Host_Error("Mod_MAP_Load: not yet implemented");
+#ifdef OBJWORKS
typedef struct objvertex_s
float v[3];
objvertex_t vertex[3];
int textureindex;
+ // these fields are used only in conversion to surfaces
+ int axis;
+ int surfaceindex;
+ int surfacevertexindex[3];
+ float edgeplane[3][4];
+typedef objnode_s
+ struct objnode_s *children[2];
+ struct objnode_s *parent;
+ objtriangle_t *triangles;
+ float normal[3];
+ float dist;
+ float mins[3];
+ float maxs[3];
+ int numtriangles;
+objnode_t *Mod_OBJ_BSPNodeForTriangles(objnode_t *parent, objtriangle_t *triangles, int numtriangles, const float *mins, const float *maxs, mem_expandablearray_t *nodesarray, int maxclippedtriangles, objtriangle_t *clippedfronttriangles, objtriangle_t *clippedbacktriangles)
+ int i, j;
+ float normal[3];
+ float dist;
+ int score;
+ float bestnormal[3];
+ float bestdist;
+ int bestscore;
+ float mins[3];
+ float maxs[3];
+ int numfronttriangles;
+ int numbacktriangles;
+ int count_front;
+ int count_back;
+ int count_both;
+ int count_on;
+ float outfrontpoints[5][3];
+ float outbackpoints[5][3];
+ int neededfrontpoints;
+ int neededbackpoints;
+ int countonpoints;
+ objnode_t *node;
+ node = (objnode_t *)Mem_ExpandableArray_AllocRecord(array);
+ node->parent = parent;
+ if (numtriangles)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(triangles[0].vertex[0].v, mins);
+ VectorCopy(triangles[0].vertex[0].v, maxs);
+ }
+ else if (parent && parent->children[0] == node)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(parent->mins, mins);
+ Vectorcopy(parent->maxs, maxs);
+ }
+ else if (parent && parent->children[1] == node)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(parent->mins, mins);
+ Vectorcopy(parent->maxs, maxs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VectorClear(mins);
+ VectorClear(maxs);
+ }
+ for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0;j < 3;j++)
+ {
+ mins[0] = min(mins[0], triangles[i].vertex[j].v[0]);
+ mins[1] = min(mins[1], triangles[i].vertex[j].v[1]);
+ mins[2] = min(mins[2], triangles[i].vertex[j].v[2]);
+ maxs[0] = max(maxs[0], triangles[i].vertex[j].v[0]);
+ maxs[1] = max(maxs[1], triangles[i].vertex[j].v[1]);
+ maxs[2] = max(maxs[2], triangles[i].vertex[j].v[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ VectorCopy(mins, node->mins);
+ VectorCopy(maxs, node->maxs);
+ if (numtriangles <= mod_obj_leaftriangles.integer)
+ {
+ // create a leaf
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafs++;
+ node->triangles = triangles;
+ node->numtriangles = numtriangles;
+ return node;
+ }
+ // create a node
+ loadmodel->brush.num_nodes++;
+ // pick a splitting plane from the various choices available to us...
