+typedef struct lightmaplight_s
+ float origin[3];
+ float radius;
+ float iradius;
+ float radius2;
+ float color[3];
lightmaptriangle_t *mod_generatelightmaps_lightmaptriangles;
static int mod_generatelightmaps_numoffsets[3];
static float mod_generatelightmaps_offsets[3][MAX_LIGHTMAPSAMPLES][3];
-extern void R_SampleRTLights(const float *pos, float *sample, int numoffsets, const float *offsets);
+static int mod_generatelightmaps_numlights;
+static lightmaplight_t *mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo;
+extern int R_Shadow_GetRTLightInfo(unsigned int lightindex, float *origin, float *radius, float *color);
+static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateLights(dp_model_t *model)
+ int index;
+ int result;
+ lightmaplight_t *lightinfo;
+ float origin[3];
+ float radius;
+ float color[3];
+ mod_generatelightmaps_numlights = 0;
+ for (index = 0;;index++)
+ {
+ result = R_Shadow_GetRTLightInfo(index, origin, &radius, color);
+ if (result < 0)
+ break;
+ if (result > 0)
+ mod_generatelightmaps_numlights++;
+ }
+ if (mod_generatelightmaps_numlights > 0)
+ {
+ mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, mod_generatelightmaps_numlights * sizeof(*mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo));
+ lightinfo = mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo;
+ for (index = 0;;index++)
+ {
+ result = R_Shadow_GetRTLightInfo(index, lightinfo->origin, &lightinfo->radius, lightinfo->color);
+ if (result < 0)
+ break;
+ if (result > 0)
+ lightinfo++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (index = 0, lightinfo = mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo;index < mod_generatelightmaps_numlights;index++, lightinfo++)
+ {
+ lightinfo->iradius = 1.0f / lightinfo->radius;
+ lightinfo->radius2 = lightinfo->radius * lightinfo->radius;
+ // TODO: compute svbsp
+ }
+static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_DestroyLights(dp_model_t *model)
+ if (mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo)
+ Mem_Free(mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo);
+ mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo = NULL;
+ mod_generatelightmaps_numlights = 0;
+extern cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias;
+extern cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale;
static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_SamplePoint(const float *pos, float *sample, int numoffsets, const float *offsets)
int i;
+ float relativepoint[3];
+ float color[3];
+ float offsetpos[3];
+ float dist;
+ float dist2;
+ float intensity;
+ trace_t trace;
+ int offsetindex;
+ int hits;
+ int tests;
+ const lightmaplight_t *lightinfo;
for (i = 0;i < 5*3;i++)
sample[i] = 0.0f;
- R_SampleRTLights(pos, sample, numoffsets, offsets);
+ for (i = 0, lightinfo = mod_generatelightmaps_lightinfo;i < mod_generatelightmaps_numlights;i++, lightinfo++)
+ {
+ //R_SampleRTLights(pos, sample, numoffsets, offsets);
+ VectorSubtract(lightinfo->origin, pos, relativepoint);
+ dist2 = VectorLength2(relativepoint);
+ if (dist2 >= lightinfo->radius2)
+ continue;
+ dist = sqrt(dist2) * lightinfo->iradius;
+ intensity = dist < 1 ? ((1.0f - dist) * r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale.value / (r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias.value + dist*dist)) : 0;
+ if (intensity <= 0)
+ continue;
+ if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->TraceLine && numoffsets > 0)
+ {
+ hits = 0;
+ tests = 0;
+ for (offsetindex = 0;offsetindex < numoffsets;offsetindex++)
+ {
+ // test line of sight through the collision system (slow)
+ VectorAdd(pos, offsets + 3*offsetindex, offsetpos);
+ cl.worldmodel->TraceLine(cl.worldmodel, NULL, NULL, &trace, pos, offsetpos, SUPERCONTENTS_VISBLOCKERMASK);
+ // don't count samples that start in solid
+ if (trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < 1)
+ continue;
+ tests++;
+ cl.worldmodel->TraceLine(cl.worldmodel, NULL, NULL, &trace, offsetpos, lightinfo->origin, SUPERCONTENTS_VISBLOCKERMASK);
+ if (trace.fraction == 1)
+ hits++;
+ }
+ if (!hits)
+ continue;
+ // scale intensity according to how many rays succeeded
+ intensity *= (float)hits / tests;
+ }
+ // scale down intensity to add to both ambient and diffuse
+ intensity *= 0.5f;
+ VectorNormalize(relativepoint);
+ VectorScale(lightinfo->color, intensity, color);
+ VectorMA(sample , 1.0f , color, sample );
+ VectorMA(sample + 3, relativepoint[0], color, sample + 3);
+ VectorMA(sample + 6, relativepoint[1], color, sample + 6);
