alias sv_hook_gamestart_ft
alias sv_hook_gamestart_inv
alias sv_hook_gamestart_duel
+ alias sv_hook_gamestart_mayhem
+ alias sv_hook_gamestart_tmayhem
+ alias sv_hook_gamestart_tka
+ alias sv_hook_gamestart_surv
+alias sv_hook_gamestart_br
// there is currently no hook for when the match is restarted
// see sv_hook_readyrestart for previous uses of this hook
//alias sv_hook_gamerestart
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_rc
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tdm
alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_duel
+ alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_mayhem
+ alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tmayhem
+ alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_tka
+ alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_surv
+alias sv_vote_gametype_hook_br
// Example preset to allow 1v1ctf to be used for the gametype voting screen.
// Aliases can have max 31 chars so the gametype can have max 9 chars.
set g_duel_respawn_delay_max 0
set g_duel_respawn_waves 0
set g_duel_weapon_stay 0
+ set g_mayhem_respawn_delay_small 0
+ set g_mayhem_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+ set g_mayhem_respawn_delay_large 0
+ set g_mayhem_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+ set g_mayhem_respawn_delay_max 0
+ set g_mayhem_respawn_waves 0
+ set g_mayhem_weapon_stay 0
+ set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_small 0
+ set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+ set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_large 0
+ set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+ set g_tmayhem_respawn_delay_max 0
+ set g_tmayhem_respawn_waves 0
+ set g_tmayhem_weapon_stay 0
+ set g_tka_respawn_delay_small 0
+ set g_tka_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+ set g_tka_respawn_delay_large 0
+ set g_tka_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+ set g_tka_respawn_delay_max 0
+ set g_tka_respawn_waves 0
+ set g_tka_weapon_stay 0
+ set g_surv_respawn_delay_small 0
+ set g_surv_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+ set g_surv_respawn_delay_large 0
+ set g_surv_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+ set g_surv_respawn_delay_max 0
+ set g_surv_respawn_waves 0
+ set g_surv_weapon_stay 0
+set g_br_respawn_delay_small 0
+set g_br_respawn_delay_small_count 0
+set g_br_respawn_delay_large 0
+set g_br_respawn_delay_large_count 0
+set g_br_respawn_delay_max 0
+set g_br_respawn_waves 0
+set g_br_weapon_stay 0
// =========
set g_duel_with_powerups 0 "Enable powerups to spawn in the duel gamemode"
set g_duel_not_dm_maps 0 "when this is set, DM maps will NOT be listed in duel"
- // ======
+ // ==============================
+ // free for all and team mayhem
+ // ==============================
+ set g_mayhem 0 "Mayhem: Compete for the most damage dealt and kills in this chaotic mayhem!"
+ set g_tmayhem 0 "Team Mayhem: Compete with your team for the most damage dealt and kills in this chaotic mayhem!"
+ set g_mayhem_scoring_upscaler 20 "upscale one frag's worth to be this amount of in score"
+ set g_tmayhem_scoring_upscaler 20 "upscale one frag's worth to be this amount of in score"
+ set g_mayhem_scoring_kill_weight 0.25 "how much is a kill worth in frags"
+ set g_tmayhem_scoring_kill_weight 0.25 "how much is a kill worth in frags"
+ set g_mayhem_scoring_damage_weight 0.75 "how much is damage equal to player's spawning health+armor worth in frags"
+ set g_tmayhem_scoring_damage_weight 0.75 "how much is damage equal to player's spawning health+armor worth in frags"
+ set g_mayhem_scoring_disable_selfdamage2score 0 "disable reducing score with self damage at the cost of full penalty for suicides regardless of how much health was lost suiciding"
+ set g_tmayhem_scoring_disable_selfdamage2score 0 "disable reducing score with self damage at the cost of full penalty for suicides regardless of how much health was lost suiciding"
+ set g_mayhem_point_limit -1 "Mayhem score limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+ set g_mayhem_point_leadlimit -1 "Mayhem score lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+ set g_tmayhem_point_limit -1 "Team Mayhem score limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+ set g_tmayhem_point_leadlimit -1 "Team Mayhem score lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+ set g_mayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
+ set g_tmayhem_weaponarena "most_available" "starting weapons - takes the same options as g_weaponarena"
+ set g_mayhem_powerups 1 "Allow powerups in mayhem. Only checked if g_powerups is -1 therefore this will be overridden by g_powerups 1 or 0"
+ set g_tmayhem_powerups 1 "Allow powerups in team mayhem. Only checked if g_powerups is -1 therefore this will be overridden by g_powerups 1 or 0"
+ set g_mayhem_pickup_items 0 "spawn pickup items in mayhem"
+ set g_tmayhem_pickup_items 0 "spawn pickup items in team mayhem"
+ set g_mayhem_pickup_items_remove_weapons_and_ammo 1 "when pickup items are enabled in mayhem still remove weapons and ammo pickups"
+ set g_tmayhem_pickup_items_remove_weapons_and_ammo 1 "when pickup items are enabled in team mayhem still remove weapons and ammo pickups"
+ set g_mayhem_selfdamage 0 "0 = disable selfdamage in mayhem, 1 = enable selfdamage in mayhem"
+ set g_tmayhem_selfdamage 0 "0 = disable selfdamage in tmayhem, 1 = enable selfdamage in tmayhem"
+ set g_mayhem_regenerate 0 "health and/or armor regeneration, according to g_balance_health_regen and g_balance_armor_regen"
+ set g_tmayhem_regenerate 0 "health and/or armor regeneration, according to g_balance_health_regen and g_balance_armor_regen"
+ set g_mayhem_rot 0 "health and/or armor rotting, according to g_balance_health_rot and g_balance_armor_rot"
+ set g_tmayhem_rot 0 "health and/or armor rotting, according to g_balance_health_rot and g_balance_armor_rot"
+ set g_tmayhem_teams 2 "how many teams are in team mayhem (set by mapinfo)"
+ set g_tmayhem_team_spawns 0 "when 1, players spawn from the team spawnpoints of the map, if any"
+ set g_tmayhem_teams_override 0 "how many teams are in team mayhem"
+ // ===============
+ // team keepaway
+ // ===============
+ set g_tka 0 "another game mode which focuses around a ball"
+ set g_tka_on_ka_maps 1 "when this is set, all KA maps automatically support TKA"
+ set g_tka_on_tdm_maps 0 "when this is set, all TDM maps automatically support TKA"
+ set g_tka_teams 2 "how many teams are in team keepaway (set by mapinfo)"
+ set g_tka_team_spawns 0 "when 1, players spawn from the team spawnpoints of the map, if any"
+ set g_tka_teams_override 0 "how many teams are in team keepaway"
+ set g_tka_point_limit -1 "TKA point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+ set g_tka_point_leadlimit -1 "TKA point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)"
+ set g_tka_score_team 1 "allow points to be awarded to teammates for any kill when the ball is in your team's possession"
+ set g_tka_score_bckill 1 "points for killing the ball barrier (Ball Carrier Kill)"
