set g_pickup_armormedium_max 50
set g_pickup_armormedium_anyway 0
set g_pickup_armorbig 50
-set g_pickup_armorbig_max 50
+set g_pickup_armorbig_max 75; // LOG: to allow a little more armor from medium armor
set g_pickup_armorbig_anyway 0
set g_pickup_armorlarge 100
set g_pickup_armorlarge_max 150
set g_weaponspreadfactor 1 "weapon spread multiplier"
set g_balance_firetransfer_time 0.9
set g_balance_firetransfer_damage 0.8
-set g_throughfloor_damage 0.5
-set g_throughfloor_force 0.7
+set g_throughfloor_damage 0.7
+set g_throughfloor_force 0.8
set g_projectiles_newton_style 2
// possible values:
// 0: absolute velocity projectiles (like Quake)
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 18
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 4
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 3.5 // LOG: changed from 4 to 3.5, total damage 63
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_force 20
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.18
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.16 // LOG: changed from 0.18 -> 0.16 to compensate a little for lower damage
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire 1
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo 1
// {{{ uzi
set g_balance_uzi_mode 1 // Activates varible spread for sustained & burst mode secondary
set g_balance_uzi_spread_min 0.02
-set g_balance_uzi_spread_max 0.6
+set g_balance_uzi_spread_max 0.3 // LOG: 0.6 -> 0.3
set g_balance_uzi_spread_add 0.008
set g_balance_uzi_burst 3 // # of bullets in a burst (if set to 2 or more)
set g_balance_uzi_burst_ammo 3
set g_balance_uzi_first 1
-set g_balance_uzi_first_damage 22
+set g_balance_uzi_first_damage 15 / f/ LOG: 22 -> 15
set g_balance_uzi_first_force 50
set g_balance_uzi_first_spread 0.03
set g_balance_uzi_first_refire 0.2
set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 5
set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
-set g_balance_minelayer_limit 4 // 0 disables the limit
+set g_balance_minelayer_limit 3 // 0 disables the limit // LOG: 4 -> 3
set g_balance_minelayer_protection 1 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
set g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale 0
set g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay -1 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
set g_balance_electro_combo_speed 400
// }}}
// {{{ crylink
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 10
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage 6
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_force 40
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_damage 7 // LOG: 10 -> 7
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage 4 // LOG: 6 -> 4
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_force 35
set g_balance_crylink_primary_radius 80
set g_balance_crylink_primary_speed 1500
set g_balance_crylink_primary_spread 0.05
set g_balance_crylink_primary_other_fadetime 0.25
set g_balance_crylink_secondary 1
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage 8
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage 5 // LOG: 8 -> 5
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage 3
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_force 20
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius 20
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed 1500
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_force 16 // LOG: 20 -> 16
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius 15 // LOG: 20 -> 15
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed 1250 // LOG: 1500 -> 1250
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_spread 0.1
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_shots 6
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bounces 2
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire 0.8
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire 0.9 // LOG: 0.8 -> 0.9
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_ammo 2
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor 0.2
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_ammo 3 // LOG: 2 -> 3
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor 0.4 // LOG: 0.2 -> 0.4
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joindelay 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinspread 0.2
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_jointime 0.1
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_edgedamage 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_radius 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_force 0
-set g_balance_crylink_secondary_linkexplode 1
+set g_balance_crylink_secondary_linkexplode 0
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_lifetime 5 // range: 10000 full, fades to 10000
set g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime 5
set g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_halflife 0
set g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife 0
-set g_balance_nex_secondary 1
-set g_balance_nex_secondary_charge 1
+set g_balance_nex_secondary 0 // LOG: disable secondary
+set g_balance_nex_secondary_charge 0 // LOG: disable secondary charge
set g_balance_nex_secondary_charge_rate 0.4
set g_balance_nex_secondary_chargepool 1
set g_balance_nex_secondary_chargepool_regen 0.25
set g_balance_nex_charge_mindmg 20
set g_balance_nex_charge_start 0.5
set g_balance_nex_charge_rate 0.5
-set g_balance_nex_charge_limit 0.5
-set g_balance_nex_charge_rot_rate 0.1
+set g_balance_nex_charge_limit 1 // LOG: 0.5 -> 1 - allow to fully charge automaticaly
+set g_balance_nex_charge_rot_rate 0 // LOG: 0.1 -> 0 - disable rot
set g_balance_nex_charge_rot_pause 0.5 // Dont rot down until this long after release of charge button
set g_balance_nex_charge_shot_multiplier 0
set g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate 0
set g_balance_seeker_missile_accel 1400
set g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo 2
set g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime 0.2
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 8
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 15
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_count 3 // LOG: 8 -> 3
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_damage 30 // LOG: 15 -> 30
set g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_seeker_missile_decel 1400
set g_balance_seeker_missile_delay 0.25
set g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage 10
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 100
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_force 150 // LOG: 100 -> 150
set g_balance_seeker_missile_health 5
set g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime 15
set g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy 0
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed 700
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up 300
set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z 0
-set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 1400
+set g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max 1300 // LOG: 1400 -> 1300
set g_balance_seeker_missile_spread 0
set g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate 0.65
set g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo 1
set g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_seeker_tag_health 5
set g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime 15
-set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.7
+set g_balance_seeker_tag_refire 0.75 // LOG: 0.7 -> 0.75
set g_balance_seeker_tag_speed 5000
set g_balance_seeker_tag_spread 0
// End new seeker