ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0';
+ ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT;
+ ent.railgunhit = FALSE;
+ ent.railgundistance = 0;
+ // advance to the next entity
+ ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE);
+ }
+ // calculate hits and fired shots for hitscan
+ accuracy_add(self, self.weapon, 0, min(bdamage, totaldmg));
+ trace_endpos = endpoint;
+ trace_ent = endent;
+ trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = endq3surfaceflags;
+.float dmg_force;
+.float dmg_radius;
+.float dmg_total;
+//.float last_yoda;
+void W_BallisticBullet_Hit (void)
+ float f, q, g;
+ f = pow(bound(0, vlen(self.velocity) / vlen(self.oldvelocity), 1), 2); // energy multiplier
+ q = 1 + self.dmg_edge / self.dmg;
+ if(other.solid == SOLID_BSP || other.solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
+ Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, self.dmg * f, 0, 0, max(1, self.dmg_force) * normalize(self.velocity) * f, self.projectiledeathtype, other.species, self);
+ if(other && other != self.enemy)
+ {
+ endzcurveparticles();
+ yoda = 0;
+ railgun_start = self.origin - 2 * frametime * self.velocity;
+ railgun_end = self.origin + 2 * frametime * self.velocity;
+ g = accuracy_isgooddamage(self.realowner, other);
+ Damage(other, self, self.realowner, self.dmg * f, self.projectiledeathtype, self.origin, self.dmg_force * normalize(self.velocity) * f);
+ /*if(yoda && (time > (self.last_yoda + 5)))
+ {
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, self.realowner, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_ACHIEVEMENT_YODA);
+ self.last_yoda = time;
+ }*/
+ // calculate hits for ballistic weapons
+ if(g)
+ {
+ // do not exceed 100%
+ q = min(self.dmg * q, self.dmg_total + f * self.dmg) - self.dmg_total;
+ self.dmg_total += f * self.dmg;
+ accuracy_add(self.realowner, self.realowner.weapon, 0, q);
+ }
+ }
+ self.enemy = other; // don't hit the same player twice with the same bullet
+.void(void) W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save;
+.float W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save;
+.vector W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin;
+.vector W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity;
+void W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think()
+ setorigin(self, self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin);
+ self.velocity = self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity;
+ self.think = self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save;
+ self.nextthink = max(time, self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save);
+ self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save = func_null;
+ self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
+ if(self.enemy.solid == SOLID_BSP)
+ {
+ float f;
+ f = pow(bound(0, vlen(self.velocity) / vlen(self.oldvelocity), 1), 2); // energy multiplier
+ Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, 0, 0, 0, max(1, self.dmg_force) * normalize(self.velocity) * -f, self.projectiledeathtype, 0, self);
+ }
+ UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
+float W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(float eff)
+ // move the entity along its velocity until it's out of solid, then let it resume
+ vector vel = self.velocity;
+ float dt, dst, velfactor, v0, vs;
+ float maxdist;
+ float E0_m, Es_m;
+ float constant = self.dmg_radius * (other.ballistics_density ? other.ballistics_density : 1);
+ // outside the world? forget it
+ if(self.origin_x > world.maxs_x || self.origin_y > world.maxs_y || self.origin_z > world.maxs_z || self.origin_x < world.mins_x || self.origin_y < world.mins_y || self.origin_z < world.mins_z)
+ return 0;
+ // special case for zero density and zero bullet constant:
+ if(self.dmg_radius == 0)
+ {
+ if(other.ballistics_density < 0)
+ constant = 0; // infinite travel distance
+ else
+ return 0; // no penetration
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(other.ballistics_density < 0)
+ constant = 0; // infinite travel distance
+ else if(other.ballistics_density == 0)
+ constant = self.dmg_radius;
+ else
+ constant = self.dmg_radius * other.ballistics_density;
+ }
+ // E(s) = E0 - constant * s, constant = area of bullet circle * material constant / mass
+ v0 = vlen(vel);
+ E0_m = 0.5 * v0 * v0;
+ if(constant)
+ {
+ maxdist = E0_m / constant;
+ // maxdist = 0.5 * v0 * v0 / constant
+ // dprint("max dist = ", ftos(maxdist), "\n");
+ if(maxdist <= autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxdist = vlen(other.maxs - other.mins) + 1; // any distance, as long as we leave the entity
+ }
+ traceline_inverted (self.origin, self.origin + normalize(vel) * maxdist, MOVE_NORMAL, self, TRUE);
+ if(trace_fraction == 1) // 1: we never got out of solid
+ return 0;
+ self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin = trace_endpos;
+ dst = max(autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance, vlen(trace_endpos - self.origin));
+ // E(s) = E0 - constant * s, constant = area of bullet circle * material constant / mass
+ Es_m = E0_m - constant * dst;
+ if(Es_m <= 0)
+ {
+ // roundoff errors got us
+ return 0;
+ }
+ vs = sqrt(2 * Es_m);
+ velfactor = vs / v0;
+ dt = dst / (0.5 * (v0 + vs));
+ // this is not correct, but the differential equations have no analytic
+ // solution - and these times are very small anyway
+ //print("dt = ", ftos(dt), "\n");
+ self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save = self.think;
+ self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save = self.nextthink;
+ self.think = W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think;
+ self.nextthink = time + dt;
+ vel = vel * velfactor;
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND; // prevent moving
+ self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity = vel;
+ if(eff >= 0)
+ if(vlen(trace_endpos - self.origin) > 4)
+ {
+ endzcurveparticles();
+ trailparticles(self, eff, self.origin, trace_endpos);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void W_BallisticBullet_Touch (void)
+ //float density;
+ if(self.think == W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think) // skip this!
+ return;
+ W_BallisticBullet_Hit ();
+ if(self.dmg_radius < 0) // these NEVER penetrate solid
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ // if we hit "weapclip", bail out
+ //
+ // rationale of this check:
+ //
+ // any shader that is solid, nodraw AND trans is meant to clip weapon
+ // shots and players, but has no other effect!
+ //
+ // if it is not trans, it is caulk and should not have this side effect
+ //
+ // matching shaders:
+ // common/weapclip (intended)
+ // common/noimpact (is supposed to eat projectiles, but is erased farther above)
+ if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW)
+ if not(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID)
+ if not(trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE)
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ // go through solid!
+ if(!W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(-1))
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE;
+void endFireBallisticBullet()
+ endzcurveparticles();
+entity fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent;
+float fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff;
+void fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end)
+ if(vlen(trace_endpos - fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.origin) > 16)
+ zcurveparticles_from_tracetoss(fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.origin, trace_endpos, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.velocity);
+ WarpZone_trace_forent = world;
+ self.owner = world;
+void fireBallisticBullet(vector start, vector dir, float spread, float pSpeed, float lifetime, float damage, float force, float dtype, float tracereffects, float gravityfactor, float bulletconstant)
+ float lag, dt, savetime; //, density;
+ entity pl, oldself;
+ float antilagging;
+ antilagging = (autocvar_g_antilag_bullets && (pSpeed >= autocvar_g_antilag_bullets));
+ entity proj;
+ proj = spawn();
+ proj.classname = "bullet";
+ proj.owner = proj.realowner = self;
+ if(gravityfactor > 0)
+ {
+ proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
+ proj.gravity = gravityfactor;
+ }
+ else
+ proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
+ proj.think = SUB_Remove;
+ proj.nextthink = time + lifetime; // min(pLifetime, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins) / pSpeed);
+ W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(proj, dir, v_up, pSpeed, 0, 0, spread, antilagging);
+ proj.angles = vectoangles(proj.velocity);
+ if(bulletconstant > 0)
+ proj.dmg_radius = autocvar_g_ballistics_materialconstant / bulletconstant;
+ else if(bulletconstant == 0)
+ proj.dmg_radius = 0;
+ else
+ proj.dmg_radius = -1;
+ // so: bulletconstant = bullet mass / area of bullet circle
+ setorigin(proj, start);
+ proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
+ proj.touch = W_BallisticBullet_Touch;
+ proj.dmg = damage;
+ proj.dmg_force = force;
+ proj.projectiledeathtype = dtype;
+ proj.oldvelocity = proj.velocity;
+ other = proj; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile);
+ if(antilagging)
+ {
+ float eff;
+ if(tracereffects & EF_RED)
+ eff = particleeffectnum("tr_rifle");
+ else if(tracereffects & EF_BLUE)
+ eff = particleeffectnum("tr_rifle_weak");
+ else
+ eff = particleeffectnum("tr_bullet");
+ // NOTE: this may severely throw off weapon balance
+ lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(self);
+ if(lag < 0.001)
+ lag = 0;
+ if not(IS_REAL_CLIENT(self))
+ lag = 0;
+ if(autocvar_g_antilag == 0 || self.cvar_cl_noantilag)
+ lag = 0; // only do hitscan, but no antilag
+ if(lag)
+ if(pl != self)
+ antilag_takeback(pl, time - lag);
+ oldself = self;
+ self = proj;
+ savetime = frametime;
+ frametime = 0.05;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ // DP tracetoss is stupid and always traces in 0.05s
+ // ticks. This makes it trace in 0.05*0.125s ticks
+ // instead.
