set g_multijump_speed -999999 "Minimum vertical speed a player must have in order to jump again"
// effects
+r_glsl_postprocess 1
r_picmipsprites 0 // Xonotic uses sprites that should never be picmipped (team mate, typing, waypoints)
r_picmipworld 1
gl_picmip_world 0
seta hud_colorflash_alpha 0.5 "starting alpha of the color flash"
seta hud_damage 0.55 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for damage, draw an image instead when hurt"
+seta hud_damage_blur 10 "Use postprocessing to blur the screen when you have taken damage. This can be paired with current hud damage or just used alone. Higher values = more blur"
+seta hud_damage_blur_alpha 0.5 "Amount of alpha to use when merging the blurred layers back into the render. Turning this up higher will remove bloom, so it's best to find a balance"
seta hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier 0.10 "how much to multiply alpha of flash when using the cl_gentle version, it's much more opaque than the non-gentle version"
seta hud_damage_gentle_color "1 0.7 1" "color of flash for cl_gentle version"
seta hud_damage_color "1 0 0" "color of flash"
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health 50 "at which health we start lowering pain_threshold"
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min 0.6 "minimum value when calculating the pulse: max(pulsating_min, fabs(sin(PI * time / period))"
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period 0.8 "one pulse every X seconds"
+seta hud_powerup 0.5 "power of the sharpen effect when owning the shield or strength powerups"
+seta hud_postprocessing 1 "enables the ability for effects such as hud_damage_blur and hud_contents to apply a postprocessing method upon the screen - enabling this disables manual editing of the postprocess cvars"
+seta hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha 0.5 "maximum alpha which the blur postprocess can be"
+seta hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius 10 "maximum radius which the blur postprocess can be"
seta hud_contents 1 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for liquids such as water/lava/slime, draw a filler when inside the liquid"
seta hud_contents_factor 1 "factor at which to multiply the current faded value."
float contentavgalpha, liquidalpha_prev;
vector liquidcolor_prev;
+vector damage_blurpostprocess, content_blurpostprocess;
void CSQC_UpdateView(float w, float h)
entity e;
drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/blood", reticle_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
+ {
+ if(autocvar_hud_damage_blur)
+ {
+ damage_blurpostprocess_x = 1;
+ damage_blurpostprocess_y = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur;
+ damage_blurpostprocess_z = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ damage_blurpostprocess_x = 0;
+ damage_blurpostprocess_y = 0;
+ damage_blurpostprocess_z = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
+ {
+ // lets apply the postprocess effects from the previous two functions if needed
+ if(damage_blurpostprocess_x || content_blurpostprocess_x)
+ {
+ float blurradius = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess_y + content_blurpostprocess_y, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius);
+ float bluralpha = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess_z + content_blurpostprocess_z, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha);
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(blurradius), " ", ftos(bluralpha), " 0 0"));
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", "1");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", "0");
+ }
+ if(autocvar_hud_powerup)
+ {
+ float sharpen_intensity;
+ if (getstatf(STAT_STRENGTH_FINISHED) - time > 0)
+ sharpen_intensity += (getstatf(STAT_STRENGTH_FINISHED) - time);
+ if (getstatf(STAT_INVINCIBLE_FINISHED) - time > 0)
+ sharpen_intensity += (getstatf(STAT_INVINCIBLE_FINISHED) - time);
+ sharpen_intensity = bound(0, sharpen_intensity, 5); // powerup warning time is 5 seconds, so fade the effect from there
+ if(sharpen_intensity > 0)
+ {
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", strcat("0 ", ftos(-sharpen_intensity * cvar("hud_powerup")), " 0 0"));
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", "1");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", "0 0 0 0");
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", "0");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if not(autocvar_hud_damage && autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
+ {
+ // don't allow blur to get stuck on if we disable the cvar while damaged
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0");
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", "0");
+ }
+ if not(autocvar_hud_powerup && autocvar_hud_postprocessing)
+ {
+ // don't allow sharpen to get stuck on if we disable the cvar while powered up
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", "0 0 0 0");
+ cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", "0");
// Draw the mouse cursor
float autocvar_hud_contents_water_alpha;
string autocvar_hud_contents_water_color;
float autocvar_hud_damage;
+float autocvar_hud_damage_blur;
+float autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha;
string autocvar_hud_damage_color;
float autocvar_hud_damage_factor;
float autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate;
float autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health;
float autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min;
float autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period;
+float autocvar_hud_powerup;
+float autocvar_hud_postprocessing;
+float autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha;
+float autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius;
string autocvar_hud_dock;
float autocvar_hud_dock_alpha;
string autocvar_hud_dock_color;