+ VectorMA(sample + 9, relativepoint[2], color, sample + 9);
+ intensity *= VectorLength(color);
+ VectorMA(sample + 12, intensity, relativepoint, sample + 12);
+ }
static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_LightmapSample(const float *pos, const float *normal, unsigned char *lm_bgr, unsigned char *lm_dir)
-static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_CreateLights(dp_model_t *model)
-static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_DestroyLights(dp_model_t *model)
static void Mod_GenerateLightmaps_DestroyLightmaps(dp_model_t *model)
msurface_t *surface;
pixeloffset = ((triangle->lightmapindex * lm_texturesize + y + triangle->lmoffset[1]) * lm_texturesize + triangle->lmoffset[0]) * 4;
for (x = 0;x < triangle->lmsize[0];x++, pixeloffset += 4)
- samplecenter[axis1] = x*lmiscale[0] + triangle->lmbase[0];
- samplecenter[axis2] = y*lmiscale[1] + triangle->lmbase[1];
+ samplecenter[axis1] = (x+0.5f)*lmiscale[0] + triangle->lmbase[0];
+ samplecenter[axis2] = (y+0.5f)*lmiscale[1] + triangle->lmbase[1];
samplecenter[axis] = samplecenter[axis1]*slopex + samplecenter[axis2]*slopey + slopebase;
VectorMA(samplecenter, 0.125f, samplenormal, samplecenter);
Mod_GenerateLightmaps_LightmapSample(samplecenter, samplenormal, lightmappixels + pixeloffset, deluxemappixels + pixeloffset);
R_MeshQueue_AddTransparent(r_editlights_cursorlocation, R_Shadow_DrawCursor_TransparentCallback, NULL, 0, NULL);
-void R_SampleRTLights(const float *pos, float *sample, int numoffsets, const float *offsets)
+int R_Shadow_GetRTLightInfo(unsigned int lightindex, float *origin, float *radius, float *color)
- int flag;
- size_t lightindex;
+ unsigned int range;
dlight_t *light;
rtlight_t *rtlight;
- size_t range;
- vec3_t relativepoint;
- vec3_t localpoint;
- vec3_t color;
- vec3_t offsetpos;
- vec_t dist;
- vec_t intensity;
- trace_t trace;
- int offsetindex;
- int hits;
- int tests;
range = Mem_ExpandableArray_IndexRange(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray);
- for (lightindex = 0;lightindex < range;lightindex++)
- {
- light = (dlight_t *) Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray, lightindex);
- if (!light)
- continue;
- rtlight = &light->rtlight;
- if (!(rtlight->flags & flag))
- continue;
- VectorSubtract(rtlight->shadoworigin, pos, relativepoint);
- // early out
- if (VectorLength2(relativepoint) >= rtlight->radius*rtlight->radius)
- continue;
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&rtlight->matrix_worldtolight, pos, localpoint);
- dist = VectorLength(localpoint);
- intensity = dist < 1 ? ((1.0f - dist) * r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale.value / (r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias.value + dist*dist)) : 0;
- if (intensity <= 0)
- continue;
- if (cl.worldmodel && cl.worldmodel->TraceLine && numoffsets > 0)
- {
- hits = 0;
- tests = 0;
- for (offsetindex = 0;offsetindex < numoffsets;offsetindex++)
- {
- // test line of sight through the collision system (slow)
- VectorAdd(pos, offsets + 3*offsetindex, offsetpos);
- cl.worldmodel->TraceLine(cl.worldmodel, NULL, NULL, &trace, pos, offsetpos, SUPERCONTENTS_VISBLOCKERMASK);
- if (trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < 1)
- continue;
- cl.worldmodel->TraceLine(cl.worldmodel, NULL, NULL, &trace, offsetpos, rtlight->shadoworigin, SUPERCONTENTS_VISBLOCKERMASK);
- // don't count samples that start in solid
- if (trace.startsolid)
- continue;
- tests++;
- if (trace.fraction == 1)
- hits++;
- }
- if (!hits)
- continue;
- // scale intensity according to how many rays succeeded
- intensity *= (float)hits / tests;
- }
- // scale down intensity to add to both ambient and diffuse
- intensity *= 0.5f;
- VectorNormalize(relativepoint);
- VectorScale(rtlight->color, intensity, color);
- VectorMA(sample , 1.0f , color, sample );
- VectorMA(sample + 3, relativepoint[0], color, sample + 3);
- VectorMA(sample + 6, relativepoint[1], color, sample + 6);
- VectorMA(sample + 9, relativepoint[2], color, sample + 9);
- intensity *= VectorLength(color);
- VectorMA(sample + 12, intensity, relativepoint, sample + 12);
- }
+ if (lightindex >= range)
+ return -1;
+ light = (dlight_t *) Mem_ExpandableArray_RecordAtIndex(&r_shadow_worldlightsarray, lightindex);
+ if (!light)
+ return 0;
+ rtlight = &light->rtlight;
+ //if (!(rtlight->flags & flag))
+ // return 0;
+ VectorCopy(rtlight->shadoworigin, origin);
+ *radius = rtlight->radius;
+ VectorCopy(rtlight->color, color);
+ return 1;
void R_Shadow_SelectLightInView(void)