missile.projectiledeathtype = WEP_RPC.m_id;
setsize (missile, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3'); // give it some size so it can be shot
- setorigin (missile, w_shotorg - v_forward * 3); // move it back so it hits the wall at the right point
+ setorigin(missile, w_shotorg - v_forward * 3); // move it back so it hits the wall at the right point
W_SetupProjVelocity_Basic(missile, WEP_CVAR(rpc, speed), 0);
settouch(missile, W_RocketPropelledChainsaw_Touch);
this.angles_z = ((1-blendrate) * this.angles.z) + (push_angle.z * blendrate);
//a = this.origin;
- setorigin(this,r);
+ setorigin(this, r);
sound (this, CH_TRIGGER, SND_SHIELD_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound
sound (this, CH_TRIGGER, SND_ITEMRESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound
- setorigin (this, this.origin);
+ setorigin(this, this.origin);
if (Item_ItemsTime_Allow(this.itemdef) || this.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS)
else {
if (this.origin == '0 0 0') { // probably no origin brush, so don't spawn in the middle of the map..
floorZ = this.absmin.z;
- setorigin(this,((this.absmax+this.absmin)*.5));
+ setorigin(this, ((this.absmax + this.absmin) * 0.5));
this.origin_z = floorZ;
_setmodel(this, this.mdl_dead);
this.mangle = this.angles;
this.angles = '0 0 0';
- //setorigin (this, this.origin + '0 0 27'); // To fix a mappers' habit as old as Quake
- setorigin (this, this.origin);
+ //setorigin(this, this.origin + '0 0 27'); // To fix a mappers' habit as old as Quake
+ setorigin(this, this.origin);
- setorigin (this, this.pos1);
+ setorigin(this, this.pos1);
this.state = 4;
this.use = plat_use;
- setorigin (this, this.pos2);
+ setorigin(this, this.pos2);
this.state = 2;
this.use = plat_trigger_use;
// assuming to allows PL_MIN to PL_MAX box and some more
#ifdef SVQC
from = player.origin;
- setorigin (player, to);
+ setorigin(player, to);
player.oldorigin = to; // don't undo the teleport by unsticking
player.angles = to_angles;
player.fixangle = true;
this.event_damage = multi_eventdamage;
this.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
this.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
- setorigin (this, this.origin); // make sure it links into the world
+ setorigin(this, this.origin); // make sure it links into the world
if ( !(this.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOTOUCH) )
settouch(this, multi_touch);
- setorigin (this, this.origin); // make sure it links into the world
+ setorigin(this, this.origin); // make sure it links into the world
- setorigin(this,this.origin);
+ setorigin(this, this.origin);
setthink(this, turret_checkpoint_init);
this.nextthink = time + 0.2;
if(this.enemy != world)
if(vdist(this.origin - this.enemy.origin, <, this.owner.shot_radius * 3))
- setorigin(this,this.enemy.origin + randomvec() * this.owner.shot_radius);
+ setorigin(this, this.enemy.origin + randomvec() * this.owner.shot_radius);
float d = RadiusDamage (this, this.owner, this.owner.shot_dmg, this.owner.shot_dmg, this.owner.shot_radius, this, world, this.owner.shot_force, this.totalfrags, world);
float d = actor.shot_dmg;
float r = actor.target_range;
entity e = spawn();
- setorigin(e,actor.tur_shotorg);
+ setorigin(e, actor.tur_shotorg);
entity err = new(error_marker);
setmodel(err, MDL_MARKER);
- setorigin(err,where);
+ setorigin(err, where);
err.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
setthink(err, marker_think);
err.nextthink = time;
entity err = spawn(info_marker);
setmodel(err, MDL_MARKER);
- setorigin(err,where);
+ setorigin(err, where);
err.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
setthink(err, marker_think);
err.nextthink = time;
entity err = spawn(mark_misc);
setmodel(err, MDL_MARKER);
- setorigin(err,where);
+ setorigin(err, where);
err.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
setthink(err, marker_think);
err.nextthink = time;
e.scale = (f_size/512);
//setsize(e, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin(e,onwho.origin + '0 0 1');
+ setorigin(e, onwho.origin + '0 0 1');
e.alpha = 0.15;
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
e.scale = (f_size/512);
setsize(e, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin(e,onwho.origin + '0 0 1');
+ setorigin(e, onwho.origin + '0 0 1');
e.alpha = 0.15;
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
setmodel(e, MDL_TUR_C512); // precision set above
e.scale = (f_size/512);
setsize(e, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin(e,where+ '0 0 1');
+ setorigin(e, where + '0 0 1');
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
e.velocity = '0 0 0';
e.colormod = v_color;
// hit something
// adjust origin in the other direction...