+ vector v0;
+ float g0;
+ v0 = self.velocity;
+ g0 = self.gravity;
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.125;
+ self.gravity *= 0.125 * 0.125;
+ trace_fraction = 0;
+ fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent = self;
+ fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff = eff;
+ WarpZone_TraceToss_ThroughZone(self, self.owner, world, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback);
+ self.velocity = v0;
+ self.gravity = g0;
+ if(trace_fraction == 1)
+ break;
+ // won't hit anything anytime soon (DP's
+ // tracetoss does 200 tics of, here,
+ // 0.05*0.125s, that is, 1.25 seconds
+ other = trace_ent;
+ dt = WarpZone_tracetoss_time * 0.125; // this is only approximate!
+ setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
+ self.velocity = WarpZone_tracetoss_velocity * (1 / 0.125);
+ if(!SUB_OwnerCheck())
+ {
+ if(SUB_NoImpactCheck())
+ break;
+ // hit the player
+ W_BallisticBullet_Hit();
+ }
+ if(proj.dmg_radius < 0) // these NEVER penetrate solid
+ break;
+ // if we hit "weapclip", bail out
+ //
+ // rationale of this check:
+ //
+ // any shader that is solid, nodraw AND trans is meant to clip weapon
+ // shots and players, but has no other effect!
+ //
+ // if it is not trans, it is caulk and should not have this side effect
+ //
+ // matching shaders:
+ // common/weapclip (intended)
+ // common/noimpact (is supposed to eat projectiles, but is erased farther above)
+ if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW)
+ if not(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID)
+ if not(trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE)
+ break;
+ // go through solid!
+ if(!W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid((other && (other.solid != SOLID_BSP)) ? eff : -1))
+ break;
+ W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think();
+ self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE;
+ }
+ frametime = savetime;
+ self = oldself;
+ if(lag)
+ if(pl != self)
+ antilag_restore(pl);
+ remove(proj);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(tracereffects & EF_RED)
+ else if(tracereffects & EF_BLUE)
+ else
+void fireBullet (vector start, vector dir, float spread, float damage, float force, float dtype, float tracer)
+ vector end;
+ dir = normalize(dir + randomvec() * spread);
+ end = start + dir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE;
+ if(self.antilag_debug)
+ traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, self.antilag_debug);
+ else
+ traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self));
+ end = trace_endpos;
+ if (pointcontents (trace_endpos) != CONTENT_SKY)
+ {
+ if not (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)
+ Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, damage, 0, 0, dir * max(1, force), dtype, trace_ent.species, self);
+ Damage (trace_ent, self, self, damage, dtype, trace_endpos, dir * force);
+ }
+ trace_endpos = end;
+float W_CheckProjectileDamage(entity inflictor, entity projowner, float deathtype, float exception)
+ float is_from_contents = (deathtype == DEATH_SLIME || deathtype == DEATH_LAVA);
+ float is_from_owner = (inflictor == projowner);
+ float is_from_exception = (exception != -1);
+ //dprint(strcat("W_CheckProjectileDamage: from_contents ", ftos(is_from_contents), " : from_owner ", ftos(is_from_owner), " : exception ", strcat(ftos(is_from_exception), " (", ftos(exception), "). \n")));
+ if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage <= -2)
+ {
+ return FALSE; // no damage to projectiles at all, not even with the exceptions
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == -1)
+ {
+ if(is_from_exception)
+ return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
+ else
+ return FALSE; // otherwise, no other damage is allowed
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == 0)
+ {
+ if(is_from_exception)
+ return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
+ else if not(is_from_contents)
+ return FALSE; // otherwise, only allow damage from contents
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == 1)
+ {
+ if(is_from_exception)
+ return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
+ else if not(is_from_contents || is_from_owner)
+ return FALSE; // otherwise, only allow self damage and damage from contents
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == 2) // allow any damage, but override for exceptions
+ {
+ if(is_from_exception)
+ return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
+ }
+ return TRUE; // if none of these return, then allow damage anyway.
+void W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(entity attacker, void() explode)
+ self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ self.event_damage = func_null;
+ if(IS_CLIENT(attacker) && !autocvar_g_projectiles_keep_owner)
+ {
+ self.owner = attacker;
+ self.realowner = attacker;
+ }
+ // do not explode NOW but in the NEXT FRAME!
+ // because recursive calls to RadiusDamage are not allowed
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ self.think = explode;
--- /dev/null
+ Bring back W_Weaponframe
+.float weapon_frametime;
+float W_WeaponRateFactor()
+ float t;
+ t = 1.0 / g_weaponratefactor;
+ return t;
+void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(entity e, float w)
+ e.cnt = e.switchweapon;
+ e.switchweapon = w;
+ e.selectweapon = w;
+.float antilag_debug;
+// VorteX: static frame globals
+float WFRAME_FIRE1 = 0;
+float WFRAME_FIRE2 = 1;
+float WFRAME_IDLE = 2;
+float WFRAME_RELOAD = 3;
+.float wframe;
+void(float fr, float t, void() func) weapon_thinkf;
+vector W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup, vector v)
+ vector ret;
+ ret_x = screenright * v;
+ ret_y = screenup * v;
+ ret_z = screenforward * v;
+ return ret;
+vector W_HitPlotNormalizedUntransform(vector org, entity targ, vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup, vector v)
+ float i, j, k;
+ vector mi, ma, thisv, myv, ret;
+ myv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, org);
+ // x = 0..1 relative to hitbox; y = 0..1 relative to hitbox; z = distance
+ mi = ma = targ.origin + 0.5 * (targ.mins + targ.maxs);
+ for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j) for(k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
+ {
+ thisv = targ.origin;
+ if(i) thisv_x += targ.maxs_x; else thisv_x += targ.mins_x;
+ if(j) thisv_y += targ.maxs_y; else thisv_y += targ.mins_y;
+ if(k) thisv_z += targ.maxs_z; else thisv_z += targ.mins_z;
+ thisv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, thisv);
+ if(i || j || k)
+ {
+ if(mi_x > thisv_x) mi_x = thisv_x; if(ma_x < thisv_x) ma_x = thisv_x;
+ if(mi_y > thisv_y) mi_y = thisv_y; if(ma_y < thisv_y) ma_y = thisv_y;
+ //if(mi_z > thisv_z) mi_z = thisv_z; if(ma_z < thisv_z) ma_y = thisv_z;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // first run
+ mi = ma = thisv;
+ }
+ }
+ thisv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, v);
+ ret_x = (thisv_x - mi_x) / (ma_x - mi_x);
+ ret_y = (thisv_y - mi_y) / (ma_y - mi_y);
+ ret_z = thisv_z - myv_z;
+ return ret;
+void W_HitPlotAnalysis(entity player, vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup)
+ vector hitplot;
+ vector org;
+ float lag;
+ if(player.hitplotfh >= 0)
+ {
+ lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(player);
+ if(lag < 0.001)
+ lag = 0;
+ if not(IS_REAL_CLIENT(player))
+ lag = 0; // only antilag for clients
+ org = player.origin + player.view_ofs;
+ traceline_antilag_force(player, org, org + screenforward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, player, lag);
+ if(IS_CLIENT(trace_ent))
+ {
+ antilag_takeback(trace_ent, time - lag);
+ hitplot = W_HitPlotNormalizedUntransform(org, trace_ent, screenforward, screenright, screenup, trace_endpos);
+ antilag_restore(trace_ent);
+ fputs(player.hitplotfh, strcat(ftos(hitplot_x), " ", ftos(hitplot_y), " ", ftos(hitplot_z), " ", ftos(player.switchweapon), "\n"));
+ //print(strcat(ftos(hitplot_x), " ", ftos(hitplot_y), " ", ftos(hitplot_z), "\n"));
+ }
+ }
+vector w_shotorg;
+vector w_shotdir;
+vector w_shotend;
+.float prevstrengthsound;
+.float prevstrengthsoundattempt;
+void W_PlayStrengthSound(entity player) // void W_PlayStrengthSound
+ if((player.items & IT_STRENGTH)
+ && ((time > player.prevstrengthsound + autocvar_sv_strengthsound_antispam_time) // prevent insane sound spam
+ || (time > player.prevstrengthsoundattempt + autocvar_sv_strengthsound_antispam_refire_threshold)))
+ {
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, "weapons/strength_fire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ player.prevstrengthsound = time;
+ }
+ player.prevstrengthsoundattempt = time;
+// this function calculates w_shotorg and w_shotdir based on the weapon model
+// offset, trueaim and antilag, and won't put w_shotorg inside a wall.
