// =============================================
// Server side voting code, reworked by Samual
-// Last updated: December 4th, 2011
+// Last updated: December 6th, 2011
// =============================================
-string GetKickVoteVictim_newcommand;
-string GetKickVoteVictim_reason;
string vote_parsed_command;
string vote_parsed_display;
// Game logic for voting
// =======================
+void VoteReset()
+ entity tmp_player;
+ FOR_EACH_CLIENT(tmp_player) { tmp_player.vote_selection = 0; }
+ if(votecalled)
+ {
+ strunzone(votecalledvote);
+ strunzone(votecalledvote_display);
+ }
+ votecalled = FALSE;
+ votecalledmaster = FALSE;
+ votefinished = 0;
+ votecalledvote = string_null;
+ votecalledvote_display = string_null;
+ vote_parsed_command = string_null;
+ vote_parsed_display = string_null;
+ Nagger_VoteChanged();
void VoteStop(entity stopper)
bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(stopper), "^2 stopped ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote\n");
if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) { GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vstop:", ftos(stopper.playerid))); }
// Don't force them to wait for next vote, this way they can e.g. correct their vote.
- if(votecaller)
- if(stopper == votecaller)
- votecaller.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_stop;
+ if((votecaller) && (stopper == votecaller)) { votecaller.vote_next = time + autocvar_sv_vote_stop; }
-// ======================================
-// Supporting functions for VoteCommand
-// ======================================
-float Votecommand_check_assignment(entity caller, float assignment)
+void VoteThink()
- float from_server = (!caller);
- if((assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH)
- || ((!from_server && assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY)
- || (from_server && assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_SERVERONLY)))
+ if(votefinished > 0) // a vote was called
+ if(time > votefinished) // time is up
- return TRUE;
+ VoteCount();
- return FALSE;
-string VoteCommand_getprefix(entity caller)
- if(caller)
- return "cmd";
- else
- return "sv_cmd";
-string VoteCommand_getname(entity caller)
- if(caller)
- return caller.netname;
- else
- return ((autocvar_sv_adminnick != "") ? autocvar_sv_adminnick : autocvar_hostname);
+ return;
-string VoteCommand_extractcommand(string input, float startpos, float argc)
+void VoteAccept()
- string output;
+ bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ^1", votecalledvote_display, "^2 was accepted\n");
- if((argc - 1) < startpos)
- output = "";
+ if(votecalledmaster && votecaller)
+ votecaller.vote_master = 1;
- output = substring(input, argv_start_index(startpos), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos));
- print("VoteCommand_parse: '", output, "'. \n");
- return output;
+ localcmd(strcat(votecalledvote, "\n"));
+ if(votecaller) { votecaller.vote_next = 0; } // people like your votes, you don't need to wait to vote again // todo separate anti-spam even for succeeded votes
+ VoteReset();
+ Announce("voteaccept");
-float VoteCommand_checknasty(string vote_command)
+void VoteReject()
- if((strstrofs(vote_command, ";", 0) >= 0)
- || (strstrofs(vote_command, "\n", 0) >= 0)
- || (strstrofs(vote_command, "\r", 0) >= 0)
- || (strstrofs(vote_command, "$", 0) >= 0))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^2 was rejected\n");
+ VoteReset();
+ Announce("votefail");
-float VoteCommand_checkinlist(string vote_command, string list)
+void VoteTimeout()
- string l = strcat(" ", list, " ");
- if(strstrofs(l, strcat(" ", vote_command, " "), 0) >= 0)
- return TRUE;
- // if gotomap is allowed, chmap is too, and vice versa
- if(vote_command == "gotomap")
- if(strstrofs(l, " chmap ", 0) >= 0)
- return TRUE;
- if(vote_command == "chmap")
- if(strstrofs(l, " gotomap ", 0) >= 0)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^2 timed out\n");
+ VoteReset();
+ Announce("votefail");
-string ValidateMap(string m, entity e)
+void VoteSpam(float notvoters, float mincount, string result)
- m = MapInfo_FixName(m);
- if(!m)
+ string s;
