--- /dev/null
+V 1
+R XonStat/1.0
+T ${now}
+S ${request.route_url('player_info', id=player.player_id)}
+P ${hashkey}
+n ${player.nick}
+i ${player.player_id}
+# NOTE: using unixtime here
+e joined ${player_joined}
+% if player.active_ind == True:
+e active-ind 1
+% else:
+e active-ind 0
+% endif
+e location
+% if 'overall' in elos.keys():
+# NOTE: need game type here to specify which elo is being shown as "best"
+e elo ${elos['overall'].elo} ${elos['overall'].game_type_cd}
+% endif
+% if 'overall' in ranks.keys():
+# NOTE: need game type here to specify which percentile is being shown as "best"
+e percentile ${ranks['overall'].percentile} ${ranks['overall'].game_type_cd}
+% endif
+e matches ${games_played[0].games}
+% if 'overall' in ranks.keys():
+# NOTE: need game type here to specify which rank is being shown as "best"
+e rank ${ranks['overall'].rank} ${ranks['overall'].game_type_cd}
+% endif
+e total-deaths ${overall_stats['overall'].total_deaths}
+e total-fckills ${overall_stats['overall'].total_carrier_frags}
+e alivetime ${overall_stats['overall'].total_playing_time_secs}
+e total-kills ${overall_stats['overall'].total_kills}
+e wins ${games_played[0].wins}
+e favorite-map ${fav_maps['overall'].map_name} ${fav_maps['overall'].times_played} ${fav_maps['overall'].game_type_cd}
+% for game_type_cd in overall_stats.keys():
+{ G ${game_type_cd}
+% if game_type_cd in elos.keys():
+e elo ${elos[game_type_cd].elo}
+% endif
+% if game_type_cd in ranks.keys():
+e percentile ${ranks[game_type_cd].percentile}
+% endif
+% for gp in games_played:
+% if gp.game_type_cd == game_type_cd:
+e matches ${gp.games}
+% endif
+% endfor
+% if game_type_cd in ranks.keys():
+e rank ${ranks[game_type_cd].rank}
+% endif
+e total-deaths ${overall_stats[game_type_cd].total_deaths}
+e alivetime ${overall_stats[game_type_cd].total_playing_time_secs}
+e total-kills ${overall_stats[game_type_cd].total_kills}
+% for gp in games_played:
+% if gp.game_type_cd == game_type_cd:
+e wins ${gp.wins}
+% endif
+% endfor
+e favorite-map ${fav_maps[game_type_cd].map_name} ${fav_maps[game_type_cd].times_played}
+% endfor
from sqlalchemy import desc, distinct
from webhelpers.paginate import Page, PageURL
from xonstat.models import *
-from xonstat.util import page_url, to_json, pretty_date
+from xonstat.util import page_url, to_json, pretty_date, datetime_seconds
from xonstat.views.helpers import RecentGame, recent_games_q
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch)
- last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date)
- total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type)
+ - total_playing_time_secs (same as the above, but in seconds)
- total_pickups (ctf only)
- total_captures (ctf only)
- cap_ratio (ctf only)
OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', ['total_kills', 'total_deaths',
'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy',
- 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio',
+ 'total_playing_time', 'total_playing_time_secs', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio',
'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd'])
raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'total_kills',
"WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id "
"AND pgs.player_id = :player_id "
"GROUP BY g.game_type_cd "
+ "UNION "
+ "SELECT 'overall' game_type_cd, "
+ "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, "
+ "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, "
+ "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, "
+ "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, "
+ "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, "
+ "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, "
+ "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags "
+ "FROM games g, "
+ "player_game_stats pgs "
+ "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id "
+ "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id "
# to be indexed by game_type_cd
overall_stats = {}
- # sums for the "overall" game type (which is fake)
- overall_kills = 0
- overall_deaths = 0
- overall_last_played = None
- overall_playing_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)
- overall_carrier_frags = 0
for row in raw_stats:
- # running totals or mins
- overall_kills += row.total_kills or 0
- overall_deaths += row.total_deaths or 0
- if overall_last_played is None or row.last_played > overall_last_played:
- overall_last_played = row.last_played
- overall_playing_time += row.total_playing_time
# individual gametype ratio calculations
k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills)/row.total_deaths
cap_ratio = None
- overall_carrier_frags += row.total_carrier_frags or 0
# everything else is untouched or "raw"
os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills,
+ total_playing_time_secs=int(datetime_seconds(row.total_playing_time)),
overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os
- # and lastly, the overall stuff
- try:
- overall_k_d_ratio = float(overall_kills)/overall_deaths
- except:
- overall_k_d_ratio = None
- os = OverallStats(total_kills=overall_kills,
- total_deaths=overall_deaths,
- k_d_ratio=overall_k_d_ratio,
- last_played=overall_last_played,
- last_played_epoch=timegm(overall_last_played.timetuple()),
- last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(overall_last_played),
- total_playing_time=overall_playing_time,
- total_pickups=None,
- total_captures=None,
- cap_ratio=None,
- total_carrier_frags=overall_carrier_frags,
- game_type_cd='overall')
- overall_stats['overall'] = os
return overall_stats
ranks = None
return {'player':player,
+ 'hashkey':hashkey,
+def player_hashkey_info_text(request):
+ """
+ Provides detailed information on a specific player. Plain text.
+ """
+ # UTC epoch
+ now = timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple())
+ # All player_info fields are converted into JSON-formattable dictionaries
+ player_info = player_hashkey_info_data(request)
+ # gather all of the data up into aggregate structures
+ player = player_info['player']
+ games_played = player_info['games_played']
+ overall_stats = player_info['overall_stats']
+ elos = player_info['elos']
+ ranks = player_info['ranks']
+ fav_maps = player_info['fav_maps']
+ # one-offs for things needing conversion for text/plain
+ player_joined = timegm(player.create_dt.timetuple())
+ alivetime = int(datetime_seconds(overall_stats['overall'].total_playing_time))
+ # this is a plain text response, if we don't do this here then
+ # Pyramid will assume html
+ request.response.content_type = 'text/plain'
+ return {
+ 'version': 1,
+ 'now': now,
+ 'player': player,
+ 'hashkey': player_info['hashkey'],
+ 'player_joined': player_joined,
+ 'games_played': games_played,
+ 'overall_stats': overall_stats,
+ 'alivetime': alivetime,
+ 'fav_maps': fav_maps,
+ 'elos': elos,
+ 'ranks': ranks,
+ }
def player_elo_info_data(request):
Provides elo information on a specific player. Raw data is returned.