+ // early splits simply halve the interval
+ bestscore = 0;
+ VectorClear(bestnormal);
+ bestdist = 0;
+ if (numtriangles <= mod_obj_splitterlimit.integer)
+ limit = numtriangles;
+ else
+ limit = 0;
+ for (i = -3;i < limit;i++)
+ {
+ if (i < 0)
+ {
+ // first we try 3 axial splits (kdtree-like)
+ j = i + 3;
+ VectorClear(normal);
+ normal[j] = 1;
+ dist = (mins[j] + maxs[j]) * 0.5f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // then we try each triangle plane
+ TriangleNormal(triangles[i].vertex[0].v, triangles[i].vertex[1].v, triangles[i].vertex[2].v, normal);
+ VectorNormalize(normal);
+ dist = DotProduct(normal, triangles[i].vertex[0].v);
+ // use positive axial values whenever possible
+ if (normal[0] == -1)
+ normal[0] = 1;
+ if (normal[1] == -1)
+ normal[1] = 1;
+ if (normal[2] == -1)
+ normal[2] = 1;
+ // skip planes that match the current best
+ if (VectorCompare(normal, bestnormal) && dist == bestdist)
+ continue;
+ }
+ count_on = 0;
+ count_front = 0;
+ count_back = 0;
+ count_both = 0;
+ for (j = 0;j < numtriangles;j++)
+ {
+ dists[0] = DotProduct(normal, triangles[j].vertex[0].v) - dist;
+ dists[1] = DotProduct(normal, triangles[j].vertex[1].v) - dist;
+ dists[2] = DotProduct(normal, triangles[j].vertex[2].v) - dist;
+ if (dists[0] < -DIST_EPSILON || dists[1] < -DIST_EPSILON || dists[2] < -DIST_EPSILON)
+ {
+ if (dists[0] > DIST_EPSILON || dists[1] > DIST_EPSILON || dists[2] > DIST_EPSILON)
+ count_both++;
+ else
+ count_back++;
+ }
+ else if (dists[0] > DIST_EPSILON || dists[1] > DIST_EPSILON || dists[2] > DIST_EPSILON)
+ count_front++;
+ else
+ count_on++;
+ }
+ // score is supposed to:
+ // prefer axial splits
+ // prefer evenly dividing the input triangles
+ // prefer triangles on the plane
+ // avoid triangles crossing the plane
+ score = count_on*count_on - count_both*count_both + min(count_front, count_back)*(count_front+count_back);
+ if (normal[0] == 1 || normal[1] == 1 || normal[2] == 1)
+ score *= 2;
+ if (i == -3 || bestscore < score)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(normal, bestnormal);
+ bestdist = dist;
+ bestscore = score;
+ }
+ }
+ // now we have chosen an optimal split plane...
+ // divide triangles by the splitting plane
+ numfronttriangles = 0;
+ numbacktriangles = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++)
+ {
+ neededfrontpoints = 0;
+ neededbackpoints = 0;
+ countonpoints = 0;
+ PolygonF_Divide(3, triangles[i].vertex[0].v, bestnormal[0], bestnormal[1], bestnormal[2], bestdist, DIST_EPSILON, 5, outfrontpoints[0], &neededfrontpoints, 5, outbackpoints[0], &neededbackpoints, &countonpoints);
+ if (countonpoints > 1)
+ {
+ // triangle lies on plane, assign it to one child only
+ TriangleNormal(triangles[i].vertex[0].v, triangles[i].vertex[1].v, triangles[i].vertex[2].v, normal);
+ if (DotProduct(bestnormal, normal) >= 0)
+ {
+ // assign to front side child
+ obj_fronttriangles[numfronttriangles++] = triangles[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // assign to back side child
+ obj_backtriangles[numbacktriangles++] = triangles[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // convert clipped polygons to triangles
+ for (j = 0;j < neededfrontpoints-2;j++)
+ {
+ obj_fronttriangles[numfronttriangles] = triangles[i];
+ VectorCopy(outfrontpoints[0], obj_fronttriangles[numfronttriangles].vertex[0].v);
+ VectorCopy(outfrontpoints[j+1], obj_fronttriangles[numfronttriangles].vertex[1].v);
+ VectorCopy(outfrontpoints[j+2], obj_fronttriangles[numfronttriangles].vertex[2].v);
+ numfronttriangles++;
+ }
+ for (j = 0;j < neededbackpoints-2;j++)
+ {
+ obj_backtriangles[numbacktriangles] = triangles[i];
+ VectorCopy(outbackpoints[0], obj_backtriangles[numbacktriangles].vertex[0].v);
+ VectorCopy(outbackpoints[j+1], obj_backtriangles[numbacktriangles].vertex[1].v);
+ VectorCopy(outbackpoints[j+2], obj_backtriangles[numbacktriangles].vertex[2].v);
+ numbacktriangles++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now copy the triangles out of the big buffer
+ if (numfronttriangles)
+ {
+ fronttriangles = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, fronttriangles * sizeof(*fronttriangles));
+ memcpy(fronttriangles, obj_fronttriangles, numfronttriangles * sizeof(*fronttriangles));
+ }
+ else
+ fronttriangles = NULL;
+ if (numbacktriangles)
+ {
+ backtriangles = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, backtriangles * sizeof(*backtriangles));
+ memcpy(backtriangles, obj_backtriangles, numbacktriangles * sizeof(*backtriangles));
+ }
+ else
+ backtriangles = NULL;
+ // free the original triangles we were given
+ if (triangles)
+ Mem_Free(triangles);
+ triangles = NULL;
+ numtriangles = 0;
+ // now create the children...
