alias rankings "${cmd_prefix !} rankings"
alias records "${cmd_prefix !} records"
alias teamstatus "${cmd_prefix !} teamstatus"
+alias time "${cmd_prefix !} time"
alias timein "${cmd_prefix !} timein"
alias timeout "${cmd_prefix !} timeout"
alias vote "${cmd_prefix !} vote ${* ?}"
alias menu_loadmap_prepare "disconnect; wait; g_campaign 0; menu_cmd rpn /_menu_loadmap_maxplayers menu_maxplayers minplayers bot_number 1 add max max def; _menu_loadmap_prepare_maxpl; g_maplist_shufflenow"
-// =========================================================
-// cl_cmd (client console command) - client/gamecommand.qc
-// =========================================================
-alias radar "cl_cmd hud_panel_radar_maximized"
+// ============================================================
+// cl_cmd (client console command) - client/command/cl_cmd.qc
+// ============================================================
+alias radar "cl_cmd hud radar"
alias scoreboard_columns_set "cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_set ${* ?}"
alias scoreboard_columns_help "cl_cmd hud scoreboard_columns_help ${* ?}"
-// ===========================================================
-// cmd (client-to-server command) - server/clientcommands.qc
-// ===========================================================
+// ========================================================
+// cmd (client-to-server command) - server/command/cmd.qc
+// ========================================================
set sv_clientcommand_antispam_time 1 "Amount of seconds after a command before another command can be called again without being considered spam. (Use -1 for no antispam limit)"
set sv_clientcommand_antispam_count 5 "Amount of commands considered spam before commands are rejected.
seta sv_status_privacy 1 "hide IP addresses from \"status\" and \"who\" replies shown to clients"
alias suggestmap "cmd suggestmap ${* ?}"
//alias tell "cmd tell ${* ?}" // engine already has this declared as a command
alias voice "cmd voice ${* ?}"
-alias vote "cmd vote ${* ?}"
// other aliases for client-to-server commands
alias autoswitch "set cl_autoswitch ${1 ?} ; cmd autoswitch ${1 ?}" // todo
alias sandbox "cmd g_sandbox ${* ?}"
-// =========================================================
-// sv_cmd (server console command) - server/gamecommand.qc
-// =========================================================
+// ============================================================
+// sv_cmd (server console command) - server/command/sv_cmd.qc
+// ============================================================
alias adminmsg "sv_cmd adminmsg ${* ?}"
alias allready "sv_cmd allready"
alias allspec "sv_cmd allspec ${* ?}"
alias setbots "sv_cmd setbots ${* ?}"
alias shuffleteams "sv_cmd shuffleteams"
alias stuffto "sv_cmd stuffto ${* ?}"
-alias time "sv_cmd time"
alias trace "sv_cmd trace ${* ?}"
alias unlockteams "sv_cmd unlockteams"
alias warp "sv_cmd warp ${* ?}"
alias _settemp_restore_1 "$1 \"${$2}\"; _settemp_restore_${3- asis}"
-// ===========================
-// banning - server/ipban.qc
-// ===========================
+// ===================================
+// banning - server/command/ipban.qc
+// ===================================
alias bans "sv_cmd bans"
alias ban "sv_cmd ban ${* ?}" // usage: ban address(maybe incomplete, like 1.2.3) bantime(seconds)
alias kickban "sv_cmd kickban ${* ?}" // usage: kickban # playerno bantime(seconds) masksize(bytes)
alias unban "sv_cmd unban ${* ?}" // usage: unban 3 (number from bans)
-// =========================
-// voting - server/vote.qc
-// =========================
+// =================================
+// voting - server/command/vote.qc
+// =================================
set sv_vote_call 1 "Allow users to call a vote for the commands in sv_vote_commands"
set sv_vote_change 1 "Allow voters to change their mind after already voting"
set sv_vote_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto" "these commands can be voted"