+++ /dev/null
-#include "cl_attackertext.qh"
-AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_attackertext, bool, true, "Draw damage dealt where you hit the enemy");
-AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_attackertext_friendlyfire, bool, false, "Show for friendlyfire");
-AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_attackertext_time, float, 3, "Time to show");
-AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_attackertext_fadetime, float, 2, "Time to fade");
-AUTOCVAR_SAVE(cl_attackertext_decolorize, int, 1, "1 = decolorize names when teamplay, 2 = decolorize always");
-REGISTER_MUTATOR(attackertext, true);
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(attackertext, DrawInfoMessages)
- if (autocvar_cl_attackertext == 0) return false;
- float fade_start = max(0, autocvar_cl_attackertext_time);
- float fade_time = max(0, autocvar_cl_attackertext_fadetime);
- if (last_attack_time && last_attack_time > time - fade_start - fade_time) {
- vector pos = M_ARGV(0, vector);
- vector mySize = M_ARGV(1, vector);
- vector fontsize = '0.3 0.3 0' * mySize.y;
- int img_curr_group = M_ARGV(2, int);
- float alpha_ = 0;
- if (last_attack_time + fade_start > time)
- alpha_ = panel_fg_alpha;
- else if (fade_time != 0)
- alpha_ = panel_fg_alpha - bound(0, (time - last_attack_time - fade_start) * (1 / fade_time), 1);
- else
- return true;
- pos = InfoMessages_drawstring(last_attack_name, pos, mySize, alpha_, fontsize);
- img_curr_group = -1;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-NET_HANDLE(attackertext, bool isNew)
- int server_entity_index = ReadByte();
- int flags = ReadByte();
- bool friendlyfire = flags & ATFLAG_SAMETEAM;
- return = true;
- if (autocvar_cl_attackertext == 0) return;
- if (friendlyfire && autocvar_cl_attackertext_friendlyfire == 0) return;
- string s = entcs_GetName(server_entity_index - 1);
- if ((autocvar_cl_attackertext_decolorize == 1 && teamplay) || autocvar_cl_attackertext_decolorize == 2)
- s = playername(s, entcs_GetTeam(server_entity_index - 1), true);
- last_attack_time = time;
- strfree(last_attack_name);
- strcpy(last_attack_name, s);
+++ /dev/null
-#include "sv_attackertext.qh"
-AUTOCVAR(sv_attackertext, int, 1, "0: disabled, 1: visible");
-REGISTER_MUTATOR(attackertext, true);
-#define SV_ATTACKERTEXT_DISABLED() (autocvar_sv_attackertext <= 0)
-#define SV_ATTACKERTEXT_ENABLED() (autocvar_sv_attackertext >= 1)
-void attackertext_Send(entity to, entity attacker, int sf)
- if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(to)) {
- msg_entity = to;
- WriteHeader(MSG_ONE, attackertext);
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, etof(attacker));
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, sf);
- }
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(attackertext, PlayerDamaged) {
- entity attacker = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- entity hit = M_ARGV(1, entity);
- if (hit == attacker) return;
- if (!IS_PLAYER(attacker)) return;
- int sf = 0;
- if (SAME_TEAM(hit, attacker)) sf |= ATFLAG_SAMETEAM;
- attackertext_Send(hit, attacker, sf);
- FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_SPEC(it) && it.(enemy) == hit, { attackertext_Send(it, attacker, sf); });