+// make sure you call makevectors first (FIXME?)
+void W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(entity ent, vector s_forward, vector mi, vector ma, float antilag, float recoil, string snd, float chan, float maxdamage, float range)
+ float nudge = 1; // added to traceline target and subtracted from result
+ float oldsolid;
+ vector vecs, dv;
+ oldsolid = ent.dphitcontentsmask;
+ if(ent.weapon == WEP_RIFLE)
+ ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE;
+ else
+ if(antilag)
+ WarpZone_traceline_antilag(world, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent));
+ // passing world, because we do NOT want it to touch dphitcontentsmask
+ else
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * range, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent);
+ vector vf, vr, vu;
+ vf = v_forward;
+ vr = v_right;
+ vu = v_up;
+ w_shotend = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // warpzone support
+ v_forward = vf;
+ v_right = vr;
+ v_up = vu;
+ // un-adjust trueaim if shotend is too close
+ if(vlen(w_shotend - (ent.origin + ent.view_ofs)) < autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange)
+ w_shotend = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange;
+ // track max damage
+ if(accuracy_canbegooddamage(ent))
+ accuracy_add(ent, ent.weapon, maxdamage, 0);
+ W_HitPlotAnalysis(ent, v_forward, v_right, v_up);
+ if(ent.weaponentity.movedir_x > 0)
+ vecs = ent.weaponentity.movedir;
+ else
+ vecs = '0 0 0';
+ dv = v_right * -vecs_y + v_up * vecs_z;
+ w_shotorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + dv;
+ // now move the shotorg forward as much as requested if possible
+ if(antilag)
+ {
+ if(ent.antilag_debug)
+ tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ent.antilag_debug);
+ else
+ tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent));
+ }
+ else
+ tracebox(w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
+ w_shotorg = trace_endpos - v_forward * nudge;
+ // calculate the shotdir from the chosen shotorg
+ w_shotdir = normalize(w_shotend - w_shotorg);
+ if (antilag)
+ if (!ent.cvar_cl_noantilag)
+ {
+ if (autocvar_g_antilag == 1) // switch to "ghost" if not hitting original
+ {
+ traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
+ if (!trace_ent.takedamage)
+ {
+ traceline_antilag_force (ent, w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent));
+ if (trace_ent.takedamage && IS_PLAYER(trace_ent))
+ {
+ entity e;
+ e = trace_ent;
+ traceline(w_shotorg, e.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
+ if(trace_ent == e)
+ w_shotdir = normalize(trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(autocvar_g_antilag == 3) // client side hitscan
+ {
+ // this part MUST use prydon cursor
+ if (ent.cursor_trace_ent) // client was aiming at someone
+ if (ent.cursor_trace_ent != ent) // just to make sure
+ if (ent.cursor_trace_ent.takedamage) // and that person is killable
+ if (IS_PLAYER(ent.cursor_trace_ent)) // and actually a player
+ {
+ // verify that the shot would miss without antilag
+ // (avoids an issue where guns would always shoot at their origin)
+ traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * range, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
+ if (!trace_ent.takedamage)
+ {
+ // verify that the shot would hit if altered
+ traceline(w_shotorg, ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent);
+ if (trace_ent == ent.cursor_trace_ent)
+ w_shotdir = normalize(ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg);
+ else
+ print("antilag fail\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ent.dphitcontentsmask = oldsolid; // restore solid type (generally SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
+ if (!g_norecoil)
+ ent.punchangle_x = recoil * -1;
+ if (snd != "")
+ {
+ sound (ent, chan, snd, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ W_PlayStrengthSound(ent);
+ }
+ // nudge w_shotend so a trace to w_shotend hits
+ w_shotend = w_shotend + normalize(w_shotend - w_shotorg) * nudge;
+#define W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent,s_forward,mi,ma,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(ent, s_forward, mi, ma, antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage, MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE)
+#define W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(ent,mi,ma,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent, v_forward, mi, ma, antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage)
+#define W_SetupShot_Dir(ent,s_forward,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent, s_forward, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage)
+#define W_SetupShot(ent,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(ent, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage)
+#define W_SetupShot_Range(ent,antilag,recoil,snd,chan,maxdamage,range) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize_Range(ent, v_forward, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, chan, maxdamage, range)
+float CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient()
+ self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
+ if(IS_SPEC(other))
+ if(other.enemy == self.owner)
+ self.viewmodelforclient = other;
+ return TRUE;
+ * supported formats:
+ *
+ * 1. simple animated model, muzzle flash handling on h_ model:
+ * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - invisible model controlling the animation
+ * tags:
+ * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes)
+ * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
+ * weapon = attachment for v_tuba.md3
+ * v_tuba.md3 - first and third person model
+ * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
+ *
+ * 2. simple animated model, muzzle flash handling on v_ model:
+ * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - invisible model controlling the animation
+ * tags:
+ * weapon = attachment for v_tuba.md3
+ * v_tuba.md3 - first and third person model
+ * tags:
+ * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes)
+ * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
+ * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
+ *
+ * 3. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on h_ model:
+ * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - animated first person model
+ * tags:
+ * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes)
+ * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
+ * handle = corresponding to the origin of v_tuba.md3 (used for muzzle flashes)
+ * v_tuba.md3 - third person model
+ * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
+ *
+ * 4. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on v_ model:
+ * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - animated first person model
+ * tags:
+ * shot = muzzle end (shot origin)
+ * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun)
+ * v_tuba.md3 - third person model
+ * tags:
+ * shot = muzzle end (for muzzle flashes)
+ * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model
+ */
+// writes:
+// self.origin, self.angles
+// self.weaponentity
+// self.movedir, self.view_ofs
+// attachment stuff
+// anim stuff
+// to free:
+// call again with ""
+// remove the ent
+void CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(string name)
+ float v_shot_idx;
+ if (name != "")
+ {
+ // if there is a child entity, hide it until we're sure we use it
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ self.weaponentity.model = "";
+ setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", name, ".md3")); // precision set below
+ v_shot_idx = gettagindex(self, "shot"); // used later
+ if(!v_shot_idx)
+ v_shot_idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shot");
+ setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/h_", name, ".iqm")); // precision set below
+ // preset some defaults that work great for renamed zym files (which don't need an animinfo)
+ self.anim_fire1 = animfixfps(self, '0 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
+ self.anim_fire2 = animfixfps(self, '1 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
+ self.anim_idle = animfixfps(self, '2 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
+ self.anim_reload = animfixfps(self, '3 1 0.01', '0 0 0');
+ // if we have a "weapon" tag, let's attach the v_ model to it ("invisible hand" style model)
+ // if we don't, this is a "real" animated model
+ if(gettagindex(self, "weapon"))