+ if(mincount >= 0)
- print_to(e, "This map is not available on this server.");
- return string_null;
+ s = strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(vote_yescount), "^2:^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_nocount), "^2 (^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(mincount), "^2 needed), ^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_abstaincount), "^2 didn't care, ^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(notvoters), "^2 didn't vote\n");
- if(!autocvar_sv_vote_override_mostrecent)
- if(Map_IsRecent(m))
- {
- print_to(e, "This server does not allow for recent maps to be played again. Please be patient for some rounds.");
- return string_null;
- }
- if(!MapInfo_CheckMap(m))
+ else
- print_to(e, strcat("^1Invalid mapname, \"^3", m, "^1\" does not support the current game mode."));
- return string_null;
+ s = strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(vote_yescount), "^2:^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_nocount), "^2, ^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_abstaincount), "^2 didn't care, ^1");
+ s = strcat(s, ftos(notvoters), "^2 didn't have to vote\n");
- return m;
-float VoteCommand_parse(entity caller, string vote_command, string vote_list, float startpos, float argc)
- string first_command;
- entity victim;
- first_command = argv(startpos);
- if not(VoteCommand_checkinlist(vote_command, vote_list))
- return FALSE;
- if((argc - 1) < startpos) // These commands won't work without arguments
- {
- switch(first_command)
- {
- case "map":
- case "chmap":
- case "gotomap":
- case "kick":
- case "kickban":
- return FALSE;
- default: { break; }
- }
- }
+ bprint(s);
- switch(first_command) // now go through and parse the proper commands to adjust as needed.
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- case "kick":
- case "kickban": // catch all kick/kickban commands
- {
- victim = edict_num(GetFilteredNumber(substring(vote_command, argv_start_index(startpos + 1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos + 1))));
- if not(victim) { return FALSE; }
- // TODO: figure out how kick/kickban/ban commands work and re-write this to fit around them
- vote_parsed_command = vote_command;
- vote_parsed_display = strcat("^1", vote_command, " (^7", victim.netname, "^1): ", "todo");
- break;
- }
- case "map":
- case "chmap":
- case "gotomap": // re-direct all map selection commands to gotomap
- {
- vote_command = ValidateMap(substring(vote_command, argv_start_index(startpos + 1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos + 1)), caller);
- if not(vote_command) { return FALSE; }
- vote_parsed_command = strcat("gotomap ", vote_command);
- vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_parsed_command));
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- vote_parsed_command = vote_command;
- vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_command));
- break;
- }
+ s = strcat(":vote:v", result, ":", ftos(vote_yescount));
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(vote_nocount));
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(vote_abstaincount));
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(notvoters));
+ s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(mincount));
+ GameLogEcho(s);
- return TRUE;
+void VoteCount()
+ float playercount;
+ playercount = 0;
+ vote_yescount = 0;
+ vote_nocount = 0;
+ vote_abstaincount = 0;
+ entity player;
+ //same for real players
+ float realplayercount;
+ float realplayeryescount;
+ float realplayernocount;
+ float realplayerabstaincount;
+ realplayercount = realplayernocount = realplayerabstaincount = realplayeryescount = 0;
-// =======================
-// Command Sub-Functions
-// =======================
+ Nagger_VoteCountChanged();
-void VoteCommand_abstain(float request, entity caller) // CLIENT ONLY
- switch(request)
- {
- if not(votecalled) { print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); }
- else if not(caller.vote_selection == VOTE_SELECT_NULL || autocvar_sv_vote_change) { print_to(caller, "^1You have already voted."); }
