set bot_ai_bunnyhop_firstjumpdelay 0.5 "Start running to the goal only if it was seen for more than N seconds"\r
set bot_ai_vore_decide_pred 4 "How fast bots decide what to do with their prey, at lowest skill"\r
set bot_ai_vore_decide_prey 4 "How fast bots decide what to do with their predator, at lowest skill"\r
-set bot_ai_vore_decide_giveuphealth 50 "If a bot is inside the stomach, having less than this amount of health causes them to give up and trigger digestion, at lowest skill"\r
set bot_ai_vore_decide_fear 2 "How much bots will fear players more powerful than them, and therefore avoid them in some situations"\r
set bot_god 0 "god mode for bots"\r
set bot_ai_navigation_jetpack 0 "Enable bots to navigat maps using the jetpack"\r
// Prey bot behavior:
// --------------------------------
- // all we can do in the stomach is either kick and do some damage or trigger the predator's digestion when there's no chance to escape
+ // all we can do in the stomach is kick and do some damage / try to escape
if(self.eater.classname == "player" && time > self.decide_delay2)
// the higher the skill, the more the bot will kick in your stomack
if( != // if someone from the same team somehow made it in the belly, don't kick the eater
self.BUTTON_ATCK = TRUE; // kick
- // if the bot's health is smaller than this, the bot gives up and triggers your digestion upon them
- // the higher the skill, the harder the bot will give up
- else if( < cvar("bot_ai_vore_decide_giveuphealth") / (skill + 1) && !self.eater.digesting)
- if not(self.eater.digesting) // already happening so don't bother
- self.BUTTON_ATCK2 = TRUE; // trigger digestion
- self.decide_delay2 = time + decide_prey; // time before the bot decides what to do with their predator
+ self.decide_delay2 = time + decide_prey; // time before the bot decides what to do with their predator
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