+ {
+ if (!self.weaponentity)
+ self.weaponentity = spawn();
+ setmodel(self.weaponentity, strcat("models/weapons/v_", name, ".md3")); // precision does not matter
+ setattachment(self.weaponentity, self, "weapon");
+ }
+ else if(gettagindex(self, "tag_weapon"))
+ {
+ if (!self.weaponentity)
+ self.weaponentity = spawn();
+ setmodel(self.weaponentity, strcat("models/weapons/v_", name, ".md3")); // precision does not matter
+ setattachment(self.weaponentity, self, "tag_weapon");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(self.weaponentity)
+ remove(self.weaponentity);
+ self.weaponentity = world;
+ }
+ setorigin(self,'0 0 0');
+ self.angles = '0 0 0';
+ self.frame = 0;
+ self.viewmodelforclient = world;
+ float idx;
+ if(v_shot_idx) // v_ model attached to invisible h_ model
+ {
+ self.movedir = gettaginfo(self.weaponentity, v_shot_idx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "shot");
+ if(!idx)
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shot");
+ if(idx)
+ self.movedir = gettaginfo(self, idx);
+ else
+ {
+ print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'shot' tag, will display shots TOTALLY wrong\n");
+ self.movedir = '0 0 0';
+ }
+ }
+ if(self.weaponentity) // v_ model attached to invisible h_ model
+ {
+ idx = gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "shell");
+ if(!idx)
+ idx = gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "tag_shell");
+ if(idx)
+ self.spawnorigin = gettaginfo(self.weaponentity, idx);
+ }
+ else
+ idx = 0;
+ if(!idx)
+ {
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "shell");
+ if(!idx)
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shell");
+ if(idx)
+ self.spawnorigin = gettaginfo(self, idx);
+ else
+ {
+ print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'shell' tag, will display casings wrong\n");
+ self.spawnorigin = self.movedir;
+ }
+ }
+ if(v_shot_idx)
+ {
+ self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; // use regular attachment
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(self.weaponentity)
+ {
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "weapon");
+ if(!idx)
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_weapon");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "handle");
+ if(!idx)
+ idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_handle");
+ }
+ if(idx)
+ {
+ self.oldorigin = self.movedir - gettaginfo(self, idx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'handle' tag and neither does the v_ model support the 'shot' tag, will display muzzle flashes TOTALLY wrong\n");
+ self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; // there is no way to recover from this
+ }
+ }
+ self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.model = "";
+ if(self.weaponentity)
+ remove(self.weaponentity);
+ self.weaponentity = world;
+ self.movedir = '0 0 0';
+ self.spawnorigin = '0 0 0';
+ self.oldorigin = '0 0 0';
+ self.anim_fire1 = '0 1 0.01';
+ self.anim_fire2 = '0 1 0.01';
+ self.anim_idle = '0 1 0.01';
+ self.anim_reload = '0 1 0.01';
+ }
+ self.view_ofs = '0 0 0';
+ if(self.movedir_x >= 0)
+ {
+ vector v0;
+ v0 = self.movedir;
+ self.movedir = shotorg_adjust(v0, FALSE, FALSE);
+ self.view_ofs = shotorg_adjust(v0, FALSE, TRUE) - v0;
+ }
+ self.owner.stat_shotorg = compressShotOrigin(self.movedir);
+ self.movedir = decompressShotOrigin(self.owner.stat_shotorg); // make them match perfectly
+ self.spawnorigin += self.view_ofs; // offset the casings origin by the same amount
+ // check if an instant weapon switch occurred
+ setorigin(self, self.view_ofs);
+ // reset animstate now
+ self.wframe = WFRAME_IDLE;
+ setanim(self, self.anim_idle, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
+vector CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(float wpn)
+ entity wi, oldself;
+ vector ret;
+ wi = get_weaponinfo(wpn);
+ oldself = self;
+ self = spawn();
+ CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(wi.mdl);
+ ret = self.movedir;
+ CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel("");
+ remove(self);
+ self = oldself;
+ return ret;
+void CL_Weaponentity_Think()
+ float tb;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ if (intermission_running)
+ self.frame = self.anim_idle_x;
+ if (self.owner.weaponentity != self)
+ {
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ remove(self.weaponentity);
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
+ {
+ self.model = "";
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ self.weaponentity.model = "";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.weaponname != self.owner.weaponname || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag)
+ {
+ self.weaponname = self.owner.weaponname;
+ self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex;
+ self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag;
+ CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(self.owner.weaponname);
+ }
+ tb = (self.effects & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT));
+ self.effects = self.owner.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP;
+ self.effects &~= EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ self.effects &~= EF_FULLBRIGHT; // can mask team color, so get rid of it
+ self.effects &~= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
+ self.effects &~= EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT;
+ self.effects |= tb;
+ if(self.owner.alpha == default_player_alpha)
+ self.alpha = default_weapon_alpha;
+ else if(self.owner.alpha != 0)
+ self.alpha = self.owner.alpha;
+ else
+ self.alpha = 1;
+ self.glowmod = self.owner.weaponentity_glowmod;
+ self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ {
+ self.weaponentity.effects = self.effects;
+ self.weaponentity.alpha = self.alpha;
+ self.weaponentity.colormap = self.colormap;
+ self.weaponentity.glowmod = self.glowmod;
+ }
+ self.angles = '0 0 0';
+ float f = (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time);
+ if (self.state == WS_RAISE && !intermission_running)
+ {
+ entity newwep = get_weaponinfo(self.owner.switchweapon);
+ f = f * g_weaponratefactor / max(f, cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_raise", newwep.netname)));
+ //print(sprintf("CL_Weaponentity_Think(): cvar: %s, value: %f, nextthink: %f\n", sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_raise", newwep.netname), cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_raise", newwep.netname)), (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time)));
+ self.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
+ }
+ else if (self.state == WS_DROP && !intermission_running)
+ {
+ entity oldwep = get_weaponinfo(self.owner.weapon);
+ f = 1 - f * g_weaponratefactor / max(f, cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_drop", oldwep.netname)));
+ //print(sprintf("CL_Weaponentity_Think(): cvar: %s, value: %f, nextthink: %f\n", sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_drop", oldwep.netname), cvar(sprintf("g_balance_%s_switchdelay_drop", oldwep.netname)), (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time)));
+ self.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
+ }
+ else if (self.state == WS_CLEAR)
+ {
+ f = 1;
+ self.angles_x = -90 * f * f;
+ }
+void CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think()
+ float tag_found;
+ self.nextthink = time;
+ if (self.owner.exteriorweaponentity != self)
+ {
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO)
+ {
+ self.model = "";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.weaponname != self.owner.weaponname || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag)
+ {
+ self.weaponname = self.owner.weaponname;
+ self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex;
+ self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag;
+ if (self.owner.weaponname != "")
+ setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision set below
+ else
+ self.model = "";
+ if((tag_found = gettagindex(self.owner, "tag_weapon")))
+ {
+ self.tag_index = tag_found;
+ self.tag_entity = self.owner;
+ }
+ else
+ setattachment(self, self.owner, "bip01 r hand");
+ }
+ self.effects = self.owner.effects;
+ self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION;
+ self.effects = self.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; // eat performance
+ if(self.owner.alpha == default_player_alpha)
+ self.alpha = default_weapon_alpha;
+ else if(self.owner.alpha != 0)
