//drawpic_aspect_expanding_two(pos, strcat("gfx/hud/", autocvar_hud_skin, "/", pic), sz, rgb, alpha, flag, fadelerp);
-// return HUD background color
-vector HUD_GetBgColor()
- vector color;
- if (teamplay)
- GetTeamRGB(myteam) * hud_color_bg_team;
- else {
- // allow custom HUD colors in non-teamgames
- color_x = cvar("hud_color_bg_r");
- color_y = cvar("hud_color_bg_g");
- color_z = cvar("hud_color_bg_b");
- }
- return color;
-// return accuracy text color
-vector HUD_AccuracyColor(float accuracy)
- vector rgb;
- float yellow_accuracy = cvar("hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow"); // value at which this function returns yellow
- if(accuracy >= 100) {
- rgb_x = 0;
- rgb_y = 1;
- }
- else if(accuracy > yellow_accuracy) {
- rgb_x = 1 - (accuracy-yellow_accuracy)/(100-yellow_accuracy); // red value between 1 -> 0
- rgb_y = 1;
- }
- else {
- rgb_x = 1;
- rgb_y = accuracy/yellow_accuracy; // green value between 0 -> 1
- }
- rgb_z = 0;
- return rgb;
vector HUD_Get_Num_Color (float x, float maxvalue)
vector color;
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_dock_alpha \"", ftos(autocvar_hud_dock_alpha), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, "\n");
- fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_alpha ", ftos(cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha")), "\n"));
+ fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_alpha ", ftos(autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha), "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_strength_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_strength_color"), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_shield_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_shield_color"), "\"", "\n"));
fputs(fh, strcat("seta hud_progressbar_health_color \"", cvar_string("hud_progressbar_health_color"), "\"", "\n"));
-// TODO: autocvar
-#define HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(item) \
-stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_progressbar_", item, "_color")))
// check if move will result in panel being moved into another panel. If so, return snapped vector, otherwise return the given vector
vector HUD_Panel_CheckMove(vector myPos, vector mySize)
float alpha, stat_weapons; // "constants"
- vector pos, mySize, accuracy_color;
+ vector pos, mySize;
float i, weapid, fade, weapon_stats, weapon_hit, weapon_damage, weapon_cnt; // variables
pos = panel_pos;
float a;
float when;
- when = cvar("hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_time");
+ when = autocvar_hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_time;
float fadetime;
- fadetime = cvar("hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_fadetime");
+ fadetime = autocvar_hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_fadetime;
+ vector color;
for(i = 0; i < weapon_cnt; ++i)
self = weaponorder[i];
weapon_stats = floor(100 * weapon_hit / weapon_damage);
- accuracy_color = HUD_AccuracyColor(weapon_stats);
+ // yellow_accuracy = value at which accuracy becomes yellow
+ if(weapon_stats >= 100) {
+ color_x = 0;
+ color_y = 1;
+ }
+ else if(weapon_stats > autocvar_hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow) {
+ color_x = 1 - (weapon_stats-autocvar_hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow)/(100-autocvar_hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow); // red value between 1 -> 0
+ color_y = 1;
+ } else {
+ color_x = 1;
+ color_y = weapon_stats/autocvar_hud_weaponicons_accuracy_yellow; // green value between 0 -> 1
+ }
- drawpic_aspect_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), "weapon_accuracy", eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows), accuracy_color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawpic_aspect_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows), "weapon_accuracy", eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows), color, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// draw the weapon icon
// draw the complain message
- if(time - complain_weapon_time < when + fadetime && self.weapon == complain_weapon && cvar("hud_weaponicons_complainbubble"))
+ if(time - complain_weapon_time < when + fadetime && self.weapon == complain_weapon && autocvar_hud_weaponicons_complainbubble)
a = 0;
- vector complain_bubble_size = '100 50 0' * bound(0.25, cvar("hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_size"), 2);
+ vector complain_bubble_size = '100 50 0' * bound(0.25, autocvar_hud_weaponicons_complainbubble_size, 2);
drawpic_aspect_skin(pos + eX * column * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * row * mySize_y*(1/rows) - complain_bubble_size + 0.5 * (eX * mySize_x*(1/columns) + eY * mySize_y*(1/rows)), "weapon_complainbubble", complain_bubble_size, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
string s;
- vector color;
if(complain_weapon_type == 0) {
s = "Out of ammo for the";
color = '1 0 0';
float leftcnt, rightcnt;
float leftexact, rightexact;
float leftalpha, rightalpha;
- if (cvar(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_flip"))) {
+ if (autocvar_hud_powerups_flip) {
leftname = "strength";
leftcnt = ceil(strength_time);
leftexact = strength_time;
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30) + eY * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_powerups_iconalign, pos, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, leftcnt, leftname, 1, '1 1 1');
// TODO: expand
//if(leftcnt <= 5)
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_powerups_iconalign, pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, rightcnt, rightname, 0, '1 1 1');
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_powerups_iconalign, pos, eX * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, leftcnt, leftname, 1, '1 1 1');
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/30) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_powerups_iconalign, pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, eX * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, rightcnt, rightname, 0, '1 1 1');
numpos = pos + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(leftcnt <= 5)
- drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (leftcnt - leftexact) / 0.5, 1));
- else
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ //if(leftcnt <= 5)
+ //drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (leftcnt - leftexact) / 0.5, 1));
+ //else
drawpic_aspect_skin(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawstring_aspect(numpos, ftos(leftcnt), eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * 0.25 * mySize_x, 0.25 * mySize_x, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
numpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.25 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(rightcnt <= 5)
- drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (rightcnt - rightexact) / 0.5, 1));
- else
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ //if(rightcnt <= 5)
+ // drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, bound(0, (rightcnt - rightexact) / 0.5, 1));
+ //else
drawpic_aspect_skin(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawstring_aspect(numpos, ftos(rightcnt), eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * 0.25 * mySize_x, 0.25 * mySize_x, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
vector picpos;
vector numpos;
- float baralign, iconalign;
- baralign = cvar(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_baralign"));
- iconalign = cvar(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_iconalign"));
- if(cvar("hud_healtharmor") == 2) // combined health and armor display
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor == 2) // combined health and armor display
vector v;
v = healtharmor_maxdamage(health, armor, armorblockpercent);
float x;
x = floor(v_x + 1);
- if(baralign == 1 || baralign == 3) { // right align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 1 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // right align
barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, x/400);
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, x/400) + eY * mySize_y;
} else { // left align
if(v_z) // NOT fully armored
biggercount = "health";
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("health"), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("health")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_aspect_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_y, "armor", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * armor / health, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
biggercount = "armor";
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("armor"), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("armor")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_aspect_skin(pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_y, "health", '0.5 0.5 0' * mySize_y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- DrawNumIcon(id, pos, mySize, x, biggercount, 1, HUD_Get_Num_Color(x, 2 * 200));
+ DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign, pos, mySize, x, biggercount, 1, HUD_Get_Num_Color(x, 2 * 200));
// fuel
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // left align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // left align
barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100);
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y;
} else {
barpos = pos;
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
float leftcnt, rightcnt;
float leftactive, rightactive;
float leftalpha, rightalpha;
- if (cvar(strcat("hud_", panel_name, "_flip"))) { // old style layout with armor left/top of health
+ if (autocvar_hud_healtharmor_flip) { // old style layout with armor left/top of health
leftname = "armor";
leftcnt = armor;
- if(baralign == 1 || baralign == 3) { // right align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 1 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // right align
barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x - eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200);
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y;
} else { // left align
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- DrawNumIcon(id, pos, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, leftcnt, leftname, 1, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign, pos, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, leftcnt, leftname, 1, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // left align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // left align
barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x;
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y;
} else { // right align
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- DrawNumIcon(id, pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, rightcnt, rightname, 0, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign, pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x, eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y, rightcnt, rightname, 0, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // left align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // left align
barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100);
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y;
} else {
barpos = pos;
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.2 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
else if (mySize_x/mySize_y > 1.5)
- if(baralign == 1 || baralign == 3) { // right align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 1 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // right align
barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, leftcnt/200);
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
} else { // left align
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- DrawNumIcon(id, pos, eX * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, leftcnt, leftname, 1, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign, pos, eX * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, leftcnt, leftname, 1, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // left align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // left align
barpos = pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
} else { // right align
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, rightcnt/200) + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- DrawNumIcon(id, pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, eX * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, rightcnt, rightname, 0, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ DrawNumIcon(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign, pos + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, eX * mySize_x + eY * 0.5 * mySize_y, rightcnt, rightname, 0, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200));
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // left align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // left align
barpos = pos + eX * mySize_x - eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100);
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.1 * mySize_y;
} else {
barpos = pos;
barsize = eX * mySize_x * min(1, fuel/100) + eY * 0.1 * mySize_y;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 0, barsize, progressbar_color, panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(baralign == 1 || baralign == 3) { // down align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 1 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // down align
barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/200);
