tgt - target entity (can be either a point or a model entity; if it is
the latter, its midpoint is used)
ht - jump height, measured from the higher one of org and tgt's midpoint
+ pushed_entity - object that is to be pushed
Returns: velocity for the jump
- the global trigger_push_calculatevelocity_flighttime is set to the total
- jump time
- vector trigger_push_calculatevelocity(vector org, entity tgt, float ht)
+ vector trigger_push_calculatevelocity(vector org, entity tgt, float ht, entity pushed_entity)
float grav, sdist, zdist, vs, vz, jumpheight;
vector sdir, torg;
#ifdef SVQC
+ if(t.move_movetype != MOVETYPE_NONE)
+ continue;
entity e = spawn();
- setorigin(e, org);
- e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(org, t, this.height);
- tracetoss(e, e);
- if(e.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE)
- waypoint_spawnforteleporter(this, trace_endpos, vlen(trace_endpos - org) / vlen(e.velocity));
+ e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(org, t, this.height, e);
- e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(new_org, t, this.height);
+ vel = e.velocity;
+ vector best_target = '0 0 0';
+ vector best_org = '0 0 0';
+ vector best_vel = '0 0 0';
+ bool valid_best_target = false;
+ if (trigger_push_testorigin(e, t, this, org))
+ {
+ best_target = trace_endpos;
+ best_org = org;
+ best_vel = e.velocity;
+ valid_best_target = true;
+ }
+ vector new_org;
+ vector dist = t.origin - org;
+ if (dist.x || dist.y) // if not perfectly vertical
+ {
+ // test trajectory with different starting points, sometimes the trajectory
+ // starting from the jumppad origin can't reach the real destination
+ // and destination waypoint ends up near the jumppad itself
+ vector flatdir = normalize(dist - eZ * dist.z);
+ vector ofs = flatdir * 0.5 * min(fabs(this.absmax.x - this.absmin.x), fabs(this.absmax.y - this.absmin.y));
+ new_org = org + ofs;
- e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(new_org, t, this.height);
++ e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(new_org, t, this.height, e);
+ vel = e.velocity;
+ if (vdist(vec2(e.velocity), <, autocvar_sv_maxspeed))
+ e.velocity = autocvar_sv_maxspeed * flatdir;
+ if (trigger_push_testorigin(e, t, this, new_org) && (!valid_best_target || trace_endpos.z > best_target.z + 50))
+ {
+ best_target = trace_endpos;
+ best_org = new_org;
+ best_vel = vel;
+ valid_best_target = true;
+ }
+ new_org = org - ofs;
++ e.velocity = trigger_push_calculatevelocity(new_org, t, this.height, e);
+ vel = e.velocity;
+ if (vdist(vec2(e.velocity), <, autocvar_sv_maxspeed))
+ e.velocity = autocvar_sv_maxspeed * flatdir;
+ if (trigger_push_testorigin(e, t, this, new_org) && (!valid_best_target || trace_endpos.z > best_target.z + 50))
+ {
+ best_target = trace_endpos;
+ best_org = new_org;
+ best_vel = vel;
+ valid_best_target = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (valid_best_target)
+ {
+ if (!(boxesoverlap(this.absmin, this.absmax + eZ * 50, best_target + PL_MIN_CONST, best_target + PL_MAX_CONST)))
+ {
+ float velxy = vlen(vec2(best_vel));
+ float cost = vlen(vec2(t.origin - best_org)) / velxy;
+ if(velxy < autocvar_sv_maxspeed)
+ velxy = autocvar_sv_maxspeed;
+ cost += vlen(vec2(best_target - t.origin)) / velxy;
+ waypoint_spawnforteleporter(this, best_target, cost, e);
+ }
+ }