for (i = 0;i < 6;i++)
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%s", basename, suffix[j][i].suffix);
- if ((image_rgba = loadimagepixels(name, true, cubemapsize, cubemapsize)))
+ if ((image_rgba = loadimagepixels(name, false, cubemapsize, cubemapsize)))
if (image_width == image_height)
- Con_Printf("Failed to load Cubemap \"%s\"\n", basename);
+ {
+ Con_Printf("Failed to load Cubemap \"%s\", tried ", basename);
+ for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
+ for (i = 0;i < 6;i++)
+ Con_Printf("%s\"%s%s.tga\"", j + i > 0 ? ", " : "", basename, suffix[j][i].suffix);
+ Con_Printf(" and was unable to find any of them.\n");
+ }
return cubemaptexture;