+ set g_tka_score_killac 1 "points for kills while holding the ball (Kill As Carrier)"
+ set g_tka_score_timeinterval 1 "amount of time it takes between intervals for timepoints to be added to the score"
+ set g_tka_score_timepoints 0 "points to add to score per timeinterval, 0 for no points"
+ set g_tka_ballcarrier_effects 8 "Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)"
+ set g_tka_ballcarrier_highspeed 1 "speed multiplier done to the person holding the ball (recommended when used with some mutators)"
+ set g_tka_ballcarrier_damage 1 "damage multiplier while holding the ball"
+ set g_tka_ballcarrier_force 1 "force multiplier while holding the ball"
+ set g_tka_ballcarrier_selfdamage 1 "self damage multiplier while holding the ball"
+ set g_tka_ballcarrier_selfforce 1 "self force multiplier while holding the ball"
+ set g_tka_noncarrier_warn 1 "warn players when they kill without holding the ball"
+ set g_tka_noncarrier_damage 1 "damage done to other players if both you and they don't have the ball"
+ set g_tka_noncarrier_force 1 "force done to other players if both you and they don't have the ball"
+ set g_tka_noncarrier_selfdamage 1 "self damage if you don't have the ball"
+ set g_tka_noncarrier_selfforce 1 "self force if you don't have the ball"
+ set g_tkaball_effects 8 "Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)"
+ set g_tkaball_trail_color 254 "particle trail color from player/ball"
+ set g_tkaball_damageforcescale 2 "Scale of force which is applied to the ball by weapons/explosions/etc"
+ set g_tkaball_respawntime 10 "if no one picks up the ball, how long to wait until the ball respawns"
+ // ==========
+ // survival
+ // ==========
+ set g_survival 0 "Survival: identify and eliminate all the hunters before all your allies are gone"
+ set g_survival_not_lms_maps 0 "when this is set, LMS maps will NOT be listed in survival"
+ set g_survival_hunter_count 0.25 "number of players who will become hunters, set between 0 and 0.9 to use a multiplier of the current players, or 1 and above to specify an exact number of players"
+ set g_survival_punish_teamkill 1 "kill the player when they kill an ally"
+ set g_survival_reward_survival 1 "give a point to all surviving players if the round timelimit is reached, in addition to the points given for kills"
+ set g_survival_warmup 10 "how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts"
+ set g_survival_round_timelimit 120 "round time limit in seconds"
++// ===============
+// battle royale
- // ======
++// ===============
+set g_br 0 "Battle Royale: survive on a shrinking battlefield"
+set g_br_not_assault_maps 0 "when this is set, CTF maps will NOT be listed in BR"
+set g_br_not_ctf_maps 0 "when this is set, CTF maps will NOT be listed in BR"
+set g_br_not_dm_maps 0 "when this is set, DM maps will NOT be listed in BR"
+set g_br_minplayers 2 "minimum players to start the BR match"
+set g_br_squad_size 3 "maximum squad size, use 0 or a negative number to determine squad size based on the amount of players up to the specified number or unlimited if 0"
+set g_br_squad_colors 1 "assign each squad a random color scheme and force players to use it"
+set g_br_squad_waypoint_distance 1500 "minimum distance required to show an ally waypoint"
+set g_br_startweapons 0 "when disabled, players land from the dropship without weapons"
+set g_br_bleed 0.02 "amount of health rot while injured"
+set g_br_bleedlinear 1 "linear amount of health rot while injured"
+set g_br_bleeding_health 0.5 "start health mutliplier when injured"
+set g_br_bleeding_armor 50 "start armor when injured"
+set g_br_revive_speed 0.4 "Speed for reviving an injured squadmate"
+set g_br_revive_clearspeed 1.6 "Speed at which reviving progress gets lost when out of range"
+set g_br_revive_extra_size 100 "Distance in qu that you can stand from an injured squadmate to keep reviving them"
+set g_br_revive_health 0.25 "start health multiplier when revived"
+set g_br_dropship_color "0.5 0 0.5" "dropship color"
+set g_br_dropship_scale 3 "dropship scale"
+set g_br_dropship_speed -1 "dropship speed, -1 to decide based on map size"
+set g_br_drop_damage 0.5 "multiplier of damage taken while dropping"
+set g_br_drop_speed_max 2.5 "max air speed multiplier while dropping"
+set g_br_drop_speed_min 1.25 "min air speed multiplier while dropping"
+set g_br_drop_speed_vertical_min 0.1 "minimum vertical speed portion while dropping"
+set g_br_drop_accel_dive 50 "dive acceleration while dropping"
+set g_br_drop_accel_turn 600 "turn acceleration while dropping"
+set g_br_drop_distance_force 500 "minimum distance to the end of the dropship path before players are force dropped"
+set g_br_ring_alpha 0.5 "ring transparency"
+set g_br_ring_color "1 0 0" "ring color"
+set g_br_ring_radius -1 "ring radius (use -1 to automatically determine the radius based on the map size)"
+set g_br_ring_duration 150 "total time the ring spends closing"
+set g_br_ring_timing "0.6 0.8 0.9" "timing values relative to g_br_ring_duration at which the ring waits and transitions into the next stage"
+set g_br_ring_strength "2.5 5 10 20 50" "damage values for each stage including beginning and end"
+set g_br_ring_wait 30 "wait time before each ring stage"
+set g_br_ring_center_factor 0.25 "factor by which the ring can deviate from the center of the map, 0 means always completely centered, 1 means completely random within world bounds"
+set g_br_ring_fadedistance 0.5 "value multiplied by the current ring radius defines the distance at which the ring slowly becomes visible until it reaches g_br_ring_alpha when standing right in front of it"
+set g_br_ring_fadedistance_min 2000 "minimum value generated by g_br_ring_fadedistance"
+set g_br_ring_exitvehicle 0 "players can't use vehicles outside of the ring"
+set g_br_supply_interval 30 "seconds between each supply drop or 0 to disable"
+set g_br_vehicle_interval 0 "seconds between each vehicle drop or 0 to disable"
--- /dev/null
- reset_map(true, false);
+// battle royale
+// author: Juhu
+#include "sv_br.qh"
+#include <server/elimination.qh>
+#include <common/resources/sv_resources.qh>
+#include <common/mutators/base.qh>
+#define BR_KILLS_INSTANTLY(pl, dt) \
+ (!IN_SQUAD((pl)) || (br_SquadFindLastAlive((pl).br_squad, true) == (pl)) || ((dt) == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER.m_id) \
+ || ((dt) == DEATH_KILL.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_TEAMCHANGE.m_id) || ((dt) == DEATH_AUTOTEAMCHANGE.m_id) \
+float br_CalculatePlayerDropAngle(entity this);
+bool br_PositionDropMember(entity this, entity leader, int position, float disconnect_range);
+void br_LastPlayerForSquad_Notify(entity squad);
+void br_RemovePlayer(entity player);
+void br_Revive(entity player);
+void br_Start();
+bool br_CheckPlayers();
+int br_WinningCondition();
+entity dropship;
+bool squads_colored = false;
+const float br_drop_time_secs = 1;
+const float drop_speed_vertical_max = 0.9;
+const float drop_distance_disconnect = 32;
+const float drop_speed_crash = 0.9;
+float br_event_supply_time;
