hostname "Xonotic $g_xonoticversion Server"
set sv_mapchange_delay 5
set minplayers 0 "number of players playing at the same time (if not enough real players are there the remaining slots are filled with bots)"
-sv_cullentities_trace 1
-r_cullentities_trace 1
// restart server if all players hit "ready"-button
set sv_ready_restart 0 "if set to 1 allow a map to be restarted once all players pressed the \"ready\" button'"
// particles optimization
r_drawparticles_nearclip_min 8
r_drawparticles_nearclip_max 16
+// sv_cullentities_trace is 1, so the client doesn't have to
+sv_cullentities_trace 1
+r_cullentities_trace 0