- setorigin(e,e.origin - by * (1 - trace_fraction));
+ setorigin(e, e.origin - by * (1 - trace_fraction));
void WarpZone_TeleportPlayer(entity teleporter, entity player, vector to, vector to_angles, vector to_velocity)
#ifdef SVQC
- setorigin (player, to); // NOTE: this also aborts the move, when this is called by touch
+ setorigin(player, to); // NOTE: this also aborts the move, when this is called by touch
player.oldorigin = to; // for DP's unsticking
player.angles = to_angles;
player.fixangle = true;
targ.oldvelocity = targ.velocity;
targ.spawnorigin = spot.origin;
- setorigin (targ, spot.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - targ.mins.z - 24));
+ setorigin(targ, spot.origin + '0 0 1' * (1 - targ.mins.z - 24));
// don't reset back to last position, even if new position is stuck in solid
targ.oldorigin = targ.origin;
targ.prevorigin = targ.origin;
//setmodel (missile, MDL_HOOK); // precision set below
setsize (missile, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3');
- setorigin (missile, org);
+ setorigin(missile, org);
missile.state = 0; // not latched onto anything
targ = find(world, targetname, this.target);
this.target = targ.target;
- setorigin (this, targ.origin);
+ setorigin(this, targ.origin);
setthink(this, train_next);
this.nextthink = time + 0.1;
this.lefty = this.light_lev;
this.use = dynlight_use;
setsize (this, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
- setorigin (this, this.origin);
+ setorigin(this, this.origin);
//this.pflags = PFLAGS_FULLDYNAMIC;
this.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//this.blocked = func_null;
node.solid = SOLID_NOT;
setmodel(node, MDL_SQUARE);
- setorigin(node,node.origin);
+ setorigin(node, node.origin);
node.colormod = ncolor;
s.angles = vectoangles(trace_plane_normal);
s.angles_x -= 90;
- setorigin(s,where);
+ setorigin(s, where);
void pathlib_showedge(vector where,float _lifetime,float rot)
e.nextthink = _lifetime;
e.scale = pathlib_gridsize / 512;
e.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- setorigin(e,where);
+ setorigin(e, where);
setmodel(e, MDL_EDGE);
//traceline(where + '0 0 32',where - '0 0 128',MOVE_WORLDONLY,e);
//e.angles = vectoangles(trace_plane_normal);
path.owner = start;
path.path_next = next;
- setorigin(path,where);
+ setorigin(path, where);
path.classname = "path_end";
open = new(path_end);
open.owner = open;
- setorigin(open,path.origin);
+ setorigin(open, path.origin);
a = spawn();
setthink(a, a_think);
a.nextthink = time;
- setorigin(a,start + movenode_stepup);
+ setorigin(a, start + movenode_stepup);
a.pos1 = trace_endpos;
//start - movenode_maxdrop
a.cnt = time + 10;
this.enemy = new(FLock Hunter);
setmodel(this.enemy, MDL_FLOCKER);
- setorigin(this.enemy,this.origin + '0 0 768' + (randomvec() * 128));
+ setorigin(this.enemy, this.origin + '0 0 768' + (randomvec() * 128));
this.enemy.scale = 3;
this.enemy.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION;
Damage (ent, this, this, bdamage * f, deathtype, hitloc, ent.railgunforce * ffs);
// create a small explosion to throw gibs around (if applicable)
- //setorigin (explosion, hitloc);
+ //setorigin(explosion, hitloc);
//RadiusDamage (explosion, this, 10, 0, 50, world, world, 300, deathtype);
ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0';