+float br_event_vehicle_time;
+bool br_started = false;
+.bool br_ring_warned;
+.float br_drop_time;
+.float br_force_drop_distance; br_drop_launch; br_drop_detached;
+.float br_drop_position;
+.bool br_drop_instructions;
+.float br_ring_damage_time;
+.entity br_bleeding_inflictor;
+.entity br_bleeding_attacker; br_bleeding_deathtype;
+..entity br_bleeding_weaponentity;
+// weapon set restoring for revive/drop
+.WepSet br_wepset_old;
+.Weapon br_weapon_prev[MAX_WEAPONSLOTS];
+.float br_lastweapon_prev[MAX_WEAPONSLOTS];
+// alpha restoring for drop
+.float br_alpha_old;
+float autocvar_g_br_revive_health = 0.25;
+float autocvar_g_br_bleeding_health = 0.5;
+float autocvar_g_br_bleeding_armor = 50;
+float autocvar_g_br_drop_damage = 0.5;
+float autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_max = 2.5;
+float autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_min = 1.25;
+float autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_vertical_min = 0.1;
+bool autocvar_g_br_squad_colors = true;
+float autocvar_g_br_drop_accel_dive = 50;
+float autocvar_g_br_drop_accel_turn = 600;
+bool autocvar_g_br_startweapons = false;
+float autocvar_g_br_squad_waypoint_distance = 1500;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, reset_map_global)
+ dropship_path_length = 0; // this should kill the dropship
+ dropship_path_direction = '0 0 0';
+ if(ring)
+ delete(ring);
+ ring = dropship = NULL;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, reset_map_players)
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_RANK, -GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_RANK, 0));
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_SQUAD, -GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_SQUAD, 0));
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_REVIVALS, -GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_REVIVALS, 0));
+ STAT(BLEEDING, it) = false;
+ br_RemovePlayer(it);
+ it.br_wepset_old = start_weapons;
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ it.br_weapon_prev[slot] = WEP_Null;
+ it.br_lastweapon_prev[slot] = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+ return true;
+ if(!br_started && !warmup_stage && (time > game_starttime) && br_CheckPlayers())
+ br_Start();
+ M_ARGV(0, float) = br_WinningCondition();
+ return true;
+ M_ARGV(2, float) = 0; // no frags counted in Battle Royale
+ return true;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, ForbidPlayerScore_Clear)
+ // don't clear player score
+ return true;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ return IN_SQUAD(player);
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ STAT(SQUADCOLORS, player) = squads_colored;
+ if(ring)
+ ring_timelimit(ring);
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, ClientDisconnect)
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ br_RemovePlayer(player);
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if (!br_started)
+ {
+ if(!warmup_stage && (time > game_starttime) && br_CheckPlayers())
+ STAT(DROP, player) = DROP_TRANSPORT; // inhibits the spawn effect when the match is about to start
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (IN_SQUAD(player))
+ else
+ TRANSMUTE(Observer, player);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, MakePlayerObserver)
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ bool is_forced = M_ARGV(1, bool);
+ if(is_forced && IN_SQUAD(player))
+ {
+ br_SquadMember_Remove(player);
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+ }
+ if(IN_SQUAD(player))
+ {
+ player.frags = FRAGS_PLAYER_OUT_OF_GAME;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ entity spectatee = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity client = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ STAT(DROP, client) = STAT(DROP, spectatee);
+ STAT(BLEEDING, client) = STAT(BLEEDING, spectatee);
+ entity client = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity target = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ return (IN_SQUAD(client) && !client.br_squad.br_squad_dead && DIFF_SQUAD(client, target));
+ entity client = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(client) || !IN_SQUAD(client) || client.br_squad.br_squad_dead)
+ return false;
+ entity new_target;
+ if(client.enemy && client.enemy.br_squad_next)
+ new_target = client.enemy.br_squad_next;
+ else
+ new_target = client.br_squad.br_squad_first;
+ while((new_target == client) || IS_DEAD(new_target) || !IS_PLAYER(new_target))
+ {
+ new_target = new_target.br_squad_next;
+ if(!new_target)
+ new_target = client.br_squad.br_squad_first;
+ }
+ M_ARGV(1, entity) = new_target;
+ return true;
+ entity client = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(!IS_REAL_CLIENT(client) || !IN_SQUAD(client) || client.br_squad.br_squad_dead)
+ entity new_target;
+ if(client.enemy && client.enemy.br_squad_prev)
+ new_target = client.enemy.br_squad_prev;
+ else
+ new_target = client.br_squad.br_squad_last;
+ while((new_target == client) || IS_DEAD(new_target) || !IS_PLAYER(new_target))
+ {
+ new_target = new_target.br_squad_prev;
+ if(!new_target)
+ new_target = client.br_squad.br_squad_last;
+ }
+ M_ARGV(1, entity) = new_target;
+ return br_started;
+ if(autocvar_g_br_startweapons)
+ return false;
+ M_ARGV(1, float) = 0;
+ return true;
+ start_health = warmup_start_health = cvar("g_br_start_health");
+ start_armorvalue = warmup_start_armorvalue = cvar("g_br_start_armor");
+ start_ammo_shells = warmup_start_ammo_shells = cvar("g_br_start_ammo_shells");
+ start_ammo_nails = warmup_start_ammo_nails = cvar("g_br_start_ammo_nails");
+ start_ammo_rockets = warmup_start_ammo_rockets = cvar("g_br_start_ammo_rockets");
+ start_ammo_cells = warmup_start_ammo_cells = cvar("g_br_start_ammo_cells");
+ start_ammo_plasma = warmup_start_ammo_plasma = cvar("g_br_start_ammo_plasma");
+ start_ammo_fuel = warmup_start_ammo_fuel = cvar("g_br_start_ammo_fuel");
+// adjusted freezetag reviving code
+#define IN_REVIVING_RANGE(player, it, revive_extra_size) \
+ (it != player && IS_PLAYER(it) && !IS_DEAD(it) && SAME_SQUAD(it, player) \
+ && boxesoverlap(player.absmin - revive_extra_size, player.absmax + revive_extra_size, it.absmin, it.absmax))
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if (game_stopped || !frametime || !IS_PLAYER(player))
+ return true;
+ if(ring)
+ {
+ const float ring_damage_interval = 0.75;
+ vector current_origin;
+ if(!player.vehicle)
+ current_origin = player.origin + player.view_ofs;
+ else
+ current_origin = player.vehicle.origin;
+ if(vlen(current_origin - ring.origin) > ring_calculate_current_radius(ring))
+ {
+ if(!player.br_ring_warned)
+ {
+ player.br_ring_warned = true;
+ player.br_ring_damage_time = time + ring_damage_interval;
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_RING_WARN);
+ }
+ // ring damage
+ if (player.br_ring_damage_time < time)
+ {
+ if(player.vehicle) // if the player is controlling a vehicle
+ {
+ if(autocvar_g_br_ring_exitvehicle)
+ vehicles_exit(player.vehicle, VHEF_RELEASE); // begone!