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/200);
} else { // up align
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, leftcnt/200);
- if(iconalign == 1 || iconalign == 3) { // down align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign == 1 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign == 3) { // down align
picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * (mySize_y - 0.65 * mySize_x);
numpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.25 * mySize_x;
} else { // up align
numpos = pos + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(leftname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_aspect_skin(picpos, leftname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', leftalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawstring_aspect(numpos, ftos(leftcnt), eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * 0.25 * mySize_x, 0.25 * mySize_x, HUD_Get_Num_Color(leftcnt, 200), panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // up align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // up align
barpos = pos + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x;
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/200);
} else { // down align
barsize = eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, rightcnt/200);
- if(iconalign == 0 || iconalign == 3) { // up align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_iconalign == 3) { // up align
picpos = pos + eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x;
numpos = pos + eY * 0.4 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x;
} else { // down align
numpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * 0.25 * mySize_x + eX * 0.5 * mySize_x;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor(rightname)
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawpic_aspect_skin(picpos, rightname, '0.4 0.4 0' * mySize_x, '1 1 1', rightalpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
drawstring_aspect(numpos, ftos(rightcnt), eX * 0.5 * mySize_x + eY * 0.25 * mySize_x, 0.25 * mySize_x, HUD_Get_Num_Color(rightcnt, 200), panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- if(baralign == 0 || baralign == 3) { // left align
+ if(autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 0 || autocvar_hud_healtharmor_baralign == 3) { // left align
barpos = pos;
barsize = eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, fuel/100);
} else {
barpos = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * mySize_y * min(1, fuel/100);
barsize = eX * 0.05 * mySize_x + eY * mySize_y * min(1, fuel/100);
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel"), panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("fuel")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(barpos, 1, barsize, progressbar_color, panel_fg_alpha * 0.8, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
float w;
float alsoprint;
- alsoprint = (cvar("hud_notify_print") || !panel_enabled); // print message to console if: notify panel disabled, or cvar to do so enabled
+ alsoprint = (autocvar_hud_notify_print || !panel_enabled); // print message to console if: notify panel disabled, or cvar to do so enabled
if(msg == MSG_SUICIDE) {
// TODO: cl_gentle
float a;
float when;
- when = cvar("hud_notify_time");
+ when = autocvar_hud_notify_time;
float fadetime;
- fadetime = cvar("hud_notify_fadetime");
+ fadetime = autocvar_hud_notify_fadetime;
string s;
float i, j;
for(j = 0; j < entries; ++j)
- if(cvar("hud_notify_flip"))
+ if(autocvar_hud_notify_flip)
i = j;
else // rather nasty hack for ordering items from the bottom up
i = entries - j - 1;
- if(cvar("hud_notify_info_top"))
+ if(autocvar_hud_notify_info_top)
i += 2; // top/bottom two lines reserved for info messaged, such as spec instructions
entity tm;
vector o;
o = pos;
- if(cvar("hud_notify_info_top"))
+ if(autocvar_hud_notify_info_top)
o = pos + eY;
o = pos + eY * mySize_y - eY * 2 * height;
timer_color = '1 0 0'; //red
- if (cvar("hud_timer_increment") || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
+ if (autocvar_hud_timer_increment || timelimit == 0 || warmup_stage) {
if (time < getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME)) {
//while restart is still active, show 00:00
timer = seconds_tostring(0);
- a = vote_alpha * bound(cvar_or("hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha", 0.75), 1 - vote_highlighted, 1);
+ a = vote_alpha * bound(autocvar_hud_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha, 1 - vote_highlighted, 1);
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(id, pos, mySize, a);
barsize = eX * mySize_x + eY * p * mySize_y;
vertical = 1;
- HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos, vertical, barsize, HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("nexball"), cvar("hud_progressbar_alpha") * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ HUD_Panel_GetProgressBarColor("nexball")
+ HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(pos, vertical, barsize, progressbar_color, autocvar_hud_progressbar_alpha * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
if (stat_items & IT_KEY1)
float f;
- vector color_vec;
- string color;
- color = cvar_string("hud_dock_color");
- color_vec = stov(color);
- if(teamplay && cvar(strcat("hud_dock_color_team"))) {
+ vector color;
+ if(teamplay && autocvar_hud_dock_color_team) {
f = stof(getplayerkey(player_localentnum - 1, "colors"));
- color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1) * cvar("hud_dock_color_team");
+ color = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1) * autocvar_hud_dock_color_team;
- else if(color == "shirt") {
+ else if(autocvar_hud_dock_color == "shirt") {
f = stof(getplayerkey(player_localentnum - 1, "colors"));
- color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0);
+ color = colormapPaletteColor(floor(f / 16), 0);
- else if(color == "pants") {
+ else if(autocvar_hud_dock_color == "pants") {
f = stof(getplayerkey(player_localentnum - 1, "colors"));
- color_vec = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1);
+ color = colormapPaletteColor(mod(f, 16), 1);
if(autocvar_hud_dock != "" && autocvar_hud_dock != "0")
- drawpic('0 0 0', strcat("gfx/hud/", autocvar_hud_skin, "/", autocvar_hud_dock), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, color_vec, autocvar_hud_dock_alpha * menu_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // no aspect ratio forcing on dock...
+ drawpic('0 0 0', strcat("gfx/hud/", autocvar_hud_skin, "/", autocvar_hud_dock), eX * vid_conwidth + eY * vid_conheight, color, autocvar_hud_dock_alpha * menu_fade_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // no aspect ratio forcing on dock...
if(autocvar_hud_radar || autocvar__hud_configure)
if(autocvar_hud_radar != 0 && (autocvar_hud_radar == 2 || teamplay))