vector direction_size_vertical = '0 0 0';
vector direction_size_horizontal = '0 0 0';
float range_minangle;
+ float arrow_size = max(panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow_size, 10), 0); // there's only one size cvar for the arrows, they will always have a 45° angle to ensure proper rendering without antialiasing
// determine whether the player is pressing forwards or backwards keys
if(islocal) // if entity is local player
hidden_width = (360 - hudangle) / hudangle * panel_size.x;
// current angle
currentangle_size.x = panel_size.x * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_width, 10);
- currentangle_size.y = panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_height, 10);
+ currentangle_size.y = max(panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_height, 10), 0);
if(mode == 0)
currentangle_offset = angle/hudangle * panel_size.x;
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow > 0)
- float arrow_size = panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow_size, 10); // there's only one size cvar, arrows always have a 45° angle to ensure proper rendering without antialiasing
if(arrow_size > 0)
if(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow == 1 || autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_angle_arrow >= 3)
vector startspeed_size = panel_size;
startspeed_size.y = panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_size, 10);
- drawstring_aspect(panel_pos + eY * panel_size.y, strcat(ftos_decimals(startspeed * speed_conversion_factor, 2), autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit_show ? speed_unit : ""), startspeed_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_color, text_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawstring_aspect(panel_pos + eY * (panel_size.y + arrow_size + ((currentangle_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2)), strcat(ftos_decimals(startspeed * speed_conversion_factor, 2), autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit_show ? speed_unit : ""), startspeed_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_startspeed_color, text_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
vector jumpheight_size = panel_size;
jumpheight_size.y = panel_size.y * min(autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_size, 10);
- drawstring_aspect(panel_pos - eY * jumpheight_size.y, strcat(ftos_decimals(jumpheight_persistent * length_conversion_factor, length_decimals), autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit_show ? length_unit : ""), jumpheight_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_color, text_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawstring_aspect(panel_pos - eY * (jumpheight_size.y + arrow_size + ((currentangle_size.y - panel_size.y) / 2)), strcat(ftos_decimals(jumpheight_persistent * length_conversion_factor, length_decimals), autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_unit_show ? length_unit : ""), jumpheight_size, autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_jumpheight_color, text_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);