+ else
+ vehicles_damage(player.vehicle, ring, ring, 10 * ring.strength * ring_damage_interval, DEATH_RING.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, player.vehicle.origin, '0 0 0');
+ }
+ Damage(player, ring, ring, ring.strength * ring_damage_interval, DEATH_RING.m_id, DMG_NOWEP, player.origin, '0 0 0');
+ player.br_ring_damage_time = time + ring_damage_interval;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ player.br_ring_warned = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if((STAT(DROP, player) == DROP_FALLING) && (player.br_drop_detached != 2) && IN_SQUAD(player) && (player != player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader)){
+ // atck2 has to be released then pressed to detach
+ if(!(STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, player) & KEY_ATCK2)){
+ if(player.br_drop_detached == 0){
+ player.br_drop_detached = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(player.br_drop_detached == 1){
+ player.br_drop_detached = 2;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(STAT(DROP, player) == DROP_TRANSPORT){
+ if(time > (player.br_squad.br_drop_time + br_drop_time_secs))
+ {
+ if(!player.br_drop_instructions)
+ {
+ player.br_drop_instructions = true;
+ }
+ // jump has to be released then pressed to launch
+ if(!(STAT(PRESSED_KEYS, player) & KEY_JUMP)){
+ if(player.br_drop_launch == 0){
+ player.br_drop_launch = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(player.br_drop_launch == 1){
+ player.br_drop_launch = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!(IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) && (player.br_drop_launch == 2)) && (dropship_path_length > player.br_squad.br_force_drop_distance)){
+ player.velocity = dropship_path_direction * dropship_speed;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!(IN_SQUAD(player) && player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader))
+ {
+ player.alpha = player.br_alpha_old;
+ player.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ player.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
+ if(!autocvar__notarget)
+ player.flags &= ~FL_NOTARGET;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ player.br_drop_detached = 0;
+ float mindropspeed = PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(player) * max(autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_min, 0); // no maxspeed_mod available here
+ float maxdropspeed_ratio = drop_speed_vertical_max; // moving straight down is glitchy
+ float mindropspeed_ratio = bound(0, autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_vertical_min, drop_speed_vertical_max);
+ float pitch_view = max(player.v_angle.x, 0);
+ // pitch_view angle needs to be between 0 and 90 degrees
+ if(pitch_view > 90)
+ pitch_view = 180 - pitch_view;
+ player.velocity.x = cos(player.angles.y * DEG2RAD);
+ player.velocity.y = sin(player.angles.y * DEG2RAD);
+ player.velocity.z = -tan(bound(asin(mindropspeed_ratio), pitch_view * DEG2RAD, asin(maxdropspeed_ratio)));
+ player.velocity = normalize(player.velocity) * mindropspeed;
+ player.angles.x = br_CalculatePlayerDropAngle(player) - 90;
+ player.angles.y = vectoangles(vec2(player.velocity)).y + 180;
+ player.angles.z = 180;
+ if(IN_SQUAD(player) && ((IS_REAL_CLIENT(player) && (player.br_drop_launch == 2)) || br_SquadIsBotsOnly(player.br_squad)))
+ {
+ player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader = player;
+ bool other_side = false;
+ int drop_position = 1;
+ if(random() < 0.5)
+ drop_position *= -1;
+ FOREACH_CLIENT_RANDOM(IS_PLAYER(it) && (it != player) && SAME_SQUAD(it, player) && (STAT(DROP, it) == DROP_TRANSPORT), {
+ it.alpha = it.br_alpha_old;
+ it.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ it.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
+ if(!autocvar__notarget)
+ it.flags &= ~FL_NOTARGET;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, it, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ it.br_drop_detached = 0;
+ it.br_drop_position = drop_position;
+ if(other_side)
+ drop_position += copysign(1, drop_position);
+ drop_position *= -1;
+ other_side = !other_side;
+ br_PositionDropMember(it, player, it.br_drop_position, -1);
+ it.velocity = player.velocity;
+ it.angles = player.angles;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // adjusted freezetag reviving code
+ entity revivers_last = NULL;
+ entity revivers_first = NULL;
+ bool player_is_reviving = false;
+ bool player_is_being_revived = false;
+ vector revive_extra_size = '1 1 1' * max(autocvar_g_br_revive_extra_size, 0);
+ // check if player is reviving anyone
+ if (STAT(BLEEDING, it))
+ {
+ if (STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ continue;
+ if (!IN_REVIVING_RANGE(player, it, revive_extra_size))
+ continue;
+ player_is_reviving = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ continue; // both player and it are NOT bleeding
+ if (!IN_REVIVING_RANGE(player, it, revive_extra_size))
+ continue;
+ // found a squadmate that is reviving player
+ if (revivers_last)
+ revivers_last.chain = it;
+ revivers_last = it;
+ if (!revivers_first)
+ revivers_first = it;
+ player_is_being_revived = true;
+ });
+ if (revivers_last)
+ revivers_last.chain = NULL;
+ if (!player_is_being_revived) // no squadmate nearby
+ {
+ float clearspeed = max(autocvar_g_br_revive_clearspeed, 0);
+ if (STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) = bound(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) - frametime * clearspeed, 1);
+ else if (!player_is_reviving)
+ STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) = 0; // reviving nobody
+ }
+ else // OK, there is at least one squadmate reviving us
+ {
+ float spd = max(autocvar_g_br_revive_speed, 0);
+ STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) = bound(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) + frametime * spd, 1);
+ if(STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) >= 1)
+ {
+ br_Revive(player);
+ // EVERY squad mate nearby gets a point (even if multiple!)