+ node->children[0] = Mod_OBJ_BSPNodeForTriangles(node, fronttriangles, numfronttriangles, frontmins, frontmaxs, nodesarray, maxclippedtriangles, clippedfronttriangles, clippedbacktriangles);
+ node->children[1] = Mod_OBJ_BSPNodeForTriangles(node, backtriangles, numbacktriangles, backmins, backmaxs, nodesarray, maxclippedtriangles, clippedfronttriangles, clippedbacktriangles);
+ return node;
+void Mod_OBJ_SnapVertex(float *v)
+ int i;
+ float a = mod_obj_vertexprecision.value;
+ float b = 1.0f / a;
+ v[0] -= floor(v[0] * a + 0.5f) * b;
+ v[1] -= floor(v[1] * a + 0.5f) * b;
+ v[2] -= floor(v[2] * a + 0.5f) * b;
+void Mod_OBJ_ConvertBSPNode(objnode_t *objnode, mnode_t *mnodeparent)
+ if (objnode->children[0])
+ {
+ // convert to mnode_t
+ mnode_t *mnode = loadmodel->brush.data_nodes + loadmodel->brush.num_nodes++;
+ mnode->parent = mnodeparent;
+ mnode->plane = loadmodel->brush.data_planes + loadmodel->brush.num_planes++;
+ VectorCopy(objnode->normal, mnode->plane->normal);
+ mnode->plane->dist = objnode->dist;
+ PlaneClassify(mnode->plane);
+ VectorCopy(objnode->mins, mnode->mins);
+ VectorCopy(objnode->maxs, mnode->maxs);
+ // push combinedsupercontents up to the parent
+ if (mnodeparent)
+ mnodeparent->combinedsupercontents |= mnode->combinedsupercontents;
+ mnode->children[0] = Mod_OBJ_ConvertBSPNode(objnode->children[0], mnode);
+ mnode->children[1] = Mod_OBJ_ConvertBSPNode(objnode->children[1], mnode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // convert to mleaf_t
+ mleaf_t *mleaf = loadmodel->brush.data_leafs + loadmodel->brush.num_leafs++;
+ mleaf->parent = mnodeparent;
+ VectorCopy(objnode->mins, mleaf->mins);
+ VectorCopy(objnode->maxs, mleaf->maxs);
+ mleaf->clusterindex = loadmodel->brush.num_leafs - 1;
+ if (objnode->numtriangles)
+ {
+ objtriangle_t *triangles = objnode->triangles;
+ int numtriangles = objnode->numtriangles;
+ texture_t *texture;
+ float edge[3][3];
+ float normal[3];
+ objvertex_t vertex[3];
+ numsurfaces = 0;
+ maxsurfaces = numtriangles;
+ surfaces = NULL;
+ // calculate some more data on each triangle for surface gathering
+ for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++)
+ {
+ triangle = triangles + i;
+ texture = loadmodel->data_textures + triangle->textureindex;
+ Mod_OBJ_SnapVertex(triangle->vertex[0].v);
+ Mod_OBJ_SnapVertex(triangle->vertex[1].v);
+ Mod_OBJ_SnapVertex(triangle->vertex[2].v);
+ TriangleNormal(triangle->vertex[0].v, triangle->vertex[1].v, triangle->vertex[2].v, normal);
+ axis = 0;
+ if (fabs(normal[axis]) < fabs(normal[1]))
+ axis = 1;
+ if (fabs(normal[axis]) < fabs(normal[2]))
+ axis = 2;
+ VectorClear(normal);
+ normal[axis] = 1;
+ triangle->axis = axis;
+ VectorSubtract(triangle->vertex[1].v, triangle->vertex[0].v, edge[0]);
+ VectorSubtract(triangle->vertex[2].v, triangle->vertex[1].v, edge[1]);
+ VectorSubtract(triangle->vertex[0].v, triangle->vertex[2].v, edge[2]);
+ CrossProduct(edge[0], normal, triangle->edgeplane[0]);
+ CrossProduct(edge[1], normal, triangle->edgeplane[1]);
+ CrossProduct(edge[2], normal, triangle->edgeplane[2]);
+ VectorNormalize(triangle->edgeplane[0]);
+ VectorNormalize(triangle->edgeplane[1]);
+ VectorNormalize(triangle->edgeplane[2]);
+ triangle->edgeplane[0][3] = DotProduct(triangle->edgeplane[0], triangle->vertex[0].v);
+ triangle->edgeplane[1][3] = DotProduct(triangle->edgeplane[1], triangle->vertex[1].v);
+ triangle->edgeplane[2][3] = DotProduct(triangle->edgeplane[2], triangle->vertex[2].v);
+ triangle->surfaceindex = 0;
+ // add to the combined supercontents while we're here...
