set developer_shtest 0 "experimental speedhack detection"
set waypoint_benchmark 0 "quit after waypoint loading to benchmark bot navigation code"
set g_debug_bot_commands 0 "print scripted bot commands before executing"
+set g_debug_defaultsounds 0 "always use default sounds"
// debug cvars for keyhunt attaching
set _angles "0 0 0"
float autocvar_welcome_message_time;
float autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate;
float autocvar_g_trueaim_minrange;
+float autocvar_g_debug_defaultsounds;
self.skinindex_for_playersound = self.skinindex;
LoadPlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds", 1);
- if(!LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(self.model, self.skinindex, "sounds"), 0))
- LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(self.model, 0, "sounds"), 0);
+ if(!autocvar_g_debug_defaultsounds)
+ if(!LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(self.model, self.skinindex, "sounds"), 0))
+ LoadPlayerSounds(get_model_datafilename(self.model, 0, "sounds"), 0);
void FakeGlobalSound(string sample, float chan, float voicetype)
// TODO implemented fall and falling
_VOICEMSG(death) \
- _VOICEMSG(fall) \
_VOICEMSG(drown) \
+ _VOICEMSG(fall) \
+ _VOICEMSG(fall) \
+ _VOICEMSG(falling) \
_VOICEMSG(gasp) \
_VOICEMSG(jump) \
+ _VOICEMSG(pain100) \
_VOICEMSG(pain25) \
_VOICEMSG(pain50) \
- _VOICEMSG(pain75) \
- _VOICEMSG(pain100)
+ _VOICEMSG(pain75)
_VOICEMSG(attack) \
_VOICEMSG(attackinfive) \
+ _VOICEMSG(coverme) \
+ _VOICEMSG(defend) \
+ _VOICEMSG(freelance) \
+ _VOICEMSG(incoming) \
_VOICEMSG(meet) \
+ _VOICEMSG(needhelp) \
_VOICEMSG(seenflag) \
_VOICEMSG(taunt) \
#undef _VOICEMSG
-// reserved sound names for the future (models lack sounds for them):
+// reserved sound names for the future (some models lack sounds for them):
+// _VOICEMSG(flagcarriertakingdamage) \
+// _VOICEMSG(getflag) \
+// reserved sound names for the future (ALL models lack sounds for them):
// _VOICEMSG(affirmative) \
// _VOICEMSG(attacking) \
// _VOICEMSG(defending) \
// _VOICEMSG(roaming) \
// _VOICEMSG(onmyway) \
// _VOICEMSG(droppedflag) \
-// _VOICEMSG(flagcarriertakingdamage) \
// _VOICEMSG(negative) \
// _VOICEMSG(seenenemy) \
-// _VOICEMSG(fall) \
-// _VOICEMSG(getflag) \
-// _VOICEMSG(incoming) \
-// _VOICEMSG(coverme) \
-// _VOICEMSG(needhelp) \
-// _VOICEMSG(defend) \
-// _VOICEMSG(freelance) \
-// _VOICEMSG(falling) \
string globalsound_fall;
string globalsound_metalfall;
-//affirmative sound/player/torus/coms/affirmative 0
-attack sound/player/torus/coms/attack 0
-//attacking sound/player/torus/coms/attacking 0
-attackinfive sound/player/torus/coms/letsgo 0
-coverme sound/player/torus/coms/coverme 0
-//defend sound/player/torus/coms/defend 1
-//defending sound/player/torus/coms/defending 0
-//droppedflag sound/player/torus/coms/droppedflag 0
-//flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/torus/coms/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
-//freelance sound/player/torus/coms/freelance 1
-//getflag sound/player/torus/coms/getflag 0
-incoming sound/player/torus/coms/incoming 0
-meet sound/player/torus/coms/waypoint 0
-needhelp sound/player/torus/coms/needhelp 0
-//negative sound/player/torus/coms/negative 0
-//onmyway sound/player/torus/coms/onmyway 0
-//roaming sound/player/torus/coms/roaming 0