+ for(entity it = revivers_first; it; it = it.chain)
+ {
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_REVIVALS, +1);
+ }
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_REVIVED, revivers_first.netname);
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, revivers_first, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_REVIVE, player.netname);
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_BR_REVIVED, player.netname, revivers_first.netname);
+ if(autocvar_sv_eventlog)
+ {
+ string revivers = "";
+ for(entity it = revivers_first; it; it = it.chain)
+ revivers = strcat(revivers, ftos(it.playerid), ",");
+ revivers = substring(revivers, 0, strlen(revivers) - 1);
+ GameLogEcho(strcat(":br:revival:", ftos(player.playerid), ":", revivers));
+ }
+ }
+ for(entity it = revivers_first; it; it = it.chain)
+ }
+ if (STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ {
+ entity player_wp = player.waypointsprite_attached;
+ if (player_is_being_revived)
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateSprites(player_wp, WP_BRReviving, WP_Null, WP_Null);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(player_wp, RADARICON_WAYPOINT, WP_BR_REVIVING_COLOR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateSprites(player_wp, WP_BRBleeding, WP_Null, WP_Null);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(player_wp, RADARICON_WAYPOINT, WP_BR_BLEEDING_COLOR);
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateMaxHealth(player_wp, 1);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(player_wp, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player));
+ }
+ return true;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ float maxspeed_mod = M_ARGV(1, float);
+ float dt = M_ARGV(2, float); // tick rate
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(player))
+ return false;
+ if(STAT(DROP, player) == DROP_TRANSPORT)
+ return true;
+ // set the drop stat to landed on the next frame if it was set on landing
+ if(STAT(DROP, player) == DROP_LANDING)
+ // TODO: improve dropping physics
+ if(STAT(DROP, player) == DROP_FALLING){
+ float maxairspeed = PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(player) * max(maxspeed_mod, 1);
+ float mindropspeed = maxairspeed * max(autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_min, 0);
+ float dropspeed = vlen(vec2(player.velocity) + eZ * min(player.velocity.z, 0));
+ if(player.velocity.z > 0)
+ dropspeed -= vlen(player.velocity) - dropspeed;
+ if(!IS_ONGROUND(player) && (player.waterlevel < WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING) && (dropspeed >= (mindropspeed * drop_speed_crash)) && ((tracebox(player.origin, player.mins, player.maxs, player.origin - '0 0 1', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, player), trace_fraction) >= 1)) // IS_ONGROUND doesn't work if jump is held (jump is theoretically blocked until landed)
+ {
+ bool has_drop_leader = IN_SQUAD(player) && (player.br_drop_detached != 2) && (player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader && (STAT(DROP, player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader) == DROP_FALLING));
+ bool player_is_drop_leader = has_drop_leader && (player == player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader);
+ if(player_is_drop_leader || !has_drop_leader)
+ {
+ float maxdropspeed = maxairspeed * max(autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_max, 0);
+ float maxdropspeed_ratio = drop_speed_vertical_max; // moving straight down is glitchy
+ float mindropspeed_ratio = bound(0, autocvar_g_br_drop_speed_vertical_min, drop_speed_vertical_max);
+ float accel_dive = max(autocvar_g_br_drop_accel_dive, 0);
+ float accel_turn = max(autocvar_g_br_drop_accel_turn, 0);
+ float dropspeed_xy = vlen(vec2(player.velocity));
+ float pitch_current = br_CalculatePlayerDropAngle(player);
+ float pitch_view = max(player.v_angle.x, 0);
+ // pitch_view angle needs to be between 0 and 90 degrees
+ if(pitch_view > 90)
+ pitch_view = 180 - pitch_view;
+ float pitch_diff = pitch_current - pitch_view;
+ float pitch_ratio_wish = 0;
+ // calculate how much the player wants to change pitch (ratio is at least 0.1)
+ // ratio is between -1 (looking straight down) and +1 (looking straight ahead or up)
+ if((pitch_diff < 0) && (pitch_current < 90))
+ pitch_ratio_wish = bound(-1, sin(pitch_diff / (90 - pitch_current) * M_PI_2), -0.1);
+ else if((pitch_diff > 0) && (pitch_current > 0))
+ pitch_ratio_wish = bound(0.1, sin(pitch_diff / pitch_current * M_PI_2), 1);
+ makevectors(player.v_angle);
+ // horizontal wishvel as usual
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * CS(player).movement.x + v_right * CS(player).movement.y;
+ // except make turning backwards easier by limiting the maximum turning angle to 90 degrees
+ vector wish_angles = vectoangles(vec2(wishvel));
+ vector vel_angles = vectoangles(vec2(player.velocity));
+ float diff_angle = wish_angles.y - vel_angles.y;
+ if(diff_angle > 180)
+ diff_angle -= 360;
+ if(diff_angle < -180)
+ diff_angle += 360;
+ wish_angles.y = (vel_angles.y + bound(-90, diff_angle, 90) + 360) % 360;
+ makevectors(wish_angles);
+ wishvel = normalize(v_forward) * min(1, vlen(wishvel) / maxairspeed);
+ // vertical wishvel using forward movement and the previously calculated ratio
+ wishvel.z = pitch_ratio_wish * bound(0, CS(player).movement.x / maxairspeed, 1);
+ // apply turn acceleration to wishvel
+ wishvel *= accel_turn;
+ player.velocity += wishvel * dt;
+ player.velocity = normalize(eZ * player.velocity.z + normalize(vec2(player.velocity)) * dropspeed_xy);
+ // if there is no horizontal movement point the horizontal vector towards the view direction
+ if(vlen(vec2(player.velocity)) == 0)
+ player.velocity += (eX * cos(player.angles.y * DEG2RAD) + eY * sin(player.angles.y * DEG2RAD)) * sqrt(1 - pow(maxdropspeed_ratio, 2));
+ // modify mindropspeed_ratio and maxdropspeed_ratio so that the player does not rotate beyond the view angle
+ float pitch_ratio_view = sin(pitch_view * DEG2RAD);
+ if(pitch_ratio_wish > 0)
+ mindropspeed_ratio = bound(mindropspeed_ratio, pitch_ratio_view, maxdropspeed_ratio);
+ else if(pitch_ratio_wish < 0)
+ maxdropspeed_ratio = bound(mindropspeed_ratio, pitch_ratio_view, maxdropspeed_ratio);
+ // constrain to vertical min/maxdropspeed
+ if(player.velocity.z > -mindropspeed_ratio)
+ player.velocity.z = -mindropspeed_ratio;
+ if(player.velocity.z < -maxdropspeed_ratio)
+ player.velocity.z = -maxdropspeed_ratio;
+ // adjust horizontal speed so that vertical speed + horizontal speed = maxdropspeed
+ float dropangle = br_CalculatePlayerDropAngle(player);
+ const float accelangle = 20;
+ dropspeed = bound(mindropspeed, dropspeed + accel_dive * (dropangle - accelangle) / accelangle * dt, maxdropspeed);
+ player.velocity = normalize(player.velocity) * dropspeed;
+ player.angles.x = dropangle - 90;
+ player.angles.y = vectoangles(vec2(player.velocity)).y + 180;
+ player.angles.z = 180;
+ if(player_is_drop_leader)
+ {
+ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && (it != player) && SAME_SQUAD(it, player) && (it.br_drop_detached != 2) && (STAT(DROP, it) == DROP_FALLING), {
+ if(!br_PositionDropMember(it, player, it.br_drop_position, drop_distance_disconnect))
