'_./build.sh_' compiles all repository code using gmqcc if already downloaded from '_./update.sh_', looks inside '_mod_' folder the similar contents of '_xonotic-data.pk3dir/qcsrc_' where there are: '_client_', '_common_', '_menu_' and '_server_' folders.
-What it does is relate the directory path to the submodule '_xonotic_' directory inside the '_qcsrc_' folder. Thanks to this, it makes it possible to look at the '_mod_' folder having to relate the submodule directory '_xonotic/qcsrc_'.
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+What this does is relate the directory path to the submodule '_xonotic_' directory inside the '_qcsrc_' folder. Thanks to this, makes possible to look at the '_mod_' folder having to relate the submodule directory '_xonotic/qcsrc_'.
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