--bsp +
--light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2 -lightmapsize 2048
-minimap +
Version: 13
--bsp +
--light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
-minimap +
Version: 4
--bsp +
--light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8 -lightmapsize 2048
-minimap +
-Version: 11d
\ No newline at end of file
+Version: 11d
--bsp +
--light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
-minimap +
-Version: 1d
\ No newline at end of file
+Version: 1d
--bsp +
--light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
-minimap +
-Version: 8d
\ No newline at end of file
+Version: 8d
--bsp + -samplesize 6
--light + -fast -deluxe -patchshadows -samples 3 -bounce 8 -bouncegrid -dirty -dirtscale 2
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -deluxe -patchshadows -samples 3 -bounce 8 -bouncegrid -dirty -dirtscale 2 -lightmapsize 2048
-minimap +
Version: 2b
--bsp + -metaadequatescore 99999 -metamaxbboxdistance 16 -np 0.1
--light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2 -bouncescale 1.15 -areascale 1.25 -pointscale 1.4
+-bsp + -metaadequatescore 99999 -metamaxbboxdistance 16 -np 0.1 -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2 -bouncescale 1.15 -areascale 1.25 -pointscale 1.4
-minimap +
-Version: 6e
\ No newline at end of file
+Version: 6e
-scale 0.9
--bsp +
--light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
-minimap +
-Version: 14f
\ No newline at end of file
+Version: 14f
--bsp +
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
-light + -bounce 8 -dirty -dirtscale 1 -bouncescale 1 -areascale 0.10
-minimap +
--bsp +
--light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -dirtscale 2
-minimap +
Version: 10b
--bsp +
--light + -bounce 8
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -lightmapsize 4096
-minimap +
Version: 5a
--bsp +
--light + -bounce 8
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -bounce 8 -lightmapsize 2048
-minimap +
version: 11b
--bsp +
--light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
+-bsp + -samplesize 4
-vis +
+-light + -dirtscale 2 -bounce 8
-minimap +
Version: 6e