set g_ctf_flagcarrier_forcefactor 1
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_stalemate 60 "show the enemy flagcarrier location after both teams have held the flags for this amount of time"
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_spotting 1 "show the enemy flagcarrier location if a team mate presses +use to spot them"
+set g_ctf_dropped_capture_delay 1 "dropped capture delay"
set g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius 100 "allow dropped flags to be automatically captured by base flags if the dropped flag is within this radius of it"
set g_ctf_flag_damageforcescale 2
set g_ctf_portalteleport 0 "allow flag carriers to go through portals made in portal gun without dropping the flag"
-set g_ctf_reverse 0 "if enabled, flags positions are switched: you have to capture the enemy's flag from your own base by bringing it to your own flag in the enemy base"
+set g_ctf_reverse 0 "if enabled, flags positions are switched: you have to capture the enemy's flag from your own base by bringing it to your own flag in the enemy base"
set g_ctf_flag_collect_delay 1
set g_ctf_flag_health 0
set g_ctf_flag_dropped_waypoint 2 "show dropped flag waypointsprite when a flag is lost. 1 = team only, 2 = for all players"
float autocvar_g_ctf_shield_max_ratio;
float autocvar_g_ctf_shield_min_negscore;
float autocvar_g_ctf_reverse;
+float autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_delay;
float autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius;
float autocvar_g_cts_finish_kill_delay;
float autocvar_g_cts_selfdamage;
for(tmp_entity = ctf_worldflaglist; tmp_entity; tmp_entity = tmp_entity.ctf_worldflagnext)
if(tmp_entity.ctf_status == FLAG_DROPPED)
- if(vlen(self.origin - tmp_entity.origin) < autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius)
- ctf_Handle_Capture(self, tmp_entity, CAPTURE_DROPPED);
+ if(vlen(self.origin - tmp_entity.origin) < autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius)
+ if(time > tmp_entity.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_ctf_dropped_capture_delay)
+ ctf_Handle_Capture(self, tmp_entity, CAPTURE_DROPPED);
- if(!autocvar_g_ctf_allow_vehicle_carry)
+ if(!autocvar_g_ctf_allow_vehicle_carry && !autocvar_g_ctf_allow_vehicle_touch)
ctf_Handle_Throw(vh_player, world, DROP_NORMAL);