- else // everything went okay, continue changing vote
- {
- print_to(caller, "^1You abstained from your vote.");
- caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_ABSTAIN;
- msg_entity = caller;
- if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) { VoteCount(); }
- }
- return;
+ if(player.vote_selection == -1) {
+ ++vote_nocount;
+ } else if(player.vote_selection == 1) {
+ ++vote_yescount;
+ } else if(player.vote_selection == -2) {
+ ++vote_abstaincount;
- default:
- {
- print("\nUsage:^3 vote abstain\n");
- print(" No arguments required.\n");
- return;
+ ++playercount;
+ //do the same for real players
+ if(player.classname == "player") {
+ if(player.vote_selection == -1) {
+ ++realplayernocount;
+ } else if(player.vote_selection == 1) {
+ ++realplayeryescount;
+ } else if(player.vote_selection == -2) {
+ ++realplayerabstaincount;
+ }
+ ++realplayercount;
-void VoteCommand_call(float request, entity caller, float argc, string vote_command) // BOTH
- switch(request)
- {
- {
- float spectators_allowed = ((autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators != 2) || ((autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators == 1) && inWarmupStage));
- float tmp_playercount;
- entity tmp_player;
- vote_command = VoteCommand_extractcommand(vote_command, 2, argc);
+ //in tournament mode, if we have at least one player then don't make the vote dependent on spectators (so specs don't have to press F1)
+ if(autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators)
+ if(realplayercount > 0) {
+ vote_yescount = realplayeryescount;
+ vote_nocount = realplayernocount;
+ vote_abstaincount = realplayerabstaincount;
+ playercount = realplayercount;
+ }
+ float votefactor, simplevotefactor;
+ votefactor = bound(0.5, autocvar_sv_vote_majority_factor, 0.999);
+ simplevotefactor = autocvar_sv_vote_simple_majority_factor;
+ // FIXME this number is a guess
+ vote_needed_absolute = floor((playercount - vote_abstaincount) * votefactor) + 1;
+ if(simplevotefactor)
+ {
+ simplevotefactor = bound(votefactor, simplevotefactor, 0.999);
+ vote_needed_simple = floor((vote_yescount + vote_nocount) * simplevotefactor) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ vote_needed_simple = 0;
+ if(votecalledmaster
+ && playercount == 1) {
+ // if only one player is on the server becoming vote
+ // master is not allowed. This could be used for
+ // trolling or worse. 'self' is the user who has
+ // called the vote because this function is called
+ // by SV_ParseClientCommand. Maybe all voting should
+ // be disabled for a single player?
+ print_to(votecaller, "^1You are the only player on this server so you can not become vote master.");
+ if(votecaller) {
+ votecaller.vote_next = 0;
+ }
+ VoteReset();
+ } else {
+ if(vote_yescount >= vote_needed_absolute)
+ {
+ VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, -1, "yes");
+ VoteAccept();
+ }
+ else if(vote_nocount > playercount - vote_abstaincount - vote_needed_absolute) // that means, vote_yescount cannot reach vote_needed_absolute any more
+ {
+ VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, -1, "no");
+ VoteReject();
+ }
+ else if(time > votefinished)
+ {
+ if(simplevotefactor)
+ {
+ string result;
+ if(vote_yescount >= vote_needed_simple)
+ result = "yes";
+ else if(vote_yescount + vote_nocount > 0)
+ result = "no";
+ else
+ result = "timeout";
+ VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, min(vote_needed_absolute, vote_needed_simple), result);
+ if(result == "yes")
+ VoteAccept();
+ else if(result == "no")
+ VoteReject();
+ else
+ VoteTimeout();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, vote_needed_absolute, "timeout");
+ VoteTimeout();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// =======================
+// Game logic for warmup
+// =======================
+// Restarts the map after the countdown is over (and cvar sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is set)
+void ReadyRestart_think()
+ restart_mapalreadyrestarted = 1;
+ reset_map(TRUE);
+ Score_ClearAll();
+ remove(self);
+ return;
+// Forces a restart of the game without actually reloading the map // this is a mess...