+ {
+ it.br_drop_detached = 2;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, it, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ continue;
+ }
+ it.velocity = player.velocity;
+ it.angles = player.angles;
+ });
+ }
+ else if((player.br_drop_detached != 2) && IN_SQUAD(player))
+ {
+ player.br_drop_detached = 2;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!br_PositionDropMember(player, player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader, player.br_drop_position, drop_distance_disconnect))
+ {
+ player.br_drop_detached = 2;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ }
+ player.velocity = player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader.velocity;
+ player.angles = player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader.angles; // no fixangles, only moves the player model not the player view
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((player.br_drop_detached != 2) && IN_SQUAD(player) && (player != player.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader))
+ {
+ player.br_drop_detached = 2;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ }
+ set_movetype(player, MOVETYPE_WALK);
+ player.flags |= FL_PICKUPITEMS;
+ player.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_BODY;
+ STAT(WEAPONS, player) = player.br_wepset_old;
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0];
+ W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, w_getbestweapon(player, weaponentity), weaponentity);
+ }
+ }
+ // injured players can't swim
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, player)){
+ if(player.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING)
+ {
+ CS(player).movement.z = -60; // drift towards bottom
+ player.v_angle.x = 0;
+ player.com_in_jump = false;
+ }
+ }
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, Damage_Calculate)
+ entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
+ float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float);
+ if(STAT(DROP, frag_target) != DROP_LANDED)
+ {
+ // weapon impact has no push force while dropping
+ M_ARGV(6, vector) = '0 0 0';
+ if(STAT(DROP, frag_target) == DROP_TRANSPORT)
+ M_ARGV(4, float) = M_ARGV(5, float) = 0; // can't take damage while on the dropship
+ else if(DEATH_ISWEAPON(frag_deathtype, WEP_VAPORIZER)); // do not adjust vaporizer damage
+ else
+ {
+ switch(frag_deathtype)
+ {
+ case DEATH_FALL.m_id:
+ // do not take fall damage when landing from dropship
+ M_ARGV(4, float) = M_ARGV(5, float) = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // only take half of the usual damage
+ M_ARGV(4, float) *= max(autocvar_g_br_drop_damage, 0);
+ M_ARGV(5, float) *= max(autocvar_g_br_drop_damage, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
+ float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float); // float for some reason, breaks if changed to int
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(frag_target))
+ return true;
+ if(STAT(DROP, frag_target) == DROP_TRANSPORT)
+ {
+ frag_target.alpha = frag_target.br_alpha_old;
+ frag_target.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
+ frag_target.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
+ if(!autocvar__notarget)
+ frag_target.flags &= ~FL_NOTARGET;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ }
+ if(STAT(DROP, frag_target) == DROP_FALLING)
+ {
+ if((frag_target.br_drop_detached != 2) && IN_SQUAD(frag_target) && (frag_target != frag_target.br_squad.br_squad_drop_leader))
+ {
+ frag_target.br_drop_detached = 2;
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE_ONLY, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DROP);
+ }
+ }
+ if(STAT(DROP, frag_target) != DROP_LANDED)
+ {
+ set_movetype(frag_target, MOVETYPE_WALK);
+ frag_target.dphitcontentsmask |= DPCONTENTS_BODY;
+ STAT(WEAPONS, frag_target) = frag_target.br_wepset_old;
+ STAT(DROP, frag_target) = DROP_LANDED;
+ }
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, frag_target) || BR_KILLS_INSTANTLY(frag_target, frag_deathtype))
+ {
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, frag_target))
+ {
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DOWN);
+ STAT(BLEEDING, frag_target) = false;
+ // restore weapons on death to make weapon drop work
+ STAT(WEAPONS, frag_target) = frag_target.br_wepset_old;
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ frag_target.(weaponentity).m_weapon = frag_target.br_weapon_prev[slot];
+ }
+ }
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(frag_target.br_allywaypoint);
+ frag_target.respawn_flags = RESPAWN_SILENT | RESPAWN_FORCE;
+ frag_target.respawn_time = time + 2;
+ return true;
+ }
+ frag_target.flags &= ~FL_PICKUPITEMS;
+ RemoveGrapplingHooks(frag_target);
+ StatusEffects_removeall(frag_target, STATUSEFFECT_REMOVE_NORMAL);
+ SetResource(frag_target, RES_HEALTH, start_health * max(autocvar_g_br_bleeding_health, 0));
+ SetResource(frag_target, RES_ARMOR, max(autocvar_g_br_bleeding_armor, 0));
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_DOWN_WAIT);
+ STAT(BLEEDING, frag_target) = true;
+ {
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(it.(weaponentity).hook.aiment == frag_target)
+ RemoveHook(it.(weaponentity).hook);
+ }
+ });
+ frag_target.br_wepset_old = STAT(WEAPONS, frag_target);
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ frag_target.br_weapon_prev[slot] = frag_target.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon;
+ frag_target.br_lastweapon_prev[slot] = frag_target.(weaponentity).cnt;
+ }
+ STAT(WEAPONS, frag_target) = '0 0 0';
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_BRBleeding, 0, 0, frag_target, '0 0 64', NULL, 0, frag_target, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_WAYPOINT);
+ if(frag_attacker == frag_target || !frag_attacker || ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(frag_deathtype))
+ {
+ if(IS_PLAYER(frag_target))
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_DOWN_SELF);
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_BR_DOWN_SELF, frag_target.netname);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(IS_PLAYER(frag_target))
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, frag_target, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_BR_DOWN, frag_attacker.netname);
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_INFO, INFO_BR_DOWN, frag_target.netname, frag_attacker.netname);
+ }
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+ return true;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(br_started)
+ {
+ br_LastPlayerForSquad_Notify(player.br_squad);
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+ }
+ entity frag_inflictor = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity frag_attacker = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ entity frag_target = M_ARGV(2, entity);
+ float frag_deathtype = M_ARGV(3, float); // float for some reason, breaks if changed to int
+ //entity frag_weaponentity = M_ARGV(4, entity);
+ if(!STAT(BLEEDING, frag_target) && !BR_KILLS_INSTANTLY(frag_target, frag_deathtype))
+ {
+ frag_target.br_bleeding_inflictor = frag_inflictor;
+ frag_target.br_bleeding_attacker = frag_attacker;