-//seenenemy sound/player/torus/coms/seenenemy 0
-seenflag sound/player/torus/coms/seenflag 0
-taunt sound/player/torus/coms/taunt 2
-teamshoot sound/player/torus/coms/teamshoot 0
-death sound/player/torus/player/death 0
-drown sound/player/torus/player/drown 0
-//fall sound/player/torus/player/fall 0
-//falling sound/debug/v_falling 0
-gasp sound/player/torus/player/gasp 0
-jump sound/player/torus/player/fall 0
-pain25 sound/player/torus/player/pain25 0
-pain50 sound/player/torus/player/pain50 0
-pain75 sound/player/torus/player/pain75 0
-pain100 sound/player/torus/player/pain100 0
+affirmative sound/player/espeak/coms/affirmative 0
+attack sound/player/espeak/coms/attack 0
+attacking sound/player/espeak/coms/attacking 0
+attackinfive sound/player/espeak/coms/attackinfive 0
+coverme sound/player/espeak/coms/coverme 0
+defend sound/player/espeak/coms/defend 0
+defending sound/player/espeak/coms/defending 0
+droppedflag sound/player/espeak/coms/droppedflag 0
+flagcarriertakingdamage sound/player/espeak/coms/flagcarriertakingdamage 0
+freelance sound/player/espeak/coms/freelance 0
+getflag sound/player/espeak/coms/getflag 0
+incoming sound/player/espeak/coms/incoming 0
+meet sound/player/espeak/coms/meet 0
+needhelp sound/player/espeak/coms/needhelp 0
+negative sound/player/espeak/coms/negative 0
+onmyway sound/player/espeak/coms/onmyway 0
+roaming sound/player/espeak/coms/roaming 0
+seenenemy sound/player/espeak/coms/seenenemy 0
+seenflag sound/player/espeak/coms/seenflag 0
+taunt sound/player/espeak/coms/taunt 0
+teamshoot sound/player/espeak/coms/teamshoot 0
+death sound/player/espeak/player/death 0
+drown sound/player/espeak/player/drown 0
+fall sound/player/espeak/player/fall 0
+falling sound/player/espeak/player/falling 0
+gasp sound/player/espeak/player/gasp 0
+jump sound/player/espeak/player/jump 0
+pain25 sound/player/espeak/player/pain25 0
+pain50 sound/player/espeak/player/pain50 0
+pain75 sound/player/espeak/player/pain75 0
+pain100 sound/player/espeak/player/pain100 0
--- /dev/null
+ espeak -w "$1.wav" "$2"
+ normalize "$1.wav"
+ oggenc -q1 "$1.wav" -o "$1.ogg"
+ rm -f "$1.wav"
+v player/death "Mine Leyben!"
+v player/fall "Ooh!"
+v player/drown "Gloog gloog gloog!"
+v player/gasp "Ha!"
+v player/jump "Hem!"
+v player/pain25 "Owowowow!"
+v player/pain50 "Owow!"
+v player/pain75 "Ouuu!"
+v player/pain100 "Ouch!"
+v player/fall "Arh!"
+v player/falling "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
+v coms/attack "Attack!"
+v coms/attackinfive "Attack in 5! In 4! In 3! In 2! In 1! Attack NOW!"
+v coms/meet "Let's meet at the waypoint."
+v coms/seenflag "I've seen the flag!"
+v coms/taunt "Double facepalm!"
+v coms/teamshoot "I'm on your team!"
+v coms/incoming "Incoming!"
+v coms/coverme "Cover me!"
+v coms/needhelp "I need help!"
+v coms/defend "Defend the base!"
+v coms/freelance "Do whatever you want."
+v coms/flagcarriertakingdamage "Our flag carrier is taking damage!"
+v coms/getflag "Somebody get our flag back!"
+v coms/affirmative "Affirmative."
+v coms/attacking "I'm attacking."
+v coms/defending "I'm defending."
+v coms/roaming "I'm roaming around."
+v coms/onmyway "I'm on my way."
+v coms/droppedflag "I dropped the flag!"
+v coms/negative "Negative."
+v coms/seenenemy "I've seen an enemy."