+ mleaf->combinedsupercontents |= texture->supercontents;
+ }
+ surfaceindex = 1;
+ for (i = 0;i < numtriangles;i++)
+ {
+ // skip already-assigned triangles
+ if (triangles[i].surfaceindex)
+ continue;
+ texture = loadmodel->data_textures + triangles[i].textureindex;
+ // assign a new surface to this triangle
+ triangles[i].surfaceindex = surfaceindex++;
+ axis = triangles[i].axis;
+ numvertices = 3;
+ // find the triangle's neighbors, this can take multiple passes
+ retry = true;
+ while (retry)
+ {
+ retry = false;
+ for (j = i+1;j < numtriangles;j++)
+ {
+ if (triangles[j].surfaceindex || triangles[j].axis != axis || triangles[j].texture != texture)
+ continue;
+ triangle = triangles + j;
+ for (k = i;k < j;k++)
+ {
+ if (triangles[k].surfaceindex != surfaceindex)
+ continue;
+ if (VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[0].v, triangles[j].vertex[0].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[0].v, triangles[j].vertex[1].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[0].v, triangles[j].vertex[2].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[1].v, triangles[j].vertex[0].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[1].v, triangles[j].vertex[1].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[1].v, triangles[j].vertex[2].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[2].v, triangles[j].vertex[0].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[2].v, triangles[j].vertex[1].v)
+ || VectorCompare(triangles[k].vertex[2].v, triangles[j].vertex[2].v))
+ {
+ // shares a vertex position
+ --- FIXME ---
+ }
+ }
+ for (k = 0;k < numvertices;k++)
+ if (!VectorCompare(vertex[k].v, triangles[j].vertex[0].v) || !VectorCompare(vertex[k].v, triangles[j].vertex[1].v) || !VectorCompare(vertex[k].v, triangles[j].vertex[2].v))
+ break;
+ if (k == numvertices)
+ break; // not a neighbor
+ // this triangle is a neighbor and has the same axis and texture
+ // check now if it overlaps in lightmap projection space
+ triangles[j].surfaceindex;
+ if (triangles[j].
+ }
+ }
+ //triangles[i].surfaceindex = surfaceindex++;
+ for (surfaceindex = 0;surfaceindex < numsurfaces;surfaceindex++)
+ {
+ if (surfaces[surfaceindex].texture != texture)
+ continue;
+ // check if any triangles already in this surface overlap in lightmap projection space
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // let the collision code simply use the surfaces
+ mleaf->containscollisionsurfaces = mleaf->combinedsupercontents != 0;
+ mleaf->numleafsurfaces = ?;
+ mleaf->firstleafsurface = ?;
+ }
+ // push combinedsupercontents up to the parent
+ if (mnodeparent)
+ mnodeparent->combinedsupercontents |= mleaf->combinedsupercontents;
+ }
void Mod_OBJ_Load(dp_model_t *mod, void *buffer, void *bufferend)
-#if 0
+#ifdef OBJWORKS
const char *textbase = (char *)buffer, *text = textbase;
char *s;
char *argv[512];
float *vt = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, maxvt * sizeof(float[2]));
float *vn = Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, maxvn * sizeof(float[3]));
objvertex_t vfirst, vprev, vcurrent;
+ float mins[3];
+ float maxs[3];
#if 0
int hashindex;
int maxverthash = 65536, numverthash = 0;
loadmodel->DrawShadowVolume = R_Q1BSP_DrawShadowVolume;
loadmodel->DrawLight = R_Q1BSP_DrawLight;
+ VectorClear(mins);
+ VectorClear(maxs);
// parse the OBJ text now
VectorCopy(v + 3*index1, vcurrent.v);
Vector2Copy(vt + 2*index2, vcurrent.vt);
VectorCopy(vn + 3*index3,;