+ frag_target.br_bleeding_deathtype = frag_deathtype;
+ //frag_target.br_bleeding_weaponentity = frag_weaponentity; // TODO: get entity field
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, frag_target) && frag_target.br_bleeding_attacker)
+ {
+ entity new_inflictor = frag_target.br_bleeding_inflictor;
+ entity new_attacker = frag_target.br_bleeding_attacker;
+ int new_deathtype = frag_target.br_bleeding_deathtype;
+ .entity new_weaponentity = frag_target.br_bleeding_weaponentity;
+ frag_target.br_bleeding_attacker = frag_target.br_bleeding_inflictor = NULL;
+ Obituary(new_attacker, new_inflictor, frag_target, new_deathtype, new_weaponentity);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(7, entity);
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(player))
+ return false;
+ entity res_type = M_ARGV(8, entity);
+ float amount = M_ARGV(9, float);
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, player) && (res_type == RES_HEALTH || res_type == RES_ARMOR))
+ {
+ if(amount > GetResource(player, res_type)) // prevent the player from getting health or armor in any way
+ return true;
+ }
+ entity player = M_ARGV(7, entity);
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(player) || !STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ return false;
+ entity res_type = M_ARGV(8, entity);
+ switch(res_type)
+ {
+ case RES_HEALTH:
+ M_ARGV(9, float) *= max(autocvar_g_br_bleeding_health, 0);
+ break;
+ case RES_ARMOR:
+ M_ARGV(9, float) = max(autocvar_g_br_bleeding_armor, 0);
+ }
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, player)){
+ M_ARGV(7, float) = max(autocvar_g_br_bleed, 0);
+ M_ARGV(8, float) = max(autocvar_g_br_bleedlinear, 0);
+ M_ARGV(2, float) = M_ARGV(10, float) = 0;
+ }
+ else{
+ M_ARGV(2, float) = M_ARGV(3, float) = 0; // no regeneration or rot in battle royale
+ }
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ M_ARGV(1, bool) = true;
+ else if(STAT(DROP, player) != DROP_LANDED)
+ M_ARGV(1, bool) = false;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ return STAT(BLEEDING, player) || (STAT(DROP, player) != DROP_LANDED);
+ entity bot = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity target = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ return SAME_SQUAD(bot, target) || (STAT(DROP, bot) != DROP_LANDED) || (STAT(DROP, target) == DROP_TRANSPORT);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, TurretValidateTarget)
+ entity turret = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity target = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ if(!br_started || SAME_SQUAD(turret, target) || (STAT(DROP, target) == DROP_TRANSPORT))
+ {
+ M_ARGV(3, float) = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, AccuracyTargetValid)
+ entity attacker = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity target = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ if(SAME_SQUAD(attacker, target) || (STAT(DROP, target) == DROP_TRANSPORT))
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, CustomizeWaypoint)
+ entity wp = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity player = M_ARGV(1, entity);
+ if(wp.owner == NULL)
+ return true;
+ if((wp == wp.owner.br_allywaypoint) && (vdist(wp.owner.origin - player.origin, <, autocvar_g_br_squad_waypoint_distance) || STAT(BLEEDING, wp.owner)))
+ return true;
+ if(!IS_PLAYER(player) || (IN_SQUAD(wp.owner) && DIFF_SQUAD(wp.owner, player)))
+ return true;
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(br_started)
+ {
+ // no forfeiting once the game started
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, ClientCommand_Spectate)
+ entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(br_started)
+ {
+ // no forfeiting once the game started
+ }
+ if(!br_started && !warmup_stage && (time > game_starttime) && br_CheckPlayers())
+ br_Start();
+ if(!br_started)
+ return false;
+ if(autocvar_g_br_supply_interval > 0 && time - br_event_supply_time >= autocvar_g_br_supply_interval)
+ {
+ br_event_supply_time = time;
+ spawn_supply();
+ }
+ if(autocvar_g_br_vehicle_interval > 0 && time - br_event_vehicle_time >= autocvar_g_br_vehicle_interval)
+ {
+ br_event_vehicle_time = time;
+ spawn_vehicle();
+ }
+ if(ring)
+ {
+ float current_radius = ring_calculate_current_radius(ring);
+ IL_EACH(g_items, it.bot_pickup, {
+ if(vdist(it.origin - ring.origin, >, current_radius))
+ it.bot_pickup = false;
+ });
+ }
+void(entity this) havocbot_role_br_reviving;
+void(entity this) havocbot_role_br_generic;
+bool squad_needs_revive(entity this)
+ for(entity member = this.br_squad.br_squad_first; member; member = member.br_squad_next)
+ {
+ if(IS_DEAD(member) || !IS_PLAYER(member))
+ continue;
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, member))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool br_bot_ignore_in_ring(entity this)
+ if(!ring)
+ return false;
+ if(vlen(this.origin - ring.origin) > ring_calculate_current_radius(ring))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void havocbot_goalrating_br_findplayers(entity this, float ratingscale)
+ if(!IN_SQUAD(this))
+ return;
+ for(entity member = this.br_squad.br_squad_first; member; member = member.br_squad_next)
+ {
+ if(IS_DEAD(member) || !IS_PLAYER(member) || (member == this))
+ continue;
+ // either wants to be revived by another player or wants to revive another player
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, member) != STAT(BLEEDING, this))
+ navigation_routerating(this, member, ratingscale, 100000);
+ }
+void havocbot_role_br_reviving(entity this)
+ if(IS_DEAD(this))
+ return;
+ if(!squad_needs_revive(this))
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE("changing role to generic");
+ this.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_br_generic;
+ navigation_goalrating_timeout_force(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ navigation_goalrating_start(this);
+ havocbot_goalrating_br_findplayers(this, 20000);
+ navigation_goalrating_end(this);
+void havocbot_role_br_generic(entity this)
+ if(IS_DEAD(this))
+ return;
+ if(squad_needs_revive(this))
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE("changing role to reviving");
+ this.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_br_reviving;
+ return;
+ }
+ havocbot_role_generic(this);
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(br, HavocBot_ChooseRole)
+ entity bot = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ if(!IS_DEAD(bot))
+ bot.havocbot_role = havocbot_role_br_generic;
+ return true;
+float br_CalculatePlayerDropAngle(entity this)
+ if(this.velocity.z < 0)
+ {
+ float dropspeed_xy = vlen(vec2(this.velocity));
+ float dropspeed_z = fabs(this.velocity.z);
+ return 90 - atan(dropspeed_xy / dropspeed_z) * RAD2DEG;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool br_PositionDropMember(entity this, entity leader, int position, float disconnect_range) {
+ float pl_mins = min(leader.mins.x, leader.mins.y);
+ float pl_maxs = max(leader.maxs.x, leader.maxs.y);
+ vector member_offset;
+ member_offset.x = cos((leader.angles.y + 90) * DEG2RAD);
+ member_offset.y = sin((leader.angles.y + 90) * DEG2RAD);
+ member_offset.z = 0;