+void ReadyRestart_force()
+ entity tmp_player, restart_timer;
+ bprint("^1Server is restarting...\n");
+ VoteReset();
+ // clear overtime, we have to decrease timelimit to its original value again.
+ if (checkrules_overtimesadded > 0 && g_race_qualifying != 2) { cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(autocvar_timelimit - (checkrules_overtimesadded * autocvar_timelimit_overtime))); }
+ checkrules_suddendeathend = checkrules_overtimesadded = checkrules_suddendeathwarning = 0;
+ readyrestart_happened = 1;
+ game_starttime = time;
+ if(!g_ca && !g_arena) { game_starttime += RESTART_COUNTDOWN; }
+ restart_mapalreadyrestarted = 0; // reset this var, needed when cvar sv_ready_restart_repeatable is in use
+ // disable the warmup global for the server
+ inWarmupStage = 0; // once the game is restarted the game is in match stage
+ // reset the .ready status of all players (also spectators)
+ FOR_EACH_CLIENTSLOT(tmp_player) { tmp_player.ready = 0; }
+ readycount = 0;
+ Nagger_ReadyCounted(); // NOTE: this causes a resend of that entity, and will also turn off warmup state on the client
+ // lock teams with lockonrestart
+ if(autocvar_teamplay_lockonrestart && teamplay)
+ {
+ lockteams = 1;
+ bprint("^1The teams are now locked.\n");
+ }
+ //initiate the restart-countdown-announcer entity
+ if(autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown && !g_ca && !g_arena)
+ {
+ restart_timer = spawn();
+ restart_timer.think = ReadyRestart_think;
+ restart_timer.nextthink = game_starttime;
+ }
+ // after a restart every players number of allowed timeouts gets reset, too
+ if(autocvar_sv_timeout) { FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(tmp_player) { tmp_player.allowedTimeouts = autocvar_sv_timeout_number; } }
+ //reset map immediately if this cvar is not set
+ if not(autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown) { reset_map(TRUE); }
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog) { GameLogEcho(":restart"); }
+void ReadyRestart()
+ // no arena, assault support yet...
+ if(g_arena | g_assault | gameover | intermission_running | race_completing)
+ localcmd("restart\n");
+ else
+ localcmd("\nsv_hook_gamerestart\n");
+ // Reset ALL scores, but only do that at the beginning of the countdown if sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is off!
+ // Otherwise scores could be manipulated during the countdown.
+ if not(autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown) { Score_ClearAll(); }
+ ReadyRestart_force();
+ return;
+// Count the players who are ready and determine whether or not to restart the match
+void ReadyCount()
+ entity tmp_player;
+ float t_ready, t_players;
+ {
+ ++t_players;
+ if(tmp_player.ready) { ++t_ready; }
+ }
+ readycount = t_ready;
+ Nagger_ReadyCounted();
+ // TODO: check percentage of ready players
+ if(t_ready) // at least one is ready
+ if(t_ready == t_players) // and, everyone is ready
+ ReadyRestart();
+ return;
+// ======================================
+// Supporting functions for VoteCommand
+// ======================================
+float Votecommand_check_assignment(entity caller, float assignment)
+ float from_server = (!caller);
+ if((assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH)
+ || ((!from_server && assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY)
+ || (from_server && assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_SERVERONLY)))
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+string VoteCommand_getprefix(entity caller)
+ if(caller)
+ return "cmd";
+ else
+ return "sv_cmd";
+string VoteCommand_getname(entity caller)
+ if(caller)
+ return caller.netname;
+ else
+ return ((autocvar_sv_adminnick != "") ? autocvar_sv_adminnick : autocvar_hostname);
+string VoteCommand_extractcommand(string input, float startpos, float argc)
+ string output;
+ if((argc - 1) < startpos)
+ output = "";
+ else
+ output = substring(input, argv_start_index(startpos), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos));
+ print("VoteCommand_parse: '", output, "'. \n");