+ self.alpha = self.owner.alpha;
+ else
+ self.alpha = 1;
+ self.glowmod = self.owner.weaponentity_glowmod;
+ self.colormap = self.owner.colormap;
+// spawning weaponentity for client
+void CL_SpawnWeaponentity()
+ self.weaponentity = spawn();
+ self.weaponentity.classname = "weaponentity";
+ self.weaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ self.weaponentity.owner = self;
+ setmodel(self.weaponentity, ""); // precision set when changed
+ setorigin(self.weaponentity, '0 0 0');
+ self.weaponentity.angles = '0 0 0';
+ self.weaponentity.viewmodelforclient = self;
+ self.weaponentity.flags = 0;
+ self.weaponentity.think = CL_Weaponentity_Think;
+ self.weaponentity.customizeentityforclient = CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient;
+ self.weaponentity.nextthink = time;
+ self.exteriorweaponentity = spawn();
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.classname = "exteriorweaponentity";
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.exteriorweaponentity = self.exteriorweaponentity;
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.owner = self;
+ setorigin(self.exteriorweaponentity, '0 0 0');
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.angles = '0 0 0';
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.think = CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think;
+ self.exteriorweaponentity.nextthink = time;
+ {
+ entity oldself = self;
+ self = self.exteriorweaponentity;
+ self = oldself;
+ }
+void Send_WeaponComplain (entity e, float wpn, string wpnname, float type)
+ msg_entity = e;
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, wpn);
+ WriteString(MSG_ONE, wpnname);
+ WriteByte(MSG_ONE, type);
+.float hasweapon_complain_spam;
+float client_hasweapon(entity cl, float wpn, float andammo, float complain)
+ float f;
+ entity oldself;
+ if(time < self.hasweapon_complain_spam)
+ complain = 0;
+ if(complain)
+ self.hasweapon_complain_spam = time + 0.2;
+ if (wpn < WEP_FIRST || wpn > WEP_LAST)
+ {
+ if (complain)
+ sprint(self, "Invalid weapon\n");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (WEPSET_CONTAINS_EW(cl, wpn))
+ {
+ if (andammo)
+ {
+ {
+ f = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oldself = self;
+ self = cl;
+ f = weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO1);
+ f = f + weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO2);
+ // always allow selecting the Mine Layer if we placed mines, so that we can detonate them
+ entity mine;
+ if(wpn == WEP_MINE_LAYER)
+ for(mine = world; (mine = find(mine, classname, "mine")); ) if(mine.owner == self)
+ f = 1;
+ self = oldself;
+ }
+ if (!f)
+ {
+ if (complain)
+ if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(cl))
+ {
+ play2(cl, "weapons/unavailable.wav");
+ Send_WeaponComplain (cl, wpn, W_Name(wpn), 0);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (complain)
+ {
+ // DRESK - 3/16/07
+ // Report Proper Weapon Status / Modified Weapon Ownership Message
+ if (WEPSET_CONTAINS_AW(weaponsInMap, wpn))
+ {
+ Send_WeaponComplain(cl, wpn, W_Name(wpn), 1);
+ if(autocvar_g_showweaponspawns)
+ {
+ entity e;
+ string s;
+ e = get_weaponinfo(wpn);
+ s = e.model2;
+ for(e = world; (e = findfloat(e, weapon, wpn)); )
+ {
+ if(e.classname == "droppedweapon")
+ continue;
+ if not(e.flags & FL_ITEM)
+ continue;
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn(
+ s,
+ 1, 0,
+ world, e.origin,
+ self, 0,
+ world, enemy,
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Send_WeaponComplain (cl, wpn, W_Name(wpn), 2);
+ }
+ play2(cl, "weapons/unavailable.wav");
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// Weapon subs
+void w_clear()
+ if (self.weapon != -1)
+ {
+ self.weapon = 0;
+ self.switchingweapon = 0;
+ }
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ {
+ self.weaponentity.state = WS_CLEAR;
+ self.weaponentity.effects = 0;
+ }
+void w_ready()
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_IDLE, 1000000, w_ready);
+// Setup weapon for client (after this raise frame will be launched)
+void weapon_setup(float windex)
+ entity e;
+ e = get_weaponinfo(windex);
+ self.items &~= IT_AMMO;
+ self.items = self.items | (e.items & IT_AMMO);
+ // the two weapon entities will notice this has changed and update their models
+ self.weapon = windex;
+ self.switchingweapon = windex; // to make sure
+ self.weaponname = e.mdl;
+ self.bulletcounter = 0;
+// perform weapon to attack (weaponstate and attack_finished check is here)
+void W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(entity pl)
+ // hack to ensure it switches to an OTHER weapon (in case the other fire mode still has ammo, we want that anyway)
+ float w, ww;
+ w = pl.weapon;
+ {
+ ww = w_getbestweapon(pl);
+ WEPSET_OR_EW(pl, w);
+ }
+ else
+ ww = w_getbestweapon(pl);
+ if(ww)
+ W_SwitchWeapon_Force(pl, ww);
+.float prevdryfire;
+.float prevwarntime;
+float weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(float secondary)
+ if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)
+ if (!weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1 + secondary))
+ {
+ // always keep the Mine Layer if we placed mines, so that we can detonate them
+ entity mine;
+ if(self.weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER)
+ for(mine = world; (mine = find(mine, classname, "mine")); ) if(mine.owner == self)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(self.weapon == self.switchweapon && time - self.prevdryfire > 1) // only play once BEFORE starting to switch weapons
+ {
+ sound (self, CH_WEAPON_A, "weapons/dryfire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ self.prevdryfire = time;
+ }
+ if(weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO2 - secondary)) // check if the other firing mode has enough ammo
+ {
+ if(time - self.prevwarntime > 1)
+ {
+ Send_Notification(
+ self,
+ self.weapon,
+ secondary,
+ (1 - secondary)
+ );
+ }
+ self.prevwarntime = time;
+ }
+ else // this weapon is totally unable to fire, switch to another one
+ {
+ W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+.float race_penalty;
+float weapon_prepareattack_check(float secondary, float attacktime)
+ if(!weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(secondary))
+ return FALSE;
+ //if sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is set, don't allow the player to shoot
+ //if all players readied up and the countdown is running
+ if(time < game_starttime || time < self.race_penalty) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (timeout_status == TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) //don't allow the player to shoot while game is paused
+ return FALSE;
+ // do not even think about shooting if switching
+ if(self.switchweapon != self.weapon)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(attacktime >= 0)
+ {
+ // don't fire if previous attack is not finished
+ if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) > time + self.weapon_frametime * 0.5)
+ return FALSE;
+ // don't fire while changing weapon
+ if (self.weaponentity.state != WS_READY)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+float weapon_prepareattack_do(float secondary, float attacktime)
+ self.weaponentity.state = WS_INUSE;
+ self.spawnshieldtime = min(self.spawnshieldtime, time); // kill spawn shield when you fire
+ // if the weapon hasn't been firing continuously, reset the timer
+ if(attacktime >= 0)
+ {
+ if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) < time - self.weapon_frametime * 1.5)
+ {
+ ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = time;
+ //dprint("resetting attack finished to ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ }
+ ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = ATTACK_FINISHED(self) + attacktime * W_WeaponRateFactor();
+ }
+ self.bulletcounter += 1;
+ //dprint("attack finished ", ftos(ATTACK_FINISHED(self)), "\n");
+ return TRUE;
+float weapon_prepareattack(float secondary, float attacktime)
+ if(weapon_prepareattack_check(secondary, attacktime))
+ {
+ weapon_prepareattack_do(secondary, attacktime);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+void weapon_thinkf(float fr, float t, void() func)
+ vector a;
+ vector of, or, ou;
+ float restartanim;
+ {
+ fr = self.weaponentity.wframe;
+ restartanim = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (fr == WFRAME_IDLE)
+ restartanim = FALSE;
+ else
+ restartanim = TRUE;
+ of = v_forward;
+ or = v_right;
+ ou = v_up;
