float RadiusDamage_running;
-float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+float RadiusDamageForSource (entity inflictor, vector inflictororigin, vector inflictorvelocity, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float inflictorselfdamage, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
// Returns total damage applies to creatures
entity targ;
- vector blastorigin;
vector force;
float total_damage_to_creatures;
entity next;
tfloordmg = autocvar_g_throughfloor_damage;
tfloorforce = autocvar_g_throughfloor_force;
- blastorigin = (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5);
total_damage_to_creatures = 0;
if(deathtype != (WEP_HOOK | HITTYPE_SECONDARY | HITTYPE_BOUNCE)) // only send gravity bomb damage once
if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) != WEP_TUBA) // do not send tuba damage (bandwidth hog)
- force = inflictor.velocity;
+ force = inflictorvelocity;
if(vlen(force) == 0)
force = '0 0 -1';
force = normalize(force);
if(forceintensity >= 0)
- Damage_DamageInfo(blastorigin, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, forceintensity * force, deathtype, 0, attacker);
+ Damage_DamageInfo(inflictororigin, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, forceintensity * force, deathtype, 0, attacker);
- Damage_DamageInfo(blastorigin, coredamage, edgedamage, -rad, (-forceintensity) * force, deathtype, 0, attacker);
+ Damage_DamageInfo(inflictororigin, coredamage, edgedamage, -rad, (-forceintensity) * force, deathtype, 0, attacker);
stat_damagedone = 0;
- targ = WarpZone_FindRadius (blastorigin, rad + MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, FALSE);
+ targ = WarpZone_FindRadius (inflictororigin, rad + MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, FALSE);
while (targ)
next = targ.chain;
- if (targ != inflictor)
+ if ((targ != inflictor) || inflictorselfdamage)
if (ignore != targ) if(targ.takedamage)
vector nearest;
vector myblastorigin;
vector center;
- myblastorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(targ, blastorigin);
+ myblastorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(targ, inflictororigin);
// if it's a player, use the view origin as reference
if (targ.classname == "player")
for(c = 0; c < total; ++c)
//traceline(targ.WarpZone_findradius_findorigin, nearest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
- WarpZone_TraceLine(blastorigin, WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(targ, nearest), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(inflictororigin, WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(targ, nearest), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_ent == targ)
return total_damage_to_creatures;
+float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+ return RadiusDamageForSource (inflictor, (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5), inflictor.velocity, attacker, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, ignore, FALSE, forceintensity, deathtype, directhitentity);
.float fire_damagepersec;
.float fire_endtime;
.float fire_deathtype;
void W_Laser_Shockwave (void)
- float sc;
- float ammoamount;
- float bullets;
- float d;
- float f;
- float spread;
- float bulletspeed;
- float bulletconstant;
- entity flash;
- ammoamount = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo;
- bullets = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets;
- d = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage;
- f = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_force;
- spread = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread;
- bulletspeed = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_speed;
- bulletconstant = autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_primary_bulletconstant;
- W_DecreaseAmmo(ammo_shells, ammoamount, autocvar_g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo);
- W_SetupShot (self, autocvar_g_antilag_bullets && bulletspeed >= autocvar_g_antilag_bullets, 5, "weapons/lasergun_fire.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, d * bullets);
- for (sc = 0;sc < bullets;sc = sc + 1)
- fireBallisticBullet(w_shotorg, w_shotdir, spread, bulletspeed, 5, d, 0, f, WEP_LASER, 0, 1, bulletconstant);
- endFireBallisticBullet();
- pointparticles(particleeffectnum("laser_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
- // muzzle flash for 1st person view
- /*flash = spawn();
- setmodel(flash, "models/uziflash.md3"); // precision set below
- flash.think = SUB_Remove;
- flash.nextthink = time + 0.06;
- W_AttachToShotorg(flash, '5 0 0');*/
+ // declarations
+ float final_damage, final_spread;
+ entity head, next;
+ vector nearest, attack_endpos, angle_to_head, angle_to_attack, final_force;
+ // set up the shot direction
+ vector wanted_shot_direction = (v_forward * cos(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle * DEG2RAD) + v_up * sin(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle * DEG2RAD));
+ W_SetupShot_Dir(self, wanted_shot_direction, FALSE, 3, "weapons/lasergun_fire.wav", CH_WEAPON_B, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage);
+ vector targpos = (w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_jumpradius));
+ // trace to see if this is a self jump
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, targpos, FALSE, self);
+ //te_lightning2(world, targpos, w_shotorg);
+ if(trace_fraction < 1) // Yes, it is a close range jump
+ {
+ RadiusDamageForSource(self, trace_endpos, '0 0 0', self, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_jumpradius, world, TRUE, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force, WEP_LASER, world);
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("laser_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
+ }
+ else // No, it's a mid range attack
+ {
+ // find out what i'm pointing at
+ targpos = (w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius));
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, targpos, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
+ te_lightning2(world, trace_endpos, w_shotorg);
+ attack_endpos = trace_endpos;
+ //total_attack_range = vlen(w_shotorg - trace_endpos);
+ // now figure out if I hit anything...
+ head = WarpZone_FindRadius(attack_endpos, vlen(w_shotorg - trace_endpos) + MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, FALSE);
+ while(head)
+ {
+ next = head.chain;
+ if((head != self) && (head.takedamage))
+ {
+ // is it in range of the attack?
+ nearest = WarpZoneLib_NearestPointOnBox(head.origin + head.mins, head.origin + head.maxs, w_shotorg);
+ if(vlen(w_shotorg - nearest) <= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius)
+ {
+ // is it within the limit of the spread?
+ nearest = head.WarpZone_findradius_nearest;
+ angle_to_head = normalize(nearest - w_shotorg);
+ angle_to_attack = w_shotdir;
+ final_spread = vlen(angle_to_head - angle_to_attack);
+ if(final_spread <= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread)
+ {
+ // is it visible to the weapon?
+ //WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, nearest, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
+ //if(trace_fraction == 1)
+ //{
+ // finally lets do some damage bitches!
+ if(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread)
+ final_damage = (final_spread / autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread);
+ else
+ final_damage = 1;
+ final_force = (normalize(nearest - w_shotorg) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force);
+ final_damage = (autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage * final_damage + autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage * (1 - final_damage));
+ Damage(head, self, self, final_damage, WEP_LASER, w_shotorg, final_force);
+ print(strcat(vtos(angle_to_head), " - ", vtos(angle_to_attack), ": ", ftos(vlen(angle_to_head - angle_to_attack)), ".\n"));
+ te_lightning2(world, nearest, w_shotorg);
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ head = next;
+ }
+ pointparticles(particleeffectnum("laser_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
+ }
void W_Laser_Attack (float issecondary)