+ return output;
+float VoteCommand_checknasty(string vote_command)
+ if((strstrofs(vote_command, ";", 0) >= 0)
+ || (strstrofs(vote_command, "\n", 0) >= 0)
+ || (strstrofs(vote_command, "\r", 0) >= 0)
+ || (strstrofs(vote_command, "$", 0) >= 0))
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+float VoteCommand_checkinlist(string vote_command, string list)
+ string l = strcat(" ", list, " ");
+ if(strstrofs(l, strcat(" ", vote_command, " "), 0) >= 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ // if gotomap is allowed, chmap is too, and vice versa
+ if(vote_command == "gotomap")
+ if(strstrofs(l, " chmap ", 0) >= 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ if(vote_command == "chmap")
+ if(strstrofs(l, " gotomap ", 0) >= 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+string ValidateMap(string validated_map, entity caller)
+ validated_map = MapInfo_FixName(validated_map);
+ if(!validated_map)
+ {
+ print_to(caller, "This map is not available on this server.");
+ return string_null;
+ }
+ if(!autocvar_sv_vote_override_mostrecent && caller)
+ {
+ if(Map_IsRecent(validated_map))
+ {
+ print_to(caller, "This server does not allow for recent maps to be played again. Please be patient for some rounds.");
+ return string_null;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!MapInfo_CheckMap(validated_map))
+ {
+ print_to(caller, strcat("^1Invalid mapname, \"^3", validated_map, "^1\" does not support the current game mode."));
+ return string_null;
+ }
+ return validated_map;
+float VoteCommand_parse(entity caller, string vote_command, string vote_list, float startpos, float argc)
+ string first_command;
+ entity victim;
+ first_command = argv(startpos);
+ if not(VoteCommand_checkinlist(vote_command, vote_list))
+ return FALSE;
+ if((argc - 1) < startpos) // These commands won't work without arguments
+ {
+ switch(first_command)
+ {
+ case "map":
+ case "chmap":
+ case "gotomap":
+ case "kick":
+ case "kickban":
+ return FALSE;
+ default: { break; }
+ }
+ }
+ switch(first_command) // now go through and parse the proper commands to adjust as needed.
+ {
+ case "kick":
+ case "kickban": // catch all kick/kickban commands
+ {
+ victim = edict_num(GetFilteredNumber(substring(vote_command, argv_start_index(startpos + 1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos + 1))));
+ if not(victim) { return FALSE; }
+ // TODO: figure out how kick/kickban/ban commands work and re-write this to fit around them
+ vote_parsed_command = vote_command;
+ vote_parsed_display = strcat("^1", vote_command, " (^7", victim.netname, "^1): ", "todo");
+ break;
+ }
+ case "map":
+ case "chmap":
+ case "gotomap": // re-direct all map selection commands to gotomap
+ {
+ vote_command = ValidateMap(substring(vote_command, argv_start_index(startpos + 1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos + 1)), caller);
+ if not(vote_command) { return FALSE; }
+ vote_parsed_command = strcat("gotomap ", vote_command);
+ vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_parsed_command));
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ vote_parsed_command = vote_command;
+ vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_command));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+// =======================
+// Command Sub-Functions
+// =======================
+void VoteCommand_abstain(float request, entity caller) // CLIENT ONLY
+ switch(request)
+ {
+ {
+ if not(votecalled) { print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); }
+ else if not(caller.vote_selection == VOTE_SELECT_NULL || autocvar_sv_vote_change) { print_to(caller, "^1You have already voted."); }
+ else // everything went okay, continue changing vote
+ {
+ print_to(caller, "^1You abstained from your vote.");
+ caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_ABSTAIN;
+ msg_entity = caller;
+ if(!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) { VoteCount(); }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ print("\nUsage:^3 vote abstain\n");