+ if (numtriangles == 0)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(vcurrent.v, mins);
+ VectorCopy(vcurrent.v, maxs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mins[0] = min(mins[0], vcurrent.v[0]);
+ mins[1] = min(mins[1], vcurrent.v[1]);
+ mins[2] = min(mins[2], vcurrent.v[2]);
+ maxs[0] = max(maxs[0], vcurrent.v[0]);
+ maxs[1] = max(maxs[1], vcurrent.v[1]);
+ maxs[2] = max(maxs[2], vcurrent.v[2]);
+ }
if (j == 1)
vfirst = vcurrent;
else if (j >= 3)
texturenames = NULL;
+ // copy the model bounds, then enlarge the yaw and rotated bounds according to radius
+ VectorCopy(mins, loadmodel->normalmins);
+ VectorCopy(maxs, loadmodel->normalmaxs);
+ dist = max(fabs(loadmodel->normalmins[0]), fabs(loadmodel->normalmaxs[0]));
+ modelyawradius = max(fabs(loadmodel->normalmins[1]), fabs(loadmodel->normalmaxs[1]));
+ modelyawradius = dist*dist+modelyawradius*modelyawradius;
+ modelradius = max(fabs(loadmodel->normalmins[2]), fabs(loadmodel->normalmaxs[2]));
+ modelradius = modelyawradius + modelradius * modelradius;
+ modelyawradius = sqrt(modelyawradius);
+ modelradius = sqrt(modelradius);
+ loadmodel->yawmins[0] = loadmodel->yawmins[1] = -modelyawradius;
+ loadmodel->yawmins[2] = loadmodel->normalmins[2];
+ loadmodel->yawmaxs[0] = loadmodel->yawmaxs[1] = modelyawradius;
+ loadmodel->yawmaxs[2] = loadmodel->normalmaxs[2];
+ loadmodel->rotatedmins[0] = loadmodel->rotatedmins[1] = loadmodel->rotatedmins[2] = -modelradius;
+ loadmodel->rotatedmaxs[0] = loadmodel->rotatedmaxs[1] = loadmodel->rotatedmaxs[2] = modelradius;
+ loadmodel->radius = modelradius;
+ loadmodel->radius2 = modelradius * modelradius;
+ // make sure the temp triangle buffer is big enough for BSP building
+ maxclippedtriangles = numtriangles*4;
+ if (numtriangles > 0)
+ {
+ clippedfronttriangles = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, maxclippedtriangles * 2 * sizeof(objtriangle_t));
+ clippedbacktriangles = clippedfronttriangles + maxclippedtriangles;
+ }
// generate a rough BSP tree from triangle data, we don't have to be too careful here, it only has to define the basic areas of the map
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafs = 0;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_nodes = 0;
+ Mem_ExpandableArray_NewArray(&nodesarray, loadmodel->mempool, sizeof(objnode_t), 1024);
+ rootnode = Mod_OBJ_BSPNodeForTriangles(triangles, numtriangles, mins, maxs, &nodesarray, maxclippedtriangles, clippedfronttriangles, clippedbacktriangles);
+ // convert the BSP tree to mnode_t and mleaf_t structures and convert the triangles to msurface_t...
+ loadmodel->brush.data_leafs = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brush.num_leafs * sizeof(mleaf_t));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_nodes = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brush.num_nodes * sizeof(mnode_t));
+ loadmodel->brush.data_planes = Mem_Alloc(loadmodel->mempool, loadmodel->brush.num_nodes * sizeof(mplane_t));
+ loadmodel->brush.num_leafs = 0;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_nodes = 0;
+ loadmodel->brush.num_planes = 0;
+ Mod_OBJ_ConvertAndFreeBSPNode(rootnode);
+ if (clippedfronttriangles)
+ Mem_Free(clippedfronttriangles);
+ maxclippedtriangles = 0;
+ clippedfronttriangles = NULL;
+ clippedbacktriangles = NULL;
- // generate surfaces by recursing triangles into BSP tree and ensuring they do not overlap in the lightmap projection axis
loadmodel->numskins = LittleLong(pinmodel->num_skins);
numxyz = LittleLong(pinmodel->num_xyz);