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ {
+ self.weaponentity.wframe = fr;
+ a = '0 0 0';
+ if (fr == WFRAME_IDLE)
+ a = self.weaponentity.anim_idle;
+ else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE1)
+ a = self.weaponentity.anim_fire1;
+ else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE2)
+ a = self.weaponentity.anim_fire2;
+ else // if (fr == WFRAME_RELOAD)
+ a = self.weaponentity.anim_reload;
+ a_z *= g_weaponratefactor;
+ setanim(self.weaponentity, a, restartanim == FALSE, restartanim, restartanim);
+ }
+ v_forward = of;
+ v_right = or;
+ v_up = ou;
+ if(self.weapon_think == w_ready && func != w_ready && self.weaponentity.state == WS_RAISE)
+ {
+ backtrace("Tried to override initial weapon think function - should this really happen?");
+ }
+ t *= W_WeaponRateFactor();
+ // VorteX: haste can be added here
+ if (self.weapon_think == w_ready)
+ {
+ self.weapon_nextthink = time;
+ //dprint("started firing at ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ }
+ if (self.weapon_nextthink < time - self.weapon_frametime * 1.5 || self.weapon_nextthink > time + self.weapon_frametime * 1.5)
+ {
+ self.weapon_nextthink = time;
+ //dprint("reset weapon animation timer at ", ftos(time), "\n");
+ }
+ self.weapon_nextthink = self.weapon_nextthink + t;
+ self.weapon_think = func;
+ //dprint("next ", ftos(self.weapon_nextthink), "\n");
+ if((fr == WFRAME_FIRE1 || fr == WFRAME_FIRE2) && t)
+ {
+ if(self.weapon == WEP_SHOTGUN && fr == WFRAME_FIRE2)
+ animdecide_setaction(self, ANIMACTION_MELEE, restartanim);
+ else
+ animdecide_setaction(self, ANIMACTION_SHOOT, restartanim);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(self.anim_upper_action == ANIMACTION_SHOOT || self.anim_upper_action == ANIMACTION_MELEE)
+ self.anim_upper_action = 0;
+ }
+void weapon_boblayer1(float spd, vector org)
+ // VorteX: haste can be added here
+vector W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(vector pvelocity, vector mvelocity, float forceAbsolute)
+ vector mdirection;
+ float mspeed;
+ vector outvelocity;
+ mvelocity = mvelocity * g_weaponspeedfactor;
+ mdirection = normalize(mvelocity);
+ mspeed = vlen(mvelocity);
+ outvelocity = get_shotvelocity(pvelocity, mdirection, mspeed, (forceAbsolute ? 0 : autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style), autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor, autocvar_g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor);
+ return outvelocity;
+void W_AttachToShotorg(entity flash, vector offset)
+ entity xflash;
+ flash.owner = self;
+ flash.angles_z = random() * 360;
+ if(gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "shot"))
+ setattachment(flash, self.weaponentity, "shot");
+ else
+ setattachment(flash, self.weaponentity, "tag_shot");
+ setorigin(flash, offset);
+ xflash = spawn();
+ copyentity(flash, xflash);
+ flash.viewmodelforclient = self;
+ if(self.weaponentity.oldorigin_x > 0)
+ {
+ setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "");
+ setorigin(xflash, self.weaponentity.oldorigin + offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(gettagindex(self.exteriorweaponentity, "shot"))
+ setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "shot");
+ else
+ setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "tag_shot");
+ setorigin(xflash, offset);
+ }
+#if 0
+float mspercallsum;
+float mspercallsstyle;
+float mspercallcount;
+void W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(entity missile, vector dir, vector upDir, float pSpeed, float pUpSpeed, float pZSpeed, float spread, float forceAbsolute)
+ if(missile.owner == world)
+ error("Unowned missile");
+ dir = dir + upDir * (pUpSpeed / pSpeed);
+ dir_z += pZSpeed / pSpeed;
+ pSpeed *= vlen(dir);
+ dir = normalize(dir);
+#if 0
+ if(autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style != mspercallsstyle)
+ {
+ mspercallsum = mspercallcount = 0;
+ mspercallsstyle = autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style;
+ }
+ mspercallsum -= gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
+ dir = W_CalculateSpread(dir, spread, g_weaponspreadfactor, autocvar_g_projectiles_spread_style);
+#if 0
+ mspercallsum += gettime(GETTIME_HIRES);
+ mspercallcount += 1;
+ print("avg: ", ftos(mspercallcount / mspercallsum), " per sec\n");
+ missile.velocity = W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(missile.owner.velocity, pSpeed * dir, forceAbsolute);
+void W_SetupProjectileVelocity(entity missile, float pSpeed, float spread)
+ W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(missile, w_shotdir, v_up, pSpeed, 0, 0, spread, FALSE);
+#define W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY_UP(m,s) W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(m, w_shotdir, v_up, cvar(#s "_speed"), cvar(#s "_speed_up"), cvar(#s "_speed_z"), cvar(#s "_spread"), FALSE)
+#define W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY(m,s) W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(m, w_shotdir, v_up, cvar(#s "_speed"), 0, 0, cvar(#s "_spread"), FALSE)
+void W_DecreaseAmmo(.float ammo_type, float ammo_use, float ammo_reload)
+ if((self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) && !ammo_reload)
+ return;
+ // if this weapon is reloadable, decrease its load. Else decrease the player's ammo
+ if(ammo_reload)
+ {
+ self.clip_load -= ammo_use;
+ self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = self.clip_load;
+ }
+ else
+ self.(self.current_ammo) -= ammo_use;
+// weapon reloading code
+.float reload_ammo_amount, reload_ammo_min, reload_time;
+.float reload_complain;
+.string reload_sound;
+void W_ReloadedAndReady()
+ // finish the reloading process, and do the ammo transfer
+ self.clip_load = self.old_clip_load; // restore the ammo counter, in case we still had ammo in the weapon before reloading
+ // if the gun uses no ammo, max out weapon load, else decrease ammo as we increase weapon load
+ if(!self.reload_ammo_min || self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)
+ self.clip_load = self.reload_ammo_amount;
+ else
+ {
+ while(self.clip_load < self.reload_ammo_amount && self.(self.current_ammo)) // make sure we don't add more ammo than we have
+ {
+ self.clip_load += 1;
+ self.(self.current_ammo) -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = self.clip_load;
+ // do not set ATTACK_FINISHED in reload code any more. This causes annoying delays if eg: You start reloading a weapon,
+ // then quickly switch to another weapon and back. Reloading is canceled, but the reload delay is still there,
+ // so your weapon is disabled for a few seconds without reason
+ //ATTACK_FINISHED(self) -= self.reload_time - 1;
+ w_ready();
+void W_Reload(float sent_ammo_min, float sent_ammo_amount, float sent_time, string sent_sound)
+ // set global values to work with
+ self.reload_ammo_min = sent_ammo_min;
+ self.reload_ammo_amount = sent_ammo_amount;
+ self.reload_time = sent_time;
+ self.reload_sound = sent_sound;
+ // check if we meet the necessary conditions to reload
+ entity e;
+ e = get_weaponinfo(self.weapon);
+ // don't reload weapons that don't have the RELOADABLE flag
+ if not(e.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE)
+ {
+ dprint("Warning: Attempted to reload a weapon that does not have the WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE flag. Fix your code!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // return if reloading is disabled for this weapon
+ if(!self.reload_ammo_amount)
+ return;
+ // our weapon is fully loaded, no need to reload
+ if (self.clip_load >= self.reload_ammo_amount)
+ return;
+ // no ammo, so nothing to load
+ if(!self.(self.current_ammo) && self.reload_ammo_min)
+ if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)
+ {
+ if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(self) && self.reload_complain < time)
+ {
+ play2(self, "weapons/unavailable.wav");
+ sprint(self, strcat("You don't have enough ammo to reload the ^2", W_Name(self.weapon), "\n"));
+ self.reload_complain = time + 1;
+ }
+ // switch away if the amount of ammo is not enough to keep using this weapon
+ if not(weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1) + weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO2))
+ {
+ self.clip_load = -1; // reload later
+ W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (self.weaponentity)
+ {
+ if (self.weaponentity.wframe == WFRAME_RELOAD)
+ return;
+ // allow switching away while reloading, but this will cause a new reload!