+ print(" No arguments required.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void VoteCommand_call(float request, entity caller, float argc, string vote_command) // BOTH
+ switch(request)
+ {
+ {
+ float spectators_allowed = ((autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators != 2) || ((autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators == 1) && inWarmupStage));
+ float tmp_playercount;
+ entity tmp_player;
+ vote_command = VoteCommand_extractcommand(vote_command, 2, argc);
if not(autocvar_sv_vote_call || !caller) { print_to(caller, "^1Vote calling is not allowed."); }
else if(votecalled) { print_to(caller, "^1There is already a vote called."); }
#define VOTE_COMMAND(name,function,description,assignment) \
{ if(Votecommand_check_assignment(caller, assignment)) { if(name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return TRUE; } } }
- VOTE_COMMANDS(VC_REQUEST_COMMAND, caller, argc, vote_command)
- return FALSE;
-// ======================================
-// Main function handling vote commands
-// ======================================
-void VoteCommand(float request, entity caller, float argc, string vote_command)
- // Guide for working with argc arguments by example:
- // argc: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- // argv: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3
- // cmd vote - master - login - password
- switch(request)
- {
- {
- if(VoteCommand_macro_command(caller, argc, vote_command))
- return;
- }
- default:
- print_to(caller, strcat("Unknown vote command", ((argv(1) != "") ? strcat(" \"", argv(1), "\"") : ""), ". For a list of supported commands, try ", VoteCommand_getprefix(caller), " help.\n"));
- {
- VoteCommand_macro_help(caller, argc);
- return;
- }
- }
-// =======================
-// Game logic for voting
-// =======================
-void ReadyRestartForce()
- local entity e;
- bprint("^1Server is restarting...\n");
- VoteReset();
- // clear overtime
- if (checkrules_overtimesadded > 0 && g_race_qualifying != 2) {
- //we have to decrease timelimit to its original value again!!
- float newTL;
- newTL = autocvar_timelimit;
- newTL -= checkrules_overtimesadded * autocvar_timelimit_overtime;
- cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(newTL));
- }
- checkrules_suddendeathend = checkrules_overtimesadded = checkrules_suddendeathwarning = 0;
- readyrestart_happened = 1;
- game_starttime = time;
- if(!g_ca && !g_arena)
- game_starttime += RESTART_COUNTDOWN;
- restart_mapalreadyrestarted = 0; //reset this var, needed when cvar sv_ready_restart_repeatable is in use
- inWarmupStage = 0; //once the game is restarted the game is in match stage
- //reset the .ready status of all players (also spectators)
- e.ready = 0;
- readycount = 0;
- Nagger_ReadyCounted(); // NOTE: this causes a resend of that entity, and will also turn off warmup state on the client
- if(autocvar_teamplay_lockonrestart && teamplay) {
- lockteams = 1;
- bprint("^1The teams are now locked.\n");
- }
- //initiate the restart-countdown-announcer entity
- if(autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown && !g_ca && !g_arena)
- {
- restartTimer = spawn();
- restartTimer.think = restartTimer_Think;
- restartTimer.nextthink = game_starttime;
- }
- //after a restart every players number of allowed timeouts gets reset, too
- if(autocvar_sv_timeout)
- {
- e.allowedTimeouts = autocvar_sv_timeout_number;
- }
- //reset map immediately if this cvar is not set
- if (!autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown)
- reset_map(TRUE);
- if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- GameLogEcho(":restart");
+ VOTE_COMMANDS(VC_REQUEST_COMMAND, caller, argc, vote_command)
+ return FALSE;
-void ReadyRestart()
- // no arena, assault support yet...
- if(g_arena | g_assault | gameover | intermission_running | race_completing)
- localcmd("restart\n");
- else
- localcmd("\nsv_hook_gamerestart\n");
- ReadyRestartForce();
- // reset ALL scores, but only do that at the beginning
- //of the countdown if sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is off!
