rpn 0.1 $rpn_sRGB_to_linear
exec sRGB-disable.cfg
vid_sRGB_fallback 2
r_hdr_glowintensity 1
+#define Image_LinearFloatFromsRGBFloat(c) (((c) <= 0.04045f) ? (c) * (1.0f / 12.92f) : (float)pow(((c) + 0.055f)*(1.0f/1.055f), 2.4f))
+set rpn_sRGB_to_linear "dup 0.055 add 1.055 div 2.4 pow exch 12.92 div dup 0.0031308 gt when"
+#define Image_sRGBFloatFromLinearFloat(c) (((c) < 0.0031308f) ? (c) * 12.92f : 1.055f * (float)pow((c), 1.0f/2.4f) - 0.055f)
+set rpn_linear_to_sRGB "dup 1.0 2.4 div pow 1.055 mul 0.055 sub exch 12.92 mul dup 0.04045 ge when"
// these settings determine how much the view is affected by movement/damage
cl_smoothviewheight 0.05 // time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition for crouching and such. 0 for instant transition
float rpn_getf() { return stof(rpn_get()); }
float rpn_popf() { return stof(rpn_pop()); }
-void rpn_pushf(float f) { return rpn_push(ftos(f)); }
-void rpn_setf(float f) { return rpn_set(ftos(f)); }
+void rpn_pushf(float f) { return rpn_push(sprintf("%.9g", f)); }
+void rpn_setf(float f) { return rpn_set(sprintf("%.9g", f)); }
void GenericCommand_rpn(float request, float argc, string command)