+ self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY;
+ }
+ // now begin the reloading process
+ sound (self, CH_WEAPON_SINGLE, self.reload_sound, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ // do not set ATTACK_FINISHED in reload code any more. This causes annoying delays if eg: You start reloading a weapon,
+ // then quickly switch to another weapon and back. Reloading is canceled, but the reload delay is still there,
+ // so your weapon is disabled for a few seconds without reason
+ //ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = max(time, ATTACK_FINISHED(self)) + self.reload_time + 1;
+ weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_RELOAD, self.reload_time, W_ReloadedAndReady);
+ if(self.clip_load < 0)
+ self.clip_load = 0;
+ self.old_clip_load = self.clip_load;
+ self.clip_load = self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = -1;
+++ /dev/null
-void W_GiveWeapon (entity e, float wep)
- entity oldself;
- if (!wep)
- return;
- WEPSET_OR_EW(e, wep);
- oldself = self;
- self = e;
- if(IS_PLAYER(other))
- { Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, other, MSG_MULTI, ITEM_WEAPON_GOT, wep); }
- self = oldself;
-.float railgundistance;
-.vector railgunforce;
-void FireRailgunBullet (vector start, vector end, float bdamage, float bforce, float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float forcehalflifedist, float deathtype)
- vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir;
- entity ent, endent;
- float endq3surfaceflags;
- float totaldmg;
- entity o;
- float length;
- vector beampos;
- string snd;
- entity pseudoprojectile;
- float f, ffs;
- pseudoprojectile = world;
- railgun_start = start;
- railgun_end = end;
- dir = normalize(end - start);
- length = vlen(end - start);
- force = dir * bforce;
- // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later
- end = end + dir;
- totaldmg = 0;
- // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made
- // non-solid so we can hit the next, while doing this we spawn effects and
- // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later
- o = self;
- while (1)
- {
- if(self.antilag_debug)
- WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, o, self.antilag_debug);
- else
- WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, o, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self));
- if(o && WarpZone_trace_firstzone)
- {
- o = world;
- continue;
- }
- if(trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP || trace_ent.solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
- Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, bdamage, 0, 0, force, deathtype, trace_ent.species, self);
- // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now
- if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1)
- break;
- // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one
- trace_ent.railgunhit = TRUE;
- trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end;
- trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid;
- trace_ent.railgundistance = vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos) - start);
- trace_ent.railgunforce = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, force);
- // stop if this is a wall
- if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP)
- break;
- // make the entity non-solid
- trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- }
- endpoint = trace_endpos;
- endent = trace_ent;
- endq3surfaceflags = trace_dphitq3surfaceflags;
- // find all the entities the railgun hit and restore their solid state
- ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE);
- while (ent)
- {
- // restore their solid type
- ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup;
- ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE);
- }
- // spawn a temporary explosion entity for RadiusDamage calls
- //explosion = spawn();
- // Find all non-hit players the beam passed close by
- if(deathtype == WEP_MINSTANEX || deathtype == WEP_NEX)
- {
- FOR_EACH_REALCLIENT(msg_entity) if(msg_entity != self) if(!msg_entity.railgunhit) if not(IS_SPEC(msg_entity) && msg_entity.enemy == self) // we use realclient, so spectators can hear the whoosh too
- {
- // nearest point on the beam
- beampos = start + dir * bound(0, (msg_entity.origin - start) * dir, length);
- f = bound(0, 1 - vlen(beampos - msg_entity.origin) / 512, 1);
- if(f <= 0)
- continue;
- snd = strcat("weapons/nexwhoosh", ftos(floor(random() * 3) + 1), ".wav");
- if(!pseudoprojectile)
- pseudoprojectile = spawn(); // we need this so the sound uses the "entchannel4" volume
- soundtoat(MSG_ONE, pseudoprojectile, beampos, CH_SHOTS, snd, VOL_BASE * f, ATTN_NONE);
- }
- if(pseudoprojectile)
- remove(pseudoprojectile);
- }
- // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them
- ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE);
- while (ent)
- {
- // get the details we need to call the damage function
- hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc;
- f = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, halflifedist, ent.railgundistance);
- ffs = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, forcehalflifedist, ent.railgundistance);
- if(accuracy_isgooddamage(self.realowner, ent))
- totaldmg += bdamage * f;
- // apply the damage
- if (ent.takedamage)
- Damage (ent, self, self, bdamage * f, deathtype, hitloc, ent.railgunforce * ffs);
- // create a small explosion to throw gibs around (if applicable)
- //setorigin (explosion, hitloc);
- //RadiusDamage (explosion, self, 10, 0, 50, world, world, 300, deathtype);
- ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0';
- ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT;
- ent.railgunhit = FALSE;
- ent.railgundistance = 0;
- // advance to the next entity
- ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE);
- }
- // calculate hits and fired shots for hitscan
- accuracy_add(self, self.weapon, 0, min(bdamage, totaldmg));
- trace_endpos = endpoint;
- trace_ent = endent;
- trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = endq3surfaceflags;
-.float dmg_force;
-.float dmg_radius;
-.float dmg_total;
-//.float last_yoda;
-void W_BallisticBullet_Hit (void)
- float f, q, g;
- f = pow(bound(0, vlen(self.velocity) / vlen(self.oldvelocity), 1), 2); // energy multiplier
- q = 1 + self.dmg_edge / self.dmg;
- if(other.solid == SOLID_BSP || other.solid == SOLID_SLIDEBOX)
- Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, self.dmg * f, 0, 0, max(1, self.dmg_force) * normalize(self.velocity) * f, self.projectiledeathtype, other.species, self);
- if(other && other != self.enemy)
- {
- endzcurveparticles();
- yoda = 0;
- railgun_start = self.origin - 2 * frametime * self.velocity;
- railgun_end = self.origin + 2 * frametime * self.velocity;
- g = accuracy_isgooddamage(self.realowner, other);
- Damage(other, self, self.realowner, self.dmg * f, self.projectiledeathtype, self.origin, self.dmg_force * normalize(self.velocity) * f);
- /*if(yoda && (time > (self.last_yoda + 5)))
- {
- Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, self.realowner, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_ACHIEVEMENT_YODA);
- self.last_yoda = time;
- }*/
- // calculate hits for ballistic weapons
- if(g)
- {
- // do not exceed 100%
- q = min(self.dmg * q, self.dmg_total + f * self.dmg) - self.dmg_total;
- self.dmg_total += f * self.dmg;
- accuracy_add(self.realowner, self.realowner.weapon, 0, q);
- }
- }
- self.enemy = other; // don't hit the same player twice with the same bullet
-.void(void) W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save;
-.float W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save;
-.vector W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin;
-.vector W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity;
-void W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think()
- setorigin(self, self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin);
- self.velocity = self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity;
- self.think = self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save;
- self.nextthink = max(time, self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save);
- self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save = func_null;
- self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND;
- if(self.enemy.solid == SOLID_BSP)
- {
- float f;
- f = pow(bound(0, vlen(self.velocity) / vlen(self.oldvelocity), 1), 2); // energy multiplier
- Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, 0, 0, 0, max(1, self.dmg_force) * normalize(self.velocity) * -f, self.projectiledeathtype, 0, self);
- }
- UpdateCSQCProjectile(self);
-float W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(float eff)
- // move the entity along its velocity until it's out of solid, then let it resume
- vector vel = self.velocity;
- float dt, dst, velfactor, v0, vs;
- float maxdist;
- float E0_m, Es_m;
- float constant = self.dmg_radius * (other.ballistics_density ? other.ballistics_density : 1);
- // outside the world? forget it
- if(self.origin_x > world.maxs_x || self.origin_y > world.maxs_y || self.origin_z > world.maxs_z || self.origin_x < world.mins_x || self.origin_y < world.mins_y || self.origin_z < world.mins_z)
- return 0;
- // special case for zero density and zero bullet constant:
- if(self.dmg_radius == 0)
- {
- if(other.ballistics_density < 0)
- constant = 0; // infinite travel distance
- else
- return 0; // no penetration
- }
- else
- {
- if(other.ballistics_density < 0)
- constant = 0; // infinite travel distance
- else if(other.ballistics_density == 0)
- constant = self.dmg_radius;
- else
- constant = self.dmg_radius * other.ballistics_density;
- }
- // E(s) = E0 - constant * s, constant = area of bullet circle * material constant / mass
- v0 = vlen(vel);
- E0_m = 0.5 * v0 * v0;
- if(constant)
- {
- maxdist = E0_m / constant;
- // maxdist = 0.5 * v0 * v0 / constant
- // dprint("max dist = ", ftos(maxdist), "\n");
- if(maxdist <= autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance)
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- maxdist = vlen(other.maxs - other.mins) + 1; // any distance, as long as we leave the entity
- }
- traceline_inverted (self.origin, self.origin + normalize(vel) * maxdist, MOVE_NORMAL, self, TRUE);
- if(trace_fraction == 1) // 1: we never got out of solid
- return 0;
- self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin = trace_endpos;
- dst = max(autocvar_g_ballistics_mindistance, vlen(trace_endpos - self.origin));
- // E(s) = E0 - constant * s, constant = area of bullet circle * material constant / mass
- Es_m = E0_m - constant * dst;
- if(Es_m <= 0)
- {
- // roundoff errors got us
- return 0;
- }
- vs = sqrt(2 * Es_m);
- velfactor = vs / v0;
- dt = dst / (0.5 * (v0 + vs));
- // this is not correct, but the differential equations have no analytic
- // solution - and these times are very small anyway
- //print("dt = ", ftos(dt), "\n");
- self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save = self.think;
- self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save = self.nextthink;
- self.think = W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think;
- self.nextthink = time + dt;
- vel = vel * velfactor;
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND; // prevent moving
- self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity = vel;
- if(eff >= 0)
- if(vlen(trace_endpos - self.origin) > 4)
- {
- endzcurveparticles();
- trailparticles(self, eff, self.origin, trace_endpos);
- }
- return 1;
-void W_BallisticBullet_Touch (void)
- //float density;
- if(self.think == W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think) // skip this!