- //Otherwise scores could be manipulated during the countdown!
- if (!autocvar_sv_ready_restart_after_countdown)
- Score_ClearAll();
+// ======================================
+// Main function handling vote commands
+// ======================================
- * Counts how many players are ready. If not enough players are ready, the function
- * does nothing. If all players are ready, the timelimit will be extended and the
- * restart_countdown variable is set to allow other functions like PlayerPostThink
- * to detect that the countdown is now active. If the cvar sv_ready_restart_after_countdown
- * is not set the map will be resetted.
- *
- * Function is called after the server receives a 'ready' sign from a player.
- */
-void ReadyCount()
+void VoteCommand(float request, entity caller, float argc, string vote_command)
- entity tmp_player;
- float t_ready, t_players;
+ // Guide for working with argc arguments by example:
+ // argc: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
+ // argv: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3
+ // cmd vote - master - login - password
+ switch(request)
- ++t_players;
- if(tmp_player.ready) { ++t_ready; }
+ {
+ if(VoteCommand_macro_command(caller, argc, vote_command))
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ print_to(caller, strcat("Unknown vote command", ((argv(1) != "") ? strcat(" \"", argv(1), "\"") : ""), ". For a list of supported commands, try ", VoteCommand_getprefix(caller), " help.\n"));
+ {
+ VoteCommand_macro_help(caller, argc);
+ return;
+ }
- readycount = t_ready;
- Nagger_ReadyCounted();
- // TODO: Add ability to
- if(t_ready) // at least one is ready
- if(t_ready == t_players) // and, everyone is ready
- ReadyRestart();
-// Restarts the map after the countdown is over (and cvar sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is set)
-void restartTimer_Think()
- restart_mapalreadyrestarted = 1;
- reset_map(TRUE);
- Score_ClearAll();
- remove(self);
- return;
+// =======================
+// Game logic for voting
+// =======================
void VoteHelp(entity e) {
string vmasterdis;
print_to(e, strcat("^7If neither the vote will timeout after ", ftos(autocvar_sv_vote_timeout), "^7 seconds."));
print_to(e, "^7You can call a vote for or execute these commands:");
print_to(e, strcat("^3", autocvar_sv_vote_commands, "^7 and maybe further ^3arguments^7"));
-void VoteThink() {
- if(votefinished > 0) // a vote was called
- if(time > votefinished) // time is up
- {
- VoteCount();
- }
-void VoteReset() {
- entity player;
- {
- player.vote_selection = 0;
- }
- if(votecalled)
- {
- strunzone(votecalledvote);
- strunzone(votecalledvote_display);
- }
- votecalled = FALSE;
- votecalledmaster = FALSE;
- votefinished = 0;
- votecalledvote = string_null;
- votecalledvote_display = string_null;
- Nagger_VoteChanged();
-void VoteAccept() {
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ^1", votecalledvote_display, "^2 was accepted\n");
- if(votecalledmaster)
- {
- if(votecaller) {
- votecaller.vote_master = 1;
- }
- } else {
- localcmd(strcat(votecalledvote, "\n"));
- }
- if(votecaller) {
- votecaller.vote_next = 0; // people like your votes,
- // no wait for next vote
- }
- VoteReset();
- Announce("voteaccept");
-void VoteReject() {
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^2 was rejected\n");
- VoteReset();
- Announce("votefail");
-void VoteTimeout() {
- bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", VoteCommand_getname(votecaller), "^2's vote for ", votecalledvote_display, "^2 timed out\n");
- VoteReset();
- Announce("votefail");
-void VoteSpam(float notvoters, float mincount, string result)
- string s;
- if(mincount >= 0)
- {
- s = strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(vote_yescount), "^2:^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_nocount), "^2 (^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(mincount), "^2 needed), ^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_abstaincount), "^2 didn't care, ^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(notvoters), "^2 didn't vote\n");
- }
- else
- {
