(unsigned) mapidx);
// create a cachepic_t from the data now, or reuse an existing one
- map->pic = Draw_CachePic_Flags(map_identifier, CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET);
if (developer_font.integer)
- {
- if (!Draw_IsPicLoaded(map->pic))
- Con_Printf("Generating font map %s (size: %.1f MB)\n", map_identifier, mapstart->glyphSize * (256 * 4 / 1048576.0) * mapstart->glyphSize);
- else
- Con_Printf("Using cached font map %s (size: %.1f MB)\n", map_identifier, mapstart->glyphSize * (256 * 4 / 1048576.0) * mapstart->glyphSize);
- }
+ Con_Printf("Generating font map %s (size: %.1f MB)\n", map_identifier, mapstart->glyphSize * (256 * 4 / 1048576.0) * mapstart->glyphSize);
Font_Postprocess(font, NULL, 0, bytesPerPixel, mapstart->size*2, mapstart->size*2, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
map->sfy = mapstart->sfy;
pitch = map->glyphSize * FONT_CHARS_PER_LINE * bytesPerPixel;
- if (!Draw_IsPicLoaded(map->pic))
+ data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(font_mempool, (FONT_CHAR_LINES * map->glyphSize) * pitch);
+ if (!data)
- data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(font_mempool, (FONT_CHAR_LINES * map->glyphSize) * pitch);
- if (!data)
- {
- Con_Printf("ERROR: Failed to allocate memory for font %s size %g\n", font->name, map->size);
- Mem_Free(map);
- return false;
- }
- // initialize as white texture with zero alpha
- tp = 0;
- while (tp < (FONT_CHAR_LINES * map->glyphSize) * pitch)
+ Con_Printf("ERROR: Failed to allocate memory for font %s size %g\n", font->name, map->size);
+ Mem_Free(map);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // initialize as white texture with zero alpha
+ tp = 0;
+ while (tp < (FONT_CHAR_LINES * map->glyphSize) * pitch)
+ {
+ if (bytesPerPixel == 4)
- if (bytesPerPixel == 4)
- {
- data[tp++] = 0xFF;
- data[tp++] = 0xFF;
- data[tp++] = 0xFF;
- }
- data[tp++] = 0x00;
+ data[tp++] = 0xFF;
+ data[tp++] = 0xFF;
+ data[tp++] = 0xFF;
+ data[tp++] = 0x00;
memset(map->width_of, 0, sizeof(map->width_of));
map->glyphs[mapch].image = false;
- if (!Draw_IsPicLoaded(map->pic))
int w = map->glyphSize * FONT_CHARS_PER_LINE;
int h = map->glyphSize * FONT_CHAR_LINES;
// update the pic returned by Draw_CachePic_Flags earlier to contain our texture
- Draw_NewPic(map_identifier, w, h, data, r_font_use_alpha_textures.integer ? TEXTYPE_ALPHA : TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALPHA | (r_font_compress.integer > 0 ? TEXF_COMPRESS : 0));
+ map->pic = Draw_NewPic(map_identifier, w, h, data, r_font_use_alpha_textures.integer ? TEXTYPE_ALPHA : TEXTYPE_RGBA, TEXF_ALPHA | (r_font_compress.integer > 0 ? TEXF_COMPRESS : 0));
if (r_font_diskcache.integer >= 1)
pic->lastusedframe = draw_frame;
// load high quality image (this falls back to low quality too)
- pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(pic->name, texflags, (cachepicflags & CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET) == 0, (cachepicflags & CACHEPICFLAG_FAILONMISSING) == 0);
+ pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(pic->name, texflags | TEXF_FORCE_RELOAD, (cachepicflags & CACHEPICFLAG_QUIET) == 0, (cachepicflags & CACHEPICFLAG_FAILONMISSING) == 0);
// get the dimensions of the image we loaded (if it was successful)
if (pic->skinframe && pic->skinframe->base)
if (pic == NULL)
return false;
if (pic->autoload && (!pic->skinframe || !pic->skinframe->base))
- pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(pic->name, pic->texflags, false, true);
+ pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(pic->name, pic->texflags | TEXF_FORCE_RELOAD, false, true);
// skinframe will only be NULL if the pic was created with CACHEPICFLAG_FAILONMISSING and not found
return pic->skinframe != NULL && pic->skinframe->base != NULL;
if (pic == NULL)
return NULL;
if (pic->autoload && (!pic->skinframe || !pic->skinframe->base))
- pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(pic->name, pic->texflags, false, true);
+ pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(pic->name, pic->texflags | TEXF_FORCE_RELOAD, false, true);
pic->lastusedframe = draw_frame;
return pic->skinframe ? pic->skinframe->base : NULL;
pic->flags |= (texflags & TEXF_FORCENEAREST) ? CACHEPICFLAG_NEAREST : 0;
pic->width = width;
pic->height = height;
- pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(picname, texflags, pixels_bgra, width, height, vid.sRGB2D);
+ pic->skinframe = R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(picname, texflags | TEXF_FORCE_RELOAD, pixels_bgra, width, height, vid.sRGB2D);
pic->lastusedframe = draw_frame;
return pic;
void R_SkinFrame_PurgeSkinFrame(skinframe_t *s)
+ if (s == NULL)
+ return;
if (s->merged == s->base)
s->merged = NULL;
R_PurgeTexture(s->stain); s->stain = NULL;
// return an existing skinframe if already loaded
// if loading of the first image fails, don't make a new skinframe as it
// would cause all future lookups of this to be missing
- skinframe = R_SkinFrame_Find(name, textureflags, 0, 0, 0, false);
+ skinframe = R_SkinFrame_Find(name, textureflags, 0, 0, -1, false);
if (skinframe && skinframe->base)
return skinframe;