- return;
- W_BallisticBullet_Hit ();
- if(self.dmg_radius < 0) // these NEVER penetrate solid
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- // if we hit "weapclip", bail out
- //
- // rationale of this check:
- //
- // any shader that is solid, nodraw AND trans is meant to clip weapon
- // shots and players, but has no other effect!
- //
- // if it is not trans, it is caulk and should not have this side effect
- //
- // matching shaders:
- // common/weapclip (intended)
- // common/noimpact (is supposed to eat projectiles, but is erased farther above)
- if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW)
- if not(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID)
- if not(trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE)
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- // go through solid!
- if(!W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(-1))
- {
- remove(self);
- return;
- }
- self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE;
-void endFireBallisticBullet()
- endzcurveparticles();
-entity fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent;
-float fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff;
-void fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end)
- if(vlen(trace_endpos - fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.origin) > 16)
- zcurveparticles_from_tracetoss(fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.origin, trace_endpos, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.velocity);
- WarpZone_trace_forent = world;
- self.owner = world;
-void fireBallisticBullet(vector start, vector dir, float spread, float pSpeed, float lifetime, float damage, float force, float dtype, float tracereffects, float gravityfactor, float bulletconstant)
- float lag, dt, savetime; //, density;
- entity pl, oldself;
- float antilagging;
- antilagging = (autocvar_g_antilag_bullets && (pSpeed >= autocvar_g_antilag_bullets));
- entity proj;
- proj = spawn();
- proj.classname = "bullet";
- proj.owner = proj.realowner = self;
- if(gravityfactor > 0)
- {
- proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
- proj.gravity = gravityfactor;
- }
- else
- proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
- proj.think = SUB_Remove;
- proj.nextthink = time + lifetime; // min(pLifetime, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins) / pSpeed);
- W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(proj, dir, v_up, pSpeed, 0, 0, spread, antilagging);
- proj.angles = vectoangles(proj.velocity);
- if(bulletconstant > 0)
- proj.dmg_radius = autocvar_g_ballistics_materialconstant / bulletconstant;
- else if(bulletconstant == 0)
- proj.dmg_radius = 0;
- else
- proj.dmg_radius = -1;
- // so: bulletconstant = bullet mass / area of bullet circle
- setorigin(proj, start);
- proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE;
- proj.touch = W_BallisticBullet_Touch;
- proj.dmg = damage;
- proj.dmg_force = force;
- proj.projectiledeathtype = dtype;
- proj.oldvelocity = proj.velocity;
- other = proj; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile);
- if(antilagging)
- {
- float eff;
- if(tracereffects & EF_RED)
- eff = particleeffectnum("tr_rifle");
- else if(tracereffects & EF_BLUE)
- eff = particleeffectnum("tr_rifle_weak");
- else
- eff = particleeffectnum("tr_bullet");
- // NOTE: this may severely throw off weapon balance
- lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(self);
- if(lag < 0.001)
- lag = 0;
- if not(IS_REAL_CLIENT(self))
- lag = 0;
- if(autocvar_g_antilag == 0 || self.cvar_cl_noantilag)
- lag = 0; // only do hitscan, but no antilag
- if(lag)
- if(pl != self)
- antilag_takeback(pl, time - lag);
- oldself = self;
- self = proj;
- savetime = frametime;
- frametime = 0.05;
- for(;;)
- {
- // DP tracetoss is stupid and always traces in 0.05s
- // ticks. This makes it trace in 0.05*0.125s ticks
- // instead.
- vector v0;
- float g0;
- v0 = self.velocity;
- g0 = self.gravity;
- self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.125;
- self.gravity *= 0.125 * 0.125;
- trace_fraction = 0;
- fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent = self;
- fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff = eff;
- WarpZone_TraceToss_ThroughZone(self, self.owner, world, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback);
- self.velocity = v0;
- self.gravity = g0;
- if(trace_fraction == 1)
- break;
- // won't hit anything anytime soon (DP's
- // tracetoss does 200 tics of, here,
- // 0.05*0.125s, that is, 1.25 seconds
- other = trace_ent;
- dt = WarpZone_tracetoss_time * 0.125; // this is only approximate!
- setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
- self.velocity = WarpZone_tracetoss_velocity * (1 / 0.125);
- if(!SUB_OwnerCheck())
- {
- if(SUB_NoImpactCheck())
- break;
- // hit the player
- W_BallisticBullet_Hit();
- }
- if(proj.dmg_radius < 0) // these NEVER penetrate solid
- break;
- // if we hit "weapclip", bail out
- //
- // rationale of this check:
- //
- // any shader that is solid, nodraw AND trans is meant to clip weapon
- // shots and players, but has no other effect!
- //
- // if it is not trans, it is caulk and should not have this side effect
- //
- // matching shaders:
- // common/weapclip (intended)
- // common/noimpact (is supposed to eat projectiles, but is erased farther above)
- if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NODRAW)
- if not(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NONSOLID)
- if not(trace_dphitcontents & DPCONTENTS_OPAQUE)
- break;
- // go through solid!
- if(!W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid((other && (other.solid != SOLID_BSP)) ? eff : -1))
- break;
- W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think();
- self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE;
- }
- frametime = savetime;
- self = oldself;
- if(lag)
- if(pl != self)
- antilag_restore(pl);
- remove(proj);
- return;
- }
- if(tracereffects & EF_RED)
- else if(tracereffects & EF_BLUE)
- else
-void fireBullet (vector start, vector dir, float spread, float damage, float force, float dtype, float tracer)
- vector end;
- dir = normalize(dir + randomvec() * spread);
- end = start + dir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE;
- if(self.antilag_debug)
- traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, self.antilag_debug);
- else
- traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self));
- end = trace_endpos;
- if (pointcontents (trace_endpos) != CONTENT_SKY)
- {
- if not (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)
- Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, damage, 0, 0, dir * max(1, force), dtype, trace_ent.species, self);
- Damage (trace_ent, self, self, damage, dtype, trace_endpos, dir * force);
- }
- trace_endpos = end;
-float W_CheckProjectileDamage(entity inflictor, entity projowner, float deathtype, float exception)
- float is_from_contents = (deathtype == DEATH_SLIME || deathtype == DEATH_LAVA);
- float is_from_owner = (inflictor == projowner);
- float is_from_exception = (exception != -1);
- //dprint(strcat("W_CheckProjectileDamage: from_contents ", ftos(is_from_contents), " : from_owner ", ftos(is_from_owner), " : exception ", strcat(ftos(is_from_exception), " (", ftos(exception), "). \n")));
- if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage <= -2)
- {
- return FALSE; // no damage to projectiles at all, not even with the exceptions
- }
- else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == -1)
- {
- if(is_from_exception)
- return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
- else
- return FALSE; // otherwise, no other damage is allowed
- }
- else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == 0)
- {
- if(is_from_exception)
- return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
- else if not(is_from_contents)
- return FALSE; // otherwise, only allow damage from contents
- }
- else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == 1)
- {
- if(is_from_exception)
- return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
- else if not(is_from_contents || is_from_owner)
- return FALSE; // otherwise, only allow self damage and damage from contents
- }
- else if(autocvar_g_projectiles_damage == 2) // allow any damage, but override for exceptions
- {
- if(is_from_exception)
- return (exception); // if exception is detected, allow it to override
- }
- return TRUE; // if none of these return, then allow damage anyway.
-void W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(entity attacker, void() explode)
- self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- self.event_damage = func_null;
- if(IS_CLIENT(attacker) && !autocvar_g_projectiles_keep_owner)
- {
- self.owner = attacker;
- self.realowner = attacker;
- }
- // do not explode NOW but in the NEXT FRAME!
- // because recursive calls to RadiusDamage are not allowed
- self.nextthink = time;
- self.think = explode;