cvar_t r_font_nonpoweroftwo = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_font_nonpoweroftwo", "1", "use nonpoweroftwo textures for font (saves memory, potentially slower)"};
cvar_t developer_font = {CVAR_SAVE, "developer_font", "0", "prints debug messages about fonts"};
Function definitions. Taken from the freetype2 headers.
/// Handle for FreeType2 DLL
static dllhandle_t ft2_dll = NULL;
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Init_FreeType)( FT_Library *alibrary );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Done_FreeType)( FT_Library library );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_New_Face)( FT_Library library,
+ const char* filepathname,
+ FT_Long face_index,
+ FT_Face *aface );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_New_Memory_Face)( FT_Library library,
+ const FT_Byte* file_base,
+ FT_Long file_size,
+ FT_Long face_index,
+ FT_Face *aface );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Done_Face)( FT_Face face );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Select_Size)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_Int strike_index );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Request_Size)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_Size_Request req );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Set_Char_Size)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_F26Dot6 char_width,
+ FT_F26Dot6 char_height,
+ FT_UInt horz_resolution,
+ FT_UInt vert_resolution );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_UInt pixel_width,
+ FT_UInt pixel_height );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Load_Glyph)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_UInt glyph_index,
+ FT_Int32 load_flags );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Load_Char)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_ULong char_code,
+ FT_Int32 load_flags );
+(FT_Get_Char_Index)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_ULong charcode );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Render_Glyph)( FT_GlyphSlot slot,
+ FT_Render_Mode render_mode );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Get_Kerning)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_UInt left_glyph,
+ FT_UInt right_glyph,
+ FT_UInt kern_mode,
+ FT_Vector *akerning );
+FT_EXPORT( FT_Error )
+(FT_Attach_Stream)( FT_Face face,
+ FT_Open_Args* parameters );
+#define qFT_Init_FreeType FT_Init_FreeType
+#define qFT_Done_FreeType FT_Done_FreeType
+//#define qFT_New_Face FT_New_Face
+#define qFT_New_Memory_Face FT_New_Memory_Face
+#define qFT_Done_Face FT_Done_Face
+#define qFT_Select_Size FT_Select_Size
+#define qFT_Request_Size FT_Request_Size
+#define qFT_Set_Char_Size FT_Set_Char_Size
+#define qFT_Set_Pixel_Sizes FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes
+#define qFT_Load_Glyph FT_Load_Glyph
+#define qFT_Load_Char FT_Load_Char
+#define qFT_Get_Char_Index FT_Get_Char_Index
+#define qFT_Render_Glyph FT_Render_Glyph
+#define qFT_Get_Kerning FT_Get_Kerning
+#define qFT_Attach_Stream FT_Attach_Stream
/// Memory pool for fonts
static mempool_t *font_mempool= NULL;
font_ft2lib = NULL;
Sys_UnloadLibrary (&ft2_dll);
pp.buf = NULL;
qboolean Font_OpenLibrary (void)
const char* dllnames [] =
#if defined(WIN32)
if (r_font_disable_freetype.integer)
return false;
// Already loaded?
if (ft2_dll)
return true;
// Load the DLL
if (!Sys_LoadLibrary (dllnames, &ft2_dll, ft2funcs))
return false;
return true;
ft2_font_t *Font_Alloc(void)
if (!ft2_dll)
+ if (r_font_disable_freetype.integer)
return NULL;
return (ft2_font_t *)Mem_Alloc(font_mempool, sizeof(ft2_font_t));
font->font_maps[i] = NULL;
if (ft2_dll)
+ if (!r_font_disable_freetype.integer)
if (font->face)