+ member_offset *= pl_maxs - pl_mins + 32; // I hope individual players never get different mins/maxs
+ member_offset *= position;
+ vector member_destination = leader.origin + member_offset;
+ tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, member_destination, MOVE_NORMAL, this);
+ if((trace_fraction < 1) && (disconnect_range >= 0))
+ {
+ if(vlen(member_destination - trace_endpos) > disconnect_range)
+ return false;
+ }
+ setorigin(this, trace_endpos);
+ return true;
+void br_LastPlayerForSquad_Notify(entity squad)
+ entity player = br_SquadFindLastAlive(squad, false);
+ if(player)
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ALONE);
+void br_RemovePlayer(entity player)
+ br_SquadMember_Remove(player);
+ FOREACH_CLIENT((it.br_bleeding_attacker == player) || (it.br_bleeding_inflictor == player), {
+ it.br_bleeding_attacker = it.br_bleeding_inflictor = NULL;
+ });
+void br_Revive(entity player)
+ if(STAT(BLEEDING, player))
+ {
+ Kill_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CPID_BR_DOWN);
+ STAT(BLEEDING, player) = false;
+ }
+ player.flags |= FL_PICKUPITEMS;
+ SetResource(player, RES_HEALTH, start_health * max(autocvar_g_br_revive_health, 0));
+ SetResource(player, RES_ARMOR, 0);
+ STAT(WEAPONS, player) = player.br_wepset_old;
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, player.br_weapon_prev[slot], weaponentity);
+ player.(weaponentity).cnt = player.br_lastweapon_prev[slot];
+ }
+ player.pauseregen_finished = time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen;
+ STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS, player) = 0;
+ player.revival_time = time;
+ WaypointSprite_Kill(player.waypointsprite_attached);
+ br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+int br_WinningCondition()
+ int total_squads = br_SquadUpdateInfo();
+ if ((total_squads > 1) || !br_started)
+ entity winner_squad = NULL;
+ IL_EACH(squads, !it.br_squad_dead, { winner_squad = it; break; });
+ for(entity member = winner_squad.br_squad_first; member; member = member.br_squad_next)
+ {
+ GameRules_scoring_add(member, BR_RANK, 1);
+ member.winning = true;
+ }
+ delete(round_handler);
+ round_handler = NULL;
+ return WINNING_YES;
+bool br_isEliminated(entity e)
+ return (IN_SQUAD(e) && (IS_DEAD(e) || !IS_PLAYER(e)));
+bool br_CheckPlayers()
+ total_players = 0;
+ FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), ++total_players);
+ static int prev_players = 0;
+ if (total_players >= autocvar_g_br_minplayers || total_players == 0)
+ {
+ if(prev_players > 0)
+ prev_players = 0;
+ return (total_players >= autocvar_g_br_minplayers);
+ }
+ if(prev_players != total_players)
+ {
+ Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_MISSING_PLAYERS, autocvar_g_br_minplayers - total_players);
+ prev_players = total_players;
+ }
+ return false;
+void br_Start(){
+ // battle royale does not need those, besides, the timelimit won't be visible anymore after the game started
+ cvar_set("timelimit", "0");
+ cvar_set("fraglimit", "0");
+ cvar_set("leadlimit", "0");
++ reset_map(false);
+ ring = ring_initialize();
+ dropship = dropship_initialize();
+ if(!ring || !dropship)
+ {
+ if(!ring)
+ LOG_WARN("Failed to determine ring starting point");
+ if(!dropship)
+ LOG_WARN("Failed to determine dropship route");
+ LOG_WARN("Prerequisites not met. Cannot start battle royale, aborting...");
+ if(ring)
+ {
+ delete(ring);
+ ring = NULL;
+ }
+ if(dropship)
+ {
+ delete(dropship);
+ dropship = NULL;
+ }
+ NextLevel();
+ return;
+ }
+ br_started = true;
+ int num_players = 0;
+ PutPlayerInServer(it);
+ it.br_wepset_old = STAT(WEAPONS, it);
+ STAT(WEAPONS, it) = '0 0 0';
+ for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ it.br_weapon_prev[slot] = WEP_Null;
+ it.br_lastweapon_prev[slot] = 0;
+ }
+ ++num_players;
+ });
+ if(autocvar_g_br_squad_size >= 1)
+ max_squad_size = min(autocvar_g_br_squad_size, ceil(num_players / 2));
+ else if(autocvar_g_br_squad_size <= -1)
+ max_squad_size = min(-autocvar_g_br_squad_size, floor(num_players / 2));
+ else
+ max_squad_size = floor(num_players / 2);
+ for(int num_squads = 0; (num_squads * max_squad_size) < num_players; ++num_squads)
+ {
+ entity new_squad = new_pure(squad);
+ new_squad.br_squad_drop_leader = NULL;
+ new_squad.br_squad_id = num_squads + 1;
+ IL_PUSH(squads, new_squad);
+ }
+ entity current_squad = br_SquadGetRandomAvail();
+ br_SquadMember_Add(current_squad, it);
+ GameRules_scoring_add(it, BR_SQUAD, current_squad.br_squad_id);
+ setorigin(it, dropship.origin + eZ * (dropship.mins.z - it.maxs.z - 64));
+ it.angles = vectoangles(dropship_path_direction) + '45 0 0';
+ it.fixangle = true;
+ it.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ set_movetype(it, MOVETYPE_FLY);
+ it.flags &= ~FL_PICKUPITEMS;
+ it.flags |= FL_NOTARGET;
+ it.dphitcontentsmask &= ~DPCONTENTS_BODY;
+ it.br_alpha_old = it.alpha;
+ it.alpha = -1;
+ it.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ it.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ it.br_drop_instructions = false;
+ it.br_drop_launch = 0;
+ UNSET_ONGROUND(it); // otherwise this isn't unset if the player drops in the same frame
+ WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_BRAlly, 0, 0, it, '0 0 64', NULL, 0, it, br_allywaypoint, true, RADARICON_WAYPOINT);
+ });
+ squads_colored = autocvar_g_br_squad_colors;
+ {
+ br_SendSquad(it);
+ STAT(SQUADCOLORS, it) = squads_colored;
+ });
+ int squad_colors_taken = 0;
+ const int squad_colors_num = 6; // there are 6 colors which look distinct enough
+ const int squad_colors_taken_mask = 2 ** squad_colors_num - 1;
+ IL_EACH(squads, true,
+ {
+ if(squads_colored)
+ {
+ float squad_color = 0;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ squad_color = floor(random() * squad_colors_num);
+ int squad_color_bit = 1 << squad_color;
+ if(!(squad_color_bit & squad_colors_taken))
+ {
+ squad_colors_taken |= squad_color_bit;
+ // only select easily distinguishable colors
+ switch(squad_color)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ squad_color = 0;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ squad_color = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ squad_color = 3;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ squad_color = 5;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ squad_color = 9;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ squad_color = 12;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(squad_colors_taken == squad_colors_taken_mask)
+ squad_colors_taken = 0;
+ squad_color = 16 * squad_color + squad_color;
+ for(entity member = it.br_squad_first; member; member = member.br_squad_next)
+ {
+ member.clientcolors = 1024 + squad_color;
+ }
+ }
+ it.br_drop_time = time;
+ float min_distance = max(autocvar_g_br_drop_distance_force, 0);
+ if(!br_SquadIsBotsOnly(it))
+ it.br_force_drop_distance = min_distance;
+ else
+ it.br_force_drop_distance = min_distance + random() * max(dropship_path_length - (min_distance + dropship_speed * br_drop_time_secs), 0);
+ });
+ br_event_supply_time = br_event_vehicle_time = time;
+void br_Initialize()
+ br_started = false;
+ squads_colored = autocvar_g_br_squad_colors;
+ EliminatedPlayers_Init(br_isEliminated);