- s = strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(vote_yescount), "^2:^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_nocount), "^2, ^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(vote_abstaincount), "^2 didn't care, ^1");
- s = strcat(s, ftos(notvoters), "^2 didn't have to vote\n");
- }
- bprint(s);
- if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
- {
- s = strcat(":vote:v", result, ":", ftos(vote_yescount));
- s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(vote_nocount));
- s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(vote_abstaincount));
- s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(notvoters));
- s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(mincount));
- GameLogEcho(s);
- }
-void VoteCount() {
- float playercount;
- playercount = 0;
- vote_yescount = 0;
- vote_nocount = 0;
- vote_abstaincount = 0;
- entity player;
- //same for real players
- float realplayercount;
- float realplayeryescount;
- float realplayernocount;
- float realplayerabstaincount;
- realplayercount = realplayernocount = realplayerabstaincount = realplayeryescount = 0;
- Nagger_VoteCountChanged();
- {
- if(player.vote_selection == -1) {
- ++vote_nocount;
- } else if(player.vote_selection == 1) {
- ++vote_yescount;
- } else if(player.vote_selection == -2) {
- ++vote_abstaincount;
- }
- ++playercount;
- //do the same for real players
- if(player.classname == "player") {
- if(player.vote_selection == -1) {
- ++realplayernocount;
- } else if(player.vote_selection == 1) {
- ++realplayeryescount;
- } else if(player.vote_selection == -2) {
- ++realplayerabstaincount;
- }
- ++realplayercount;
- }
- }
- //in tournament mode, if we have at least one player then don't make the vote dependent on spectators (so specs don't have to press F1)
- if(autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators)
- if(realplayercount > 0) {
- vote_yescount = realplayeryescount;
- vote_nocount = realplayernocount;
- vote_abstaincount = realplayerabstaincount;
- playercount = realplayercount;
- }
- float votefactor, simplevotefactor;
- votefactor = bound(0.5, autocvar_sv_vote_majority_factor, 0.999);
- simplevotefactor = autocvar_sv_vote_simple_majority_factor;
- // FIXME this number is a guess
- vote_needed_absolute = floor((playercount - vote_abstaincount) * votefactor) + 1;
- if(simplevotefactor)
- {
- simplevotefactor = bound(votefactor, simplevotefactor, 0.999);
- vote_needed_simple = floor((vote_yescount + vote_nocount) * simplevotefactor) + 1;
- }
- else
- vote_needed_simple = 0;
- if(votecalledmaster
- && playercount == 1) {
- // if only one player is on the server becoming vote
- // master is not allowed. This could be used for
- // trolling or worse. 'self' is the user who has
- // called the vote because this function is called
- // by SV_ParseClientCommand. Maybe all voting should
- // be disabled for a single player?
- print_to(votecaller, "^1You are the only player on this server so you can not become vote master.");
- if(votecaller) {
- votecaller.vote_next = 0;
- }
- VoteReset();
- } else {
- if(vote_yescount >= vote_needed_absolute)
- {
- VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, -1, "yes");
- VoteAccept();
- }
- else if(vote_nocount > playercount - vote_abstaincount - vote_needed_absolute) // that means, vote_yescount cannot reach vote_needed_absolute any more
- {
- VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, -1, "no");
- VoteReject();
- }
- else if(time > votefinished)
- {
- if(simplevotefactor)
- {
- string result;
- if(vote_yescount >= vote_needed_simple)
- result = "yes";
- else if(vote_yescount + vote_nocount > 0)
- result = "no";
- else
- result = "timeout";
- VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, min(vote_needed_absolute, vote_needed_simple), result);
- if(result == "yes")
- VoteAccept();
- else if(result == "no")
- VoteReject();
- else
- VoteTimeout();
- }
- else
- {
- VoteSpam(playercount - vote_yescount - vote_nocount - vote_abstaincount, vote_needed_absolute, "timeout");
- VoteTimeout();
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file