**Note:** The article is written as developer notes to ease developer tasks and save QuakeC function terms here. Some references are taken from `events.qh`.
-# MUTATOR functions (from: `qcsrc/server/mutators/events.qh`)
+# MUTATOR functions (from: `qcsrc/client/mutators/events.qh`, `qcsrc/common/mutators/events.qh`, `qcsrc/server/mutators/events.qh`)
### Introduction
-MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(new_mutator_name_or_events.qh_main_hook, PlayerSpawn)
+MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(new_mutator_name, events.qh_main_hook)
// whatever does
<br />
<br />
+## List of WEAPON functions
+This is a created functions list to modify/create weapons. There are incomplete explanations for each function.
+There are contents taken from `qcsrc/common/weapons/all.qh`.
+**WARNING:** The contents may content wonky code, and the interactions can change and not do the same what happens here.
+<br />
+<br />
+- [**W_SetupShot_Dir**](https://timepath.github.io/scratchspace/d4/d3f/tracing_8qh.html#aff0ea351757ee6caf83b25d12d18656c)
+ ent,
+ wepent,
+ s_forward,
+ antilag,
+ recoil,
+ snd,
+ chan,
+ maxdamage,
+ deathtype
+- [**W_SetupProjVelocity_Explicit**](https://timepath.github.io/scratchspace/d7/d31/tracing_8qc.html#a55f8f2b1828413bfb123a5fcb61b9f8e)
+void W_SetupProjVelocity_Explicit(
+ entity proj,
+ vector dir,
+ vector upDir,
+ float pSpeed,
+ float pUpSpeed,
+ float pZSpeed,
+ float spread,
+ float forceAbsolute
+- [**W_MuzzleFlash**](https://timepath.github.io/scratchspace/d0/ddd/weapons_2all_8qh_source.html)(located in `qcsrc/common/weapons/all.qh` line 406)
+In the moment when player shots the weapon, weapon flashes.
+*Note:* write `#ifdef SVQC` at the start of using this function, and write with `#endif` after declared the function(only can do this if the code which needs execute can do this, although maybe you need more functions/things in the code inside this).
+void W_MuzzleFlash(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, vector shotorg, vector shotdir);
+- [**`Weapon selection functions`**](https://timepath.github.io/scratchspace/d8/d6b/selection_8qh.html)
+(located in `qcsrc/server/weapons/selection.qh`)
+- [**``Weapon decrease ammo, speed factor, rate factor, reload functions`**](https://timepath.github.io/scratchspace/d5/de0/weaponsystem_8qc.html)
+(located in `qcsrc/server/weapons/weaponsystem.qh`)
AND.... STILL in process
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